Thursday, Sept. 7, 1950 GOVERNOR k Governor W. Kerr Scott, front, r; Cherokee Indian Drama, "Unto Th front row, left to right, D. D. Davi Mckinley Ross, vice chief of the He Frank H. Brown, Jr., and W. E. El 10th Division Highway Commissior Commissioner Jordon and Thrash lina on September 15. To Teach At Tusculum College Quay Grigg left Monday for Greenville, Tenn., where he will be an English instructor at Tusculum College. Mr. Grigg, son of Rev. and Mrs. W. Q. Grigg, re ceived his A.B. degree last spring from Duke University. He did , work toward his Master's during J the summer months. John Shuler Family ] To Have Homecoming ^ Sunday, Sept. 10, will be observed as Homecoming Day by the < families of Mr. and Mrs. John 1 Shuler and their children at the ] John Shuler home on Locust < ^ Creek, Jackson County. Dinner ] will be furnished by the nine children of Mr. and Mrs. Shuler. i All friends and relatives are in- : Vited. At The Airport 2 shows each night. 7:30 p.m. and 9:30. Adults .40. Children under 12 free. Section reserved for colored NEW STARTING TIME IS 7:45 Come as you are In the family car. Thursday-Friday September 7-8 WESTERN UNION Randolph Scott-Robert Young Historical Western tr Saturday WYOMING William (Wild Bill) Elliott. Albert Decker. Sunday-Monday ALEXANDERS RAG TIME BAND Tyrone Power - Alice Faye, Don Ameche. 28 hit songs by Irvin Berlin. Tuesday-Wednesday * fSJfmt *****nfFWWti SSHS CLARK GABLE ------A mm mi^riUTa^TDWiti SCOTT SEES CIIEROKI mi111 I Sx * I: ''**111^, 'ij^R m^^BM ight of center, is shown as he ai lese Hills", Saturday night, Augu s, Henry W. Jordon, State Highw nervation and Mrs. Scott. In back i more, partly hidden, Dr. K. E. Bei ler and Felix Pickieslmer. will attend the tri-state highway LOCALS -Miss Jessie Bryson, former employee of Belk's Department Store, resigned her position and left Junday for Cleveland, Tenn., where she will enter ^oiiege. Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Nichols and Mr. Odell Bankhead of Chester, S. C., spent the week-end here with Dr. and Mrs. A. S.' Nichols and Mrs. Bankhead, who has been with bier parents for the past several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Resor of Camden, S. C., and Jim Resor, who has spent the summer at Spruce Pine, were guests for the weekend of their mother, Mrs. J. H. Resor. Mrs. J. P. Oowen and son, Bob, Df Carterville, Ga., and Mr. $nd Mrs. Fred Farmer who have been visiting them from Bluff Dale, Texas, drove up to Sylva for a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. VV. Bumgarner. On their return home they stopped for a few days visit with Mrs. Owen's father. L. N. Long, who lives ne?r Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cordell had as their guests for the weekend Mr. and Mrs. James Cordell and little son, of Evansville, Ind. Francis Buchanan, who spent part of the summer with relatives in Hendersonville, arrived Sunday to visit relatives here before going to Chapel Hill on the thirteenth where he will resume his studies at the University. Miss Mary Elizabeth Harper returned to her home in Clover, S. C., Teusday after a few days visit with her sister, Mrs. Jackson Dunn and family. Miss Betty Dillard of Cullowhee left last week for Havana, Cuba, where she will begin work on a two-year course in Spanish. Miss Karen Bryson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bryson, of Glenville Power house village, will leave Sunday the 10th for Greensboro where she will enter Woman's College of the University. Her parents will carry her to Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Wilson returned Monday from a week-end visit with relatives in Greensboro. They were accompanied by Mrs. J. H. Wilson who remained for several weeks visit with the families of A. B. Wilson, Johnny Wilson and Mrs. E. B. LaVange. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Dunn and children, Johnny and Kitty, will leave Saturday for a vacation in Clover, S. C., and Charlotte. They expect to return on the 17th. Guests last week at the home of Dr. D. D. Hooper included Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Williams of Harfi? ' j r1 man, ienn., ana ut. axiu mis. v.. M. Hooper and children of Chattanooga, Tenn. Harlowe Kitchens has returned to Sweet Home, Oregon, after three weeks visit here with his mother, Mrs. R. G. Snyder,* and other relatives. His trips and visit while here included seeing "Unto These Hills", with which he was delighted ... as well as seeing the progress and improvements in so many ways in Jackson County. Mrs. Ramsey Buchanan and son, Ramsey, Jr., and Mrs. W. H. Carter left Saturday for a week's visit with Mrs. Buchanan's daughter, Mrs. A. P. Treleaven, and Mr. Treleaven in New York City. Mr. THE S !E DRAMA ^j^M id party of friends attended the ist 26. Others in the picture are, ay Commissioner, Governor Scott, :ow, left to right are: Ross Caldwell, nnett, Bryson City, L. Dale Thrash, meeting in Anderson, South CaroPERSONALS and Mrs. Treleaven, after spend1 ing the months of July and August here, left August 28 for New York where they will spend two weeks before leaving for San Juan. Costa Rica, Central America. Mrs. L. B. Mann of Gastonia was the guest last week of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Ealy at their home in the Smokies, Cherokee. Mr. Mann accompanied his wife but returned to Gastonia after spending the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ealy. | Mr. Dan Tompkins entered Veti eran's Hospital, Swannanoa, Monday for treatment. Mrs. Tompkins accompanied him to the hospital but returned nome tne same aay Miss Linda Sutton will leave ; Sunday for Greensboro where she will enter Woman's College of the i University of North Carolina tc study this year. i Jimmy Madison is spending a few days here with his mother, j Mrs. Esther Madison, before rei turning to Chapel Hill where he will be enrolled again this year at the University. i Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Berchen' briter, Sr., and daughter, Carol, ol Cedar Rapids, Iowa, spent twc ' days here last week visiting Mr and Mrs. F. E. Sumner and Mr and Mrs. Robert Phillips. | Mr. A. A. Curtis of Seattle i Wash., arrived Wednesday for a I visit here with his niece, Mrs. J I E. Buckner, and family, and with J his sister, Mrs. Florence Hampton, in Bryson City. ; Kent Coward returned Saturday from the Marine Base al ' ^ i! t r_ i ^ i yuanuco. va., wnere nc was cn; gaged in a 6-week Platoon LeadI er's course. Mr. and Mrs. Coy Carson o1 , Chapel Hill are visiting Mrs. Carson's mother, Mrs. G. K. Bess, and family. vlr. and Mrs. P. K. Horton have returned from a vacation with relatives in Anderson, S. C. Amo< Addis of Walhalla, S. C., was acting manager of the local Dixietjou Get ALI IS! % 4 CHEERFUL CONV I I FIRES fcCCOl r Tr M<4 I j "Pres-to-logs" are bone dry "Pres-to-logs" fire can be utili; efficiency! Because there it n< "Pres-to-log?" to do your heatii One trial will convince you o ;] Er? ?l Ufi @JAl Ph< On? ot 15 point* of "fu?l up?rionty" in MPr#?-to-loft" ;ylva herald and rut ; WEBSTER HIGHWAY (Continued from Pngo 1) , Heirs and R. L. Madison, and proceed along Main Street past the high school and will then leave the j old road bed much of tne way to No. 23 and will be much ^traighter , between the river and No. 23. The new highway will have a 1 100 foot right-of-way and an 18 i foot reck and asphalt surface. The j grading is expected to be finished | and crushed rock put down before i winter sets in. C. E. Crouch Company of Ashe j ville has the contract for moving buildings from the right-of-way. i Citizens ol the Webster section j have looked forward to the buildj ing of this road for a long time. I The new hard surfaced road will j nelp open up and further progress i this already very progressive. 1 section of the county. LITTLE FOLK TOBE SHOWN ON SCREEN OF DRIVE-IN THEATRE The management of the Sylva , Drive-in Theatre has announced 'that he has made arrangements to I show the pictures, absolutely free on his screen, of all the children of Jackson County between the ages of three months and 5 years. The parents and children will have an opportunity to see their children and the children to see themselves on Tuesday and Wednesday nights, October 17 and 18. The management will have a photographer at Sossamon Furniture Store for two days, Monday and Tuesday, September 11 and > 12 from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. for the purpose of making the picture at absolutely no cost to the par: ents. The only thing you will do I is go to- the theatre on October 17 or 18 and see the child on the , screen just like a movie star. Take 1 advantage of this opportunity and i bring, you child or children down to Sossamon's on Monday or Tuesday for the FREE picture. DRUNKEN DRIVERS BOUND OVER TO 'OCTOBER COURT *| Four men, charged with driv! ing drunk over the Labor Day 'week-end and bound over to '(Jackson Couty Superior Court of October 9, are now at liberty under bonds of $300 each. State High' j way Patrolman Chas. D. Lindsay i made the arrests, and preferred [ the charges. The men involved I are: David Parris, Sylva, arrested '(Monday afternoon, the 4th, while " driving intoxicated on U. S. Highi way 23 just East/ of Sylva. He , waived trial and was bound to 'court. Calvin Bumgarner, arl, rested on Highway 107 while driv'iing drunk on Sunday, bound over. 1 Ralph Doffus Cope, of Hazelwood, ' j was picked up driving drunk on j 107 on Monday and bound over. ' Samuel Parker, of Tuckaseigee, ' driving drunk on Highway 23 in J Home Store while Mr. Horton was j away. l\ Mrs. Lee Herron of Bryson City, i mother of Mrs. Bill Crane of Syl1 i va, is a patient at C. J. Harris ( Hospital. ;! Mrs. E. O. Mashburn, Misses i Lavinia and Nancy Mashburn, and ? Junior Swann recently \isitec j Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bill Parker ir j Brevard. L THREE uiitk W( I ENIENT <% CLEAN <ING COMFORT )-logs f Every heat unit developed by a red for heating purposes. That's 3 waste of heat, it requires fewer ig or cooking. That's economy! f their superiority as a general fuel. ORDER TODAY! CKSON COAL & LBR, GO, >ne 38 Sylva, N. C IALITE LEGION O Ml ' < # ; ? AM fe JL k J X ' '-f^f^%|P;: American Legion and Legion Ai the Cherokee Drama, "Unto These They are, left to right, front row: , ler, of the Rockwell Ballew Post N State Department Chaplain; Hugh Preston Rhyne, of Hickory, Preside 5th Division Commander, and Geor, HUGGINS TO CLOSE DEACON'S SCHOOLS WITH ADDRESS The climax of the Tuckaseigee Baptist Association schools for Deacons being held this week will be Friday night at 7:45 in the Sylva Baptist church with Dr. M. A. Huggins as the speaker. This will be an open meeting to everyScotts Creek township, was bound over on Tuesday, Sept. 5. All of these men will be tried in Superior court, which convenes Monday, October 9. Now a irfmlTJffm I 1 fT 0 I I ' I t W $ | I ' v MVV I ^^FTTTT w < gill rli Exclusive Duo-Therrr ber Burner? gets more drop of oil! Big Radiant Doors f heat. Gleaming Duo-Tone 1 Fuel-Saving Waste-St< Automatic Draft Mic Exclusive Power-Air tional at small extra < to 25% on fuel bills! PRICED FROM $69 SOSSAMC FFICERS ATTEND CIJERC Wk. ,J^V. \ j. ; !; i :;', 1.1 s y&* jxiliary heads are shown with ;i gn Hills", and the Legion dinner at ? Majorettes, Hetty Jean Woody. Doi o. 2, of West Asheville; back row, k* Q. Alexander, of Kannapolis, Stat< nt of the N. C. Legion Auxiliary; I ge Stovall, of Albermarle, District C one and the public is extended a ! cordial invitation to hear Dr Hujj- J gins in this great message. The schools for Deacons began Monday night and will close tonight, Thursday. Schools are being held at East Sylva, Lovedale, Hamburg, Calvary, and Wilmot with the following as speakers: E. j L. Spivey, J. L. Jenkins, E. V. j Plemmons, Earl Bradley, and J.I C. Pipes. Two-day meetings are being held for pastors and ministers? one on Wednesday at the Tuckaseigce church and another today, Thursday, at 10:00 a.m. with Scotts Creek church. READ HERALD WANT ADS t Sossarr 11 K11 llL||^W|^S% ^^JL4A|AAAM H prlc? of only i Dual Chamheat from every y / Afto< 'or quick spot Walnut Finish! ^ ?ppef" SEE OUR CO def' > DUO-TH Blower (op:o$t). Saves up A 51ZE ANI FROM $3 .95 TO $129.95 - 7 MODELS1 GOME IN TODAY IN FURNITURE C First In Heating Equipment r;i?e 7 . ???> )KEE DRAMA 91 W ; V y " * ^ ' < ' ': ^ -v-' jup of Majorettes as they attended ivlva Friday evening, August 25? is Stone, Jeane and Yvonne TraxIt to right: Rev. W. Q. Grigg, SylvaK :? Department Commander; Mrs. ieaman Pinner, of West Asheville, 'ommander. Conference Report To Be Formulated At Legion Home T?ir-L* cr?r? Cr\iir\ t vr'i: nrnnnratnrv meeting to work in conjunction with the national Midcentury White House Conference on Children and Youth, the theme of which is "A fair chance for a healthy personality", has been set for Saturday morning, Sept. 9, beginning at 9:00 a.m. at the Legion Home. Mrs. Carl Killian has been, named as Jackson County chair-? man and will be in charge of the meeting. At this time the report for the National meeting in Washington in December will be formu^ lated. m ion's iMWiiOT ^H $7095/ I /? > (! ? tank) chabl* tank $10.00 \ o MPIETE SELECTION OP CRM HEATERS NOWI D PRICE TO SUIT YOU 12.95 AND UP. TO CHOOSE FROM mm j t"

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