CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR QUICK RESULTS CARDBOARD in six colors, 22 by 38 inches, only 5 cents a sheet at The Herald Office. LBGAL BLANKS of every descrip tion on sale at The Herald. FOR RENT ? STEAM HEATED ROOMS. WEEKLY RATES. SYL \A HOTEL. Oct 4-tf WANTED ? Boxwood Prunings. Get my prices before you sell. O. V. . Cagle, Greens Creek, N. C. Oct 1 8 tf MY TAXI FARE irom Sylva to Frank lin, W aynesville_ Bryson or Gien ville is S5.00. Jack Hall. Jan 17-Feb 7 INSURANCE ? Is your future un questionable? Is your child's edu cation guaranteed? Do you .realize what our retirement plan will mean to you when your earnings stop? I will be glad to go over any plaivwith you if you will give me a ring or write me a line. I write Hospital, Accident, Fire, Automobile, Life and Health Insurance. Mrs. John R. Jones, Sr., special Representative for Jefferson Standard Insurance Co.. Office phone 3; residence phone 0903. WANTED? Wild Ginseng,. $5.00 per pound. R. S. Cowan, Geens Creek, N. C. Jan 31-Mch 21 $500.00 reward for information lead ing to the arrest and conviction of Ihe person that placed two pints of whiskey in my car on Friday night, Nov. 3.? Jack Hall. Jan 31 Feb 21 My taxi f^re from Sylva to Frank lin, Waynesville, Bryson City or Gienville is $5.00. Call 154. Jack Hall. Jan 31-Mch 7 FOR SALE ? Two and one fourth miles from Sylva on Fisher Creek, practically new five-room house, modern bathroom and light fixtures, including 2 1-4 acre lot with barn. T. H. Gribble, Box 223 telephone 505J, Monroe, N. C. Feb 7 14 21 pd Put out your grapevines now ana have grapes next summer. I have 150 bearing vines for sale at Clark's piace on Cowee Mt. Also several red sour cherry trees, one and two years old. -D. H. Clark, Gay, N. C. Feb 7-14pd FOR RENT ? Three room furnished apartment. Heat and lights furnish ed. Phone 9176. Feb 7pd-t? QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising iiom STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID Free BookTellsofHomeTreatmentthat Must Help or it Will Cost You Nothing Over two million bottles of the WILL ARD TREATMENT havefceen sold for relief of symptoms of distress arising from Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers due to Cicm Add? Poor Digestion, Sour or Upset Stomach, Gasslness, Heartburn, Sleeplessness, etc., due to Excess Acid. Sold on 1 5 days' trial ( - Ask for "WillarcTs Message" which fully explains this treatment ? free? at SYLVA PHARMACY Sylva, N. C.* v LI rl f - fw- f. nr ? .'nf-'A . . . , {' Mill Street; thence with the North margin oi' Mill Street to the Begin ning. And being the same Lot con veyed to the Town of Sylva by a deed from A. J. Dills and wife dated ? April (?. 1934. which is o! record in Book 143, at page 103, in the Jack son County Registry. That the Town of Sylva reserves and retains for street purpose* ten HO) feet on the South end of Lot No. 5, adjoining Mill Street which will not pass by this sale. That the Aldermen for the Town of Sylva reserve the right to refuse or o confirm any bid e.r bid> made on .he above described Lot No. 5. This the 2Gth day of January, 1945. b 7 14 21 28 No 35 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Morth Carolina. Jackson County. Having qualified as the Adminis 'ratrator of the estate of R. E. L. Monteith, late of Jack.on County. North Carolines W to notify all pe. sons having' claims against said es tate, to present them to the under signed at his home in Sylva, North Carolina, on or before the 24th day Df January 1946, or this notice will be plead in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons indebted to >cid estate ^will * please make im mediate settlement with the under signed. This January 18, 1945. MACK ASHE, Administtrator of the estate of R. E. L. Monteilh. Jan 24 31 Feb 7 14 21 ?8 Alfred D. Reckley, 21, Pittsburgh, Pa., radio operator, can smile now. War Bonds are providing treatment for the wounds he sustained while fly ing a bomber on a mission over Cen tral Germany. Reckley says others will be wounded and will need help. A piece of shrapnel sent Pfc. Charles Shropshire, 21, Lexington, Ky., to the hospital, where his leg wound is mending, thanks to War Bonds. Shropshire was wounded in a sudden Nazi assault while setting up a machine gun on a Belgium front, when the enemy shell struck close enough to wound. Buy more Bonds, Shropshire urges, so that the business of war can be brought to a successful conclusion quicker. Private Deitz Serving Overseas A Corporation, Plaintiff, f vs. Mrs. G. L. Owen, Lenord Owen and wife, Desaie Owen; Thomas E. Low ery; Roxie Owen McCall and hus band, Garland McCall, Susie Owen McCall and husband, Elbert McCall, Dora Owen McCall and husband, Jason McCall, Robert Owen and wife, Lola Owen, Fred Owen and wife, Otha Chapman Owen, Gannie Owen Golden and -husband, Real Golden, Norman Owen Anders and husband, Bud Anders, Avery Owen and wife, Cassie Owen, Spurgeon Owen and wife, Rotha Owen, John Tilman Owen, Willard McCall and wife, Edith McCall, Wilma McCall Moore and husband, Boyd Moore, Irene McCall Blackston and husband, Frady Blackston, Mae McCall Whitmire and husband, Fred Whitmire, Ethel Mc Call Montjoy and husband, Claude Montjoy, Willie McCall, Robert Mc Call, Ruby McCall, Dickie Anders Whitmire and husband, Ernest Whit mire, Alvin Anders and wife, Cassie Anders, Lola Mae Anders Mosley and husband, Lowry Mosley, Exie Anders Whitmire and husband, Paul Whit mire, Ella Mae Anders Searcy and husband, Otis Searcy, Mildred An ders Jenkins and husband, Roy Cleophus Jenkins, Alfred Sherman Anders and Cap Anders, and Cyrus H. Nicholson, Guardian Ad Litem, defendants. The defendants, Ethel McCall Mont joy and husband, Claude Montjoy, vVillie McCall, Robert McCall, Dickie Anders Whitmire and husband, Ernest Whitmire, and all other non-resident defendants and all defendants that might be in the military service of Pvt. Ottis A. Deitz has arrived safely in the South Pacific according to word received here recently by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ransom Deitz of Greens Creek. Pvt. Deitz entered service in Aug., l?44r and received basic training at Camp Johnson, Fla. Prior to enter ing service he was employed in Wilm ington, N. C. He is a graduate of the Webster High school. Mr. and Mrs. Deitz have another son and a daughter in the service. Cpl. Elizabeth Deitz, a member of the WAC, stationed in San Francisco. andHgt. Medford Deitz with the army in Paris, France, at this time. PRELIMINARY CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION State of North Carolina Department of State To All to Whom These Presents May Come ? Greeting: WHEREAS. It appears to my satis faction, by duly authenticated r^or^d of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, de oosited in mv office, that THE HAZEL CREEK LAND COMPANY, a cor poration 01 this State, whose ^principal office is situated in the Town of Sylva, County of Jacrcson, State of North Carolina (George J, Kolb bfeing the ngent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 55, General Statutes, en titled "Corporations", preliminary to the issuing of tnis Certificate of Dis solutions: NOW, THEREFORE, I, THAP EURE, Secretary of State of North Caroilnn, do hereby certify that the said corporation cii, on the 15th day ->f January, 1043, file in my office a culv executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, erecutcd by all the stockholders thereof, which said con sent and the record of the proceed ings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. IN TESTIMONY V/HESOF, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 15th day* of January, A. D. 1945. ' ? ..I ? THAD EURE, .' Secretary cjf State (jOffioial Seal) . ' Jan 24 31, Feo 7 14 - . ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTIC?-V. North Carolina, ' ? ' Vj Jackson County. A ... Vi Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Dr., Charles Z. Candler, -deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against saicf estate to present said claims to the undersigned on or before January 8, 1946, or this notice will be plead in' bar of any recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement with the undersigned at her home in Sylva. N. C? immediately. This January 8, 1945. ANNE CANDLER, Administratrix of the Estate of Dr. Charles Z. Candler, T^nr >n crxrl Jan 24 31 Feb 7 14 21 28 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OF SUMMON* In the Superior court, before the clerk. North Carolina, Jackson County. The Gloucester Lumber Company, Tech. Sgt. Paul Fordham, 31, Southampton, N. Y., one of three men Injured when an Eighth Air Force Flying Fortress took a shelling over Germany. The damaged plane got back to England, but this B-17 engineer was knocked out with a shattered left thigh. Now he has an extra good word for all the people at home who buy War Bonds to heal wounded fighters of the present and at the same time assuring ample, sufficient treatment for others yet to be wounded. u. s. Trt^sury utwtmm the United States or her allies, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Jackson Coun ty, North Carolina, to sell* certain lands described in the petition here in known as the Sherman Owen lands, situate on the waters of Tenn essee Creek, Canada Township, Jack son County, North Carolina, being State Grant No. 1155, issued to Syl vester Galloway and recorded in Book G, page 195, in the Jackson County Public Registry, for the division of the proceeds thereof be tween the plaintiff and defendants; and said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County in the Court House of Sylva, North Carolina, within ten days after the 5th day of March, 1945, and answer or demur or otherwise plead to the petition in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said petition. This the 29th day of January, 1945. HOY M. COWAN, Clerk of the Superior Court, Jackson County, N. C. Jan 31 Feb 7 14 21 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our many thanks to each of you, for every kind word of sympathy, for every deed done, and most of all for the beautiful floral tributes which told of your love for us and our dear mother. The McGinnis GnTldren. Webster PTA To Meet The Webster Parent Teacher Asso ciation will hold its regular monthly meeting at the Webster School house Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 13, at 3:00* Mrs. Don Davis, president, will pre side. After the business session Foun~ ders Day will be observed. Music and a resume of the history of the Webster PTA and a playlet, "Light For Tomorrow" will 'be the main features of the afternoon's program.. Refreshments prepared toy the girls of the Home Economics class will be served. HOSPITAL NEWS I Mr. and tMrs. Leonard Moulton of Whittier announce the birth of a son, Feb. 5. Mrs. Callie Moody is in the Hospital for treatment. She is doing nicely. Mr. Quinton Monteith of Sylva is in the hospital doing nicely, following an arm injury. Raymond Floyd Houston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Houston of Cul lowhee is improving. Mr. W. R. Painter of Sylva is re sponding nicely to treatment. ? Baby Harry Lee Bradley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bradley of Cher okee, is in for treatment and doing nicely. "Tell him we're cutting pulpwood! ? ' * SEE here in the paper that JL General Somervell says, 'We would rather fire a ton of munitions than lose a single American soldier "That's the way I like to hear our generals talk be- j cause that 'single soldier' might be ourboy. So when the government says the shortage of pulpwood may hold up the supply of muni tions, I'm going to cut every darn stick I can. "You just tell the hoy to keep on doing his best over there and we'll do our best to back him up over here." VICTORY PULPWOOD PAUL ELLIS E. L. McKEE - RAY ORB ... COMMITTEE * * R. U. SUTTON G?,R. LACKEY VICTORY PULPWOOD CAMPAIGN