I Page 4 HWY. PATROL ACTIVE DURING JUNE RALEIGH, N. C. ? North Carolina's highway patrolmen are setting a good example for motorists in proper conduct on the highway, according the June Patrol report, released today by the North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles. Added stress has been given the matter of highway courtesy recently since the Governor's Ad Uittkiumi V13UI y V^UiUUllbkCC UU iligilvYdjr Safety adopted the following slogan for summer driving: Drive carefully and courteously. It pays all ways! During June the Patrol rendered 12,531 courtesies to motorists, an average of one per day per man. These courtesies included changing tires for motorists unable to do so themselves, assisting persons whose autos had broken down or run out of gas, contacting travelers away from home on notifying them of emergencies at home, giving first aid to ill or injured motorists, and in general aiding motorists in distress. D O f rnl A f f i n i n 1 c rvAi n f r\\ t U f a au vi uuaiuio pu&incu uut buak many courtesies, such as giving directions and information, are so routine that they are not noted by patrolmen on theier reeports, although such aid is given many times daily. During June, patrolmen spent 128,607 hours on duty, traveling 1,484,689 miles. A total of 97,675 vehicles were inspected, 29,015 lights corrected, 761 light tickets and 3,243 equipment tickets issued. Six hundred an deighty vehicles were weighed and 238 iound to be overloaded. Driver's licenses were inspected in 107,025 cases. The Patrol investigated 1,324 ...U Cn _ nv.kiuciua 111 wiiiv.li %j\j pciauus wcic killed and 770 injured. A total of 7,009 complaints were investigated. Warning tickets issued numbered 3,638 and citations 5,687. ^ ')i?s^3fr' - HI UrSVp ^-jv.- jh^.v ^i^svv Just co Cream with any other Ice C from-the-tree flavor of the peaches, combined with th flavor you always taste in P< *** *- You see only of daily fresh whole n cream and the most delica That's why it's alwayst so i full-flavored and satisfying. And, it's that keeps those luscious pea sweet... keeps them from f lumps of ice so often found ir Make P< the month ... Peaches 'n Cre the month ? your refreshmen never tasted anything better! HII W For Special Occasions...at! richer, creamier, de luxe I Orchid Carton, stamped w Civil Service To Hold Examinations A Civil Ser ice Examination for ihe position ( > Quarterman Transportation, for appointment at the U. S. Naval Proving Ground, Dahlgren, Virginia, is now open, it was stated today by Mr. M. J. McAuliffe, Regional Director, Fourth U. S. Civil Service Region. Salaries range from $4472 to $4784 per year. The examination is being held by the Fourth U. S. Civil Service Region, and applications must be on file with the Director, Fourth United States Civil Service Region, Temporary Building "R", 3rd and Jefferson Drive, S. W., Washington 25, D. C., not later than August 14, 1950. Applicants will be rated on the basis of a written test, administrative ability, experience and fitness for the position. Complete information and application forms may be obtained from the Fourth U. S. Civil Service Region, Temporary Building "R", 3rd and Jefferson Drive, S. W., Washington 25, D. C., and first-or second-class post office in this area, or from the Central Offirfe U. S. Civil Service Commission, 7th and "F" Streets, N. W., Washington 25, D. C. Arrests totaled 7,142, of which 515 were for drunken driving. Persons arrested were found guilty in 6,652 cases and drew sentences amounting to 127 years, 10 months and 13 days. Patrolmen brought in $269,268.82 during June, including fines, court costs and highway revenue and estimated value of stolen property recovered by the Patrol and returned to individuals. Cars and property returned to owners was valued at $37,265. Fines turned into county school funds amount ed to $146,158.92, costs turned into county general funds, $78,486.36, and highway revenue collected on overloaded and improperly licenses trucks, $7,358.46. m$Sm BTMIlFrl |PViHH4iSAiIiIiM i\Alillli^B^fll Wk. W % '- wL mm mpare Pet Peaches 'n Team! Taste the freshchoicest, sun-ripened at fresh, sweet cream ?t Ice Cream. , Pet Ice Cream is made w'/fr, daily fresh sweet te, natural flavorings. ich and creamy ... so Pet's exclusive process ch slices so tender and reezing into tasteless 111118 i other ice creams. ?t's taste-temptation of am ... your dessert of t of the month! You've B T/7 jlfrU t for Princess Pst ? Pet's ce Cresm pscked in the ith the Crest of Quslityf THE SYI PRESBYTERIANS HOLD SUCCESSFUL MEET'GS A series of religious meetings came to a close at the Presbyterian Church Sunday, July 9 ending one week of evangelistic services. Four theological students from Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Va., participated in the last night's service. During the previous meetings each student conducted the services singularly. The four young men forming the religious team were: Walter W. Johnson, Eugene Kirkman, Lewis Lancaster, and James T. Womack, Jr. The worship services that were conducted were unlike any of the' conventional evangelistic services,! yet they had their purpose: to share with young people the joy they have found in Christ, to present young people with the challenge Christ has for their 4iv?s today, and to present His call for consecrated Christian living. On Friday night the four theological students met with the Presbyterian Men at a regular monthly supper. The young men, who are talented singers, sang hymns and spoke concerning the nnmnco nf thalf u?nrLf joo ?ivu nui n. I /If She/*% ^..,,^:^V?* J ll(?sSS2 J ^,^-jmmJfk W trimrinf eplimai m aMk AT Y( ?-Hamptoi LITE Schulman In New York Sol Schulman is in New York this week buying merchandise and special promotions for the Schulman stores. He plans to visit several Northern markets while on this trip. Mr. Schulman, chairman of the Industrial committee of the local Chamber of Commerce, will make several contacts for the organization in regard to securing new industries for the County. A num ber of large concerns have shown their interest in the possibility of locating here. Mr. Schulman makes an urgent request for all local firms who have not paid their 1950 Chamber of Commerce dues to mail checks ! in at once to William McKee, treasurer. fertility scientist with the North Carolina Experiment Station, indicate that mixing the lime into the top four inches of the soil is the best method. In his test he applies lime by plowing down, topdressing and mixing in the top four inches of soil. The mixed application gave the highest yields. If the soil is low in lime, he says, a top-dressing after seeding will not save the young seedlings. HAVE YOU RENEWED YOUR SUBSCRIPTION? v^Rt oW) "' ei^^^lHBIjiHn||jH v ' W^ t9? tdoo^ ?& VST DRIVf A \ BUR FORD DEALERS i Motor C Thursday, July 20, 1950 H JOHNSON shipped more Sea-Hors# outboard motors to Johnson dealers in May, 1950 than o In any other month in Johnson history (28 years) ssr PROOF that sportsmen everywhere % recognize the extra dollar* ,9 value built into every 1 JOHNSON SEA-HORSE j J SYLVA COAL & LUMBER CO. vy "The Complete Hardware Store" r :^n* Phone 71 Sylva, N. C. Famous Thompson Outboard Motor Boats #' BH^r^ ' I I J| iSf^f1! |:l^ 'Ppljlipj^ j i;: ; ^/ 0 ^?j ' ' ,.y. . > ""; ' "*.& . / , i1 ?BBfevX:v: ':-:v\?>i ? ^ Bfe:::-:;!;. ;.v>..;::^>fi^|* ,': , . :" / , .. |Mk4B)K:;:' .::.:.;;;i^^raiMj^K^^B-1, ' i-j' ! :.L ! ' ' : : :%::%::::'::>::;<;::::W:::::"&WiX-fe:a8y:?fc. :: 1 ; : j i I j:;:j;:;:;:^:;:::::::::^::::.;:;:;^^^^^|^^:;:;:^:::^:::-:-^^j>?aa^:::^M^j>^S8fafla^a|Bppgyx : ! : ,; raM^SBjP^^ Klglfrj-r^-;^?2^p9 Egwjm mg&mvk^i ^.-/...r.-^^ -i^g ' /&// f f/ _ ? i * - * i? ? - rop up or down, you re ready to step out in, Ford's "Fashion Academy" beauty. You'll thrill ( # o the comfort of Ford's "Mid Ship" Ride cushioned , y "Hydra-Coil" and "Para-Flex" Springs. New hushed" Ford V-8 power will show you why imerica's costliest cars use this type of engine? ut only Ford in the low-price field has it. ind your pocketbook will shout "Hooray!" when ou learn that Ford's economy matches its quality. Vith its low first cost, low upkeep and high trade-in alue, the '50 Ford is the prize economy package f the low-price field. sftHJH"