Thursday, June 16, 1941* ^ Food Expert To Demonstrate Frozen Foods I ^ ^ Mrs. Myron Clinard Luttrell, Home Economist lor International ^ Harvester Company of Charlotte, * N. C., will demonstrate the prep0 aration of frozen foods for the FOR I AT SAGRIFK I CONCRETE MIXER I 3 1-2 S. Smith Concre bag capacity. Pneumatii used 48 hours. I STUDEBAKER TRUCK One and one-half ton Truck. Only 9,000 miles I CONSTRUCTION TRA] * I Here's a trailer a cont fice and tool house. Lar{ 4 I uses as well. ALL OF THE ABOVE I PRICE PIPINI 12 Brook St. BUY YOURSEl ' \ OHV1 W" *, r^llll lllim Why wait when you can buy th< and get plenty of power for * You get pulling power for trac towing and hauling . . . tractiv less open country, for climbic bing through mud and sand . , operating many types of be equipment. Come in and see the 'Jeep pay against what you get out ?sted vehicle and you are sure *Prom power take-off, optional at exit 4-Wheel-i \ UNIVERSAL . Fulmer k CULLOWHEE ROAD freezer and for the table at Sylva High School Home Economics Dep\, Tuesday, June 21, at 2:30. Mrs. Luttrell's background in Home Economics is varied and interesting. She majored in Home Economics at Middle Tennessee State Teachers College, Murfreesboro, Tenn., was for 10' years employed by Ball Brothers Jar Co. of Muncie, Indian,-as Home Economist, covering 14 states teaching food preservation to extension, farm security^ college and utility groups. For 2 years she served as Sales Promotion Representative for Foley Manufacturing Co. working with large department stores throughout the east and midwest and exhibiting for Foley at National Home Economics conventions, dietetic, medical and nurses' annual meetings, as well as houseware shows. "Frozen Food Facts" i is being presented daily by Mrs. Luttrell in various sections of the Carolinas. A recent survey given in McCall's Magazine reveals that 50 per cent of the Nation's iarm iamilies are now freezing their I SALE ;e prices i te Mixer (portable), 1-2 c Tires. Has only been p L Heavy Duty Studebaker ILER lion f nn ictt'iui tan use; 1U1 an ut?e size. Handy for other CAN BE SEEN AT? 6 COMPANY Biltmore, N. C. IF A PACKAGl f 1 ^ p V * I e 'Jeep* at a new low price all kinds of farm work? tor work and off-the-road e power for crossing roadig steep grades and grub. . plus portable power* for It and shaft-driven farm >* today. Check what you : of this two-fisted, tightto want one now. ??' 'a cost. Drive Jeep ' Motor Co THE S^i ?y Beauty by the Sea i - A PRETTY GIRL and an unusual bath* Lng suit make a pleasing combination as Barbara Freking poses 00 the beach at Del Mar, Calif., in an unusual swim suit made from leopard skin. (International) own fruits, vegetables and meats either at home or in local lockers. This meeting should be of great interest to our local housewives. Door prizes and refreshments are being planned. The demonstration is being arranged by Allison Motor Co. of Sylva. Notice To New Burley Tobacco Growers Any farmer who is growing Burley tobacco without an allotment should contact the AAA office at once so that the tobacco acreage can be measured. It is necessary that the tobacco be j measured so tnat a marketing card i i can be issued. This work should'J i be completed by June 28th in' I this county. : OF POWER FOR TRACTOR WORK FOR TOWING AND HAULING Ifor off-the-road jobs Av mm FOR PORTABLE POWER mpany 8YLVA, N. C. J fLVA HERALD AM J RUR; WEBSTER NEWS Morgan Dillard Wedidng Announced Mr. and Mrs. Clint Morgan announce the marriage of their daughter, Cleo, to Gilbert Dillard. son of Mr. and Mrs. V. N. Dillard. on June 10 in Clayton, Ga. Mr. Dillard received his education at Rayburn Gap Industrial school^ Rayburn, Ga., and spent eighteen months in the U. S. Navy. Mrs. Dillard attended Webster High school. The couple will reside at Webster. Mrs. T. C. Dillard was called to her home in Andalusia, Ala., last week due to the illness of her mother, Mr. Dillard went down Monday to join he** there. Mr. Dillard plans to later go from Andalusia to Orlando, Fla., to reenter service in the U. S. Army. Fullbright Relatives Have Get-Together The sons and daughters of the late Polk and Ellen Cowan Kullbrigiit o: Webster, ana t;.eir ei.ildren, gathered at the home ol Mr. (W. y - "vA i i /i'W ,\h> ?>- -/ ' '' v V ?? Y;' Kp; W' * Foino Mwmezmm*; . 4MN 3 DA SPECIAL I FOT THREE DJ LADIE AIR STEPS AND A STETSON NYLON HOLEPROOF HOS uri men ROBLEE SHOES HOLEPROOF SOC with a 60-day gu; \LITE and Mrs. A.lvin Fullbiight Sunday lor a day together. Thov were: .Mr. ar.d Mrs. O.-ear Clin ol Giver. S. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Fullurigp.t o: Greenville. S. C.; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. J ones of Clyde; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Woody of Spruce Pine. Among others present were Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Jones and Mrs. Gordon Enloe of Atlanta and Chief Pharmacist Mate, James Jones who is an instructor in the U. S. Navy, stationed at Camp LeJune. Miss Dessie Allison spent several days last week in Franklin visiting her nephew, Donald Allisoiy and lamily. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Penland and Ernest Penland. Jr., drove over to Knowil.e Sunday to meet Mrs. Herbert Bry> >:i who arrived by plane lor a visit with relatives m Sylva ahci Webster. Training Union Reorganized T:.e Training Union of the Webster Ban'.ist church was re-orii..n - * ' A Bargai \ - mm M Sli" v fjt^ ..; a ... W : s " -M \ :fe . ;;? fc* < ; > ?: % V vj \ I : ^ <"/ g X \ v. * ' # Us BUSt" YS ONLY 'RICES I (YS ONLY S Mo lLL CASUALS dr?e GLOVES Bn 'IERY ful] sin wil Bn foo i in she IKS. The sock irantee. 6tr ized Sunday evening and the following ol fivers were elected by the church: Mildred Cowan, director: Gilbert Dillarci, associate direct"r: Geneva A. Smith, secretary; Mrs. Johnny Cunningham, treasurer; Bessie Allman, pianist; Thud Farmer, adult director: Mrs. Charles Roper, young people's director: Mrs. V. N. Dillard, director of intermediates: and Mrs. Dan Cowan, director of the Junior union. DVBS At Webster Baptist The Daily Vacation Bible school of the Webster Baptist church opened Monday afternoon with an enrollment of forty-one. The faculty members are: Mildred Cowan. principal: Bessie Allman, pianist: Mrs. Jerome Farmer .secretary and treasurer: Mrs. V. X. Diiiard. teacher of intermediates with Mrs. Charles Roper and Rev. \V. C. Deitz assistants: Mrs. Dan Cowan, teacher of juniors and Mrs. Wayne Deitz assistant: Mrs. Geneva A. Smitn. teacher d! primary ^r.iup: Miss Jessie Farmer and Mrs. Geo. Fri/zell, teaeners oi die ueuin "? * ? n Festival ' V1%, sp y ' ' ^-m M ' %y-:.. V 'A ' c '' /'\ \ \ * : ' . . / * W v> ' *! * - # tBROW#? tojeatest* x v*;y%y:Mpr ? June 16 250 Pairs of Buster Br thers, this is the value oppoi ck up on famous Buster Bro^ n at record-breaking price r Twice a year we can offer )wns at such savings. We i I line at these prices, but we able patterns in many sizes. Of course, all of these Bu th the craftsmanship and skill )wn the traditional name fc >twear since 1904. You owe it to your budget today while we still have c >cs fitted by X-Ray. WALUITS SHG lva, N. C. Page 5 ners. Mr. David F. Stillwell, principal of the South Fork school of Winston-Salem, has been appointed administrative asst. to Mr. Ralph Brimley, superintendent of duca- ^ tion in Forsyth county. Mr. Stillwell is tiie son of Mrs. J. A. Stillwell of Webster. Mrs. T. B. Cowan and Miss Hannah Cowan are spending this week in Winston-Salem with their daughter and sister, Mrs. Leonard Bagwell, and family. i ^ Mr. and Mrs. Logan Wooten and daughters, Nancy and Louise, Winston-Salem, were week-end guests ol Mr. and Mrs. Will Wooten. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Hudson and s.?n. Gordon Ben returned to New pert News, Friday, alter having spent several days at Sunnybrook farm. Little Miss Toni Lee Kelly returned with tne Hudsons to spend a lew weeks in Virginia. i i limiting i SSaiWi^iiiiiMSHMHW ld I/#',*"*/#,* *' r/ ; "' /'." . / a ) \ v 2 f ' ' / \ \ \ \ ? prvHHM* I 17-18 I I ' I f rj Jr 1 1 I f 1 . f ? nrrs own Reduced tunity of the season to vn Shoes for your chileductions. " you top quality Buster ire not presenting our have fine stocks of deister Browns are made I that have made Buster >r quality in children's to bring the youngsters i choice selection. All IE STORE Phone 263 A