LOCAL AND PERSONAL --- See Morrow & McLendon a bout it. ' ;' Rev. Frank Shepard of Ashe vllU was In town last Tuesday. Miss Nettie McDevitt of Wal nut, was in town last Tuesday. Shelton sells same goods cheap er than others do. Mrs? Eeud had her spring mil linery opening last week. Mrs. Belle Runnion has been visiting in Jupiter. Extra hetvy overalls for men . 75 cents, at Sheltons. Protracted meetings wero held last week at .Walnut in the Pres byterian chapel. Mrs. W. A. West left fdr Mti Olive, Miss., where she will vis it her sister, Mrs. Zeno Wall. Judge Jeter C. Pritchard was down from , Asheville Tuesday visiting his son George Pritchard at .1 . 1 Ma. TTT J t Miss Katnieen uiaricieii weu V . nesday for Lexington, N. C, where she will visit friends. C. A. Henderson has bright new hay for sale at the Pry Branch farm. Mrs. R. R. Ramsey and chil dren returned to WalnutTuesday after several days visit to her sister, Mrs. P. A. McElroy. .. Miss Vaughty Murray has been quite sick at the home of ber sister, Mrs. Wiley Roberts, on Littlo Pine creek. Mrs. J. A. Hendricks returned home last Tuesday from Wash ington, D. C, where she has been spending some weeks. See Morrow & McLendon about It. . Miss Hastings who has been teaching at Walnut Springs re turned, home last Wednesday having closed school on last Fri ', day. ; - Born to Rev. and Mrs. Zeno Wall, at their home in Mt. Olive, Miss., a son. This will be of in r terestto our readers to whom Mr. and Mrs. Wall are' well known. V" j Pender Banks, living with bis j father on Bridge street, died last t Thursday and was buried at the Ball grave yard on Saturday. ' He bad been suffering from tu- berculosis and was very weak, j We extend to the parents our I sympathy, , 4 1 want to sell you goods and Quite a bad accident occured in Knoxvillo to ont whp was well known in Marshall, Mr. Lyda Redmon was going past an elevator when he opened the door and looking down became dizzy and feel five floors holding to a steel cable and rasping all the flesh from bis hands. His head struck many times and while not fallinzto thebasemcnt he is in a very serious condition. While seemingly better, still he is in a very dangerous staU. W. T. Gillcy, a prominent dealer in Pennington Gap, Va., was so bothered with klilnev and bladdor trouble that be could not attend to business. He savg. "I hud severe pains In my back and kidneys and had to get up' ton to fifteen times each night, hair roley Kldnev Pills advertised and bought two bottles, and soon felt great relief, and was entirely cured. No longer disturbed at night, but sleep till morn ing." L 12. Lurnett, Mars Hill, N. C. Must Pay For Paper Court Holds that When a Subscriber Tikes a Paper From the Uilice He Must Pay Tftkinir a nanor out of the post- office makes the recipient listblo for the bill. u. Austin, a uut'tr, Mo., publisher, sent his paper to Charles Burge. The latter paid for it twice and then refused to nuv again, lie said ho oruerod it stopped. But the Court of Ap peals holds that mere acceptance of the paper created liability. It adds: "The preparation and publica tion of a newspaper involves much mental and physical labor as well as an outlay of money. One who accepts the paper by continuously taking it from the postoftice receives a beneiit and pleasure arising lrora such moor and expenditure as fully as if he had amironriated any other pro duct of another's labor, and by such act he must be held liable for the subscription price. For Sale. One 2 horse power gasoline engine, two 15 horse power gas oline engines, one 20 horse pow er steam engine. The gasoline engines above referred to are as good as new. Have not been used more than one year. Will sell at a great reduced price write me or come and see them. J. H. WHITE. CARDINQ AND SPINNINO CON TEST. Mrs. J. L. Starnos, Hickory, N. C, has in the past suffered sevorely with throat and lung troublo, and says, "I used Kolov's Honey and Tar Tar Com pound for this and it gave me Immedi ate satisfaction and relief. It gives me pleasure to recommend this prepara tion for sore throat, hoarseness, or any affliction of the throat or lung-s. I know It will do all claimed for ft." I. E. Burnett, Mars Hill, N. C. For Sale. One 8 horse power gasoline engine, together witu lo men Oueen of the South corn mill. Frence buhr. All complete for grinding. Soe or write me. J. II. WHITE. - . a Puts End to Bad Habit. Thinirs never look bright toone with "the blues." Ten to one the trouble is a sluggiwh liver, filling thesystem with bilious Doison. that Dr; Kinsi's New Life Pills would expel. Try them. Let the joy of better feelings end "the blues." Best for stomach, liver and kidneys. 25 cents at Jledmon& Roberts Co. ,- . , : - will sav tou money. F. Shel- ton. . ' " . ' The Geo. W. Gahagan Post i, Grand Army of .- the Re has accepted the' invita i the Caney Fork Church inday School to hold their. 1 service with them - on 80th,- 1912, a program of ; will be published, later, te by order of the Post. . S. M. DAVIS, Commander. BALLARD,' Adjutant. d can buy a good suit of )8,&t just brittle more than irlce at Shel ton's hhft regular meetine of the lof County- Commissioners . Monday- April 1st, . it was ed to order all paupers to Junty Home The Board immissioners has heretofore aiding a few paupers at home who were- suffering l contagous diseases j a n d ,e who were unable to be radio the home, but owing ' he fact that- so many, were landing aid that it was im sible to help the above de don was reached. beared, of the charges against lam now ready to do -, all Is of repairing and work on :heS.. jewelery, etc. Bring ;our work and it will receive opt attention,-and I promise latisf action. JOHN LISliJN ,' . . ' ' ' 1 the m'embers of the- Geo. Jahaean Post, No. 38, Grand y of the Republic are hereby icially. requested to be pres 't'at our next regular -monthly tinir of the Post, April 13th, : .."There, will be some -very ortant business to be ; attend to on that day. ' S. M. DAVIS, Commander. J. n. BALLARD, Adjutant.' Pins Keed Oats for sale. Also F1;-mouth Rock Cockerel. L. M. EP.YAI ROOT S HERB TIME IS HERE We want large quantities of the following: Puccoon root, Mayapple root, Angelica root, Black Haw bark of root, Sassafras bark of root, bright rough off, White Sarsaparilla root, Poke root sliced dry, Willow bloom or tags, Wild Cherry bark thin young green skin, Wild Cher ry bark thick rough oft. Elder Flowers or bloom bright color, Star Root, Star Grass, etc., all prime dry. , Write for complete price list add get early start. P. W. Lowe & Son - Leading Root and Herb Dealers ASnEVILLE, N. C. At the closing of the school at White Rock a spinning and card ing contest was held. Quite a representative gathering was present. In the spiuning contest Mrs. Wm. Spencer Kice received first prize for quality of yarn and speed and Mrs. Sol Shelton of Alleghaney, second prize. Prize for carding. Mrs. A. J. Shelton of Allanstand, received first prize for quality and speed and Miss Memay Shelton received honorable mention in carding. The competitors were so even ly matched that the judges had hard work to decide. We wish much success in these contests. ANNOUNCEMENT. " FOH KEOIHTlUt OF DlilOH. Mars Hill, N. C, A.':ir. 1!D l'J12 To tlm Ui'intbliain Vinr.i of Madi.'wn County: I hereby announce mynclf a candi date for thoolllivof IlcirMcrof Deeds of MadlHou County, subject iwever to the Ueputjlictin nominating or Primary Convention. " If nominated and elected 1 will da my utr.it to give entire wl faction to every indi vidual In the county. I have born a life long Kopubllrnn, havbu; inherited it from my J'aUiur, J. K Sprinkle, who was an old Federal Soldier In tho Civil war. Thanlvi:::' vou in advance for your support In lldti contest, I beg to rc- inuln, Voum to Servp a. C. FPIUXKLK. Foil County Trt;af.i'i;i;k To tye vofr.t of Madlsoa county. 1 take lliiN o))pu!'inril:.y to iiunounce my candidacy fur the KeinMieuii noin inatinu, siiliji-ct to tlm co:iv.;iition or prlinary, for the oll'.co oT County Treasure. I m nji;iolhti'd by tlio 'ounty Coin missUiiiei's i' County Triii'"l'"r o.-in;,' to a vacancy caused ly tlm death of Van li. DuvU. Tlio County Conitnis- Hioners and mynelf agreed tha' Mrs. Davis and children sho'dd liavo the cmmolument of t he cRIca le the :ict- util exjioiifies, and I liavo, jdiiccd to her credit in the hank $,r)0.(K) 'ene.li month out of a total of $ tliln lioili tlm salarv of tho oiilco. As to how well 1 have run the ollice is a question for the people whom I have served to say, but 1 feel tint I should itt?nt sosne consideration for serving two years without compensation. Very UcKjioCtfiilly. c. i i :i; xx ion. FOR SALE. Berkshire-Poland China shoats. Will weigh 75 iiounds. Price reasonable. ALLEN AMMONS, Pump, N. C. ' ' It Looks Like A Crime to seporato a boy from a box of Buck lcn's Arnicr Salve. His pimples, boils, scratches, knooltsV sprains and bruises demand it, and its quick rcliof for burns, scalds, or cuts is his right. Kuep it hmulv for .bovs. also irirls. Heals evarv thine healable and does it quick Unequalea for piles.', Uniy zo cents hi Redmon & Roberts Co. Mrs, Marv Goforth. the wife of G. W. Goforth of Big Pine, rtiu.fl on March 22nd. and was buried at Hiokory spur cemetery on the 24th. She leaves her hus band, three sons, one daughter in heis immediate family. ' Mrs. Goforth was 65 years : old and hnA hspn n. fonsistent member of the Bap tist ch u rch for 50 y cars. Bne was airmen .. wii.u . giu whicn passed into fever and to this une succumbed. She had been married 44 years. AH the friends and relatives mourn her loss as that of a most godly woman and a good mother and friend. ; Did You Go To Church Last Sunday? i MARSHALL HAS THREE CHURCHES, HOT SPRINGS HAS FOUR. MARS HILL HAS CHURCHES. WALNUT HAS CHURCHES. On every hill top or in the valleys, within easy reach.'of your home, every bunday tnere is a Sunday School or church service.- . 31:r r;-:jJ! -Spring Announcement-' MADISON COUNTY'S E15P82IUH, it's latest retail establisliment, annoancasto ils many friends and patross t&c arrival oE the largest aad best assorted liaes of SPRING GOODS ever before displayci i:i M Springs. y tar. am m mm wmm m Three weeks are ensugh, but sat a day tiso soaa to bejia lockh.- for your SPRING SUITS ad I'l'RNISaiK'jS. T!:e easiest way h nakc year seleste is to visit this store anj view the bsaatifsl new thirds, and enjoy tk satisfaction yea are bound to feel ia their fresh ch rn. Mot Foil rt!:i;t-.-.'i5 1 01.' D':::ds. To the Ui'pubik'iui vuters of MaJison County: I hereby announco'mysolf a crituKUatu (or the ofllce of Kcjfistor of lVnO.s. Subjnct lo tho iu'thm of tho Iiopulill can party. Very Respect fuly a. t. chani;L!:y. Fob Hkuistkb of Ii:ki I am a candidate aea:n for t lie ofiice of Rouister of Deeds, sub ject of course to the .Republican nrimiirr or noininatintr conven tion. I want to thank ray many friends in the county for their past favors in supporting me by their loyal work and voles. I assure one and all that I hiirhly appreciate what they have done for me in the past, . ana 1 have tried in an humble, way to con duct ray oilk-e in the very best wav I knew tiovv', to accomodate all narties. and I leave it to the people and voters to say wheth er I have suited them and am willing to abide by ' the decision of the county primary , .or con vention. Should the voters of my party think it bc;st 'to nomi nate and elect me again to fill the Registers ofiice another two years, I will endeavor to fill the office as best I know , how as I have done in the past. Again I sincerely thank 'p y many friends for past favors' and courtesies. As I am not allowed any salary for clerk hire it will be impossible for me to get a round oyer tho county to see the people as I will have to attend to the duties of my ntuce. I remain, the obeuieut servant of the people. JAMES SMART. 2030 pairs of men's, la&s' zti mrJs Pl!;.iP5 zzi GvJOSDS, zzh by snch - well know manafaciurcrs as W. L. LV$as, Tiioraas C. Fisnt ad II. C. Gcaa. ill the latest styles S sfopos, Iacladisg SjHS i Willi OXi-DS for both ladies children. Clothing mi6 otlo&ts Big line of popular priced clothing tor men and boys, manufactured by Michaels-Sterns & Co., Rochester, N. Y. Ve can fit and please you in all styles, color-; and prices. Shirts, Collar.-, Ties, Underwear, Notion?, Dry Goods; all kinds of DRESS GOODS from ths c3:aapt print? to tiie very beat SIL'S. We carry at sll times a cs:r.?ht5 Ilae of Staple and Fancy GROCERIES, Hard ware, drain, Hay end Feed! When in Hot Spring W2 trszi yo.: v;l lienor us vith a visit and take a look a what we have to ofier. supply mmni IEEE! EE NOTICE O!'1 SALE. Why not attend next Sabbath? It-can do you no harm. It WILL do you good. 1 1 for. SumiiFi''. I take thin oporlunity to announce to tho Kemilhen vou , of Miului county that I am a enndiilato far . r nomin.ition fop tlie odiia of . Sheriff of Madison county. I RiiiL-erdy (H-sire lo thank ths people for ; Uia hearty sup port thev favo mo in tlio inst election and. for tho aid J id aVawo tV have (riven me in t rio cuschari'O of official duties' as sheriff tip.W tho pree ont tiran,' and if t am noniituted and oleotcd to tho second trvui I will tn fleavor to d&charpu In? dutu of tho office to thai i m'c -L op 'h - lc Not only thankih.? tho- llopuhiicnna of old Madison for what they did for mo ia last clt-ouon hut wi-h U thin't thnn in advanca for what I lool they will do forms in the u) m i c invention ", Mot II -.ti- 'ol, SortU Ciirolinr. Ma.dls('ii Coutity, In tlie Kupjfior CJiirl. Ueforii Hi Clerk. 01311 Wild, Administrator U' Thoa. Wild, d.'fcasod. Vs. Mary Wild, widow of Thax.&a W lid, ; doccas-d, Ver-io Vild, FivJ Wild, js Max V.'iltl, DwiK'ht Wild and Glen , i Wild, indlvidr.:Uly, hoiK at law ofj Tho;r.as Wild, dcsuascX li Under and by virtue or an order of j the Superior Court of Madison Court-j ty, mado in the special proawdin;; en- j I titled as above, the satin b.iii;r nuin-j l;er330 upon Hie Kpeclai proceeding: ; j docket or saW court, the undersigned i jj commkioiicr, w!il on tiw 15, day of j j April, lii 12, at 11 oclook . in., &t tho. j court hou. floor In Marshall. ortli Carolina, ofTer for sale to tlio highest bidder lor cash that certain tract of land lyitiff and being in No. 1 town shin, Madison Couriiy. North Caro line ixiunded Mid more particular, y de-vribod as foiiov.'i, to-v.'it: Ivcinuing at a ciuitUo Uhtnut.-al fork of branch and inns up and will main branch and lints of lot number ti, North 80 K4.--.1, .12 poles to a &ta.i, tlin lr.ast21 poles to a fctake; tiit-n North l!l 1-2 Kast 8 pelevlo a. stake: then North 47 1-2 Kant 18 poles to a stake at fork of branch then h nii 11 East 4 poles to J. K. Kox'a ccrnt-r. tlhiil with his line North ti Wt.i poles to a Locust then North 25 hist 4 !-2 Dolus to a Locust then Nortli ( East 24 -poles to a stak.o.corncr c. ic numbcr 15 then Willi linn of-same North 8t West 44 poles to a staka ir. the branch then down and with lie.: branch iind lines of lot numb South 14 West 24 poles t o alt.ako South 7 West 48 poles to tho 1 nin2T containing by calculatloa li acres mora or loss. Yoi?r Fault? A ffreat many people suffer from their teeth. Many of them ccitl l find relief if they would let us put their teeth in good condition. I lira my work so carefully as to reduce the pain to a mM:?KMil do 11 so inteStigsntJy 3 t-J insurs - perfect Uct '. taixiVtcr. . ' j f... i.' K'.:'-i l" JO u w m- mtyjm M . ilAgSHALL let KfNDAY OF EACH K0NTH FOR ONE WEEK C7E SETKOS R02ERTS DRUG STORE 100 LBS KXTRA H.fj;l IGEWBLE Sm WMHTtZD ANALYSE .'. -P,'jml PHoi. ACiO .8. A Good Garden will supply half living. A Good Truck Crop Will bring in lot ot money. To secure enrlincsi, which means eitra ralu and profit, tenderness ami high quality, Grow your Vegetable Quickly. You can do this by using our 1-5-5 Extra Wdi Grade Feriiliz Non better-Fow so Good. We re rot in th Tiwst. l-atroi. ire h"ne folks and tee? your money in cr- i; jL CQUIU'TOAMMSKIA 1 ' V gi K.tiie.T 6ooi at a Fi 1icb. !iv-t,. ,,.-. r1" XVewtH(btpr.ne ick orns ninny t you want, KUIMjrf - 'nte l'r (n:t!il your liH.-r Imnt won't older tuv yo.u VVjiHirirT,,Dcn ov Order toJy. we ship tomorrow. J MAMUrACTUntO Bf . ..1 Send lor oiu bouklet. ASIIDllXE n C. ASHCV1LLE. N. C. It will pay yna to iKttlsi va aavtui: our noons t 01 , i! Tr T T U Veil, V o ) K " -I)' 1, I 0 , t iw a, S ( , ul 1 1 c alb, ' 1 hn" ) n 1 1 1 l i 1 1 si'jian ami Urulfsfist for ovr .35'. yr-al-y am! havoil(l an;l admimstBi-vd wsn kidnoy medlclnos but u:n 'w . piiuiii ! Foley Kidney Pills. .Thoy aro uii.;uni- t i v I ei r i sj ii il z'o i lie i i e.t ami mom. p-irm.immt roaot.-'. 1. 1. Uurnett,' Mars' Hill,- C .'; CARVER ,WAGCNS j;I.,.NlSSEN.WA60NS ' . ' TBORNIilLL WAGONS OLD HICKORY WAGONS COLE a WHITE Marshall, N. C. Tho Dadfor After On?- lies often in b run-down aystoiu. Weak ness, ntirvouanafei, lack of apetilo, en- 4 erg-y ami aBibmoa,. - with . disurdered tliverand KiclneyH oflwn louow an tn- taek of - this wretched aisous-?. - lao greatest noo.1 tliaiv i l.lfuU-io Hittui, llio glorious tonic,- blood punfiar nad rogulaiorof stoiiiiu.'!), livvr, and kiJ pejs. Thousands . have . provtd that tby wonderfully st'ronglhen tiit nan?es imilil mi thn svs'em and restore to I jlidalth and jffod spirits after an attaok lof Grip. U SiiUering, iry tueiu. vinjr 50 cents'. Sold and per f uct satisfaction guaranteed by lludmon .3c lioberts C). Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as erairt IU orrty wtroy the imiw ot smell and completely deranm the oo" sv w" tntrrtne It throuss tlia miieous surHe-a. biicn artiolea shouia never bo used MeeiH cm preKTlp tloa. Irom repnuble physleUii as the dumnce tbey KOflCK Tv virtue of tho power vested in mo by an. order aad loroa cf tlio Superior C )U til a b, x i il Pr i' i v-c'i if It ."i e tho C'ttk and ti ' 1 Si- li C (a nr! oi,hi-j' Ifiira at, law of Daniel tVtc- man, deceased. Vs. toannda.-Lw m.o i i.u 1 1 1 ill 1. i'M Am C--,'5- u d lmliand Viiliis Groc'iry and ot.Iut hslM at law ol D.imel 1 reemnn.- in-CPBsncl- I will on Mondav tiie OUi day of Mav 1912, at n o'oliiuk in. no the Court rloiise doar in thu town of b!kj1, Madison county, N. C, aidl - to tho highest bidder for cann for pwlt--tlria among the tenant? In ooiiunon the Miiort'iiig described raal estate to-wit; . Coniiistinir of two tmcUs, Iwta si&.iat- edin N-. .1 toans'np, the il -ti )'. - ingtlio lands of James Ilenier,- Jim Wilson, Sarah Wright and others, cor tabling about 31 acres more or less, and sroond tract itujoiniag thas hinds .of A. J.. Roberts, Duil Kobort and othnis. containing about 10 seres more or lest-. Ths the Si-d day of April VM2. , - J. IT. WIIITLV i Comintstiioacr. at m I h Write Now to'tho ortbern Pacific Ey .... Do not ur.isr alonif will a kiupy a!l- iTrSN" St rnent that saps -your Btrength cau.es n YP UUW ' by F.J. Cbeiwy C.. Tolt-do, O . eontmiw For Rates ot Fare.-Foil Informaiioa nd Free lUustrated Literature abeut inejievcs pwi Prosperity States or America Mianesola, Wneo.ita. Korrt Dakota, M.la. Ml, "Ji: 5 h Sl.nd.rd Railway of tho Morlkweat. Get your trienda to Co and form colony, ft Ah about LowOna iay Sprtim Colonial Tarca, affselm daily Marc a 1st to April IStk nd Roand-trip Boawaaakars - Fareo, eifettive on firat and third Taoadaya of sack Boata. ft Wnta aaw ta . C. EATON. !, 'rrCnnoH ilVl1' iJ M it j, t.ti n I I anV-,i i if a no m r- eury. sod Is ukra Mtm-ally. aitjnir dirwtly open vouieiS. anil Kw9 of atietits. ' T ih. hirwvt nri miienna siirtacea of uie bwhi- . terrVile baclcachts, slej?lo3ne., ncr- ke txivtna Hall s Catarrk Cure bo mire you set tha Folav KidJleV I'illjW -"'i'bVy Cll'iO'ily owo. ty f. j. 1 1 wT f Trwtm.ii'inia tree. cure all kiuuev ana lilautfr a.l.nents. . (iolil bT DrUL-Pleo. tso. r-' ' I. ... , fun -V las Hall kaaiily r" t eonauuKiH..- 1. i., ua.iion, jum inn, vi U. V,. Coliins.'roHUna-'ter M H-tw-l ijat, N. J., advises liH friends "I find1 your Kolev's Uoney an-1 Tar Gwa-iound the host rVmudy for a cough I ever triad. I bad a lagrip;e e iugn t.hst left me cjmijletely esh'i-iSMd, lut af ter taking half a WyA'. of t'oi.n's Hon CV and Tar Comt-DUnd, the c.-.i;:hiiir niwtla c.-i88d. I wis't to si v it, ctn'i ba Ka;. I. 11. Uu.-nett, Mars lliil. N. C. - Suelto'h has a larne lot of un cloMinsr which hfl bomrlil A -bou IW cents on tho dollar, i nI yon 'can buy any of tiicai at t : sam rpctudtion. Mow U th ti.Tif 'o (I v -.spring p iir, t i-r-. '!'i v i. i ;tuJ V,- s.ili-." .

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