Thursday, Nov. 23, 1950 tea y use THE 2 FOR RENT ? Rooms and apart- I ments with hot water, steam heat. Apply Sylva Hotel. 24-27 i * FOR MONUMENTS See Sylva ] Memorial service next to Ritz Theatre on Main Street, Sylva, ] N. C. Mar 20 tf FOR RENT ? 2-bedroom cottage ] nicely furnished with gas and electric appliances. Newly decor- ] ated. For business couple. All hard surface roads to cottage. Pinnacle j -?? fV7ft3 Alma . view ai Deid. (uwuc v.w?i j M. Lassen, Sylva, N. C. 17tf : FOR RENT ? 3-ro#m Rock Cottages. Electric kitchen. See C. D. Deitz, East Sylva, N. C., at cottages after 4:00 p.m. 23-26* CEMENT FOR SALE 100 to 200 bags per week. Hays Block Company: Phones 499 and 30. Franklin, N. C. 23-Tn FARMS FOR SALE ? One 85 acre tract, 12 acres in cultivation, good pasture, some fruit, house, barn, can house, smokehouse. 39 acre tract, mostly cleared, house and barn. Also good 12 year-old mare. One mowing machine in good condition. Located in Webster Township. Apply at Ammons Body Shop, Sylva, N. C. 9tf Dr. Hardy, Chiropractor, over Slack's on main street in Waynesville. Nights by appointment Call 1123, Waynesville. 46tf WALKERS CLEANERS and LAUNDRY ? a complete cleaning and laundry service. Call us for pick-up and delivery. Phone 254T-4, Cullowhee Road 44TN FOR SALE ? A few slightly used Domestic Sewing machines. Special price. Campbell's Shop, Box 5, phone 525-J, Waynesville, N. C. 7tn FOR SALE ? Concrete blocks to retard water, cinder blocks to # retard heatf superock blocks to retard heat or sound. Sold at prices between eleven and twenty-five ? cents determined by size, quantity, materi?l and distance hauled. Use these steam-cured blocks for your protection. We deliver. W. A. Hayes Block Plant. Phone 499, Franklin, N. C. 15tf FOR RENT?Five room house to right party. $10 per month. R. S. Cowan, Greens Creek, N. C. 26 27* FOR SALE ? Baby Stroller, in good condition. Inquire at Sylva Herald. 12tf. } WANTED?F ^ A new Free Service ( LEWIS ESSO SI \ Phor \ We pay collect calls and VTA11V #*nurc \ Will IClliU V C juui vv T? uj \ any cost to you if called | CONSOLIDATED HI m FOR SPE jC v.> - "jb d The Bo Main Street In The He: rOR SALE ? 1939 Chevrolet car I with newly overhauled motor, radio, and heater. Good tires. 1 >400. See Raymond Mull, Addie, s V. C. 24 25 26* c ? ?? i FOR SALE?Good used wesung- j house Electric Range. See or r :all A. K. Hinds, Phone 396, Cul- i lowhee, N. C. 26* ] NOTICE?EXPERT PIANO TUN- ] ING, Repairing, and Rebuilding; Damp Proofing, by experienced < man. Write W. L. Harmon, Ros- ( man, N. C. 25-28* ' HOLIDAY FRUIT CAKES ? 1 Home-made fruit cakes made to order. Call Mrs. Marjorie Clouse, phone 225-W, Sylva, N. C. J 21 ' ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of B. P. Norman, deceased, late of Jackson County, ' North Carolina, this is to notify i all persons having claims against 1 the estate of said deceased to ex- ( hibit them to the undersigned at 1 Sylva, North Carolina, on or be- < fnrcx 9nH Hav of November. 1951, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 2nd day of November, 1950. Mrs. Mary Norman, administratrix of the Estate of B. P. Norman, deceased. Nov. 2 - Dec. 7, 1950 ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of J. R. Long, deceased, late of Jackson County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Sylva Supply Building, Sylva, North Carolina, on or before the 26th day of October, 1951 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 26th day of October, 1950. Marcellus Buchanan III, Administrator of the Estate of J. R. Long, deceased. 22-27 EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the estate of Dan Tompkins, late of the County of Jackson and State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to exhibit them before the undersigned in Sylva, on or before the 26th day of October. 1951, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their i recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This, the 26th day of October, 1950. Emily Weigle Tompkins, Executrix of the estate of Dan Tompkins, deceased. Oct. 26, Nov. 2-30 resh Dead Stock ^ t for your Community / :all? ( ERVICE STATION ( le 9105 C our special equipped truck \ horses, and hogs without \ at once. \ IDE AND METAL CO. j ? C&MthUid C&uit CI XL PEOPLE ON YOUR LIST We have a wide selection of individualized Christmas cards-?to d to mother, father, brother o/ any her relative. Many other cards with messages a bit more intimate than you would send to casual friends. LLMARJTS "MAGIC MONEY TREE" CARD?a Christmas troo for you to corat# with ttn bright ?ilvtr dimos. ok Store raid Building Sylva, N. C THE TOR SALE ? Good brown male rabbit dog, trees some. Also arge 14 months old red dog, trees ;ome but not fully trained, but loesn't like rabbits. Price both :or $40.00, or will sell separately. Neither gun shy. See owenr rhursday thru Sunday till 2:00 p. Ti. Jack Turpin, 11-4 miles from Dillsboro on Franklin road. 26* MALE HELP WANTED ? Man with car wanted for route work. ?15 to $20 in a day. No experience or capital required. Steady. Write today. Mr. McVey, Candler Bldg., Baltimore 2, Md. 26 27* NOTICE North Carolina, Jackson County. DAVID M. ROGERS, Plaintiff vs. TOMMIE ROGERS, Defendant In The Superior Court The defendant, Tommie Rogers will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court o1 Jackson County, North Carolina being an action for the purpose oi obtaining an absolute divorce. AnH the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the Office ol the Clerk of the Superior Courl of said County, in the Court House in Sylva, North Carolina, withir twenty (20) days from the 22nc day of December, 1950, and answer or demur to the complain' in said action, or the plaintiff wil apply to the Court for the relie: demanded in said complaint. This the 20th day of November 1950. John E. Henson, Clerk of the Superior Court o Jackson County, North Carolin; Nos 26-29?DS EXECUTRIXES' NOTICE Having qualified as Executrixe of the estate of W. P. Sherrill de ceased, late of Jackson Countj North Carolina, this is to notify a) persons having claims against th estate of said deceased to exhibi them to the undersigned at Sylvs North Carolina, on or before th 22nd day of November, 1951, o this notice will be pleaded in ba of their recovery. All person indebted to said estate will pleas make immediate payment. This the 22nd day of Novembei iaau. Evelyn Sherrill and Mrs. Margare Roane, Executirixes of the Es tate of W. R. Sherrill, deceasec Nov 23 20 Dec 7-28 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUM MONS BY PUBLICCATION North Carolina Jackson County. ! MRS IRENE TERWILLIGER vs. C. M. TERWILLIGER In The Superior Court The defendant above name will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenc i ed in the Superior Court of Jack son County, North Carolina, by th | plaintiff against the defendant ft ! divorce from the bonds of matr I mony now existing between ther and let the defendant further tat notice that he is required to ap ! pear on the 30th day of Noven ber, 1950, or within twenty-sev< (27) days thereafter at the offi< of the Clerk of the Superior Cou of Jackson County, Sylva, Nor Carolina, and answer or demur the complaint in said action, < the plaintiff will apply to tl Court for the relief demanded said complaint. I This the 6th day of Novembe 1950. JOHN E. HENSON, Clerk Superior Court for the Cour ' ^ ^ - c ? : j ty ana staie aiuicaeuu. Nov 9 16 23 30?CCB FURNISHING LAFFS "I heard that JACKSON FURN _ ft Frigldaire hot water heatera. SYLVA HERALD AND RtIRi j TEAOt ?/e m winrj, I WANTED TO BUY ? Dogwood I Timber. Will pay highest market price for wood delivered on yard at Pure Oil Co. Bulk Plant. See or write O. L. Cope, Sylva, N. C. 25-28* ATTENTION MEN! Many men are being held back in establishing themselves in a business of their own due to the lack of capital. Let us put you in business. Buy on credit. The line is complete and profitable.' Write Rawleigh's, Dept. NCK-781-257, Richmond, Va. 26* RENTER WANTED ? Good family to work the Tom Cogdill Farm on North Fork on shares. Horses and tools furnished, good apple orchard on place. Will make you a good deal. Anyone interested see R. Brammer living on the place. 26, 29* WANTED TO RENT ? Five-room, ' unfurnished house, including two bedrooms. Will rent or lease. I If you have anything and are inter| ested contact Cpl. Clay Hensley. [ phone 36921, Asheville. 26* [ ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE 1 TO CREDITORS t Having qualified as administrator I of the estate of W. Hampton Cole, f deceased, late of Jackson County, North Carolina, this is to notify , all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at f Whittier, N. C., Route 1 on or bea fore the 16th day of Nov.. 1951, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please s make immediate payment. This the 13th day of November, % 1950. II HARLEY A. COLE, e Administrator of W. Hampton it Cole. t, Nov 16 23 30 Dec 7 14 21 r HAVE YOU RENEWED r YOUR SUBSCRIPTION? C ?? i ? u e : IIP A BAR GAINES 1949 Dodge Coronet 4-door ? Like New 1941 Chevrolet 4-door ? !Cj Radio and Heater nrnrwrmm ie 1946 Mercury Club Coupe RfVTTViTTTHBi 1111 M|lil|l, m :e 1941 Plymouth 4-door ? }~ I Extra Clean i imsani! l"l MAIN and MILL 8T8. * j by Jackson Furnlturs Co Y ") ^ rrijfht by Lor"1 Vvprt!<Hnp Co. 451 IITURE CO. Ju?t got In a shipment of ILITE Dressed and Drawn, Tender, Juicy TURKEYS Hens?10 to 14 Lbs. Toms?16 to 25 Lbs. i?61 11 49? I From Corn-Fed Porkers! Fresh (10 to 14 Lbs.) Pork Hams m 49? Quality-Tender Dressed and Drawn Fat Hens...? 49? SMOKED PICNICS LB. 43c TRUE SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY , IS OUR RULE FOR COURTESY I Great Big Tender Sweet Peas Natloi Green Giant No. 303 Can 20c Til Cranberry Sauce I (J Ocean Spray NoCa3n0017c r?<> Stokely's Finest Cut Green Beans No. 2 Can 23c r* Salad Favorite?Yosemlte Yellow Cling Peaches . . .." *? ? ? 25c Whitens Clothes Clorox .... ( . ( Qt. Bot. 17c Jolly Time Pop Corn . . . 10-Oz. Pkg. 19c Fragrant Soap Palmolive ... 3 si? 27c Dixie-Home Stores Will Be Clos Extra Large Fancy Crisp Tender fielerv. Red Ripe Freeh || Cranberries Lb. Cello Bag 19c Crisp Imperial Valley Iceberg Lettuce M-- 19c Double Red Stayman Wlneaap 9 Apples a 3 29c U. S. No. 1 Idaho Russet Baking m Potatoes 10 Lb Mash Bag 49c Cracker Jack Liqt POP CORN G 5c Pkgs Q? 6-Ox Bo Dog Food For Tha' PARD IVOR' 2 Cans 27? 13 Persons Fop Fine Waahablea Ivo IVORY FLAKES IVOR1 I Lb. Pk? 30c Lg? Pkj II I giving With Dixie-Home^^k I liirietv I lUIll/fl | I Because you want VARIETY, Dixie-Home buyers are constantly alert to provide It for fl you! Our buyers know it takes VARIETY to I put sparkling appetite appeal Into everyday H meals?as well as holiday meals. This week, you'll find your Dixie-Home (chockfui of a wonderful Variety of holiday I foods?and all priced low?at Dixie-Home H EVERYDAY LOW PRICES! Thrifty I Real Economy Buy?Boston Butt Pnrk Rnast. _ ?. 49c I Dixie-Home Quality Creamery fl Butter. ib 73c I Dixie-Home Colored Margarine > ?"?" - 27? Assorted Flavors?Delicious, Sparkling K9 Jell-0 3 pkg* 23c ja 1 , Has Many Uses?Baker's 4 in 1 Instant j Cocoa Mix 21c H Fresh, Creamy Candy I Chocolate Drops ?zic New Taste Thrill?Brock's Super Pack I Butterlets . . . ? 19c R| Rich Real Maple Taste Syrup Log Cabin 12-Oz. Glass Jar 27C I I For Economical Meals?Gold Medal wrm Macaroni 2 8-Oz PkB? 23c M I nally Famous?Libby's imato Juicer* 28? I t For Your Recipe?Libby's impkin . 2 rr 25? I "Beauty Lather" Soap Palmolive . . . 2 26c Longer Lasting Suds Super Suds 30c Instant Rich Suds Vel Powder 30c Foaming Action Ajax Cleanser m 14-Ox. Can 12c ed All Day Thanksgiving, Nov. 23 . 2 Extra Lge. O O ft I H " 00 II Extra Large Imported Italian Chestnuts . . . . 19c Fancy Red Emperor Grapes .... 2 "? 25c I Vitamin-Packed Juicy Florida Oranges m 0 Lb Mesh Bag 45C I Sugary Carolina Yams 4 Lb> 27c 9 I lid Soap Chase Dirt?Old Dutch LIM CLEANSER 27c I - 12c t Ivory Look White Laundry i SOAP P & G SOAP 1 0? 0 Lam Bars 24^* I ry-Mild Safe 8ude! Whiter WathMl ' 1 SNOW DIIZ 30c 2 0? I j

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