Thursday, April 20, 1950 ^ sen W* ft/seme / rnA0( FOR SALE ? Concrete blocks to retard water, cinder blocks to retard heat, superock blocks to retard heat or sound. Sold at prices between eleven and twenty-five cents determined by size, quantity, materiel and distance hauled. Use these steam-cured blocks for your protection. We deliver. W. A. Hayes Block Plant. Phone 499, Franklin, N. C. 15tf FOR RENT ? 4 room unfurnished apartment on 2nd floor with bath. Preferably couple. Main St. See M. Buchanan, Sylva, N. C., or Buchanan-Auto and Electric. 40t PIANO BARGAINS?New Esty Spinets $595.00, now $495.00, New Gulbransen Spinets $725.00. now $625.00. One carload of good; reconditioned pianos from $55.00 to $225.00. One nice lot of factory rebuilt pianos, like] new $365.00. For sale or rent. All are sold on easy terms. No interest or carrying charges on any of these pianos. $25.00 down and $20.00 per month. Write us a card. Free delivery and free bench. Magness Piano Company, Forest City, N. C. 45 46 47 OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU. Both Rural and City Localities available now for Rawleigh Dealers in South Jackson county. Buy on credit. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. NCD - 781 - 260 Z, Richmond, Va. 47* FOR RENT ? 6-room furnished house, two screened poaches, garden, oil heat, and garage. Located near Western Carolina Teachers college, Phone 110 or call at The Herald office. 41tf WALKERS CLEANERS ana LAUNDRY ? a complete cleaning and laundry service. Call us for pick-up and delivery. Phone 254X-4, Cullowhee Road 44TN P1 xvut lONE C IM I fviice I I for A Pei * II THURSDJ W MOH ?APRIL2i 0 0 0 P LIFE P Coiner's AtuC Am REXALL RA NBC Sunda; PHIL HARRIS SYLVA P The Rej Phone 27 'OR MONUMENTS See Sylva Memorial service next to Ri,tz theatre on Mam Street, Sylva, C. Mar 20 tf FOR RENT ? Rooms and apartments with hot water and steam heat. Apply Sylva Hotel Sylva, N. C. 44-47* MALE HELP WANTED Man witn car wamea ior ruuic work. $15 to $20 in a day. No experience or capital required. Steady. Write today. Mr. McVey, Candler Bldg., Baltimore 2, Md. 46 47* FOR SALE ? FREE, FREE with each purchase of a JJew Domes* tic Sewing Machine we will give FREE . . . No. 1?a life time written guarantee. No. 2?1 year's Free Service. No. 3?a full set of attachments and instructions to use same by experienced mechanic. Campbell's Shop, Box 5. Phone 525-J, Waynesville, N. C. 43tf ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator, c.t.a. of Edith Douglas Campbell deceased, late of Macon County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of April, 1951, or this notice will be plead in bar of-their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 10th day of April, 1950. R. S. Jones, Administrator, c.t.a. Ap. 13,20,27; May 4,11,18 Forty-five head of registered Hereford cattle brought a total of S28,970, or an average of $643.78 each, in the 10th annual State sale of the North Carolina Hereford Breeders Association at Statesville recently. > ' i \M U*ud I !ENT I mm* mm m k Much I *1 lortJ HY THROUGH | IDAY jl 0-24 \Hci.i U tenti&ect 4# I oSr look t v? i*m .Tmirh^l I JL %*).&. JLU. : ftic... iDIO SHOW irs starring & ALICE FAYE HARMACY ' call Store Sylva, N. C =? THE ? FOR SALE ? 2-year-old Asiatic blight resisting chestnut trees. Should bear nuts in 3 or 4 years. See S. H. Monteith. 45 47* Dr. Hardy, Chiropractor, over Slack's on main street in Waynesville. Nights by appointment. Call 1123, Waynesville. 46 tf ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of Rotters Zach ary Coward, deceased, late of Jackson County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at his office in Sylva, N. C., on' or before March 24, 1951, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery thereon. AH persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This the 24th day of March, 1950. Raymond Glenn, Administrator of the Estate of Rogers Zachary Coward, deceased. ADM I N4STRATOR'3 NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of Joe H. Allison, deceased, late of Jackson County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned in Sylva, North Carolina on or before the 29th day of March, 1951, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This the 29th day of March, 1950. Major Allison, Administrator ot the Estate of Joe H. Allison, Deceased.Apr 6 13 20 27 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the Estate of the late James Toy, of Jackson County, North Carolina, the undersigned hereby notifies all. persons having claims against the said estate to present them to him, in Sylva, N. C., on or before the 24th day of March, 1951, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This the 24th day of March, 1950. J. R. Toy, Executor of the Estate of James Toy, Deceased, of Jackson County, N C Mar 30-Apr 20 NOTICE State of North Carolina County of Jackson. DeWITT P. DOWDLE, Executor of the Estate of THOMAS CLARKE RAVENEL, Deceased: Petitioner, vs. FRANCES RA VENAL GARWES and VIRGINIA BAIRD RA VENAL, Respondents. PURSUANT to Orders of the Court heretofore entered in the above entitled action, I, DeWitt P. Dowdle, Executor of the Estate of Thomas Clarke Revenel, Deceased, will, at the Court House door of the County Court House of Jackson County in Sylva, North Car/ *! ino r?r? -f l-i o 1 Hav D f Mav. V/AAAAtA) W A A btiV AW%AA ~ y 1950, at 12:00 Noon, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, to-wit: Approximately fifty (50) acres of land containing one house lying near Glenville Lake in Hamburg Township in Jackson County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described in a deed from Cedar Creek Realty Company to Thomas Clarke Revenel dated April 17, 1926, and recorded in Deed Book 100, Page 74, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Deeds of Jackson County, North Carolina. You will FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a ten per cent deposit must be deposited with the Clerk of Superior Court of Jackson County with said bid. This the day of A.D., 1950. DeWITT P. DOWDLE, Executor of the Estate of Thomas Clarke Ravenel, Deceased. Apr 20 27 May 4 11 NOTICE OF SUMMONS North Carolina, Jackson County. MARY M. FRANKLIN, By her next friend, W. E. MESSER, Plaintiff ' vs. J. O. FRANKLIN, Defendant a v rr% l-l ? me aeienaaru, j. vj. r rauMin, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Jackson County, North Carolina, against said defendant for judgment in favor of the plaintiff for an absolute divorce on the grounds of two years' separation. That said defendant will further take notice that he is required to be and appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Jackson County, North Carolina in the courthouse in Sylva, on or before the 29th day of April, 1950, or within 20 days thereafter and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff filed in this action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 1st day of April, 1950. JOHN E. HENSON, Clerk of Superior Court. i?LVA -HERALD AND RUT TRADK KXAwa&i It lO*K SOUTHERN FARM MARKET SUMMARY Atlanta, Ga., April 14?Cattle and calf receipts at southern markets this week reached the lowest mark of the year to date, and a good demand strengthened prices at most markets as much as 50 cents to $1 a hundred pounds, the Production and Marketing Administration reported today. Some increase in numbers was noted at markets in the Florida area, but from 40 to 5 percent of offerings in this section were taken by local and out-of-state stocker cattle buyers. Increases Elsewhere Louisville reported increased marketings of cattle and calves, which was in line with increases for the week at other markets in and around the corn belt. Nevertheless, cattle pnice trends were steady to strong at Louisville, and gains of 50 cents a hundred were registered for cows there. The Hog Markets Combined hog receipts at the same markets were off rather sharply, except at Louisville, where they increased slightly. Arrivals totaled 32,037 hogs this week, and 37,611 last week. Prices were steady to as much ^s^50 cents higher in the week. At Friday's close, the best weights of butcher hogs at leading southern markets were: Georgia-FloridaAlabama peanut-belt plants, $14.75 WKKK^^^^m\ RAP your fist against th< bars ? feel the ^au^( bumper stock they're m and you know you've g protection here. But then figure: Here are nine bumper gut counting the two that 1 parking lights) so that's c item you needn't buy. And each is individually able ?if damage shoul you have only a simple pai to replace, instead of a c cast-metal grille. Th iic tViie etiinnin? new 0 freshest front-end style no highways?protects your book as well as your car. Avoids costly repair bi avoids *'locking horns" car ahead. Cuts upkeep s inches from the car's tote thus making parking an garaging easier. Tuna <n HENRY J. TAYLO*. AflC H*twork, awry Monday awning. Phono your B, M ______ When be tALITE Old Folks Day To Be Obesrved At Old Savannah Church The Old Savannah Baptist church will have an Old Folks Day to $15.25, long-hauled lots up to $15.50, and one plant quoted $16; Montgomery, $15.25 to $15.75; Nashville, top $15.50; Memphis, $14.50 to $15.74, and a few choice lots $16, and Louisville, $15.50 to $16. At Richmond, the top hog price was $14.75, and at cash hog buving stations of the Carolinas, $14.75 to $15. Broiler* Weaken Broiler markets were weak in all major southeastern producing areas. Prices in North Georgia declined from 2 to 3 cents a pound, and in Central North Carolina 2 cents. Prices were unchanged to 2 1-2 cents lower in the Del-MarVa area, while in the Shenandoah Valley section prices were unchanged to a cent lower. Friday's closing prices were: North Georgia, 26 to 30 cents, but mostly 27 1-2 to 28 cents a pound; Central North Carolina, mostly 28 cents, but with a few sales at 27 cents: Del-Mar-Va area, 26 to 28 1-2 cents, but mostly 28 cents a pound, and Shenandoah Valley section, 26 to 27 cents a pound. Cold Hit* Peaches Below-freezing temperature hit peaches again this week in the Carolinas and in most of the Georgia production area. Low south Florida temperature stopped the movement of new-crop watermelons. Potato markets held firm at south Florida shipping points, and cabbage moved in good volume from " the Southeast:?Tomatoes held at high levels at shipping points, and snap beans brought rtr\r\r\ nriroc ir? tho T.alfP OlfPP chobee area of Florida. . A ' ' ' f> gt?|pj * ITS VHIIR fin lupn lip VIZ S' '<' 'i: ^ i' i; ' ' ^ T ' ! I : I: I i'' ^ ' "i '' ^ 1 ^ ?C ise stout What you really ; of the four-way forefront, ade of? sets the coming sty ot stout many a tangle with makes handling ea less to repair. And note that parki irds (not made of plastie and bold the cessed sockets, ai me extra harm's way?even stalled car. replace- You'n find this I occur only on Buick ? rt or two Fireball power, I)5 omp ete, Buick's wonderful another headline these beauties. nr ? n nr. te on the Why not see your nnrlcpt. *ne whole storyhappy story on pri< cally any budget? lie a c If . " * Standard, on Roadmahtkh With the cm SllPKH and S facial mod If length* WBATEtri BeM for i demonstration ?Right * HOOPER MOTOR ain Street ? ? ? titer automobiles are sponsored by the Woman's Mis- c sionary Union on the fifth Sun- r day, April 30. All old people, es- > pccially those confined to their c wheel chairs or cots, are urged to come as the service will be t planned for them. Also former s pastors and Sunday School superintendents are urged to be present. The morning worship will consist of songs by the church choir ? and a message by Rev. Thad Deitz. s In the afternoon Rev. O. J. Beck i FURNISHING LAFFS Frm riT I U I I LI I nr ;; V-V' W3?tiB. > ' r.; Copyright 1S47 by Local Adv< "We deceided not to go anywhere t fan from JAiCKSON FURNITURE C % POCKED > .. . * . >. . */ mm , i f fllM | |H m^^k w^^k /-'-,' y ^^^b crv'^^^^hr <y.' z^fl I; iJBB BBSsdS"^^-AND i . "You never llQVC here IS a < want you tc y\ design that j we especiuli lenote ? avoids with others, the car ahead? . drive Bulck sier?and costs should buy i v power. ing-light lenses, Li Qnlv Bm i set deep in re- ^ e well out of and when pushing a : hiohir-co/ head power engine in SUP >old front end styunq, w as you'll find fop.r.fhrou8l .naflow Drive,* . ride, and many . traffic vqIiip nnlv on ? short turning i f crodlmd bmtw dealer now for tior, from ? ? including the I rims, low-pr DCS to fit practi- torquR-tubo '* * V oj)t%07iQ>l at extra ront k *... : >. els. ? rod PRICE RANGE wtnufB. Novel COMPANY ? Sylva, N. C. built BUICK veiil built Page 11 )f Balsam will deliver the ser*? non. Talks and other singing vill be featured during the day's >bservance. If you can not come for the enire day, come for the morning ;ervice and the dinner. Everyone is cordially invite<i Aromatic tobacco is a fast? [rowing crop. Plants should to et when they are four to seveB nches high. by Jackson Furniture Co. hit year, since we bought a n?w 0. i , { I i BOOK! . jM' ' -r^A v^<>v^a \WK*k * i .y&s^. CITATION ? \ CHALLENGE can tell till you try"?so we p > try the 1950 liuick. And f ly want you to compare it k Drive any other car?then and see what your motley |;... n ride, room, handling and : 0 M \ck has &yna/totoLm | ! with it 90*s: WPRESSION Fireball valve-in- Kp in three engines. (New F-2d8 p f ER models.) NEW-PATTERN pit ith MULTI-GUARD forefront, pi 1 fenders, %xdoable bubble" pi u/ visibility. ; I view both forward and back j: .>;j ' HANDY SIZE, lest over-all |g| osier parking and garaging, radius EXTRA-WIDE Si ATS ||I een the axlee SOFT BUtCK ?|? all-coil springing, Safety-Hide |;:||s essure tires, ride-steadying |||| WIDE ARRAY OF MODELS |J| rith Body by Fisher. ^llf Vry'ifriyfiiii i u/ck% Your Key to Greater Value [If i them .

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