Page 8 New Budget Chief ^I z'>*r7$&M ^^Gp>c, * j|| Ja^^IlP 11^1 :'h'ifi ' ^ Blpl|^ii3i^HP? : { KiS i; I B *B ^1 ? ' :3B M ' Frederick J. Lawton FISCAL expert Frederick J. Lawton (above) has been selected by President Truman to be the new Director of the Budget, it was announced at the President's vacation resort at Key West, Fla Now Assistant Director, Lawton will take over when Budget Director Frank Pace, of > Arkansas, becomes Secretary of the Army. (International Soundphoto) PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Hal H. Brown and son, Hal Jr., of Asheville, are spending this week in Sylva with Mrs. Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Womack at their home on Jackson Street. Mr. and Mrs. Olin Bell recently spent the week-end in Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. Parker Hager and small son have returned to their home in Lenoir after spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bumgarner. Another son, who had been visiting his grandparents for the past several weeks, returned home with them. \ Misses Ercie Fox and Peggy Dean spent the week-end with Miss Fox's sister in Atltana, Ga. Miss Hilda McGennis has returned to Washington, D. C. after spending several days visiting friends and relatives here. Mrs. V. B. Kephart and daugh- ! ter, Vicky Rose, are spending this week in Charlotte. Miss Frances Bryson returned Tuesday from Goldsboro where she spent several days visiting' relatives. Mrs. E. C. Anderton and daughter, Cathey, of Tacoma, Washington, are guests of Mrs. Ed Baldridge. Miss Nola Higdon and roommate, Miss Muriel Dean Flippo of .AshfeVflle spent the week-end , With Miss Higdon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Higdon. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Stewart and son, John, and Mr. ana Mrs. ; Harvey G. Fisher were week-end gfciests of Carl Story and the 1 Rambling Mountaineers in Knoxville, Tenn. While there they attended the three broadcasts of Carl Story. They received the invitation due to the fact they had sponsored their program here- a number of times. Carlos Broom of Cullowhee spent the week-end with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Matthews at Argura. Furnace? I Send in this coupon for a FREE furnace check-up. I Automatic Heating Co. I a*- < ' aj . a . i ? ^n, i iw nizeiwooa, ri. u < 4 4 i < 9Mr FREE iatptctioa tad cbcck-ap < ?1iff PImm km t r?pr?ita(tdv? * * - - ? ? -w cauoaatrt < | ? THE SYLV 1 *?"% x* s wk mm m F World's largest sc orthopedic matti Seal FIRM-O-REST < 0RTH0PE1 MATTRES Ordinary mattress doesn't support muscles properly?you icake with a dull . ache in your back. Scientific construction keeps your spine and body straight?helps correct existing pain and strain. \\\? "An Orthopedic Surgeon looks y\ xx*Lq \v% a* >our mat tress." ^ours for the asking! V\ \\% One of"Atncrira's leading orthopedic surW u\ Prons tells you the seientihe farts behind Y\ a major eause of backaches. Get your free copv of this authoritative booklet. Come | >n for yours. j 30 DAY TRIAL OFFER SOSSAMGN. Main Street I I A HERALD AND RURALITE ppMMOpnppHHI ^BockacA&\ ^Here's welcome relief from that painful morning backache due to sleeping on a too-soft mattress or make-shii bedboards. Our Sealy Firm-O-Rest, the world's selling orthopedic mattress, practically gives i back a nightly health treatment. The firm, sci< correct support of this innerspring mattress is to help bolster sagging muscles...provide pro sleeping posture for your entire body. Enjoy refreshing nights and pain-free days. See our Sealy Orthopedic Flrm-O-Rest noi c Matching Orthopedic Box Spring also aval ffleefUna :fo#?:-':::?::?88&rag^^ H i i&wwgSM ' ' I Ml-; i : ' -:-id: s;'tiii1 .'pi' i-v' '- :;J'"frHr^ hHvL|;Oil?ti:':H^j i;1ri;Ss-p ii; jit' ; I iHl?ljj???ffi B^laBjllar lr *'lll?wP > designed per years of liable. W-W {yieefwnp tm a ^oloiul COMPANY Sylva, N. C*