STATE COLLEGE ANSWERS TIMELY FARM QUESTIONS QUESTION: Is it wise to cull beef herds now? ANSWER: Leland I. Case, in Cbarge of Animal Husbandry Ex* tension at State College, says a re cent outlook report from the De partment of Agriculture shows that top grade cattle prices will proba bly be lower soon, but prices of the lower grade will hold up prob ably until next fall. The smart cat tle man will cull his herd of poor individuals and poor producing AN OUTSTANDING PEN VALUEI "eversharp caten ro? ONLY $R9S V >9* IfN With all . ?na writing foafur+cj ? Moth CA* Uik oh . ?. dryt ? Writ9% for 3 /nontht to 3 yoort without ro filling. ? Always starts. Ntver starves. a Reloads cleanly ? with a CA* Cartridge ?in 15 seconds. CA* meant Capillary Action Cartridgo f \o% kt? c? o* a?'n co cfc0,f\e\3* \t* ft* il SOSSAMON FURNITURE COMPANY PHONE 57 SYLVA, N. C. Veterans May Retain Rating Held At Time They Were Discharged Veterans may enlist in the En listed Reserve Corp with the same rating held at time of discharge. If in time ot another National emergency you were called back into active service you would maintain the same rating held when you were discharged if you are in the ERC. The time served in the ERC would also count toward longeivity purposes. Anyone desiring further infor mation about the ERC or the Regu lar Army see T-Sgt. James R. Dance at the post office in Sylva each Monday, or write him at Box 524, Franklin, N. C. Miss Candler Will Present Pupils In Recital At Beta Miss Margaret Candler will pre sent her music pupils in a piano recital at the Beta Graded school on this afternoon (Thursday), May 8 at 3:00 o'clock. The public is cordially invited to come and hear the children play. cows while prices are good. These cull animals will bring a good price on the market at this time if they are carrying a fair degree of flesh. If they are not, they should be put in the feed lot for a short while' until they will grade medium to^ low good before they are marketed. QUESTION: Can hawks be killed by feeding nux vomica to chick ens? ANSWER: Prof. Roy S. Dear styne, head of the Poultry depart ment at State College says reports from the U.S.D.A. indicate that there is little to be gained by this method of approach and appar ently the poultryman who is losing chickens to hawks will have to rely on the old "shiot gun" method of control. QUESTION: How can I secure the latest progress reports on agri cultural research conducted by State College? ANSWER: By writing to the Ag ricultural Editor at State College, Raleigh and requesting "Research and Farming," Volume Five, Prog i ress Report Two. SL'l!. K Li ? ? ? ? ? ? l (????????????I LMM?? !????? _>????? ft ? ? ? ? >????( ? ????? L j ? ? ? ? [????? ?! ??????? i [??f ??Ml %?????? 11 [??????? 1 ? ???????< ? ??????Ml ?????????! I LVmVmV.ViV [?V?ViV? m ? ? ? ??????????** VAViV.W.V ? ? ? ? ? ?? r? ? ? t It ? ? Congratulations. Seniors! This is a momentous occasion in your life! And we're happy to extend our congratulations along with an invitation to discuss.your fraternal future with the members of the Wood men Of the World lodge in Sylva. Local Camp No, 560 Mary Brown Crowned Queen Of May-Day Festivals At W.C.T.C. CULLOWHEE?An original May Day festival, "Under the Willow Tree," written and directed by Ernest V. Deans, was presented at Hoey auditorium, Western Caro lina Teachers college on May 1. Mr. Deans is an instructor in the Eng lish department of the collegp. The Queen of the May, Miss Mary 'Brown, was crowned by Dean W. E. Bird. Her escort was Bruce Chester. Miss Jean Hall was Maid of Honor, and her escormvas Charles Jones. \ "Under the Willow-Tree' was a one-act play done in pantonine i while the story was sung off-stage. I Christine Aycock sang the fem inine lead (Marie), and Carl Paint er sang the masculine lead (Henry). The narrator was Colette Jefferson. ^ The story of "Under the Willow Tree" takes place, as the title im plies, beneath- a large willow tree. The tree is by a mountain cabin. The story is one of young love that seems about to be frustrated, first by a callous father who won't let his daughter marry the man of her choice because the man will ntot pay him fifty dollars, and later, by a sheriff who is going to hang the daughter from the willow tree for stealing the money that her lover must giver to her father. However, the swain shows up in the nick of time with the cash in hand, and everybody is happy. The cast (on stage) follows: Ma rie,Dorothy Tallent; Henry, Benny Weaver; Ma, Thelma Joyce Finch; Pa, Lonnie Powell; and the sheriff, James Barnwell. A group of cous ins were played by Lois Clarke, Doris Brinkley, Jeah Poteet, Jean Evans, Ann Warren,- Mrs. Maggie S. Crisp, and Nancy Blanton. Pianist was Mrs.- James Ramsey, and the chorus consisted of Ken dall Grady, Forest Lindsey, Max ine Barbour, Vaugn Lemmon, Spurgeon Ayers, Bob Claxton, Martha Lynch, Blythe Hampton, and Martha Lave. Scene designs were by Dorothy Tilley, Kenneth Wike, and Eugene Bryson. Songs featured were: "Under the Willow Tree," "Hangman, Hang man, Hold Your Rope," "On Top of Old Smoky," and "I'm Going to the New Jail Tomorrow." The Queen's attendants and their escorts were: Mary Moody, Dan Glenn; Ann Soderquist, Ralph Rob ertson; Betty Buckner, Jack Wade; Jean Wood Alexander, Bob Alex- | ander; Rebecca Lee, Jimmy Leg gette; Merle Stamey, Perry Plem mons; Ruby Conley, Bob Petillo; | June Wright, Howard Brown; Bet ty Warrick, Clarence Heaton; Clara Padgett, Bill Cope; Jane Gibson, Sam Gibson, and Virginia Cope and Clark Pennell. Train-bearers were Billy McDonald and Marcia Kay Olson. Crown-bearer was Jerry Lance. Nancy Blanton and Kathryn Powell Humphries were co-chair men of the May-Day committee. Other members were ' Charles Jones, Ralph Robinson, Hayes Connor, and Joy Woody. Faculty advisers were MLss Anne Albright, Co-ordinator; Miss Alice Benton, May court, and Miss Helen Hartshorn, Dances. Tri-County Reserve Officers Group To Meet In Waynesville Former army, navy and marine f-Orps officers in Jackson county are extended a cordial invitation to attend a dinner meeting, with wives and other guests they care to bring, Friday night, May 2, in the cafeteria at Waynesville, start ing at 7:30 o'clock. The meeting is sponsored by the Reserve Officers Association chap ter for Western North Carolina counties, organized early this year with members from Jackson, Swain and Haywood. As at pre vious meetings of the group, com bat films will be shown and the latest activities relating to reserve programs described b^ competent speakers. Those who plan to attend are requested to, notify Wayne Cor EYES EXAMINED Glasses Fitted DR. ALDEN C. DOWNS will examine eyes and fit in Sylva at the Carolina Hotel Friday, May 9, from 9 o'clock to 4 o'clock. If you have eye trouble or don't too woll you should con sult Dr. Downs on above date. YDUR TOWN AND ~ SOCIAL SECURITY By D. W. LAMBERT, Martyr Aaheville, N. C. Are you employed in a mill, fac tory, office, store, bank, garage, hotel, beauty parlor, or in any ca pacity in industry or business? If so your employment is covered by the Social Security Act and you need a Social Security account number. Have you applied for and received your card? Have you giv en your number to your present employer? You may ask, ''What's the mean ing of a Social Security number and why is it so important that it be shown to my employers?" The answer is that it is something to identify your insurance account? something to keep your' account from getting mixed up with some body else's of the same name. And it's of the greatest importance tq you to keep your account straight because the benefits you or your family will get depend on the wages recorded in your account. If you are a worker, you are building insurance protection and should TELL YOUR FAMILY: 1. That you have a Social Se curity card, and where it is. 2. That in case of your death, they should write to the Social Se curity Administration, 203 Flatiron Building, Asheville, North Caro lina. / 3. That they DON'T HAVE TO PAY anybody to get these bene fits fo rthem; and they should file their claims promptly so that pay ments will not be lost. If you tell your family the things suggested you will have taken the longest step you can to make sure the protection you are building. ?or them will ge^to them. pening, Haywood county agent, Waynesville, and state the number of guests they will bring. MISS RICHARDSON TALKS TO SENIORS AT SYLVA, WEBSTER CULLOVVHEE ? Miss Era Mae Richardson, student at Western Carolina Teachers college and member of Future Teachers of America, addressed the senior class of the Sylva high school and the senior class of the Webster high school on May 1. Her topic was "The Advantages of Becoming a Teacher." A number of students spoke to Miss Richardson following her ad dress,. many of them indicating their intentions ol becoming teach ers. NOTICE ?TO? HOME BUILDERS! Let Us Know Your Needs. A good supply of Concrete Blocks now ready for delivery. Estimates Furnished Free REGULAR BLOCKS Foundation and Corner Blocks 21 cents on the Yard at Dills boro, N. C. or delivered at a small additional charge. For Further Information CaH A^Offfce Of Moody Funeral Home Or Telephone 124-J JACKSON CEMENT BLOCK COMPANY SYLVA, N. C. William B. Oillurd Building Contractor 8YLVA, N. C. Houses Built Under F. H. A. Plan CONCRETE WORK Painters Wanted 5 First Class Painters Wanted for Interior and 1 Exterior Work for Waynesville and Sylva Area. ?IlMxMY MOKRIS FOB BETTER PAINTING PHONE 71 Save On Batteries NEW BATTERIES $18.95 GUARANTEED B. F. GOODRICH TIRES MfilA Plua {16.10 Tax 600-16 LIFETIME GUARANTEE SPECIAL TRADE IN f)N OLD TIRES RECAPPING?$6.50? . H. D. Rubber Used In All Truck Tire* THE TIRE THAT OUTWEARS PRE-WAR TIRES WE CAP WITH DURAMIN RUBBER SYLVA TIRE CO FREE ROADBERVICE^ White f ldewnll tires, u Illustrated, will b? ?applied at e*tr? coat .?> toua ua available You spot it on the highway every time a Buick comes along: Here yotl meet the future face-to-face. v Here you see the clean, rich, uncluttered design that marks the swing away from what wag. to what is going to be. Here's the sweep and flow of fender line that's called for by a streamlined age ? here's the solid, steady look that spells roadability ? the broad beam that means ro