Weekly fll SERMOXET What Do You Think? By REV. C. M. WARREN. Pastor Sylva Baptist Church Do you kno\v of anything more important than lor a man to think? How wonderful God made each of us! God gave to us our mind?, and with that gift he gave the power to think. Life would not be worth while if we were not endowed with the capacity to use our mir.ds which brings about understanding and satisfaction. How do you'use your mind? What do you think about? How careful are you in permitting things to come into your mind about which you think much? The wise man of old, under the compulsive power of God, said, "For as he (a man) thinketh in his heart, so is he. "You have heard someone say, "Your actions speak so loodly until I cannot hear what you say." Yes, actions speak louder than words sometimes. Ac tions and words should be the re sults of'real thinking. You cannot separate a man from his thoughts, because there is not anytKlHg^?o close to the heart of man as his own thoughts. We act according to the way that we think . . . how DR. ALDEN C. DOWNS will examine eyes and fit glasses in Sylva at the Carolina Hotel Friday, June 20, from 9 o'clock to 4 o'clock. ' If you have eye trouble or don't tee well you should con suit Dr. Downs on above date. EYES EXAMINED Fitted careful we should be in our think ing! The most of our thinking results in either good actions, or evil ac tions. The Grimes that are commit ted today are the results of very Keen thinking which mature in ef fective planning and outward ac tions. A man becomes a murderer, a thief, or any other evil charac ter because that is what he has been thinking. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. God did not make the heart and mind of man to be used as a destructive agency. Too, you have heard it said, "We cannot prevent'the birds from fly ing over our heads. BUT we can keep them from building nests in our hair." We aren't able to keep all evil thoughts out of our minds, BUT we can, by the grace of God, keep ourselves from doing those evil thoughts. We see many men and women drinking beer, wine, and whiskey . . . that is the result of evil thinking. We see the results of evil thinking in our midst daily. It is causing deaths, homes to be broken, hearts to become troubled and broken, and children to be reared in the wrong environment. What kind of men and women will those children make? Evil thinking makes evil men, evil women, evil boys, aTld evil girls. The Apostle Paul knew the mind of men and pleaded earnestly with will we do more good things. If a man who is not a Christian will take the Bible and read, and pray, and XHINK ON THESE THINGS, the Holy Spirit will lead that man into convictions* of sins, and then into eternal salvation with Christ Jesus. We become like those things that we think about most . . THAT is' one reason why we should think about God in the Bi ble, so that we could become more like God in our daily living. "More like the Master I would ever be." Fathers and Mothers, husbands and wives, the hope, of the world is Christ Jesus in God. The church is preaching the gospel of salva tion. You need to think an'd act these things. Your boys and girls need to be taught the things of every heart, "to have the mind of . For Sale Cherries, Montmerency and Early Rich- Cflp morid varieties. Per gallon UUV> Currants and Goose Berries 01 Hfl Per gallon *llUU BRING YOUR CONTAINER HENRY. FRANCIS' ORCHARD 2\'i Miles From Waynesvill? On Pigeon Road CULLOWHEE BAPTIST BIBLE SCHOOL WILL START MONDAY A M Vacation B.bie school is sched uled to begin at the Cullowhee Baptist church Monday morning, June 16, with the pastor. Rev. I Mark R. Osborne, Jr., serving in | the capacity of principal. Classes ; will be conducted each morning during the week irom 9:30 until noon, and children through the in termediate age are extended a sin cere invitation to attend. Activi ties will include Bible work, >toi ies, handwork and recreation. Special emphasis will be placed upon music. A carefully chosen faculty has been placed in readi ness to assume the varied respon sibilities, and a great degree of enthusiasm is to be observed among children and their parents. We strongly expect the attendance to exceed all previous records. FIELD OF MUSIC TO BE FEATURED THIS SUMMER AT W. C. T. C. (Continued from page one) Training, Sight Singing, History, Methods, etc. An entirely new course is being offered for experienced teachers. It is Chiltl Growth and Develop ment. The course will instruct teachers in the physical, mental, social, and emotional development of children from birth to maturity. As a laboratory, a kindergarten will be held in the mornings at the Training School so that the teach ers may study as they receive in structions. Dr. C. D. Killian will instruct the class, assisted by Miss Knotts, primary teacher of the Training School. > Other professors and instructors who will teach only during the summer session are: Mr. Clarence Evans of Appalachian State Teach ers College, in the Social Science Department; Miss Kathleen Pike of Georgia State Teachers College, Christ in you." Too, he said, "think on these things." It is wonderful what God has made plain to our hearts. Listen, beloved reader, But I am poor and needy: yet the Lord thinketh upon me: Thou art my help and my deliverer." Aren't you glad that God thinks about you? As we th:nk good things, so God, and the church is trying to -do that for all. Please see that you have closer contact with your cnurch and God, and that your piecious boy? and girls are brought to church that they may be taught the things that will cause them to think on God. Let us think on the good things that we may put away the evil things' with God in our hearts. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. A t the Churches Sylva Methodist (The Rev. W. Q. Grlgg, Paetor) Sund-ay school will meet at 10 a. m., Gudger Crawford, superin tendent. 11 a. m. Morning Worship, Mr. Claude J. Love of Asheville, guest speaker. 6:30 p. m., Youth"Fellowship. Sylva Baptist (The Rev. C. M. Warren, Pastor) Sunday school at 10 a. m., How ard Ball, Supt. 11 a. m. Morning worship, the pastor usin^ for his subject, "The Forgivenes of Sin," Psalm 51. B. T. U. at 6:30 p. m., Carl Cor bin, director. ? 8 p. m. Sermon by the pastor. Sermon subject, "The Names of Jesus," Philippians 2: 19: Tuesday, 7:15 p. m. Prayer meet ing. Friday, 7:30 p. m. choir rehearsal. Each Monday at 10:30 a. m. the Baptist Ministers' Conference meets here. Cullowhee Baptist (The Rev. Msrk R. Osborne, Jr., Pastor) 9:50 a. m. Sunday School 11 a. m. morning worship, the pastoV speaking on the subject, "Love Supreme." 4 p. m. Junior and Intermediate Training Union. Tuesday?2:30 p. m. Woman's Missionary Union. Wednesday?7:30 p. m. Mid week Prayer service Friday?8 p. m. Choir rehearsal at the church. Cullowhee Methodist (The Rsv. R. T. Houts, Jr., Psttor) 10 a. m*. Church school, mon subject, "Stewardship of Life." On Sunday evening at 6.30 p. m. the members of the congregation will meet in the social room of the church for a Fellowship Supper. Summer students who arrive on the campus on Sunday are invited i to the supper. The Youth Fellowship will meet ' at tht church at 6:00 p. m. Colle'gebQro, Georgia, in tha lish Department; Mr. Ray Al.ifOi., who recently received his Master's Degree in biology from the Uni versity of North Carolina, in the | Science Department; Mr. Charles | Milner from the University of ; North Carolina will give special demonstrations and lectures in the field of Audio-Visual education for one week during the first ses sion. Dean Bird stated that final plans for the second session, July 22 to August 30, have not been com pleted as yet. Next time you see a new Hudson, don't miss the high spot of the show! Of course you'll notice Hudson's sparkling color and the trim lines that jUst naturally invite you to ride. But onee you take the wheel of a Hudson, you'll find there's much more than meets the eye. s - There's a Super-Six or Super-Eight engine that idles you along or shoots you ahead like a rocket! There's smooth sailing over any road ancTover any distance. Your Hudson dealer is ready to show you the great features described at the right, which are all yours, but only in Hudson. The sooner you see us, the quicker you can take the wheel of your own Hudson. SEE YOUR HUDSON DEALER BUCHA\A\ AI TO & ELECTOR COMPANY Phone S3 M ttin Street Sfftra. \. f . Revival Services At Sylva Baptist Church To Close Sunday Night The revival services at the Syl va Baptist Church will continue through Sunday night, June 15. Services each evening at 8:00. The gospel of salvation is being preact come with us. Daily Vacation Bible School The Daily Vacation Bible school at the Sylva Baptist church will cdntinue through Friday, June 13. The boys and girls are having a great time. We have registered 107 to date. Parents are urged to visit and see what is being done, and how these boys and girls are enjoying the Bible school. We will take the faculty, boys and girls, and parents, who will come, on a picnic Friday at 11 a. m. MR. AND MRS. GLENN TO BE HOSTS TO COWARD REUNrON The Coward family reunion will meet Sunday, Junfc 15, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Glenn, Sylva. On account of illness in the family the reunion will not be held with Mr. and Mrs, George O. Coward in Whittier as was formerly planned. ' According to a USDA announce ment the Commodity Credit Cor poration will begin immediately to pro rate $6,183,388.25 among 393, 359 cotton growers who have a financial interest in the proceeds from cotton which the Corporation pooled from the 1943 crop. Spartan Feeds 24% Dairy Feed Per 100 Lbs * 20% Laying Mash Per 100 Lbs Growing & Developing Mash Per 100 Lbs Fat Back Hog Ration Per 100 Lbs , Dog Feed Per 25 Lbs Choice Timothy Hay Per 100 Lbs We Have a Few Good COUNTRY CURED HAMS _ S LEY'S STORE ON CULLOWHEE ROAD Phone 203 Sylva, N. C. $3.50 $4.95 $4.95 $4.65 $2.00 $2.25 E Professional Drug Phone 49 Sylva, N. C. COalq^n tBqencif Druq Store 100 ASPIRIN COUPON 'Plastic Armyi I WHISTLE I i4- u With | Coupon I (Limit 2) ^ S-GR11N TABLETS. Save Now! (Limit l) $1.39 LAXATIVE (Limit 1) * If* - T .'S.. WZA 4-ornie# MENNEN TALCUM FOR MEM 23? Largo LISTER IN TOOTH PASTE 39 Assorted Chocolates.... $1.10 to $6.00 Cigarette Lighters .89 to $7.00 Electric Razors $15.00 to $19.50 Luggage $4.98 to $60.00 Cleansing Tissues 14c to 29c Ice Cold Bottled Drinks 5c Nickle Candy Bars 5c WA SAND BAGS $ Win His Grin With This? * FINE AMITY BILLFOLDS Inwidt $1 . $e variety .1 to *5 4 VOGUE DELUXE FOUNTAIN PEN ridwaiiy 039 ICrcam?Liquid?Povvdo )#????????? I Both durable atxf beautifully styled. 14 Karat solid gold lrridium tipped point?lever filled?gold plated tip and band