Page 12 RUBY DANIEL CIRCLE Will addresa Chrlatmaa Carda ? 25c per dozen ? and ? , will make Chrlatmaa Wreatha a />nn?irt IT inicrv?t?w Mrs. W. T. Brown, 204-J ?or? (. Mrs. Claude Campbell, 80-W I iTnfCB^^yWCMHF^^W At The Airport 2 shows each night 7:00 and ttOO. Adults 40c. Children i under 12 free. ' Section reserved for colored I Come at you are In the family car. Thursday-Friday ! THE FIGHTING KENTUCKIAN Packed with excitement by 1 your favorite player, John 1 Wayne. r i Saturday i TRIGGER TRAIL A superb Western starring Rod j Cameron and Fuzzy Knight. I _______________________________ Sunday-Monday I Your heart will shout. ! SCUD0ER-H00! i SCUDDER-HAY! ' In Technicolor. A love-smit> ten farm boy buys a mule team to make enough money to pro( pose to girl. June Haver, Lon McAllister and Walter Bren1 nan. Tuesday-Wednesday FIGHTING FATHER DUNNE Starring Pat O'Brien. He established a home for delinquent boys. A picture for the entire I family. t " ] Thursday-Friday ' nrninn nr tup dab i ifciunn ur dad MEN The big Western epic. I lor Quick Sta I^WNTE1 BlllBkJ- -" kt-rrf\/7 d | HAllA IMk>a L?N A/'J j ways /uu K/oiigiii 1 | FASTER START1N6, Entire electrical system starter, generator, dist differential checked for g SAFE AND COMFORI Brakes, steering, defrost and better, visibility. P and expert^ heater adju riding, comfortably war i PWIBnONAMINSI Cooling system cleanc volume of anti-freeze ad grade, wheel bearings switched to prevent un< Our courteous m I frimmZv your car best i I pletely equipped for pi May we look for you t severe temperature dro] Allman ] Mafai Street \ PERSONALS ~ Rev. and Mrs. B. H. Ziglar and c Dean and Mrs. W. E. Bird, Mrs. O. H. Monteith and Mr. and Mrs. .. C. B. Terrell were guests of Mrs. J. K. Terrell on Sunday at her s home at Qualla. Mr. and Mrs. Woody Hampton ' and small daughter will spent ^Thanksgiving in Andrews with < Mr. Hampton's mother and Mr. and Mrs. Wade a. rceese. : Mr. Arthur Weidlich, manager i of Log Cabin Association and Kress property at Barkers Creek, and ( Mrs. Weidlich returned last week after several weeks in Pennsyl- ) vania where Mr. Weidlich did some forestry work. 1 Mr. Roy Allison returned this week from Durham where he re- 3 cently underwent an operation at Duke Hospital. ' Mr. and Mrs. Philip Stovall and son, Jimmy, left Thanksgiving morning for Huntland, Tenn., to . spend the Holidays with Mrs. Stovall's brother, L. A. Ramsey, and family. They plan to return to Sylva Sunday. L. C. Moore, who has been employed for the past several months in a Canton barber shop, is now employed here at Tuckaseigee Barber shop and invites his friends , to see him there. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bryson, Jr., ! cnont the wppk-pnH in Ruther fordton with Mr. and Mrs. Carol Brysoa and little daughter, Anna. Mrs, Eugene Dillard, Miss Ruby Dillard, Mrs. O. E. Dillard, and Mrs. Rebecca Dillard visited in Cleveland, Ga., the past week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Reed and sons, Tom and Charles B., spent the week-end in Asheville with Mrs. Luther Baker and Miss Dorothy Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Bales will have as their guests during Thanksgiving holidays Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Denny and sons of Bristol, Va.. and Mrs. Beatrice Stevens and son, Lance, of Cooleemee. State College students to spend | the holidays here with their par-1 ents are Charles Stillwell, Wil-1 liam D. Holden, Ramsey Buchanan, and Walter A. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Parker, Jr., of Advance will spend Thanksgiving Holidays here with relatives. | Those going from Sylva and attending Parents' Day held at Mc-, ^ -11) _ rm _ 1 ? ? ' V^ailie ocnooi, unananuuga, iciui., on November 17 were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ferguson, and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Allison. ; R. L. Glenn, Jr., left Wednesday for Salisbury, Raleigh, and Chapel Hill to attend the football games held at these places on each of the remaining days of the week and to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. Crosby Dunn of Charlotte arrived Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving holidays with Mr. Dunn's brother, Mr. Jackson Dunn, and family. Mrs. Jack Allison and daughter, Stella Marie, left Saturday for rts, Safe Driving |j M7Cf Lis? r when we do the job K>/ EASIER SHIFTING |L/ checked, including battery, ributor. Transmission and proper lubricants. w/JW rABlt DRIVING \,J* er adjusted for safe stops ,,vl oint-by-point lubrication * - - ] m stment assures a smooth u ^ m car. " FREEZIH6 AND WEAR A : ?d and flushed, correct f | ded; oil changed to winter \ | i lubricated, tires cross- ? rven wearing. I y echanics know ind are com* i7\5*^Lr\V rompt tervice. AL^Jr^i#JA efore the first [0^ VIotor Co. . Dillsboro, N. C THE S? HOSPITAL NEWS Jean Cook, of Whittier, is reeiving treatment. Mrs. Laura Connor, of Sylva, is / ecovering from an operation. a Mrs. Flora Elam, Sylva, is under- s - ? ? * I u ;oing ireairneru. u Mrs. Geneva Harris, Sylva, is in c or treatment. t James W. King, of Gay, is re-1 c covering from recent injuries. i fc Jimmy Lewis, son of Mr. and c Mrs. Bill Lewis, of Hayesville, is s -eceiving treatment. * j r Mrs. Felix Picklesimer is re-.f :overing from an operation. 11 Master Johnny Rice, of Fr^nkin, is in for treatment. c Mrs. Margaret Slagle, of Frank- r in, is receiving treatment. \ Mrs. Willie McClure, Franklin, a s in for treatment. j r Frank Henry, of Franklin, is jndergoing treatment. Ic Lee Wood, of Franklin, is recov- a ?ring from an operation. t Lyda Caldwell, of Cullowhee, is a in for treatment. |r Master Harold Ensley, Cullo-11 whee, is recovering from operation, i James E. Rogers, Sylva, recov- c Bring from operation. m Cvtltyn {p i iYllSS IVicUgclICt muuic, ojnva, ' J in for treatment. ! NEW ARRIVALS IN JACKSON j< Born to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wood1 r ring, a son on November 20. |J Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Dick, Sylva, are the parents of a son, ? born Nov. 19. * Mr. and Mrs. Ed Powell, of Tuck- t aseigee, are the parents of a son,'c born Nov. 17. * i Too Late to Classify \ LOST ? Anyone knowing where- ( abouts of a stray dark red bull I, calf, weighing about 300 pounds , notify Weaver Hurst, Hedden's , Barber Shop. j their home in Hartford, Connecticut after spending a week with < **? T A llicnn Rofnrp Mrs. J uiauuc miiawti. w*v>? coming to Sylva, Mrs. Allison and ' Stella Marie visited three weeks i with relatives in Hattiesburg, 1 Miss. < I < < i > i: . Sylva, 1 i > CAMERAS i > I Complete Lines o of ;; EASTMAN < and | ANSO 13! from ? $4.54 up jo SPECIALS Thurs- Fri- Sat. O 0 1 "U.S.P. Quality Dri One lb. Epsom Salt < Bottle of ] 100 Aspirin o One pint o Milk of Magnesia o One pint ! Mineral Oil o 0 < 1 COUG Cut Rate 1 Creomulsion Jt Pertussin o Tancro o Respamol Ayers o Creoturpin Vicks 0 Foleys ? Kings 3; B.Q.R " CL < Malkof ;; Glessco ;: Nokof < < < < < * * 1 > LVA HERALD AND RURj Occidents ... ) (Continued from page 1) August?an average number lor ] ny month?revealed that perons under 25 were drivers of veticles involved in 26, or 41 per ent, of fatal accidents. Eight of hese involving young drivers ocurred during a four-hour period tetween 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. Thus, luring a period covering oneixth of a day, when traffic nornally is light, one-third of the atal accidents, involving persons inder 25, occurred. Some of the worst traffic acidents of the year, resulting in nultiple fatalities, also have involved drivers of this young group tnd have occurred late in the eve- , ling or in the early morning hours. Although the usual causes for ac;ident ? unsafe speeds, careless j ind reckless driving, driving in-j, oxicated and mechanical failure? ire listed as contributing to many!, nishaps involving young drivers, ^ r? a. tr\n rtmanf Kol iovoc that thA i 11C l^cpai titiviik | inderlying reason for these acci-j ients is improper driver attitude.' Mrs. Fisher Has Church Circle Group The Mattie Hensley Circle met Tuesday with Mrs. Joe Clyde Fish?r. Mrs. Dennis Fisher presided, md Mrs. B. S. Hensley opened he meeting with prayer. During ;he business session the nominating :ommitttee made their report on eaders for the coming year. The lew leaders elected are as follows: Mrs. Harry Mason, president; Mrs. tferschel Ashe, first vice-presi-; lent; Mrs. Dennis Fisher, second ^ice-president; Mrs. Vernon Cope, secretary-treasurer. Their term will start with the first meeting in January. The week of December 8 was designated as the Week of Prayer. The next meeting will be a Christmas party at which time secret pals of the past year will be revealed and other pal names drawn for the coming year. This ^rofessk V. c. 9 SEE YOUR DOCK * * Purity + Accuracy * Promptness * Efficiency jgs? When he prescribe AL DRUG STOJtE ... 10c Parker and Scheaf 25C Noxzema?85c jar Bobbi Home Wave ...-21c Rayve Refill Kit? Hadacol?reg. $1.2 ... 25c Hadacol?reg. $3.1 H SYRUPS Prices Every Day 57c 57c 59c 47c 39c 57c 49c 35 r 60c 31c 69c 75c 59c 35c ILITE 4th Grade Student Writes 1 rhanksgiving Poem ^ The fourth grade students of > Mrs. Gordon Reed in the Sylva School have been quite interested j and enthused during the past few ^ weeks with their study on Thanksgiving and its related studies. In connection with this study a sand c table scene with Indians and Pil- r jjrims was made. Drawings, stories, t and at the suggestion of some of . the students, poems were written. ? The following poem, written by Mosella Ivester, and without any help whatsoever from the teacher, was judged "best" by the students of her room: TH AN K8GIVING When Thanksgiving time rolls 'round meeting will be held at the home Df Mrs. B. S. Hensley. Mrs. Fisher served a sweet course of pie, ice cream, and coffee. There were thirteen members present. Ha GOME IN TOI WHILE Use C >nal Un i 3R AT THE FIRST SIGN OF A PROFESSIONAL DRUG STORE s bring your prescriptions tc ) for prompt, accurate comp< fer Pens i -with curlers 5 size >0 size youjiHOSTESS to please her most always give jtyumaMfo T M^aeo^^i4^?^?fM xri iv old iorom custom ??##? ? #? ???#??? ? ##? rhe folk* go to church in city and town p ro sav a Draver to God on high iVho gives us freedom until we die. r Vnd, if we're good, when we die, ^ iVe'll have Thanksgiving on high. ^ Crops will not respond to use u )f commercial fertilizers when s noisture is the first limiting fac- t< or in plant growth. THANKSGIVIN 12:30 to ?atJARRETT SPRI For Reservation) W. W. Faw, Owner Mj I I milton Watcfii JAY AND MAKE YOUI OUR STOCK IS COMF )ur Lay-A-Way Dependable Jewelers lin St. Sylva, N. C i^exin 4 ng Stort Ph ILLNESS... THEN Co Dy Tu * Speed Mi TV * Dependability Ri( * Economy Le * Courtesy Cut X X CiJ I the PROFESSION- Ray\ Bunding. Shas Brec $1.95 up Pain 59c Hudi $1.25 plus tax Drer $1.29 plus tax Fitcl $1.19 Wild $3.39 Lust BABY Ft Cut Rate Prices Cerol Pablum Cerevim : S. M. A. liquid S. M. A. powder Biolac Dextri-Maltose No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 B Lactum Dalactum Olac TN Thursday, Nov. 23, 1950 NOTICE OR SALE ? One building ap- '1 proximately 30 x 60 feet, 10 ooma, Galvanized roof, wood aidrig and ceiling, windows and doors. '? Vill sell to the highest bidder /ithin next 30 days. If bid not atisfactory church reserves right o reject same. ~ 1- T3 ?>COUS ca^bwi, VU?uvm G DINNER 2:00 ' N6S HOTEL s Call 9103-J rs. Robert Cordell, Mgr. , l es i SELECTION LETE Plan 9|B; fllJUssM B j ^ one 49 J < COSMETICS I ty If i Barry j ssy ! I ix-Factor < irothy Gray J chard Hudnut 3 on Laraine < SHAMPOO | Rate Prices Always < 25c H re 25c < . ta 25c ^ k 60c lolive 25c " nut 25c < le 25c i 25c <1 [root 25c i re-Creme 27c < < < < I0DS i[ i Every Day < 33c 23c ; 23c :: 34c jf $1.08 if 28c 74c < 74c 74c o 74c ;f 27c 27c ?f fci no < vp J..\J& 4 >. 75c )> il i i i <

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