Pilge ' ^?--c?.*rzrr-irv ; PERSC Joe Evans arrived Monday from N. C. State College in Raleigh to spend the summer with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cnas. Evans at Speedwell. ^ Ray Bernard Ashe left yesterday to return to Raleigh where he will attend summer session at X. C. State. He had spent a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Walter Ashe, here. Miss Margaret Ann Wundcrlich of Chattanooga, Tenn., is spending some time here with her aunt, , Mrs. R. W. Kirchberg, and family. James Cannon left today l'or Columbus, Ind., to attend tne wedding of Kirk Basset:. Mr. Bas.>ett, son of Mrs. C. A. Seine, of Dilhboro and Chicago, has spent the past tnree summers here as tiie guest of Mr. Cannon. Mrs. \V. O. Montei'.h returned Friday from a shor: viMt with her son, Harold Monteith. unci tamily at Catawba. Mr. and Mrs. Burcn Terrell left Tuesday to attend the summer session at Peabody college in Nashville, Tenn. j Mrs. R. O. Bumgarner, Mrs. Emma Brown, and Mrs. Paul Kil- ' Patrick motored to Bluelield. West j Virginia, Friday, to visit relatives.' .Mrs. Bumgarner and Mrs. Kilpat? rick will return within a week, but Mrs. Brown will remain lor a longer visit. Guests of Mrs. Harry Hastings this week were Miss Mary Elizabeth Latham, Mrs. John Burkett, Miss Virginia Ruth Price, Mrs. Mamie Smithy, and Miss Saliy Burkett, all ol Warrensville. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kirk and family have leit tor a thice weeks vacation in Illinois, New York,' and Canada. AT 1 AT n . . , . . I > . . . ^? v .wr. unci airs. i\am.?e\ ihh.hiii.iw i i and two grandchildien, Beta and Charles ol Chattanooga. Te:m., > and Mi s. M. Buchanan, Sr., left > today ior Atlantic Beach at M'forehead City. They will be the guests there ol Mr. and Mrs. Harry Buchanan at their cottage on the Beach lor a week. Little Audrey Jean and Kermit Marcus, Jr., of Bryson City are spending a week with their grand, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Jones, of Greens Creek. Dinner guest of Rev. and Mrs C. M. Warren last Tuesday was Dr. E. L. Spivey of Raleigh who is with the State Evangelisticworkers. Visiting Miss Virginia Jenkins for the week-end was Miss Icie Kirkland of Robbinsville. Miss Kirkland is atfending the first session of Summer school at Western Carolina Teachers college. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Elders had HOOPER h Extends Heartiest Cong chants of OPPORTUf A BARGAIN June 16, And Urges And Invites And Take Advantage Being HOOPER ft Buick ? Poi I Sales am Main Street | Vnals i as their guests for the week-end' Mrs. Elders' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Earley and daughter, Patsy, | ; uf Canton. i Henry T. Shiosaka was an overnight guest of Rev. and Mrs. E. M. Warren last evening. Mr. Shiosaka, who is a Japanese min' isterial student at Georetown college, Georgetown, Ky., is attendi ing the Baptist Student Union at Ridgecrest. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rhinenart and two sons returned Monday night from a ten-day vacation in Washington, D. C., Baltimore, and and Philadelphia. Mrs. Monroe Madison and Mrs. Frank Cowan ol Webster have enrolled for tho first summer session at Western Carolina Teach1 ers college. Mrs. George Clouse and children left Tuesday morning lor a lew days \ isit with Harold Stallcup and lamiiy, brother of Mrs. Ciouse, at Ellenboro. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Buckner, Patsy and Eddie Buckner, and Jack Curtis will return today from a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. William Curtis in Knoxville, Tenn. Dr. and Mrs. R. David Daniel had as guests for the week-end Mrs. J. A. Kale of Ridgccrest, mother of Mrs. Daniel, and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Womack and son, Richard, of Shelby. Mrs. Womack is a sister ol Mrs. Daniel. * * * W. M. S. Tp Have Program Meeting The Woman's Missionary Society ol' Syiva Baptist church will meet Wednesday, June 22, at 3:00 p.m. at the church lor their program meeting. Mrs. Olive Farmer will be in c.uarge ol the program: Mis. Ciwwmrd Smith is chairman. if. :j: * T.E.L. Class Of Scotts Creek Has All-Day Meet j Mrs. Cling En.Mey was hostess T i." i /.i...... ,.r * cinnta' (I MIL' i (. inr-."> ui iijv; uo Creek Baptist church at her home June 9th. Covered dishes were brought and a delicious dinner was enjoyed by the 15 members and two guests present. In the after-i noun Mrs. Clyde Fisher presided over the business session. Mrs. Caro Crisp led the devotional and Mrs. B. S. Hensley led in prayer. Everyone enjoyed Mrs. Ensley's hospitality. The meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. D. G. Bryson. * * * Hurley tobacco production in the Sla'e last year totaled 17,304.nui) pounds, second only to tiie 1045 crop. 10T0R CO. ratulations To The Mer Sylva on IITY DAYS 1 FESTIVAL . 17, and 18 Everyone To Visit Sylva Of The Many Bargains Offered I0T0R GO. itiac ? GMC d Service Sylva, N. C. THE S' km, ?? r ; \ * . . <_ > ^ i I I \ '> *> \| Cu- i ! Pink and black resort dress. By VERA WINSTON PINK AND BLACK checked sheer cotton is the timely choice for a nice (iay-into-evening dress and jacket for informal summer wear. The frock has a strapless top with crossed-over draped bustline. The skirt is gathered all around. The black velvet belt has a swashbuckle flared end. The tiny jacket is lined in black and has cap sleeves. It closes with three black buttons. This is a good little resort number too. Wife Preservers >? \Q iJlF asasawl Musty oours in basements and cellars usually disappear if the house is well heated and dried If odors persist, chloude of lime is a pood deodorant and disinfectant Sprinkle it over the basement floor and let it stay until all mustiness disappears * * * Baby Contest Pictures of contesting babies and! coin jars for collecting coins have been placed in the various stores in Sylva for the purpose of collecting votes ? 1 cent per vote ? in a benefit contest being sponsored by the Auxiliary to the C. J. Harris hospital. Contesting babies range from 6 months to 3 years; of age. j The pictures and jars will be! collected Friday before the Fourth J of July. The winning baby will I then be announced at tne Fourth! celebration wr.ich falls this year on Monday. * * * Odd Fact A soldier stationed at an Air Force base in Texas has to have army shoes specially made for him because his feet are too small to fit 1 i t _i i Oil/ il'^UlUX ttiuijr iBSUC BUWSa Inflation makes us do without a lot of necessities so we can buy the luxuries we can't live without. \ /j Ij BENEFIT BY THIS GOOD NEWS COMBINATION YOUR HOME TOWN PAPER gives you complete, dependable local news. You need to know oil that is going on where you live. But you live also in s WORLD, where nifomentous events ore in the making?events which con mean so much to you, to your job, )your home, your future. For constructive reports ond interpretations of notional ond international news, there is no substitute for THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR doily. Enjoy .the benefits of being best informed?locally, nationally, internationally ? with your local poper ond The Christian Science Monitor. LISTEN Tuesday nights over ABC stations to "The Christian Science Monitor Views the News." And use this coupon ?r\A?w (a, ft c AAriA I in. . _ *"""' *w*. w ? .* u. 8 I troductory subscription. 4) I Tit* Chriition kitnct Monitor On*, Norwoy St., Boston IS, Mats., U.S.A. Plaosa i*nd mr an introductory subscription to The Christian Scianca Monitor ? 26 issues. I onclosa SI. (nam* > < add rats) ( city > (Sana) (stota) PB7 i'LYA HERALD AND RUR. | ti-iejold h;c.' -e town (? AND,?LiTv "TME SPAY. YOu MAY "F/A4D "THAT LC STICKS A LITTLE ! j2rZ3ZZXT " /gas) gvy ( y ~ sus '' "POV (" Y C ^ /" COW IMt UNO I I I i Dewey Visits Ruins /?/ "f>/ ' ; >' * t -iviviVfriv *. . xwvi . * iOMB-BATTERED districts in the American sector of Berlin are visited by New York's Gov. Thomas E. Dewey during his holiday tour of Europe. Escorting him is Col. Duke, the U. S. Military Post commander in Berlin (International) sc < ' :kap book /&* <f*jp ^ BLACK^ < m, ST ft S<iL-f is t'KE \ \ ' ^ sf // LON^EJST LL^?D\v%gj^ \f I EIB.D IK W0RL^ rv5ge' ^ 1 ^ * p*? Pc*^'? Jl <** nn. M ??. W? KILN DRIED AND WE HAVE KILN DRIE AIR DRIED YELLOW I LUMBER, SUITABLE F ING NEEDS IT WILL PAY YOU TO START BUILDING, FO ppirrs nv aw i ittm ^ A V/ AJkJ V/ A 1 A Jk. X ^ JL * -? ^ J X J! I W. C. HENNESSEE I Phone 47 ALITE py S:V; ^ e " ~s ^ 1 )CK / I/THISJK ^ ViVECCrrO f^r. 11 r ^ STANL^ FOP GAS AND VER? PACKED SEPVlCEr TATtTIXa trWOlCATT ? ?0>LC HIOHTl wtuvc ^ > 4 Household Hint Don't worry ahout boilovers on the top boilers of your gas range Just wipe them with a cloth dampened in warm water. When the range has cooled, you can do a more thorough cleaning. PUBLIC LIBRARY Library News Notes Phone 201-J. Hours: 11-5:00 Monday through Frida. The annual inventory of the Jackson County Public Library has been completed, and the library is now open for circulation during its usual hours. Chock your personal collection for the following new books: The Big Fisherman, Douglas; East Side, West Side, Davenport; Life Line, Bottome; and Raleigh's Eden, Fletcher. Children are especially urged to make use of the library during the summer vacation months when school is not in progress. The following new titles have just been received by the library and will be placed on the adult collection shelves within the next few days: Cheaper by the Dozen, Gilbreth; Jonathan Fisher, Chase; Parson Takes a Wife, Sheerin; and Crusade in Europe, Eisenhower. " " .. ^GTT MOST CURIOUS MONEY IS <HE ' MANILLA* PIECES . r, IRON RlNC,S OPEN OK ONE INFUSE ON <^L. of HE!AD wi^PL" ADMIRED BY EARLY CAH WALK IKRABKAK<? of LibPS of PALXS<|ME_ > Af Kent'S ? ID IK <?- , * of fuhdy. Reads bulging IK <HE BACK . ?. *? m0m i il FINISHED LUMBER D AND THOROUGHLY ?INE AND WHITE PINE 'OR ALL YOUR BUILDSEE US BEFORE YOU R OUR LOWEST CASH IBER YOU NEED. LUMBER CO., INC. Sylva, N. C. Ga *>^1 " C* v. ^ ^ v i O By A I.ICE IJKNHOFF HEALTHFUL drinks st.-.rt t< come into their own as Summci beckons. As the weather warms up youngsters, old folks and invalid: become increasingly difficult to feed and where a certain nutritional in take must be observed, it becomes i problem difficult to solve. One wa: is through the medium of good healthful, refreshing and tastj drinks made with eggs, milk or frui juices. Florida Froth, for Instance, Is de llghtful for youngsters, good t< drink and good for them. To pre pare 4 servings combine 3 c. strainec orange juice, 2 tbsp. sugar, one c evaporated milk, and Vs c. water chill. Beat well 4 egg yolks; and adt to first mixture. Beat 4 egg white! well; fold in. Serve in tall glasses and dust with nutmeg. Grapefruit Foam will add a nic< note to a difficult breakfast table and it is a good way of seeing thai 4.v?? i? __ 1U1I\3 111 a I iCIUSC IU ttll however nicely served, take theii quota. For 2 servings (8-oz. glasses) beat 2 egg yolks until light and lem on colored. Add 2 c. grapefruit juice and beat well. Beat 2 egg whites until stiff, then beat in 3 tbsp. lighl corn syrup. Mix with grapefruit juice mixture. Pour into tall glasse? Delightful Egg Nog Banana and pineapple get to gether for a delightful and different BE SURE T 600DYEAR STORI OPPORTU THURSDAY.. FRI ARIV% Ft UUn 5 ALL Gl BATTERIES Plu 1-CB - 3 REGULAR P NOW ONI PRICES ON ALL GOODYEAF ...ASIZE TO FIT ALL H/ AT ROCK BOTTO! THIS SAI r.innAi uaimui Goodye Main Street Thursday. June 16, lf'49 '' for Summer I egg-nog that youngsters, and adults ^ too, will adore. To prepare one large r or 2 medium-sized drinks, slice a ripe banana into a bowl; beat with ' ' rotary egg beater or electric mixer until creamy. Or, if desired, press I banana through a medium mesh wire * strainer with a spoon. Add v ne c. cold milk, one egg and 2 tbsp. unsweetened pineapple juice. Mix ' thoroughly; serve cold. t A rich coffee-flavored egg flip will be appreciated by the convalescent who has to take plenty of j nourishing food but who doesn't care to stuff. To prepare 4 portions j (since we've discovered that one doesn't have to be an invalid to enjoy this concoction) chill 2 c. doublej strength, freshly-made coffee. Coms bine chilled coffee, 2 beaten eggs, few grains salt, sugar to taste, 2 c. ' milk, 2 tbsp. heavy cream. Shake , well or beat with rotary beater un " til thoroughly blended. ' And for a wind-up here is a good recipe for those summer gatherings ' that will be along quite soon now. For 1 Vz qt. beverage place an unbeaten egg white, V2 c. strawberry preserves or jam and dash of salt in , ' Howl; beat with rotary heater 3 to ' 4 min. or until mixture is thick and creamy. Combine juice of 2 lemons, *! tsp. sugar and 2 c. ice water. Just before serving, place egg mixture, lemon mixture and 2 c. crushed ;-e in shaker or tightly-scaled 2-quart . jar; shake thoroughly. , ? 0 VISIT OUR 1 DURING SYLVA'S NITY DAYS IDAY..SATURDAY I rirnm o rtUALd OODYEAR I AT COST s Tax I HP MOTOR 'RICE $98.50 .Y $75,00 Plus Tax SLASHED I TIRES AND TUBES ANY CAR OR TRUCK t IRDWARE M PRICES DURING IS EVENT i Bros, or Store Sylva, N. C. 4 4 ?>

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