Agricultural Workers Council Meets The Jackson County Agricultur al Workers Council met Friday, February 27, with the following members present: John F. Corbin, M. L. Snipes, Charles C. Petitt, W. T. Brown, T. \V. Ashe. Dennis Barkley, Dennis Higdon. Frank Brown, George Conrad, and J. C. McD arris. Alter thi busincr< meeting. W. T. Brown lcvi the discu>sii?n on im proved practices i Irisn potatoe production. He advocated a "400 Busnel Potato Club" "Ions; >:?ie the 100 bushel corn club. He ciTed facts to show the nation's potato record as 1159 bushels to the acre grown in California. Here in Jackson County, he pointed out, that 428 bushels of Irish potatoes Had been grown to the acre at Cuilowhee and last year Mr. John Davis on Big Ridge grew 2800 bushels on 5 acres. M. L. Snipes and W. T. Brown will have charge of the program for the meeting Friday, March 19. The group will attempt to get the ar tificial insemination program un derway. Any interested dairyman or farmer is invited to attend. HAVE YOU RENEWED YOUR SUBSCRIPTION? From The ROUGHEST To The SMARTEST We re-sole yr,ur Shoes . . . and do a complete relastiriu job . . they look and fit *us good as new /-?? wh r / ? i r i t ^ ? 4 _ - y.' ? '/ V . <1<0 We haw pk-nv.; c>1 Anry Co nbat Boots Come in and let us fit you . . . Fine fur farmers, outdoor workers. BLUE RIBBON SHOE SHOP Phone 111 Sylva, N. C. p&^vr-A 'v vrvrrc ?? i*' ? v-^ ? /'> n ,>f:y v. ?? I CAN'T STEAL FLAVOR FROM AM THAT BOTTLE ? Sure, wc like sunlight?but it's downright had medicine for many a bottled beverage. Gets right through plain, ordinary bottles, and steals the delicate flavor be fore the bottle is even opened. That's why Orange-Crush comes in an amber, flavor-guard ing bottle ?the bottle that defies the sun. Seals-out harmful light rays?seals-in the fresh fruit flavor. Try Orange-Crush today ?taste the extra freshness of true orange flavor*. ORANGE CRUSH BOTTLING CO. Lonaft Brown. Salesman STATE COLLEGE HINTS TO FARM HOMEMAKER By Ruth Current State Home Demonstration Agent Excellent dusting cloths may be easily made by placing squares of cheesecloth or soft cloths into a glass jar containing a small quan tity of furniture polish. Allow the cloths to become thoroughly sat urated with the polish then remove, allow the excess moisture to dry cut, ar.d excellent during cloths will have been created. Pieces of tine. soil wrolen cloth j make exeelie:.* dusting cloths:! while next usetulness are soft 1 f i knitted mater- i f ids ) arc! Aa < -- Aoth. '.V; il.- ? > ?? d :in should be ' I wa-a\e.a ... e A at .?m up. be-i ' use v. ? ? 'or i'i iwn a ilei ' :: r . streaks. It v, ..! : ? ' ? er. * *?i:i n* wall y b- : n rno!?tened 1.: > - ? ?? ' \ - ipe.=. when t..aa a ' ... y a pane * l a/ < >' ? . i v v"' ; ? 't *ke so *t Will : ' 11 v a a i: ?? t'*.e l"' om I (i'r jr!... ; ? 1 ' c'.e-i . t; ... upright , I 1a \ ,.irt. ble on house J clean if vi d y- ore s ',,">?iifo,"*a *v. > nave iv. ic : ?????.il : e ;adio; plan ! :;? to (i. ink tras- oi fruit juice; 1 y ur V ? vs to rest the feet; I pl .n - . that rdor is restored in l j t? ?- ay by '.l.e time the family 14. :;< ioe lit r.ignt. 'extension service RELEASES bulletin A \ i n: tied ".V.fal:'; ;.i t i>?.?(?:i . (.'!?. . ! ? ' ^" ??? C I lego i v* ?'? ?. i * ??' a. e a- i ., e I ' ' ? \ ? a . too bulletin. S^m II. i .' > *. < -i'ii .. i .'ic;. rr>' I.) K. L. L V\\/> t. .a-'..! cop . b til ?>: i ? ? ? v ? c > /. i' . ?. (ti i '? '< >d .' \ ; f v ? b . 1 :!. a y bal.ov A :. ? i an. AKii abalia. "k*:^ -4 t..c ?:..v i ojt.-". LcUi be grown X'?.' i C.aolaia. tia-y added. Al:\?lfa is rich in proteins, min ia".11>, vitam.ns A iisid i) |)ol i. lly good' for dairy cattle and all types of young growing t-'vk. It grows four years n;- more . iid yields tiu'ee tons ui ;.vty e.ich > car. Beginning \v*th a discussion on -?al sck'cta>n. the bullotiii points ? ''at, step by step, the recommended practices for successful alfalfa production. If you plan to seeJ alfalfa on your farm this summer aiKl have not already received a C'.py o; this helpful bulletin, see your local county agent or write to Agricul tural Editor, State College Station, Ralpigh, and ask.for one. Give broiferis more ventilation, if there is a strong smell of aan jmonia on entering the house. Bet ter ventllati'on will* mean a drier 'hortse and danger from coc cidiosi s. Use Herald want ads for results STATE COLLEGE ANSWERS TIMELY FARM QUESTIONS QUESTION ? How can I treat pruning wounds in my orchard. ANSWER ? Pruning wounds will heal most rapidly when made clo. a Burdu.uX .r..\tu.e linseed oil' preparation be u?ed. G/aUir.^ v c *. be stf:n\:cd With a bii. ii .) pou ' ' e li.-.-ceu . . .? r. y ; -I ?:. . dc .. , iiit ;*,( !vrr. is.cit ,. e t:!L f: . p; tj.A i 1. v. ( - c : . : pr p-vt .u.e rimi! Cullowhee 1 FA Boys | Take Up Reforestation To Improve Home Tracts Member.- ?: " e Cuii? whee Chap } ter the "Auure Farmers oi erica ha.-. c mpleted the , be**^nin^ >; a reforestation >>t1 \vu< .... : to improve tim c : d.t; : . the liome frrm-. , Tnis ; a.-M v .-end 5.000 short 1 .eel erne e?.< .. s were distribut ?e.i :?.jv. me and the bal ' v c . ; i..vm ? ? e put in trenchcs > ? ; ? rvpc>;;--j .? u; c,...ia. .? ; e < 'her crop.-. l'em/.! \ c.. ? .oget.ier Ui :?-v t b\ ?. t:uy r aid, m a thort per : . .. :e i n hi Id on 1. v.0. . !v . .ii io i\ erosion a.iu ;.a . l.ed . .a a eh.axe to lie! Dirt Floors Are Costly To Tar Heel Poultrymen Broudmg baby chiei'.s on dirt :ivors is costing Noith Carolina, poultrymen thousands ol dollars e.ieh year, according to Prof. Roy S. Dearstyr.e, head o: the Poultry department at State College. Dirt floors in the brooder house provide ideal pi: cos f?-r coccidia. worm eggs and many oi the dis ease producing germs to live for long period! ot tifne, Prof. Dear styne said. Disinfecting such floors is. im practical, he declared, and despite the careful use of litter, chicks will scratch through the litter to the dirt floor and *eat some of the floor material. It is probably that the cost of building materials will not remain' at the present high level for an extended period ot time, and the poultryman having houses with dirt floors should give serious con sideration to replacing such floors with concrete or wood. Prof. Dear stvne said. FACTS THAT PROVE ft FARMERS FEDERATION CHICKS ARE REAL MONEY MAKERS Inherited Egg Production All of our Hatchery Supply Flocks producing pure bred eggs, are mateci with cockerels which come from hens that have laid 250 or more 26 oz. per dozen-eggs per year. All. of cur purebred chicks inherit high production oi large size eggs. The average hen lays less than 100 eggs per year. Farmers Federation hens have inner, t !..y 2"0 more eggs per year. At present egg prices, one egg will pay the difference in price of one chick. Hatchery And Supply Flock Disease Free > Our Hatchery and incubators are cleaned thoroughly each day and fumigated twice weekly. All birds in our supply flocks are blood-tested every 30 to 60 days, thus eliminating chaces for disease getting into our chicks. Farmers Federation chicks will live and grow. Details May Be Obtained At Any Farmers Federation Warehouse Q?Will my .failure'to report for a physical examination, ortlered by VA, alfect my payments of com pensation? A?Yes. Upon failure to report, for examination, without adequate reason, an award of disability com pensation is suspended. Where the veteran subsequently reports .ftfr physical examination, retroactive payments over the intervening per iod may be precluded unless the evidence clearly establishes that the disability, in fact, existed to a 1 compensable degree during such period. Q?L? the amount of my disabili- ? tv compensation in any way affect- i id by the amount of money I earn .or receive from other sources? A?No. , i Q?is the stepchild of a veteran i entitled to the same benefits as a iK tural child'.' A?Vet, u.e rtepchiid is or v. as a membe. oi tne veteran's ., u u.- eiiold. Q?II I have entailment time ie.t alter I finish mv job-training coarse, may I enroll in another ju^-lraining c airse or go to school : i or the remainder o: my entitle - n.ent? A?With pri r approval from Veleians Administration, you may | m-e any rem. entitlement ' cither i'ur jub-tr. ining or for ed ' ideational training. Jackson County Men ' Enter Armed Forces The following na:f.e.l men from J. ckson County were enlisted in the U. S. Air Corps during the month ot February: Ted Angel, S.vlva; Marvin G. Fox. Norton; Fred H. Sims. G'.envilfe. | | Good paint prevents wood from warping, an important factor in the depreciation o: :?rm structures. , over. These trees were ^furnished to j vocational aerkalnirc -tudents at ; nil cost by ihe state forest service. Hoys plantmi tree.- are: O. V. i v.Yulo. Bobby JacK on., Candler i Cock, Charlc-s l'.u:\.m. Ed Steph i t.n.s. Orvi'u- Wi ;o. J. mcs Broom, ! David Ri'ii'Min, Furivutn Smith. , Thomas Web-te:\ C. rl.on Parker, i i3.v[e Ti.ley. Ciiv.dy Parker. Earl J lieoper, and Glcnon T: relkeld. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Kirk have come from Mobile, Ala,, and will make their home in Sylv^r. * They are living in one of. .the. cabins at present. Mr. and Mrs. Walter JoAgs/yvefie in Murphy Tuesday attending trie funeral of Mrs. R. B. Ferguson. " Mrs. Bailey Whitt and daugh ter, Nancy Helen, are spending this week with her mother, Mrs. J. C? Allison. Mrs. Dr. Frank. Ashfnore of Greenville and Anderson, S. C., is the oi her daughter. Mrs. N. R. feeacham, and family. * Ii th<2 brooder house is given n heavy spraying witn creo-oie or a co.,1 tar disinfectant the chicks should not be placed in the house for several day... T. e s;rong iumes arc iniurijufc to chk'ks. SaveUpTo 50 PerCt. GLENN FUNERAL HOME AMBULANCE SERVICE fV?one 65 . . Sylva, N. C 8:28tf IS BETTER Gcr s^lit second rcliof of Cold Muenei with 666 the Icnjosf silling Liquid C<">M P'ccofation in the U S. ^ L S Cj J I D 06b col? P:S***???" BELK'S present * A BIGGER AND BETTER ALL OF THE ARTICLES OFFERED HERE ARE lQc VALUES. SOME OF THEM ARE WORTH 25c. THE WALL MIRROR WITH PLASTIC FRAME FOR EXAMPLE, IS AN OUTSTANDING VAL " t ' * UE FOR 25c.. IN THIS SALE IT COSTS YOU JUST 4c. ? ? You May Have Your Choice of Any Article Listed Below In This Once-A-Year Sperial Notion Sale WALL MIRROR COMIC BOOKS SAFETY PINS STRAIGHT PINS SNAP FASTENERS HOOKS AND EYES BOBBY PINS DRESS TRIMMING POCKET COMBS BOBBY COMBS DRESSING COMBS FINE COMBS CLOTHES PINS ? THIMBLES TAPE MEASURES CROCHET HOOKS KEY CHAINS ASH TRAYS SALT AND PEPPER SHAKERS CANDLES RA.ZER BLADES TOOTH PICKS SCREW DRIVERS NEEDLE THREADERS POWDER PUFFS GLASSES ADHESIVE TAPE BELK'S DEPT. STORE Phone 287 Main Street Sylva N. C.