\ ?- . -?- ? Page 6 THE SYLVAHERALD Published By THE HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY Sylva, North Carolina The County 8tat of-wiackaon County * A* ' J. A. GRAY and J. M. BIRD - -Publishers PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Entered at the post office at Sylva, N. C., as Second Class Mail Matter, as provided under the Act of March 3, 1879, November 20, 1914. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year, In Jackson County..? $2.09 Six Months, In Jackson County 1.25 One Year, Outside Jackson County 2.50 . Six Months, Outside Jackson County..??M 1.50 All Subscriptions Payable In Advance i r** sS^Nonh Carolina /WtKASSOC lATKWj) "HOSPITAL WEEK" ? We, as a nation, are known for our special "days" and "weeks", of which there are now, we feel, entirely too many. But there is one week we do feel that has a real purpose and that is "North Carolina hospital week", which we are observing this week, May 9 thru 15. Now we don't pay too much attention to special "days" and "weeks" as a rule, but with North Carolina hospital week, we want to make an exception, and give our hospitals a pat on the back. We think ^ many of them deserve it. We would be among the first to admit that our hospitals are not perfect. We realize that they could make many improvements which would help them and the public alike. But in spite of this, we feel that most of the hospital criticism we hear is un-called for and unjustified. Tir~ 4-U.A4- if io fit+incf that C. VV C 1CC1 mat n 10 ? J. Harris hospital is holding open house in observance of the opening of the new wing to the building during this special "week". In so doing it takes our hospital out of that class which can be criticized for not making improvements. Our little hospital has just about completed a big expansion program which will make it of more benefit to the public in general. ~P E R S 0 NTLS"~^i Mr. Hayes Kitchen and daugh- On display in on ter, Hilda, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Qf The Sylva Her Burnstetter of Warren, Ohio, were colorful exhibit week-end guests of Mrs. R. G. and painted by Snyder. Mrs. Snyder is the moth- fourth grade of < er of Mr. Kitchen and Mrs. Burn- jng school of wl stetter. While here they also vis- Walker is teacher ited Mr. T. K. Guthrie who is a an outgrowth of patient at Mission hospital, Ashe- of study directed ville. They were accompanied Hall who was dc home by Mrs. B. F. Rhea for a teaching under tt visit. j Miss Walker. Th P. K. Horton and Billy Cope consisted of a st spent the week-end in Anderson, general, but part S. C., with relatives of Mr. Hor- Cullowhee, their < ton. Mrs. Horton, who has spent of nesting, numb the past two weeks there, returned eggs peculiar to home with them. songs, etc. Mrs. Lawson Allen and daugh- Following a w ters, Louise and Billie, of Winston- birds the student Salem and Jimmy Moody 01 &t. select one bird to Petersburg, Fla., spent the week- and then write a < end with Mrs. Allen's parents, Mr. Most of the draw and Mrs. C. R. Moody. and the colors an Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Landis made that the students a business trip to Charlotte the guided in their sti first of the week. tion of each birc Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Reed and son, habitat. Tommy, of Oak Ridge. Tenn., were Following is th week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. -he Mockingbird 1 J. L. Leopard. the Robinson: J. A. Campbell of Asheville and 4,The Mocking! S. L. Campbell of Charlotte re- pretty bird. It turned to their homes Sunday after on the back, his b an overnight visit with their par- his head, his tai ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Camp- his wings, and h bell. i are rounded. Mrs. H. Stein arrived Thursday The nest of th from Purvis, Miss., where she had very ragged. It .been visiting. She was accom- newspaper, moss, panied by her granddaughter, roots. It is built Jean Ellen Myatt, who will spend from the ground the sufmer here with her. | The Mockingbi \ Mr. and Mrs. Charley Price had of singing." H< ' as their guests for the week-end other bird or eve Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Pruitt and or ducks." two children, Nancy Nell and Sargent poster Charles Price, of Chattanooga, at the Book Stc Tenn. ! painting the birc ? ? ? ? - ? * ?ii /-< ]~n>r: Jf lOya ana Annur V/arucii Viancu mu>5 nan ? their mother, Mrs. Nancy Carden, eluded, besides in Franklin, Sunday. , arithmetic, writi Mrs. Flossie Totherow and Mrs.: C. R. Fowler, both of Asheville, who have spent t spent Mother's Day with their in Lakeland, F1 parents, Rev. and Mrs. T. F. Deitz. after a few day Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Branch and Mr. and Mrs. "W son, John, returned last Thursday turn to their hon from Largo, Fla., where they spent Maryland. J the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. Miss Jolene Branch will operate the Hand- Mildred Brown < craft Shop, located near the Old Monday here Vu Mill Inn near Dillsboro, during parents, Mr. and the summer months. and other relati\ Mr. and Mrs. Tom McCollum of Mother's Day Atlanta spent Mother's Day with Mrs. D. M. Ram: with their mother, Mrs. Ollie parents, Mr. and Banks. Sr., Mr. and M Misses Sue and Emma McKnight, Jr., and son, Bill iL THE YOU'RE TELLING ME! ? By WILLIAM RITT Central Press Writer Canada has money to burn ? at leas the government put $45,000,000 worth i wornout greenbacks into the furnac during the last month. Wonder why they named that newei of get-rich-quick deals after the olde: of structures ? the pyramids? Zadok Dumkopf has quit his Pyramj club. He found trying to get to the to harder than working. Garden helpful hints item says a mule pi water, sand and cement will discourag weeds. Cement? It won't make the graf any too happy, either. \ British subjects now can get wigs fc free from the government. Britanni rules the (permanent) waves! The doughnut. people have name their annual queen. Pictures show her t be a cute, little cookie. Now that the family has the only tel( vision set in the block, Junior is marl ing off part of the front hall for a poj corn and oubble gum stand. The Census Bureau forecasts that th population of the United States will t better than 150,000,000 by next year. W sorta noticed things were getting a litt! crowded lately. That figure is 19,000,000 more nos< than were cqunted in 1940. Uncle Sai sure is getting to be a big boy. Cows, we read, enjoy eating sawdus Apparently, it doesn't go against the grain. The board of trustees is to be congratula ed upon the type of improvements th have been made under its direction. The: are many communities in North Car lina that do not have nearly as adequa hospital facilities as we now have, ar everyone should feel proud of our loc institution. >ol Students I 5 Bvi.ii.ii ! f AI FNn A R Ui>All Ml ^ m - ? _ __ , _ _ oof (he windows I VilKUMl/.Ill V71 SaSJ"?,.1,.:i COMING EVENT; students of the ???^???? Tullowhee train- Thursday, May 12 hich Miss Edith Jackson County Home Demc . This exhibit is stration club Council .will meet the science unit the home of Mrs. Frank H. Brov by Miss Vernelle Sr- A covered dish supper will ?ing her practice served at 6 p. m. Mrs. Brown le supervision of president. e project or unit Cub Scouts will meet at 7 udy of birds in P* *** the Scout hall of the Mel icularly those of odist church. Britton Moore, Ci coloration, habits master. er and color of Cope Creek Home Demonstrat each bird, their c^ub meets at 2:30 p. m. with M Preston O'Kelly. eek's study of Ruby Daniel Circle will meet s were asked to 7:30 p. m. with Mrs. Jimmy Buc draw and paint, ner* Mrs. W. T. Brown, chairm :omposition on it. Woman's Missionary Society ings are life size, the Scotts Creek Baptist chui d markings show will meet at 2:00 p. m. with IV have been well Sally Reed. Mrs. Joe Sutt iHv anH nhcorva. chairman. Mrs. George Snyc 1 it is particular leader. Friday, May 13 e composition on Circle of the Women of ' written by Chris- i Presbyterian church will meet 7:30 p. m. with Mrs. Vernon I\ )ird is a very Han., Mrs. J. A. Gray, chairm is brownish-gray Webster H. D. Club meets w ill is shorter than Mrs. Claude Cowan at 7 p. m. W 1 is longer than Fred McKee is president, is wings and tail Monday, May 16 Sylva Home Demonstration c e Mockingbird is meets at 2:30 p. m. with Mrs. C. is made of rags, Moody. Mrs. Isola Thomas, pre sticks, bark, and dent. about four feet Boy Scouts will meet in Scout hall of the Methodist chu rd is the "master at 7:00 p. m. Dennis Barkley, Sc ? can mock any master. ?n mock chickens Woodmen of the World will m at 7:00 p. m. in the hall. D. paints purchased Robinson, C. C. >re were used in v Sylva Camera club wll meet is. 8:00 p. m. in clubrooqis in ractice work in- Ferguson building. Virginia M the science unit, ison, president, ng, and reading. Tuesday, May 17 Woman's Club will meet at I he winter months p. m. with Mrs. O. E. Brookhy a., left Tuesday, Hicks Wilson, president, s visit here with Rotary club will have din \ T. Wise, to re- meeting at 6:30 p. m. in Alii ie in Cumberland, building. J. C. Cannon, presid Mattie Hensley circle meets Elders and Miss 7:30 p. m. with Mrs. Harry Mai Df Asheville spent Mrs. Lawrence Reed, leader. I siting Miss Elders' Dennis Fisher, chairman. Mrs. Roy Elders, Qualla Home Demonstra res. club meets at 2:00 p. m. with J guests of Dr. and June Shelton. Mrs. Shelton sey included their president. Mrs. W. F. Grant, Wednesday, May 18 rs. W. F. Grant, Junior Woman's Club meet: III, all of Marion. 7:30 p. m. with Miss Agnes Wil SYLVA HERALD AND RUR. Hospital Wing ' (Continued from page 1) j. is being started today to secure donations for the balance with which to pay off all indebtedness and complete every detail of the ie building. >G The hospital is a non-profit inre stitution, owned by no individual, [e but belongs to the people of Jackson County and is being operated strictly for the use of those needing hospital care. However, the -S facilities of the hospital have been m used by many people from neighboring counties. It has a splendid reputation which has contrib. uted to the great increase in de. mand of its services. The new ir wing will greatly relieve the^cute need for more rooms. ~~ Much money has been saved in constructing and equipping the new addition by the careful atre tention of the trustees, especially O- board member T. N. Massie, who has given much personal attention j to the supervision rof the work, buying the material, etc., all at wic rucn r>Yr?r?n

n- wing in so short a time has been at due to- the cooperation of the vn, board members and mand indivibe dauls who have so loyally supis ported the program. :00 Miss Virginia Madison, president, -h- John's Creek Home Demonstraib tion club meets at 2:00 p. m. Mrs. Blaine Nicholson, president, ion Afternoon Circle of Woman's trs. Missionary Society of First Baptist church will have program at meeting at church at 3:00 p: m. in -k- charge of Mrs. Garland Jones. Mrs. an. Crawford Smith, chairman, of Woman's Society of Christian rch Service of Cullowhee Methodist Irs. church meets at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. on, | Frank Brown, Sr.. president, ler, | Qualla Parent-Teacher Associa: tion meets at 2:00 p. m. at the school. Mrs. Lillian Gass, presithe [ dent. at | Thursday, May 19 4c- j Woman's Missionary Society oi an. the Buff Creek Baptist church 'ith! meets at 2:00 p. m. Mrs. Frank Irs. Terrell, chairman. I Dillsboro Lodge No. 459 wil] j meet in the Masonic hall in Dillslub boro at 8:00 p. m. Raymond Glenn , R. secretary. isi- Woman's Society of Christiar Service meets at 7:30 p. m. in Althe , lison building. Mrs. Harry Hastrch | ings, chairman. out1 Philathea Sunday School Class 4 of First Baptist church will have leet covered dish supper at home oJ L. | class president, Mrs. J. B. Case I at 7:00 Hugh Monteith, class teach; at er. old Sylva Lions club meets at school ad- house at 7:00 p. m. oRy Reed, president. 3 00 Dr. Slagle To Speak At ser. (Col) Consolidated Schoo There will be a meeting of th< Jier colored people in the community son on Friday night, May 13, at 8 p. m ent. in the Colored Consolidated school t af At this time Dr. T. D. Slagle wil son. discuss the Hospital Fund driv< tfrs. and the needs of the hospital. All the colored people are urge< tion to be present for this meeting. tfrs. is More than 150 Rockinghar ?farmers recently witnessed a dyn \ amite ditching demonstration o: s at I the farm of M. M. Joyner in th son. Bethany community, A.LITE iR POLICY" "Tinker" Poteet Celebrates Birthday "Tinker" Poteet celebrated his third birthday at a party given by his grandmother, Mrs. Hoscoe Poteet, at their home last Wednesday afternoon. Upon arrival the little guests were given party hats which they wore during the party. They were guided in their games by Tinker's aunt, Mrs. Alton Bryson. Ice cream, white iced individual cakes lighted with a little pink candle, and coco-colas were served. The large birthday cake was lighted by three pink candles. After refreshments were served the honoree opened his gift packages, and pictures were made of the group which included Tinker, Tommy, Mickey, and Susan Wise, Ronny Reed, Nancy Tweed, Mich' ael and Bucky Strong, and Judy Griffin. BiRTH Mr. and Mrs. Charles Drawdy 1 of Babson Park, Florida, announce ' the birth of a daughter, Anndrea Gail, on April 28. Mrs. Drawdy is the former Miss Willa Bess Holden of Norton, i - SENSA" Anil Uns J A I "l I 5 < } This solid Maple gi i / such as you rarely ( sists of Large Sofc " I / Table and Coffee Tt 1 ( by day and can be i r | pected guests. B l SEE THE BEA SOSSAMO e MAIN 8TREET V Cowan Brothers And Family Home For Funeral of Sgt. Cowan Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cowan and two children, who arrived Sunday from Washington state, are visiting Mr. Cowan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cowan, of Cullowhee. Before leaving Washington they were joined by a brother,.Pvt. Bill Cowan, of the U. S. Army in Alaska, who came to Cullowhee with them. They were called here on account of the death of another brother, Sgt. Cordell Cowan, whose body is to arrive today, May 12, in San Francisco, Calif., from Japan where he died April 18. Pvt Bill Cowan, after a short visit at his parents' home in Cullowhee, will report to Fort Bragg for further assignment. Dorthy Edwards G. A.'s Of Lovedale Meet The Dorothy Edwards G. A.'s of the Lovedale Baptist church met at the church for their regular business meeting on Tuesday eve ning. One new member, Lois Hoyle, was received at this time. The following reports were given by committee chairmen: Community missions, Peggy Sue Middleton ; Stewardship, Irene Angel; Program, Claudia Stanford; Membership, Christine Angel. All oth. er business was taken care of and plans for the next regular meeting were discussed. ? Mrs. Ralph Ehgland gave the devotional, after which a social period was enjoyed by the 13 of plastic si From $15.00 t< FIBRE s? From $9.00 t< % Guaranteed tc Furniture Cove] Make Your Old 1 SYLVA UPHt In Basement ! Entrance c riONAL in surpassed I nd Comfo 0 roup is a suite of beauty ai find at the price we can no i Bed, Platform Rocker, O ible. This will make you a d lsed as an extra bed when n UTIFUL SUITE IN N FURNITURE Thursday, May 12, 1949 Attend State Fire School In Winston B. W. Cope, chief of the Sylva fire department and fireman Fe- 4 lix Picklesimer, attended the 3day meeting of the State Fire Drill school in Winston-Salem last week. the 18 members present. The meeting closed with a series of prayers. HAVE YOU RENEWED YOUR ftUBSCRiPTIONf OPPORTUNITY You can go just as far as your ability and energy will take you in the new U. S. Army and U. S. Air Force. No artificial barriers stand in your path. Sixty- - I five World War II generals started as privates. Chances for getting ahead are greater today than ever before. Income increases with each promotion. Young men, here is opportunity. AMERICA'S FINEST MEN CHOOSE U. S. ARMY AND U. S. AIR FORCE CAREERS At THE SYLVA POSTOFFICE Sylva, N. C. EAT COVERS 9 $30.00 Per Set AT COVERS 0 $18.00 per set 1 Fit and Satisfy red In Leatherette i furniture Like New ILSTERY SHOP Pure Oil Station >n Mill Street VALUE n Beauty rt i 1 id fine craftmanship, > ?w offer you. It con- (. ccasional Chair, End / listinCtive living room ( eeded for those unex- / OUR WINDOW COMPANY 8YLVA, N. C