Page 2 THE SYLYA HERALD Published By THE HERALD PUBLI8HING COMPANY Sylva, North Carolina The County Seat of Jackeon County r | J. A. GRAY and J. M. BIRD Publishers PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Entered at the post office at Sylva, N. C., as Second Class'Mail Matter, as provided under the Act of March 3, 1879. November 20, 1914. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year, In Jackson County $2.0# Six Months, In Jackson County ?? 1.21 One Year, Outside Jackson County 2.50 Six Months, Outside Jackson County... 1.50 All Subscriptions Payable In Advance ^X^orttTcoroli no ^ XiMSS ASSOClATiOfi^ Let's Drink Our Own Milk A recent survey made by county agricultural leaders show that there is considerably more milk consumed in Jackson county than is produced in the county. This would indicate that now is the time for our dairymen and those contemplating getting into the milk producing business to expand . . . and that is exactly what we mean. At the same time a serious over-supply of milk is occurring with the firm now supplying most of the milk consumed in Sylva, the county schools, and at Western Carolina Teachers College. This same firm has been buying most of the raw milk produced by Jackson dairymen, processing it, and bringing it back, or other milk in its place, to be consumed here; Our farm leaders and county dairymen, foreseeing the possibility of a curtailment of the market for their raw milk brought about by the milk brought in irom other counties, have taken action and have secured an outlet for their milk, provided the people of the county, will buy this processed milk. A. B. Slagle of the Nantahala Creamery at Franklin will -- 11- 1 J U.. Duy t!16 raw miiK, pruuuv;cu \jy o ativauii County farmers and will deliver pasteurized milk to the homes and business places in the county daily, beginning March 1st. / >. Jackson County milltf"usert& are urged to buy their milk from the Nantahala firm in order to further the dairy industry in Jackson county. There is hardly anyone in the county who does not want to see more farm and industrial income in the county. Patronizing Jackson County milk producers is one way to help increase Jhis income. o Bondage In The Name Of Liberty In a discussion of the welfare state idea, Dean Russell of the Foundation For Economic Education observed, "The advocates of this compulsory 'security' honestly seem to believe that most Americans . . . are too ignorant, or lazy, or worthless to be trusted with their own destiny; that they will literally starve V w in the streets unless their welfare is guranteed by a 'benevolent' government. However good their intentions may be, these disciples of a Relief State are demanding that they be given the power to force mankind to follow their plans. In the name of liberty they advocate * bondage!'' The complete welfare state must be a slave state. In the early days of this country, when slavery of the Negro existed, Georgia passed laws that guaranteed all slaves "the right to food and raiment, to kind attention when sick, to maintenance in old age ..." The slaves thus were given "security". But they were slaves nonetheless, subject to the unchallengeable orders of their masters. In modern times, we have seen "security" on a far wider scale. In Russia, for instance, everyone is given a place to live q nortain amount to eat and wear. CU1U U VM?.. ? They are given a minimum of state medi. cal care. They are "guaranteed" employment, and, of course, the state determines where, when and for how long they shall work, and how much they GOALS FOR 1950 (1)?new industry. (2)?improved school facilities. (3)?hard-surfacing as many roads a8 possible. > (4)? an expanding health policy. (5)?a county fair. (6) ?c o n ti n u i n g emphasis of tour 1st trade. (7)-?development of hatching ego, turkish tobacco, and castor bean crops. (8)?honest, efficient government on all levels. THE Pine Creek Goes Forward The citizens of the Pine Creek community made a big step forward Monday night when they met and organized an area development program and elected officers to carry on the work. A. C. Edwards was elected chairman of the committee, Fred J. Brown, vice chairman and Mrs. Pearl Stewart, secretary. An article elsewhere in this issue of The Herald states the purpose of the program and the goals it hopes to attain. This community is to be commended for leading the way in this type of community work. We expect to see many more communities of Jackson County follow these wide awake Pine Creek citizens. O 9 Why Advertise? Advertising should be expanded rather than curtailed in times of recession, Paul G. Hoffman, UJconomic uo-operauon Administrator, told the Sales Executives club of New York recently. Linking the United , States business situation to the cold war, Mr. Hoffman declared, Editor & Publisher reports, that an economically strong America is a bulwark in the defense against totalitarianism. "I don't need to tell you," he said, "that when it comes to a cut in the budget, almost the first item on the list is advertising. When sales start going off is no time to let up on advertising. If we meet our responsibilities, that is obviously the time to expand." "At the present time," he added, "such expansion is not only significant in the marketplace; it has political significance of great moment indeed, because this recession has started to recede, and if we ' hit, and hit hard now, the recession upon which the Russians have been counting will not come off." ' American business, said Mr. Hoffman, has a "unique advantage" in the range and effectiveness of its advertising media as compared with those in European nations, "but these instrumentalities will not be effective unless they are employed." o Supporting Our Band This newspaper has carried numerous editorials and news stories concerning our school band, urging everyone to support the band in order that we might have a creditable organization. This is to again urge as many as can to hear the band in concert Friday, March 3, when it plays a special benefit performance in order to raise funds for a much needed bass horn. We feel that our people now need little urging to support the band, merely to suggest attending and you will. The performances given by the band since last September amply prove that it is a big asset to the community and has its place in the promotion of our community just as much as any other organization. The boyS and girls, under Director Ben Cole, are developing into a fine band and we expect to hear much from them in the future. o YOU'RE TELLING ME! In a political speech there was a reference to "the stage-coach of history." Now don't tell us Hopalong Cassidy is running for office! f f r That Canadian town recently re-namec Enchant is isolated by a blizzard. High time the Chamber of Commerce and the weatherman got together. ! f ? A Central European country asks foi a loan?a measly five million. Surely . this can't be anything more than, say spring practice. f t f Nnw that thprp arp Qn rnanv riiffprpn egg eating champions, how about a play off between the leading poached, scram bled, soft-boiled and hard-boiled cackle berry consumers? r ? t Grandpappy Jenkins, an old picni< campaigner, thinks they're all sissies Gramps says the real test is?how man} deviled eggs can they down? shall be allowed to earn. But the people are slaves, just as the Negroes were ir the America of a century ago. They d( what they are told, or else. The welfare state regards everyone ai a ward of the government. There are those in our own governmeni who are now working hard to sew the seeds of the welfare state here through public medicine, housing, banking power development, farming, etc. * + TLVA HERALD AND RURA horn'oi r, -v . ^ .'V- c -if W -t ^-r^- ? > .--*--iV - -r S&r- \ -/ ll. f Counsellor 8PAUGH, D. D. eel. This nation has come to the >osition of the greatest financial >ower in the world today as the i esult of individual initiative, hard vork and Christian standards of iving. It is in the United States hat the individual still has the jreatest opportunity in the world oday. We are in a position of vorld-leadership and should reain it. It is by following the Naional motto: "In God We Trust," md in hard work that we occupy his place of world leadership. The Golden Rule practiced by :he individual will go much fur;her in bringing security and happiness than any socialized program 5f government regulation and reginention. CAN YOU REMEMBER? 5 Years Ago? Mrs. David Cagle has returned to her home after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wild in Jonesboro, N. C. Mrs. Wild is improving toiiowing an operation. Pfc. Odell Bankhead left Mon-I day to return to Camp Hood, Tex., after spending ten days with his family at the home of Mrs. Bankhead's parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Nichols. 15 Years Ago? The Sylva girls and Webster boys captured championships at Cullowhee in the annual Jackson county high school basketball tournament, both finishing with scores of 37-15. E. P. Stillwell will speak on Criminal Law Enforcement in North Carolina at the meeting of the 20th judicial district of the N. C. Bar Association. The Girl Scout troop of Sylva will go to Cherokee next Thurs.1 _ A - X.. J -i.i. J 11 aay 10 siuay poxiery unaer me Cherokee troop. Glenn Cook, Andrew Wilson, Eddie Queen, William Kilpatrick, Joe Ted Wilson, and Malcolm Brown spent two days at Mars Hill last week attending the Mars Hill tournament. 20 Years Ago? The Bethel girls basketball team and the Webster boys' team were winners in the annual basketball tournament held at Western Carolina Teachers College. ' On March 10 the Fashion Show, annually sponsored by the Junior Woman's Study club, will be held at the Lyric Theatre. The Woman's Missionary Society of the Sylva Baptist church entertained the faulties of the three schoools?S. C. I., Sylva High, and Sylva Elementary, on Friday evening, Feb. 21, at the Chamber of Commerce hall. Rev. R. G. Murray as George Washington and ^ \.? u : s hey! what do h i'm playing ] \fr \i \ s WHAT OTHEh Not Idle Talk Raleigh Newt And Observer Professor Albert Einstein says that the "hysterical race" for the hydrogen bomb between the United States and Russia "threatens to poison the atmosphere and annihilate life on this earth." Coming from the one man who probably knows more about the subject than any other single individual, this it not idle talk. It is a serious and solemn warning. Concerning the public debate over whether the hydrogen bomb should be made, this wry parody of Churchill's famous remark may be made: Never have so many known so little about so much.? St. Star-Times. Spectacular Results Newton Enterprise The remarkable record made in the 1950 March of Dimes Campaign in Catawba county merits a post script to previous comment in this column. Donations totaling over six thousand dollars over the quota given in the campaign make headline news. But it is spectacular news when the quota is as large as that assigned Catawba county?twenty-five thousand dollars. The county organization that produced these results and all who aided, through ^ime, talents and money are to be congratulated. Chairman Hubert Kelly of the county campaign is due a hearty "well done" from all citizens for the manner in which he led ^the county to successful completion of the drive. Our 'Campaign' Problem Ashevllle Citizen Appointment of a committee of seven persons to draft a plan for regulating solicitations in Buncombe County is a long step toward correcting an unhealthy siti loUftn in this rnmmunitv?the tireless and demanding round of "drives." There were 70 of them last year, some legitimate, some dubious, and nearly all of them failures. The Citizen hazards the gu?ss that the community at large and certainly the major givers in Asheville and Buncombe would support a Board of Review to pass on campaigns and screen out the undesirable ones. Dozens of times during any given year businessmen and individuals are put under pressure Mrs. R. C. Allison as Martha Washington, greeted the guests at the door. Cannojfi Brothers have opened a general store in the building formerly occupied by the Paris Department store. The basement ii being used for furniture. CAR-TUNES I .Jjj *SdB?BL AV^ * ^ P ? .?.T \^--^. . - r T? T -> "Me tellum paleface to cat INC.; they overhaul 'um motor." * I Mm / "MAT S HAS Mow PLATING WITH OUR Jl