T Page 12 f~i nrr i i This a front view of the new the new dial system exchange in rock and located on Highway 107 I Your Child Ai By Miss Li The National Education Association meeting in St. Louis, Mis' souri, was its 88th Annual meet9 ing and the 29th meeting of its Representative Assembly. There were 3403 delegates registered from 48 states of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Philippines, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and seventeen foreign countries?the largest number in NEA History. In addition to business sessions, general assemblies, and departmental meetings, there were oneday clinics, information sessions, and tnree-day discussion groups j^hich gave every delegate an opportunity to participate. These smaller meetings were under thS direction of representatives chosen lioiii local and state associations to act as discussion leaders, recorders! observers, and resource consultants. ^ J One of the significant thoughts k projected in this meeting came Irom the discussion group on Procedure for Democratic Practices in the Development of 8chool Policies: "Democratic participation can be brought about through use of conferences ,workshops, welfare committees, advistory committees, boards of managers, student councils, PTA's and ques PLASTIC S For The First Time Wc PLASTIC STUDIi Y In Delightfully . * | At The Very S *69 We Also Have Occas i '* These Beaui -TR " >j ! i. ! EXTRA | 9 x 1: 17, II : *14 II i II II Watch For Our Specii ! II Arriving Now From | II ? Everything MASSIE FURN II || Phone 33-J ? ? I * il ^K^B' -< :': K JH Haft ' ' ^|H K-fl Vr^ ifl 5$j (.! I:i; !:-!.:iJ. ' i-::':; :'t - '! ! !l>!i;': 1I-1:!: !H< MSl4^ '' !: : ! 1 P.: 1; I '; . > f | - | telephone exchange building at Ch stalled by Wester r Carolina. Teleph near the Tribal Council building. 95 '.<*nai Chair To Match dful Couches t SPECIAL 2 RUGS rom k75 up il In Modern New Suites The Furniture Markets , ( For The Home ? ITIIRE COMPANY ? ? Sylva, N. C. THE ST MWWJBBW 1 P^S | jjjjfji '' erokee recently completed to house lone Company. The building is of wasteful. The waste of mental ability is perhaps the worst of all wastes. Our American society needs its ablest members in positions of leadership and influence. rr?L -t:iJ oc ine gllltru ciiiiu iictrua ouv-iai o.j well as intellectual development. Segregation into groups of gifted children is not recommended. They should be given challenging tasks in their own groups with own friends. The public must realize that such a program cannot be provided without funds for materials and teachers to develop the rich resources found in the gifted child. The group felt that a nation with America's wealth could find adequate revenues to support its I scnoois. 10 ao so requxica, itiov | the acceptance by people generally I of lorward-looking educational goals, and, second, the evolution of a tax structure which will tap our economic resources at all three levels; national, state, local. It was clearly recognized that technical discussion of taxation and school finance was relatively futile if the teaching profession lacks understanding and unity. This is' particularly true in view of the reckless assertions and ruthless methods of the nationally organized tax fighting agencies operating within most of the states. America's parents and teachers will establish common goals and develop procedures of common action in spite of the handicap of these national organization of tax fighting agencies. Many timely problems of Education were studi-, jfd and discussed but there was still time to know your neighbors from other States and Nations. Social activities during the week included a night at the St. Louis Municipal Opera where "East Wind" was the attraction; the I ^^ | At The Airport ! Wednesday, Thursday, The Law The Princ Entirely The 4 Jesus is th 53 New Testa Admission ? Adul Saturda; u FAR Fl t In Trucolor ? Starring ? ( Sunday, Mon( DESTINAT f Starring* Cary Grant, John / can't affc / Tuesday, Wedn< SIGN I \ Starring: Susana Peters and A I ??? ? f LVA HERALD AND RURj PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Snyder and family, Memphis, Tenn., left for , their home in Tenn. after a week'B visit with relatives in Addie. Rev. W. C. Reed, Mrs. Reed, two daughters, Marcella and Mary Nell, son, Olen, and wife and daughter, Ann, <*f Kinston, spent the past week-end in Sylva with Mr. Ed Reed and family and other, relatives. Rev. Mr. Reed, who< has been superintendent of Ken-1' nedy Home in Kinston, will soon j be located In Thomasville at Mills. Home as general superintendent of all Baptist Orphanages in the State. Miss Carol Hamilton of Bryson City is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. L. J. Hamilton and friends of Cullowhee. Miss Hamilton is formerly from Cullowhee . Mr. and Mrs. John O'Kelly and two children, Doris Ann and Johnny, of Morganton arrived Sunday to spend the week with Mrs. O'Kelly's son, Mr. Clyde Rector, and family. Mr. Dillard Wood had twentytwo members of his family as guests for the week-end. The . group gathered at Mr. Wood's residence for homecoming. Among the guests were: Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Tracey and children, New York City; Mrs. Carol Loosier and son, Momnhic T^nn Mr. T. E. CamD bell, Greenville, S. C.; Mrs. Wyatt Bryant, Greenville, S. C.; Baxter Wood, Greenville, S. C. Mr. and Mrs.Carol Seay and baby of Nashville, Tenn., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Velt Wilson for the week. Mrs. Anna Kendig of Germantown, Pa., is spending some time with her cousin, Mrs. J. C. Weider, and Mr. Weider in Dillsboro. Mrs. Weider, who has been quite ill, is much improved. President's Reception where the Hawaiian delegation distributed leis and orchids to guests; the Friendship Evening, when delegates had an opportunity to meet the candidates for next year's NEA offices. There were as well numerous dinners and lucheons, the largest of which was the Class Teacher dinner on Tuesday night when some 2,000 teachers enjoyed an Independence Day Program of music and folks dancing. State groups socialized with one another <11 UICU liCClU4Uai a a??ui at special breakfast meeting. Even the weather man cooperated and it j was clear and pleasant all the week. All of us enjoyed the air conditioned mating places over _ the city as well as the lovely Keil Auditorium with its comfortable committee rooms and opera house. The City of St. Louis really went all out for the comfort and convenience of its gueiti and we enjoyed and appreciated all its efforts for our convenience and comfort. .2 shows each night. 8 p.m. and t \ 9:40. Adults .40. Children under } 12 free. _ ) Section reserved for colored \ (OPENS, 7:46) ) FIRST MOVIE ? 8i00 p.m. ) Come as you are In tht flTnlly \ ear. I ? \ Friday, July 1S> 20, 21 \ rton Story \ e of Peace | In Color ^ e greatest story ttcftd \ ment Tableaux \ ts 50c, Children Free \ j y, July 22 | ftONTIER *oy Rof eft ^ JU#o Comedy ^ A A A A fl day, jaiy za, t* \ ION TOKYO Garfield ? Here it one you \ >rd to m is*. jj tsday, July 25, 26 5 OF RAM Alexander Knox ? Also Comedy, f VLITE Thursday, July 20, 1950 i *31 T?Ut SOUTHERN HOSPTTAIJTY y A H M1 rr - "itti fyf 'IDEAS I ^ lg^ , CONVENIENCE j Many of the IDEAS in CONVENIENCE now K I|1 | TM|l in our stores came from customers like your- I self. Any ideas you h?ve for improving our to you are welcome! Just address' a card or note to IDEA DEPT., DIXIE-HOME STORES, GREENVILLE, S. C. Virginia Ripe Tomatoes 3 zi 28c r^rfl JI Argo Small Tatty * ? V * Sugar Peas 2 ~cT 31? Rotedale Cream Corn 2 "IT 23? Dixie-Home Yellow ciing Freshly Made, Ready Prepared Peach Halves "l" 25c potato salad For Tempting Plea?Pleasu ^ Pip r.hprriefi _1 19C . nkS: 29c IV VIIVI IW v.an w * ?=?Season With Lemon?American Oil Green Giant Big ( Sardines ...3: 23c Tender Peas. T 20e i Heat, Eat, and Enjoy?Van Camp's Makes Cotton Like Linen Pork&Beans 2 Z 25? Unit Starch 2 25c true southern hospitality " Cathmere Bouquet is out rule for courtesy CHAD Laundry Soap * ' * Soap Powder r#? tc JBBB^ Mte Pko. 8 I' ^ ^r ; *??-77-^?????? i Baby Gouda .. Dretted, Tatty **"* M \^<.?u Fancy Cheese 't.T 45c Whiting ..... * 15c Fine For Salade?Armour*e Eaey to Prepar*rifi^?t of w, Cottage Cheete T 25e Red Perot.... * 31c ? Your Guarantee of Finer Meat$T /?S\ | Special Value! Medium Aged ' ^^^enderj9 Tasty Cheese - 43? Jin | Oualtty-Tender U. S. Grade Good ^ Short Ribs of Beef.. - 39? ! Quality-Tender U. S> Grade Good Quality-Tender *Mump :*. firnnnri Reef * Rfic Chicken Breast . ** 99c For a Healthful Meal Buy 8elect Steer Quality-Tender Meaty Beef Liver u 79e Chicken Legs ..u- 89c Dixie-Home's Farm Fresh Produce \ U. S. No. 1 New i f Cobbler Potatoes. 10-35? j Fancy Home Grown Yellow Juicy California Sunk let j Squash..... 2 ? 17C Lemons . .. ...? 35c j Fancy Mountain Grown Golden Heart \ Green Beans 2 - 27c Crisp Celery ?-?? 15e L Sweet Thompeon Seedleee For Cooling Summer DrHika?Juicy j Grapes - 25? Seedless Limes 23e : Fancy Green Freeh Young Crowder Peas 2 ^ 21? Tender Okra 2 - 29c r. v t (MP. sm> Shining-Octaffon Mild Refreshing Octagon I Stay Fresh Wrtfc ?. CLEANSER TOILET SOAP DIAL SOAP ! 2 ?- 15? 3 Z 17* 2 ;r 37c ! I 1 Chases Dirt ? Old Dutch CLEANSER ! TEAR OUT THIS COUPON* , ? n_ I IWMa ?Mt M*M Md SAVE 1 DC "* ***>? o* i * on* pint of I i. *!* . ^| Dlxle-Home'a | Dissolves crsM?h?Swift's j Household Cleaner m # Kefwtat Price 29c [ CLEANSER Dlxle-Home'e Household Cleaner eavea time and work and ? . ' I la guaranteed aatiafactory or your money cheerfully | ^ 2r OQC | refunded. IV , ACT NOW! THIS OFFER EXPIRES AUGUST 20, 1W0. I , ^ e ' .. V" i#*J - - ? * . .-!