Page 6 F" c For The Women | | Person Miss Hunt Guest Speaker At Carrie Rhodes Meet Mrs. Earl Padgett was hostess to the Carrie Rhodes circle meeting at her home Monday evening. The program, "Opening the Book Of Books", was given by Miss Lncile Hunt. Mrs. Raymon Stovall gave the devotional on this theme. The circle discussed plans to cook the Rotary club supper one week in February. Mrs. O. E. Montoith in of the busi ness. Mrs. Padgett, assisted by her daughter, Linda, served a salad and sweet course to the guests. 12 members were present. :fc Sylva H. D. Club To Hold Sale Saturday In Ferguson Building The Sylva Home Demonstration club will have a sale in the Ferguson building on Main St. at 10 o'clock on Saturday morning, Feb. 11. Home baked pastries, cakes, and , cookies will be for sale at this time. Also sandwiches and hot coffee will be sold. One of the best features will be the sale of good and useful clothing. Mrs. Bertha Hooper, chairman, is being assisted on the committee by Mrs. Annie Candler, Mrs. R. U. Sutton, and Mrs. Minnie Gray. afc 9|c T.E.L. Class Holds All-Dav Meeting The T.E.L. Sunday School class of the Scotts Creek Baptist church met February 2nd with Mrs. J. C. Jones on Fisher Creek for an all day meeting. Ten members were present, each bringing a covered dish, which was served at noon and enjoyed by everyone. Mrs. Cole Ridley, secretarytreasurer, presided over the business in absence of the president and class teacher. Mrs. Harvey G. Fisher gave the devotional. Mrs. T. C. Bryson, Sr., closed the meeting with prayer. The March meeting will be held with Mrs. W. D. Davis. For Little Fellows flT*.l n? /in mtn Dig tolas... I < pHH Mother . . . the best-known home remedy you can use to relieve distress of his cold is warming, comforting Vicks VapoRub. If you rub it on at bedtime, it works even while the child sleeps! And often by morning the worst miseries of his cold are gone. Try it. Get the one and only Vicks VapoRub 1 Yr di, ^%m)^ a //(dimwit (kt Yes, a dhtincllve Hotlrr help to win her ? or keej {t shows her thot you t iff v*y bojf. Sn our The Bool In The Hera! t , Phone 110 ociety Neu als ? Club Ac CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS THURSDAY, FEB. 9? Girl Scouts will meet in the Scout room of the Presbyterian church at 7:00 p.m. Mrs. Edward c' Tnnoc anH Mis* Eugenia John son, leaders. Naval Volunteer Reserve will meet in the Legion hall at 7 p.m. Lt. Cdr., G. B. King, U.S.N.R., commanding. Cope Creek Home Demonstration club will meet with Mrs. Homer Cope at 2 p.m. Mrs. Johnnie Watson, president. Twentieth Century club will meet at 3:00 p.m. with Mrs. Dan Moore. Mrs. D. D. Davis, leader. Mrs. J. C. Allison, president. Ruby Daniel circle will meet at 7:30 p.m. with Mrs. H. B. Cagle. Mrs. Tommy Davis, leader. Mrs. Claude Campbell, chairman. FRIDAY, FEB 10? Webster Home Demonstration club will meet at 7 p.m. Mrs. Fred McKee, president. Circle of the Women of the Presbyterian church will meet with Mrs. Rudy Hardy at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. J. A. Gray, chairman. MONDAY, FEB. 13? Balsam Home Demonstration club will meet at 2 p.m. with Mrs. E. M. Vaught. Mrs. Nell Henry, president. Fire Department will meet at , the Fire Hall at 6:45 p.m. W. B. Cope, chief. Boy Scouts will meet in the Al lison building at 7 p.m. Dennis Barkley, Scout-master. Woodmen of the World will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the hall. D. L. Robinson, C. C. Brownies of Cullowhee Metho- 1 dist cnurcn wm meei ai tne cnurcn at 3:30 p.m. Mrs. R. T. Houts, leader. Girl Scouts of Cullowhee will meet at the Methodist church at 3:30 p.m. Mrs. Gerald Eller, lead- ( er. TUESDAY, FEB 14? j Greens Creek Home Demonstration club will meet at 2 p.m. in j the community building. Mrs. Lyle Buchanan, president. J Rotary club wiil have regular dinner meeting in the Allison J building at 6:30 p.m. W. J. Fish- ] er, president. < Sylva Parent-Teacher Associa- j tion will meet at 7:45 p.m. Mrs. ] Dan Moore, president. 1 WEDNESDAY, FEB. 15? Lovefield Home Demonstration I rlnh will mppt with Mrs Garland i Jones at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. D. C. Hig- 1 don, president. Jitgior Woman's club will meet withMrs. Ffed Hooper at 8:00 p. m. Miss Dotsy Bryson, president. John's Creek Home Demonstration club will meet at 2:00 p.m. with Mrs. Blaine Nicholson, pres. h Woman's Society of Christian Service?of the Cullowhee Methodist church will meet at 8:00 p. m. Mrs. Frank Brown, Sr:, pres. Qualla Parent-Teacher Association will meet at the school at 2:00 p.m. Mrs. Lillian Gass, president. THURSDAY, FEB. 16? Woman's Missionary Society of ---v %$( V tor p I or wcm^ . . I bccaus^ ?rn mw;| #o\VH\d * 0 4ff < complete ??le^tiofVvnow.>. t Store -Id Bldg. Sylva, N.C. THE S ^ Phone 110 tivities < j Beta P. T. A. Observes Founder's Day At Regular Meeting The Beta Parent-Teacher Association met on Wednesday, February 1, at 1:00 o'clock in the school lunch room with approxi mately thirty members present. The tables were beautifully decorated with spring flowers, and a huge birthday cake centered the table. Mrs. Joe Clyde Fisher, president, presided over the business session, after which she gave the devotional. The secretary and treasurer gave their reports. The monthly attendance award given by the association was won by Mrs. Lucy Crawford's room. In observance of Founders Day, a program was presented by Mrs. Crawford's pupils. Two sOngs, "America" and "America the Beautiful", were rendered by a group of boys and girls. An acrostic, J "Happy Birthday", was then given by a group of boys. Early history of the first organization, dedication to the P.T.A., and a poem to parents and teachers were given by Mary Ellen Sellers, Mary Hilda Norman, and Shelba Jean Ray. A pageant, "Parent-Teacher Association Cornerstones" was presented by the following girls: Spirit of Founder, Anne Smith; Home by Sara Bess Ward; School by Ruby Fisher; Church by Jane Erwin; Community by Myrtice Blanton; Spirit Of ; P.T.A. by Lou Cogdill. The pro- < gram was closed with a piano solo by Barbara Ann Elders. Past presidents of the Association, Mrs. Milas Ward, Mrs. Allen Crinn, and Mrs. Joe Davis, were recognized. Pins bearing the emblem of the P.T.A. were presented to each of these past presidents in recognition of their service. Mrs. Gertie Moss, principal of the school, made the presentations. During the social hour the birthday cake was cut and served with coffee and tea to the members present. The hospitality committee had charge of the social hour. * * v * * % Classes In Aluminum Tray Making, February 24-25 On Friday and Saturday, Feb. 24-25, two classes, each lasting 4 lours, will be held at the American Legion building. These classes ire to be in charge of Mrs. Edith Barker of Anchange, Kentucky, rhrough the cooperation of Miss Mary Johnston, home agent, Mrs. ! Barker is coming 10 s>ylva to give instructions in making aluminum trays. AH are welcome. Buff Creek Baptist church will neet at 2:00 p.m. Mrs. Frank Ter-ell, president. Dillsboro Masonic Lodge No. 159 will meet in the Masonic hall n Dillsboro at 7:30 p.m. R. L. 31enn, secretary. -vill meet at 2 p.m. with Mrs. Wess Harris. Mrs. Joe Sutton, president. -RIDAY, FEB 17? Pressley Creek Home Demonstration club will meet at 2 p.m. -vith Mrs. Royal Seago. Mrs. Will Bryson, president. n. \ YLVA HERALD AND RUfi Mr. and Mrs. Tritt Celebrate 63rd Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. John E. Tritt o? East LaPorte celebrated their 63 wedding anniversary on Jan. 2. Mr. Tritt is 85, and Mrs. Tritt 80 years old. They have six living children, twenty-cine grandchildren, and 34 great grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Tritt are at their home now after having spent several months in Pensacola, Fla. * * * * * Miss Sutton Speaks At Guild Meeting The Wesleyan Service Guild met with Mrs. Ed Ncholson Mon : */T? Tk D uay evening. ivna. *-/. i?i. namacj' was joint hostess. Miss Hattie Hilda Sutton, guest speaker, who was introduced by Miss Lucile Wilson, made a very interestng and impressive talk on As Ou REM ARE FEB1 THIS I Full Lens CAROLE PAPER Look Good?We Regular 98c 1 ON SALE CLOS LADIE Reguli To Close At Only . / I Ladies Short: NYLON SWE In Popular C Sizes 34 to ON (9 AC 0 SALE 0 Men's Sanfo DRESS SHI All Color Si Regular $2.98 ON *1 SALE 0I V 0 1 ______ j[ One Table For *] SHARKSKIN I J| ' Brown, Gray, B o Regular $5.95 o Sizes 30 tc O ON O SALE W o o j; Short Lei YARD Gl O < \\ Regular 48c a !I On Sale o At Only i: I;: it Will Pa o o = j o :alite Little Miss Lorna Karen Middleton Honored With Party Mrs. Walter Middleton honorec her daughter, Lorna Karen, with a party on her 2nd birthday Sunday at their home in Webster. The children enjoyed playing games after which they were invited into the dining room where Lorna's white birthday cake, decorated wth pink, centered the table. On either side a large white candle was placed and burned while they sang "Happy Birthday' to Lorna Karen. The cake was cut and served with coca-colas to the following "Having The Bible is not Enough." Dr. Norcella Wilson gave the devotional. A sweet course was served by the hostess. |1S r Big STOREV EMBER, THIS SALE HAS GIVING YOU SPECIAL PI iUARY ? MANY MORE i WEEK'S SHOPPING GUI th I One DRAPES I YARD >ar Well | Prints & ! Value I Regular V 70 C I ON I SALE E OUT SALE is GOWNS ir Value $3.95 0ut $198 sleeve New i ITERS LADIES PRI Jolors In Fancy Pi 40 Sizes b $3.95 SALE rized Men's Mc IRTS "" WEATHER;ripes Lightwt value Solic I Oft 0N I SALE rhe Men Chi PANTS PRINT lue, Tan Sizes i value _ . Prints c > 42 ON 3,95 ^SALE ngths T"V )ODS K| nd b9c yd. 10c YD. \y You To Take Ad Mr. Cagle Honored On Birthdav Mr. Elson Cagle was honored 1 with a surprise birthday party at 1 his home on Tuesday evening, . given by Mrs. Cagle. Music and dancing were enjoyed ; by the following: Martin Cunning. ham, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Dunn, i Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Smith, Mr. and . Mrs. George King, Mr. and Mrs. ? Crawford Smith, Mr. and Mrs. > Claude Jones, Mike Strong, and 1 Mrs. Painter. ' Delicious refreshments were served by Mrs. Cagle. I r children: Jo Ann Brown, Edith ! Farmer, Nancy McConnel, Butch ' Davenport, and Aunt Bow. Lorna received many gifts after which she gave each guest a small ' white plastic basket containing , mixed candies. FIDE SALE Con BEEN SO POPULAR THAI tICES ON THRU THE MONT BARGAINS ARE INCLUDE IDE. Table < GOODS Solid Colors Gree alue 48c yd. 25c YD. ONE BIG TABLE ME HOUSE S Regular $1.98 To Close Out f At Only ... t Shipment Fine INT DRESSES LADIES rints & Stripes 12 to 52 Regul SI .48 | ^ )isture Proof -SEAL HATS PO nght Cloth Small, 1 Colors Regu $1.00 S?ANL ldren's lOne Rea DRESSES I LADIEI 7 to 14 IGABAR ind Checks I Regular CI A O I ?*zes ?' $ I ilIO I Close mm^?^wmm I At On 11 , I MANY 0 ^ ks h mmmi | IH vantage Of These Sp< Thursday, Feb. 9, 1950 W.M.S To Have Study Course J The Woman's Missionary Society of the First Baptist church will meet at the home of Mrs. W. E. Campbell on Wednesday, Feb., 15, at 10 o'clock. The group will review the book 1 "The Prophet of Little Cane Creek." A dinner, picnic style, will be served at 12:30 o'clock. Miss Tallent Engaged Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Tallent of Sylva announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Dorothy Sue Tallent, to Mr. Joe Hunt of North Wilkesboro. The wedding will take place m March. Head for Profit?Use for Results HERALD WANT ADS < ???? < > < < < < < < T ELK'S I! ' O o < Ltinues \\ <> r we 3; hof :: D IN ] | < ? ' < r> T o K1 a I 4 k x auic TOWELS n, Blue, Pink, >> :ks and Solids ilar 48c value <> e 25c ' N'S & LADIES' 31 HOES i; to $4.95 I! ;1.00 PR. < 4 > i > ????? 4 For Valentines ;; NYI AN IMCF > II kVIl IWVh < 51 guage J| ar $1.35 Value o E $1.00 PR. i < < < Men's i t LO SHIRTS jj Medium, Large <! lar $1.48 value o * E SI .00 i > i > i o 1 Bargain Rack of <> p Divny iun J (1HIUH AMI s DINE DRESSES values 5.95 to 16.50 - 20?Solid Colors 31 i?ut $2.98 I < THER ITEMS OF 'AT A BARGAIN E ALL OVER j| E STORE. 4 > ecial Prices ;; < < < > <

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