VOL. XXIV?No. 17 Artificial Br< Association I Organization Board Of Directors Are Elected To Carry On U Work To Begin Oct. 1 Jrj W. T. Brown, chairman of tl^e 1 Jackson County Artificial in A semination Committee, has,'' an- ' nounced the completion . of the j County Artificial Bro?eding Or- ( ganization. Every farmer in Jack- '* son County &as the service avail- c abl? \o him if he becomes a mem- 1 _ Wer of the Association. ] _>? A Board of Directors has been j elected to carry on the business of the Association. Members of j the Board are Velt Wilson, president, Sylva, Kenyon Moody, Syl- ( va; Walter Ashe, Cullowhee; R. . M. Bryson, Cullowhee; John Will ' ? * ?* 1- T?l_ ? Hooper, uasniers; ana mat^ ounu- , son Stewart of Norton. t The by-laws have been completed and signed by the Board , of Directors, and the application for charter has been forwarded to Raleigh. Equipment for carrying on this ( work has been ordered, and the J Association will start breeding cows October 1st. Robert Varncr has been employed as the techni cian. He has had the Course in J Artificial Insemination at Slate College. - J All Agriculture Teachers and 1 , their Assistants are authorized to 1 accept the one dollar membership fee and issue the receipt. Any farmer desiring to join this As- * sociation is urged to pay this membership. fee*at once. , y Further details concerning the operation of the program will be ' printed next week. Members of j the Association will also be noti- < ^ fied by letter of changes in the organization. ' V ** , Revival In Progress i At Wilkesdale Church A series of revival services which j began Sunday night, Sept. 18, are in progress each evening at the . Wilkesdale Baptist church, begin ning at 7:30 o'clock in charge 01 . the pastor, Rev. Jarvis Under-1 wood. Special prayer service is ? ~ held at 7:00 p.m. at the church each % evening belore preaching hour. Cottage prayer meetings are held | in the various homes of the community at 2:00 p.m. each day. The place is announced at the preach- ' ing hour. The public is invited to take part ^ in all of these services. 1 "i 4 Attend District Meet In * Black Mountain, Sunday , Going from the Sylva club to c Black Mountain, Sunday, to attend j the district meeting of the Busi- $ ness and Professional Women's'( clubs were: the club president, ] Mrs. Lillian Madison, Miss Mary i Johnston, Miss Hicks Wilson, Miss Evelyn Sherrill, Mrs. Ned Morris, i Mrs. Annie Louise Reed, .Miss Lu-i i cile Wilson, and Dr. Noracella Wil- i son. v Bloodmobile Tc * ? " A 1 1 # Blood At CuUoi Mrs. Edith M. Hall and Mrs. H. i T. Hunter, Co-chairman of the c Jackson County Red Cross Blood i Program lor Cullowhee, have an- c nounced that the Bloodmobile will 1 visit Western Carolina Teachcrs' College on Wednesday, Sept. 28, 1 from 10 o'clock A. M. until 4 o'- J clock P. M.; and have requested < that a hundred and fifty donors t from Western Carolina Teachers J College and Cullowhee Township ? volunteer to donate a pint of blood ( each. ] This visit of the Bloodmobile to Jackson County is for the purpose of obtaining blood from Western Carolina Teachers ^ College and the residents of Cullowhee, but any donor from the County who wishes to volunteer I ( . a pint of blood may do so by con- | t tacting either Mrs. Hall or Mrs. * Hunter. w Jackson County is most for- i * tunate in hav ing a blood center at 1 the Harris Community Hospital < f I * A immrn Th] * ____^ i < f 4 eed^rs Completes i i n County yL # Annual Conference In Session At WinstonSalem This Week The Western North Carolina \nnual Conference will convene n Winston-Salem this week. The conference opened Wednesday and will continue through Monday with the pastor's assignments :>eing read on that day. Going from Sylva are the pastor, Rev. W. Q. Grigg, and Mr. Paul Kirk as delegate; from the Webster charue. Rev. and Mrs. John ECincaid and family, with Miss Juanita Norton as delegates; from I^ullowhee, Rev. and Mrs. Houts, and daughter, Linda, with Dean W. E. Bird as delegate. Mrs. Griggs will go down on Friday and stay hrough Monday. Bake Sale Saturday September 24 The American Legion Auxiliary ivill sponsor a Bake sale Saturday,' Sept. 24, at the stairway between j he Bank and the Farmers Federa-j :ion. Anyone having a special j :ake they would like to get will < jlease notify Mrs. K. L. Glenn. Legion Auxiliary To Have Installation Service Friday P; M. Installation services will be conducted at the meeting of the Le* !1! J.^ 1 ? i ?ign Auxiliary IU UC nciu at Hie Allison building on Friday at 7:30 p.m. with Mrs. C. A. Bales, of Topoca as installing officer. Clara Jo Phillips and Azalee Wilson, both of Cullowhee, who represented the Auxiliary at Girl's State held recently in Greensboro A'ill make reports of their trip. I Membership dues ot $3 per member will be collected at this meet-; ing. Anyone not able to attend mayj ?cnd their dues. The Legion members, who will lold their meeting on the same evening at the Legion Hall, will ioin the Auxiliary members at the \l!ison Building for refreshments ind social hour. VETERANS REMINDED i OF DEADLINE FOR MEMBERSHIP DUES In order to get our dues into Raleigh by October 1 we again *emind you that Saturday, Sept. 24, will be the last day you can pay pour 1950 membership dues at the )ld price of $3.00 per year. We -vant to insist that all who have collected dues so far or want to Day dues before the $4.00 rate *oes into effect to contact either Ueorge Sloan, adjutant, or Felix Pfcklesirrter, memibership chairnan, at once. Our local legion now has only about 100 paid-up members whereas we had over 200 last year. 5o let's get busy. Membership Committee, i > Collect ? vhee On 28th I kVherc any person who is in need )f blood for emergency treatment nay receive it at absolutely no ,'ost for the blood. When the 31oodmobile visited Sylva last VI y a total of forty-eight pints of Dlood were donated by the citizens of this county, but up until \ugust 19 the blood center at he Harris Community Hospital in Sylva had used a total of seventyseven pints of blood for treatment Df sick and injured citizens of Jackson County, the excess blood Slaving been supplied by the blood renter in Asheville. No doubt there is at least one person in Jackson County today >vho owes his life to the fact that through the cooperation of the volunteer workers in the Jackson bounty Red Cross Chapter this service has been made available .0 all, and it is only with the cooperation of the citizens df Jackson County in donating their Dlcod that this service may be :ontinued. E SY Syh FUNERAL RITES FOR MRS. PARKER SET FOR THURSDAY P. M, Funeral services for Mrs. Lem Parker, 70, who died at C. J. Harris hospital Tuesday night at 11:00 o'clock, will be held at the Lovedale Baptist church today (Thursday) at 2:30 p. m. with the pastor Rev. G. E. Scruggs, officiating. Burial will be in the church cem! etery. Surviving are the husband, Lem Parker; two sons, David of SyJ va ariH Harrv of Asheville: two daughters, Mrs. Alice Stanford of Sylva, and Mrs. Nina Plemmons, of Canton; also her father, David Parker, Hamilton, Wash.; two brothers, Carlton Parker, of Richmond, Calif., and Lloyd Parker, Denver, Colo., and ten grandchildren. Sylva Camera Club Changes Meeting Night The Sylva Camera Club will meet every other Wednesday night, instead of on Mondays, ac^ cording to an announcement by i Roy Ensley, secretary - treasurer ' of the club. I Programs have been arranged for several meetings in advance, beginning with a lecture and dem- I onstration on the various film! emulsions, their uses, etc. All in-( terested persons are urged to be present at the start 01 xne lec| tures, which will be at 8:00 p. m.,1 | September 28. I STATION WHCC, WAYNESVILLE JOINS MUTUAL | I Three national programs Monday saluted WHCC as a new affiliate of the Mutual Broadcasting Company. The salute to the ! Waynesville radio station, carried over the entire network, were ! heard on the Dell Trio program, | I at 11:30 and again on the "Say It With Music" program at 2:30. The! tljird salute was heard at 4:45 on. the "Two Ton Baker" program. WHCC became an affiliate of1 Mutual, which is the largest of I the four networks, on Friday of j last week. This is the first time] the station has had a network since it went on the air more than two years ago. The station will continue to carry local programs, in addition to the well known programs of Mutual. A larger sports program, including the World Series will be carried over the station, as well ?- rf n rv* ftp AloVl QatllrHaV Old IDUlUdil gauito cavu uutMtwv.,, ' during the season. Such programs as Kate Smith, Fulton Lewis, Jr., Gabriel Heatter and Bob Poole, and "Queen | for a Day" will be heard regularly [ over WHCC. VETERANS SERVICE OFFICER RENDERS SERVICE TO 600 ! During July and August, tne hirst two months in which the I.K.ckson County Veterans Service Office has been in operation, six hundred and twelve people were rendered various services, according to Dan Tompkins, the Service Ollicer. Now awards to veterans or their dependents made during the two months ^amounted to Two hundred twelve loiters were received by the serv ice office arul three hundred seven ! lexers were wirtten. There wcj c twelve long distance tlcohone calls 1 and telegrams. The breakdown o! the figures of services are: 163 ! interviews, 11 field trips, 64 applications for education, 30 applications for aporentice or on the job training, 57 on compensation or pension, 5 on G. I. Loans, 175 on insurance, 20 on hospitalization, 14 on farmer training, 2 on burial benefits, 13 on out-patient treatment, 31 miscellaneous calls, and 21 given legal or business advice. One insane veteran was committed td the Veteran's Hospital in Augusta, Ga. The serrice office is maintained by Jackson County, the North Carolina Veterans Commission, and the American Legion,, and all services are free to veterans and their dependents. LVA ] fa, N. C. Thursday, Sept. 2 A Lady To Sing .jjr\.s V jaB?'- - ">?* * '' jjfl Margaret Truman, the Nation's Second Lady, only daughter of the President of the United States, will open her season's concert tour of the United States at Hoey Auditorium of Western Carolina Teachers College Tuesday night, October 4th at 8 p. m. Ticket 1 -- ; 1; L- ,,,ill SUICS 111H lt-'cl ItT ct 1CVUI u nuwu win I be on hand to hear this lyric sohprano in her first concert in the ! South. Miss Truman and her party will arrived at Hfgh Hampton Inn Monday the 3rd where she will be interviewed by the press. She \ will ebe the guest of the JVIcKees during her stay oi three days in I Jackson County. A large number ol' notables, I such as Senator Hoey and others, | are expected to attend the conI cert. Miss Truman is being brought to Western Carolina Teachers College under sponsorship of the college lyceum committee, headed by Mrs. C. C. Buchanan. Lions Particip Cane Sale For Members of the local Lions Club will actively participate this week in the annual state-wide White Cane sale and membership enrollment campaign of the North Carolina State Association for the Blind in its effort to raise 000.00 to aid the blind and to prevent unnecessary blindness. Onethird of the proceeds derived Jrom the sale of White Cane buttons will be retained by the club for its local work lor the blind, the reminder being sent to. the State Association to aid blind in those areas of the state where there is no organized work on behalf of the blind. During the period from September 19 to September 24, the local Lions Club will join hands with the 187 other Lions Clubs of North Carolina to assist the Associaton in its annual drive for funds. These 8,500 Lions will raise funds to pay for eye examinations, operations, hospitalization and glasses for needy persons. Woik among school children to prevent blindness will be expanded, and those who are already blind, the Association plans a program involving vocational guidance, training, and placement in employment. Books, training supplies, and equipment will be I purchased. Since 1934, the Association has been active in work for the blind, co-operating with ' Lions Clubs of t..e state to promote legislation on behalf oi' the [blind, making il .bie appliances in special types o; employment for the blind, p...-. iding the blind with much needed >< ..lion and working in every v.a;, possible to improve tile ge..? 1 .vcliaie oJ tne EOXSCORi; OH H . C . h I G i, :*/ A Y S Killed Sept. 13 through Sept. 16 4 Injured Sept. 13 thru Sept. 16 74 Killed through Sept. 16 this year 565 Killed through Sept. 16 1948 48C Injured through Sept. 16 this .year 6,392 Injured through Sept. 16, 1948 5,031 SOSSAMON'S In Sylva Her; 12, 1949 SYLVA SCHOOL P-TA HAS FIRST MEETING OF THE NEW YEAR The first Parent-Teacher meeting for the Sylva school was held Tuesday night at the school cafeteria with Mrs. Dan Moore, president, presiding. Dr. Harold McGuire, gave the devotion, reading scripture relative to training children. Mrs. Dan Tompkins introduced Prof. Ralph Smith, principal, who spoke to the group on the subject of the P-T.A. for the year, and Mrs. Lucile Hunt, county educational supervisor, who explained to the group her duties and her work here with the teachers in the I county. | Reports were given by chairman I of committees. The school has eight new teachers this year and they were in| troduced by Mr. Smith. The new teachers for the elementary school I are: Mrs. Zuna Wakefield, Mrs. Joe Wallin, Mrs. Selma Middleton and Mrs. Maggie Alice Crisp. For the high school they are: Mrs. Kathryn Morris, Mr.' Brank Proffitt, Mr. Vance Stone and Mr. Clif? i ton Smith. j Mrs. Dan Tompkins' lirst grade was winner of the attendance prize for the elementary school | and Mis. Annie Louise Reed's and Mrs. Kathryn Morris' rooms were winners in the high school. At the conclusion ol the busiI ness meeting tea and cake were ' served as a courtesy honoring the new teachers. There were (i.'J present and it is hoped that more parents will ti ke an interest in their school and j attend these meetings. - * - mu in u uiii; Blind Funds blind. Much support is bciii^ given the Association's enrollment campaign to secure memberships into ti.e Association. The local club is seeking annual memberships into the Association lor a:f annual lee ol' $1.00 or more per :ne:nbe.;-. 1,j. Also, an effort is being m. <:e 'o renew all old memberships. With ? in the club itself, memberships will be sought for an annual .u: o; $1.00 or more per member. White Cane buttons are on sale this week for contributions o; ten cents and up. Lions and Lionesses as campaign workers will accompany th^ir drive for funds with information on the work which is being done and .will explain fully the symbols of the White Cane bearing a red tip. Thus cane is to signify that the person carrying the cane is blind, and it is warning to the motorists when approaching a person with such a cane. This is the third annual campaign of the Association. T.u* success of a few past camp.'i*;> nave made it possible for the wor!-; for the blind of the state io ije I. uncned on a more extensive scale wi'n more immediate and elective results. glenville school [to present dixie i frolics on stage j Luc,.! men and wo.ncn *>: 'he i (Renville community a , ; < o" Jin the "Dixie Frolics", ..'.rie I talent stage show to :.? . | 'oy the Glenville sc. >. huol auditorium <,.m i >:ra.y r.ight, September 22, at 7 3'j ;iii; in on Friday. Septe.v.; or 2.'' . t p. m.. according to Mj.-s Dorf c ' v Lock hart, director : t:.e production. The men taking part in the "Wedding Cast" are Bruce Woods, Curtis McCoy, Harold Watson, Walter Hunter, Fred J. Brown, Jimmy Alexander, Kenneth Eryson, Charles Watson, Lyle Woody, Franklin Rogers and Jonathan Brown. Jerome Phillips will be master of ceremonies of the show. In addition s.iow toni:11 iit tne Sylvsi?Con.Mi,.dated Colored Sciiool at 8:0U p.m. The i show is being sponsored by the Sylva Lions Club, but all proceeds will go to the athletic fund of the colored school. Admission for the* I c 11 M \ 1 > L I 1 / I if . I i iM/i I ?T I I w \ > ? iJ I WV fc-?yv. AW i V.111UU V.il IHJVI 75c lor adults. There will also be a matinee this morning at nine o'clock at the Syl1 va elementary school auditorium 1 for all the school children of the ! Sylva elementary d h i u h schools. Admission for the students will be 25c. * Brit ton Moore Wins Expense Paid Trip To WOW Meet In St. Louis Omaha, Ncbr., Sept. 20?IJ. M. Moore, of Sylva, is amonjj some lf)D tield' rcpres'-ntati ves of the Woodmen of tin* World to quality for an all-exprnses-paid trip to the society's field conlerenc in St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 22 to 24. The trip is reward for the outil'iMflinn i/if/iivlc in norvicl r^lH'U of rtl (II IVIll 1^) I vv W| ill |/V-I i>ii> WI w the membership applications the field men have written. The society also will be host to 24 state managers and seven assistant state managers whose states have shown a net increase in Woodmen memberships for the year ending Sept. 1. Philip Lovejay, Chicago, secretary of Rotary International/will, be a conference speaker, and a sales clinic will be conducted by R. If. Abernathy, the society's educational director, with President Farrar Newberry, other national' oil jeers, Field Manager .J. R. Sims, and Associate Field Manager T. K.I N'fWlon, all ol Omaha, p. rticipating. Kntertainment for the tarcedav meeting will include a sightsee i !.^ bus 1 rip, Jirookiyn "Dodgers-] St. Louis Cardinals baseball game,! r.d showing of the society's new' r sound movie, "Fraten.iiy in Action." : \ Plans Complett Coiinly Achieve I I I Plans have been completed for 1 Jackson County Achievement Day | which is being held tomorrow and | Saturday morning ;it the Com! mur.ity Building in Sylva, accordI ing to an announcement from the j Farm and Home Agent's office. Judges will begin work at 8:30 a. m., Friday morning and it is hoped that this phase of the program will be completed by 10:30 a. m. After the judging is completed exhibits will be on display and the public is invited to attend. Much interest Is being shown throughout the County in this event. All 4-H Club boys and girls are planning to be present. Breeders of purebred beef cat $2.00 A Year?5c Copy 58 For Mrs. ett Held At ednesday ' Propritoress Of Famous Jarrett Springs Hotel Died Monday Afternoon Funeral services for Mrs. Sara G. (Sallie) Jarrett, 81, widow of the late Robert F. Jarrett and proprietor of the famous Jarrett Springs hotel for over 50 years who died at C. J. Harris hospital Monday afternoon after an illness of 10 davs. were held Wednesday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock in the hotel. She had been in failing the past two years. The Rev. C. F. Parker, pastor of the First Baptist church, Franklin, officiated, assisted by Rev. B. S. Hensley, pastor of Scotts Creek Baptist church. Interment was in the Parris cemetery. Moody Funeral Home was in charge. Pallbearers were nephews and grandsons. Members oi Oce Chapter Order of the Eastern Star, of which the deceased was a member, were in charge of flowers. Mrs. Jarrett was the widow of Robert F. Jarrett, prominent in eivie, polities! and religious life of Western Xor*... C.n-'.'nia who died September l'J4o. She was the daughter oi t.u late Mi', and Mrs. T. C. Wild <>; M. .-on County. She was a member the Jarrett Memorial Baptist church of DillsijOl o. Surviving are tli.ee sons, Clyde If. Jarrett ol ,\i:cii evvs. Ruberl P. Jarrett, ol Atlanta, and Dr. Ralph F. Jarrett, ol Charlotte: lour sisters, Mrs. Laura B/vson, Frank\ 1 i11; Mrs. Nan Gillespie, Coffey- f ville, Kansas; Mrs. Florence Pace, Asheville and Miss Ma":: Wild, I^anklM; fine b;v:aer. John Wild ot Granite, Okla.: five grandchildren. Mrs. Sara Chandier, Andiews: Dr. Clyde H. J.ir/ett, Jr., Charlotte: Charles and Nancy Jarrett . ' Charlotte, and Bobpy Lou Jarrett. ol Atlanta, and two great grandchildren, Bi\>o:i and Linda C. ;.ndU r, <*1 Andre .vs. CLUBS TO PRESENT "HEAVEN BOUND" IN CONCERT HERE 26TH "Heaven Bound", a g/pupolV25 outstanding colored, s>hi1 stirring, rhythmic spiritual smgers, will make its appearance op the stage of the Sylva element a r.^scn^ol/auditorium next Monday night, September 26 at 7:30 under the auspices of the cook book committee of the Jackson County Home Demonstration clubs. The committee feels that it has secured a rare treat in entertainment for the people of this community and it urges everyone to take advantage of this opportunity to he. r these singers. Those who have ..e, rd "Heaven Bound" praise it and . re anxious to hear it ag?nn. It is s id to be one cos ever given in Sylva. Come and bring your friends I Monday night. Se. tr v.oer 26 at , 7:30. ? For Jackson ement Day ?I tic, dairy cottlc, hogs, and poultry arc invited to display their livestock at the Sylva Supply Barn on Friday. It is hoped that breeders will take advantage of this opportunity to call to the attention of the public the type of livestock Koi n a nrnHiiroH It is requested that ail livestock be on hand by 10:00 o'clock and that it be allowed to remain on display until 3:00 p. m. of the same day. This applies to farmers and 4-H boys and girls. A box supper is being held on Friday evening at 6:30 p. m. at th$ Community Building. The boxes , v -Jg will be auctioned off by Ralph Smith and William Hyatt. Procoeds will go to the Jackson County 4-H Club Council.