Page 6 ~ For The Women Person4 ~~ ^ i ? ~ Married In First ". i V . .*# f Dortha L. Hennessee Weds Malcolm F. McDonald Miss Dortha Lucile Hennessee,, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Woody5 Clifton Hennessee, was married to( Malcolm Frank McDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Annie of Forest Hill, Tenn., on Sunday at five o'clock in the First Baptist Church of Sylva. The Reverend C. M. Warren, i pastor, performed the ceremony! before an altar banked with native greenery. Wicker baskets of white gladioli and six seven-branched candelabra holding lighted cathedral tapers completed the church decorations. A program of wedding musicwas presented by Miss Elizabeth Stillwell. organist, and Jack Evans, vocalist. Organ numbers were Traumerei by Schumann, Romance by Rubenstein, Theme from Romeo and Juliet by Tschaikowsky, Sweetest Story ever Told, by Stults, and To a Wild Rose by McDowell. Elmhurst by Drewett was payed during the ceremony. Vocal solos included Calm As Night by Bohn, O Perfect Love byj -Barney, and The Lord's Prayer by, Molotte was used as the benediction. The traditional wedding marches were used. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore an ankle length gown of imported lace over satin with a back-closing of tiny satin, covered buttons and yoke of nylon illusion. Her finger-tip veil fell iSTALLCUP'S { Antique Shop ) Cherokee, N. C. r PICTURE FRAMES ( MADE TO ORDER \I ft KT u j?n ff\llLj!riii?n?li ^NOW GET A NEW 'Domestic t SEWMACHINE You can bar* this nationally dr?rtla*d Domestic at tha tow*?t t?rmi in y??rs 1 27 modern f??tor?i for ?aty wing. S?? it today, f"*| TkifMvboeKKowto J Mskm Cutalu, Draper* I HI tea, llip?or?r*". Coal J JgJtj I ? ? f*t yom* bM ?opy. | {jfflffjL I Sylva Coal & Lumber Co. Ph. 71 8ylva, N. C. ? ana m am ium nmn jciety Neu lis -- Club Ac \ [ Baptist Church from a halo of illusion and orange! blossoms. She carried a bouquet of white rose buds centered with a white orchid and showered withj lilies of the valley on satin streamers. Mrs. Coy Carson was matron of' honor. She wore a gown of white1 shadow organdy over green taf-j feta with matching sash and head-l band. She carried a bouquet of mixed asters in pastel shades tied with a rose satin bow. The bridesmaids were Mrs. Jack Evans, Miss Peggy Ledford, Missj Carolyn Matheny, and junior bridesmaids was Miss Donna Hennessee, sister of the bride. Their ^owns were of taffeta in | pastel shades of pink, blue, and yellow, respectively, and each wore a headband matching her dress. I They carried colonial bouquets of I mixed asters with contrasting satin ribbons. William McDonald, brother ofj , the groom, was best man. Urshers were Jack Hennessee, brother of the bride/ Bill Skinner, John Skinner, and Fred McDonald, cousin of the groom. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. Mrs. J. E. Barrett welcomed the guests, and members of the wedding party, Mrs. Hennessee, and Mrs. Annis i'ormed- the receiving line. Miss Elizabeth Stillwell showed the guests to the dining room. The table, covered with a handmade lace cloth, was centered with tired arrangement of white mums in a crystal bowl flanked by crystal candleholders with lighted tapers. At one end of the table was placed the three-tiered wedding cake, encircled with white gladiolus I lorcts interspersed with fern and topped with miniature bride and _;room. The crystal punch bowl, placed on a large crystal tray, was jsed on the opposite end of the tablewhere Mrs. Roy Allison pre? .-ided. The cake, cut by the bride and groom, was served by Mrs. Edward Mayfield, aunt of the bride, assisted by Mrs. E. P. StillAell. Others assisting in the dining room were Miss Bonnie Lindsey and Mrs. W. L. Jones. Mrs. John Morris was in charge of the gift room, and Mrs. Olen Bell presided at the guest register. Lovely arrangements of white gladioli placed in front of large mirrors over the mantels added to the attractiveness of the home. A tall silver vase holding yellow chrysanthemums was also used in the living room.. Mrs. Hennessee, mother of the bride, wore a gown of navy lace over taffeta with coral and navy accessories. The bridegroom's mother wore a gown of black lace over tatteta wun cnanrcuac anu black accessories. They wore identical corsages of cymbidiums. After the reception the couple left by motor for a southern wedding trip. For traveling the bride wore a brown suit with matching velvet tfim and with beige and! m / - * A. w ?\ t I Phone 110 itivities J - - ? -:?? 1 CALENMR# COMING EVENTS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7? Girl Scouts meet at 7:30 p.n in the Scout Room at the Presoy teriar: Church. Mrs. Eclwar Jonrs. Miss Eugenia Johnsoi leaders. Dilisnoro Masonic Lodge, Xi 4">9. will meet at 8:00 p.m. in thei H-ill. H. L. Glenn, secretary. Naval Volunteer Reserves me< at trie Legion Home at 7:30 p.n Lt.' Cmrl. G. B. Kiny, commandin o;. it (,r. Well Baby clinic meets at th C. J. Harris Hospital from 9 a.n to 12 noon. Dr. R. David Dani( in charge. U.D.C. meet at 3 p.m. with Mr: A. J. Dills. Mrs. Roy Reed co hostess. Woman's Missionary Society c Bulf Creek Baptist Church meel at 2 p.m. Mrs. Iva Henson, pres. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8? Circle of the Women of th Presbyterian church will meet n the church at 8 p.m. Mrs. W. ? Wakefield, hostess. Cancer Detection Clinic will b held at the C. J. Harris Hospitc from 9 to 10:30 a.m. uriMPkA v CCDTP M RPR 1 1 IVI vy II f t Vtor f ? IV) Sylva Volunteer Firemen me( at 6:45 at the Fire Hall. W. E Cope, chief. Boy Scouts meet at the Alliso Building at 7 p.m. Dennis Bark ley, scoutmaster. Woodmen of the World meet a 7:30 p.m. in their Hall. D. L. Rob inson, C. C. Brownies of Cullowhee wi meet at the Methodist Church a 3:30 p.m. Mrs. R. T. Houts, leadei Wesleyan Service Guild wi meet with Mrs. Joe Wallin at 7:3 p.m. Miss Dair Swanson, pres. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12? Board of Trustees of C. J. Har ris Hospital meet at 8 p.m. at th hospital. * S. W. Enloe, chmn. Rotary club has dinner meet a | Allison Building at 6:30 p.m. Harr | Ferguson, pres. Auxiliary to the Episcopa church will meet at the home c Mrs. C. A. Seiffe. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 13? Oce Chapter, No. 139 Order c the Eastern Star, will meet in th Masonic Hall at 7:30 p.m. Mri Edna Hooper, worthy matron. Camera Club will meet in thei club room over Wallin's She Store at 8 p.m. W. H. Wakefieh pres. Annie Cowan Circle will met at 3 p.m. with Mrs. Dan Tompkin: Mrs. W. R. Enloe, chmn. THURSDAY, SEPT. 14? Ruby Daniel Circle will me< with Mrs. Lawrence Monteith i 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Claude Campbel chmn. Twentieth Century Club mee" with Mrs. E. W. Wilson at 3 p.n Mrs. Pratt Cheek, program spor sor. Mrs. J. C. Allison, presiden Scotts Creek Missionary Societ will meet at 2:30. Mrs. Evere Harris, president. :J; i*: # 'Ji According to latest reports, moi than 100,000 acres of alfalfa ai now being grown in North Can lina. brown accessories and the orch; from her bouquet. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald will re side at Collierville, Tenn., whei Mr. McDonald holds a positic with the Colliervile Dairy Pre ducts Company. Mrs. McDonald is a graduate < Sylva high school. She attende Western Carolina Teachers col lege and Meridith College and wj graduated from the University < Tennessee. Mr. McDonald is graduate of Collierville high scho< and attended the University < Tennessee. Out of town guests attendir the wedding included Mr. an Mrs. B. B. Annis, of Forest Hi! Tenn., and sons, William an Mark, Bill and John Skinne Arthur McDonald, John and Fre McDonald. Mr. William McDonal and daughter. Kate, all of Mem phis, Tenn.; Mrs. Eugene Munda and Mrs. ?Mary Garrett, both c Knoxville, Tenn.; Mr. and Mr Edward Mayfield, Celina, Tenr Mr. and Mrs. Coy Carson, Chapx Hill; Miss Peggy Ledford, Kno> ville.; Mr. Milton Jones, Knoxvil! and Mr. Bill Cope, of Lowlan* Tenn., and Sylva. -7LVA HERALD AND HUH: Engagement *** e "Mr. and Mrs. Claude Stanforc* lt have announced the engagement of their daughter, Alice Claudia, to Mr. DeWitt Lathan Darden, e son of Mr. and Mrs. John Darden, of Plymouth. , The wedding will take place September 30, at the Lovedale Baptist Church, Sylva. S. i'ti * * * * Mabel Tyree Becomes n ' j - Bride Of Joseph Crum Miss Mabel Tyree, daughter of l* Mrs. John David Tyree, of Lex" ington, Ky., and the late Mr. Tyree, became the bride of Mr. JoU seph Urban Crum, son of Mrs. j Emanuel Crum, of Greenville, j r- Tenn., and the late Mr. Crum. on j September 2nd. The vows were, 0 exchanged at 10:00 A.M. o'clock at the Methodist church, Cullowhee, with the Rev. R. T. Houts, pastor, - officiating. e The couple entered alone. The bride wore a grey tailored suit 't with black accessories. Her cory sage was a purple orchid. Mrs. R. T. Houts, organist, and ll|john Tyree Bondurant. fourteen-1 'f i -1J ?rt f.r of tUn krirlo i ycm-uiu utrpiicw ui mi. 1^1 imv , presented a program of wedding music. >f Preceeding the ceremony the e young vocalist sang "If God Left 5- Only You", Densmore, "All for You" by Bertrand-Brown, and "I u Love Thee" by Grieg. He sang ,e the Lord's Prayer, by Malotte, as a part of the ceremony. During the exchange of the vows Mrs. -t Houts played "Canatina" from s- "Faust". The mother of the bride wore a Navy suit with black accessories, -t Her corsage was pink rosebuds. The mother of the groom was unit able to be present because of illness. ts Mrs. Crum holds the A.B. and "i- M.A. degrees from the University! i- of Kentucky. In June she com-| t- pleted two years work on her docy toratc. She has been a member1 tt | of the English staff at Western' Carolina Teachers College for sev-| oral years. Mr. Crum holds a B.S. degree, GJ from East Tennessee State Teach-j ers College, Johnson City, and the' ! M.A. Degree from George Pea-i -1 body. He has done graduate study 1C* at the University of Tennessee. He is an associate professor in Mathmetics of Western Carolina Teachre ers College. ,n Following a short wedding trip )- to the East coast Mr. and Mrs. Crum will make their home at Cullowhee. Out-of-town guests for the wedding were Mrs. John D. Tyree, 1S Sr., Mr. and Mrs. John D. Tyree, Jr., and daughter, and Dr. and a Mrs. John H. Bondurant and two sons, all of Lexington, Ky.; Mr. and Mrs. Burke Crum, Ashland, Ky., and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MacPherson, Johnson City, Tenn. lC^ sfe j|c * * * ^ One-fifth of a child's meals are " eaten at school, so the foods for r' these meals need careful plan^ ning. Lunch boxes should contain ? meals, not between-meal snacks. i JAMISON m GO. l.; DIAMONDS - WATCHES el. JEWELRY . > WATCH AND JEWELRY le REPAIRING *?; Phone 229 8ylva, N. C. \LITS " ' 1 Announced !$?;$: ' ':$$$ iliP ' m? 39*1* ^>jpprifiiHnii t Appreciates Help In Decoration Of Parris Cemetery Mrs. P. W. Kincaid, of Dillsboro chairman of a committee for the memorial service and decoratior at Parris Cemetery last Sunday afternoon expresses her appreciation to each and everyone whc attended the service, which she says means so much and shows that all are interested and appreciative of the work that is being Hnnp "T htank vou for vour dona tions so generously given for the up-keep of the cemetery. It ii through these donations fron friends and relatives that make this little spot a beautiful place for our loved ones to sleep." sh( said. \ TODAY'S ON * I Your Telepror rate increase sin< rials have contin ! At last we fin< facilities withou capital to be usee We feel sure < amount for thei quired if we are our present sub: tion of North Cf The North Ca for an increase ; ness of rates ask We ask for yoi serve you. WESTER Home-maker's Class Meets With Mrs. Whitaker The Homo-maker's Sunday School Class of Scotts Creek Baptist Church met Tuesday night with Mrs. Lane Whitaker with Mrs. Don Fisher presiding. Eighteen members were present. During the business hour the members were asked to fill at least two jars of fruit for the Baptist Orphanage. The members will sell Christmas _ cards for money toward purchasing equipment for their church kitchen. A nominating committee for new officers was named: Mrs. Homer Harris, Mrs. Everrett Harris, Mrs. Tom Clayton, and Mrs. Charley Smith. The group voted to entertain their husbands at a sup; per in the new dining room on Wednesday, Sept. 13, at 7:00 p.m. Mrs. Roy Reed completed the nf i ia]?( C U Krvrvlf rv f Tr>V-\ A f aiuivujr ui Liic uuurv ui t/uiiu, L ti ic ncxt meeting, in October, the group will begin the study of Acts, to be in charge of Mrs. Jessie Frizzell. ~ At the conclusion of the study Mrs. Whitaker served a sweet course with coffee and punch. Too Late to Classify LOST?White Spitz dog, in Love Field section, answers to name of Shep, has collar. Reward if returned to Ammons Body Shop, Sylva, N. C. 15* 1 NOW an upFURNITURE AN : \ > i ? ( Furniture Made Free Estimates Gi r \ y fj I RAY'S FURI ; | Whittu ? TELEPHONE RAT I OPERATIONS 01 8 YEARS AGO ie Company has not had nor a :e its organization. Our wage: ued to advance as have all oth i that we can no longer opera t being able to show a profit s i for the much needed expansii our subscribers are willing tc ir services, and a reasonable to attract new money whereb scriber service and serve this irolina. rolina Utilities Commission h and will investigate the necei ;ed. or help and cooperation where N CAROLINA TELEPHNE < I ' Thursday, Sept. 7, 1950 Legion Auxiliary To Have Call Meet; New * Officers To Be Installed A special meeting is being called for 7:30 p.m., Friday, the 15th, * by the American Legion Auxiliary for the purpose of installing newofficers recently elected. Officers to be installed are: president, Mrs. Edna Hooper; vice president, Mrs. W. L. Jones; secretary, Mrs. Leonora Stack; treasurer, Mrs. Juanita Phillips; chaplain, Mrs. Leon Shook; sgt.-atarms, Mrs. Dillard Coward. Mrs. F. M. Williams, area vice president, will install the new officers. SYLVA PEOPLE (Continued from page 1) Gatlinburg will also attend. Those from Sylva, Cullowhte and Cherokee expected to attend are: Mayor H. E. Monteith, Jennings A. Bryson, Felix Picklesimer, Ed Nicholson, W. T. Brown, Philip P Lee, William McKee, J. A. Gray, Col. Lee Hooper, John Parris, H. L. Bass, Ed Bumgarner, D. L. Robinson, Joe Jennings, Supt. Indian Reservation, McKinley Ross, vice chief of the. Reservation, Dr. A. Reid, president Western Carolina | Teachers College, and Frank H. j Brown, Jr., Democratic nominee | for the House. OPEN ? i ft -to-date \ ID REPAIR SHOP LSO { to Specifications J ven At Your Home \ IITURE SHOP ;r, N. C. \ ( y ES BASED /ER sked for a general s and cost of mateier industries. v te and expand our ufficient to attract k Dn of our facilities. pay a reasonable orofit that is re ly we can improve fast-growing seeas our application ssity and the fair>by we may better COMPANY .: r