' . ' J ' vv - ) ' ;' i-FlT-.t ' lv:: '- $ 44lt444444444lt44. J Madison County Record 1 - V, . Mi.iiued J tin 13, 101 J '"' ' French Broad News 2 ; fc Eatabllihed Ma; It, HOT . Z i 444444444444444444iik 1 AN X MARK HERE I 3 Means that year sab J scriptien has expired. vpppppppppppppppppppp. no Y - CONSOLIDATED HOV.k.IMI. ? '.4 5; PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP t THE ONLY NEWSPAPEO PUBLISHED IN MADISON COUNTY VOL XXI MARSHALL, MADlSON COUNTY, Nj C. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd 1923. 1 V No 5 ft: , r b 'ij ' . 3 T ' ; - M 1 ;Shows Alabama's Need of Forestry I Legislation . I I BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -In a re 'cent interview I,.T. Quinn, Ala bama commissioner Of conserva tion, says: ''Unless drastic steps are taken to prevent it; Alabama f will fiind thern?elves in the . column of jumber importers, in stead of' exporters, within the next few years.'' lie goes on further to outline a policy of f conservation, and has requested . Governor Kilby of "Alabama to include in his message to -the legislature an appeal or ' enact meat of laws which will provide for the protection of the state'j forests fend reforestation. ' "We are today cutting our timber more than fdbr-times as fast as we are producing it," said Commissioner Quirin:'; ''Only ten per cent of what is now ; being cut is original growth; the other J ninety.. per cent-; being second growth and of inferior grade. , , in 1919 there were, wo saw mills in Alabama cutting pine timber.' Of this number thirty had a ten-year cut or over. In 1922 we have approximately 500 saw mills ' "cutting pine timber with possible fifteen with "a ten-year cut or over.. These figures sound appealing, and they are,1 but they are as nearly, cor rect as thegoYfrjnt estimates can male 'them 'T " ": "I am reliably informed that the states of Georgia and Texas are today importing more lumber for domestic purposes than they are exporting. At the present rate Alabama will be doing the same thing within a few years. "The number of -people' ' whose livelihood depends directly :or Indirectly upon our Jests is very large. ' The place of foregt products in sustaining the pre sent industrial structure of the state is of great importance. "Between 50 per cent and 60 per cent of the State is classed as forest land. We have then a land problem, a question of how half of the state is to be utilized in the future. The , , problem of Alabama is to make the forest lands of the highest service Jn building up the state on a perma nent basis. We have approxi mately six million acres of cut over land in the state with less than 50 per cent of it suitable to profitable agriculture. The re mainder is practically worthless except for growing timber. ; ' "The lumberman claims that the present assessed valuation of these cutover lands will hot per mit reforestation because they would be forced to pay taxes on them for a long period of years before they could get" any re turns and by that time the taxes would have, eaten " up all ; the profit, f.; v r't--.' , ; . "In the state of Louisiana there is in Operation a severance tax in lumber and other natural resour ces. Out of nhis severances tax revenues are obtained to 'run a divisionf forestry in the de partment of conservation. ; . "The nominal tax value ; is put on non-agricultural cut-over acres which enables the.: commissioner of conservation tar enter into a contract with the' land owner, enderthe direction of a ' trained state forester to reforest these cut-over lands. The reduced tax ir.come to the state on areas und- j c r contract is made up through ; t 3 severance license tax." In r cf the other states the di- Bull Creek Items. J. Miss Jesain Metcalf who baa been detained at "home on account of flu (fas now returned to School a, Dor fend Bell i V. j Miss Thelma Cohn has returned to.AshevilIe Home School after a brief illncRS , Mr. Millard Lewis of Grapo Vine is now boarding at Mr. It. F. Til- fery's and attending school at Mar shall, and seems to be getting along xicely in bw books. I Mr. George Edwards Bpent Tues day night with his brother, Mr. Hobcrt Edwards of retcraburg. t Messrs. R. M. Whitt, D.D. Mer rcll and Albun Buckotr were gntAa ajt the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Silver last Sunday. .Messrs. McKinley Candler, Stew art Metcalf and Kara Merrell at-, tended Prayer meeting at Bull Creek last Sunday evening." . . Misses Ora nhd Alda Merrell were guest of Mr. .and Mrs. G. It Mer rill's Tuesday night. Miss Ora Waldrup who has been ill with flu is now ablo to bevin teaching at the school of this place. vision of forestry U operated up on revenue secured through an occupation tax. "The legislature of Alabama in 1907 passed a - forestry bill which was aoDroved by Governor a.. Coiner, But ' iatef TV' wast declared unconstitutional "Annual forest fires . destroy hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of young growth that would in the years to'come prove a valuable assett to ' the state One of the principal features of a forestory program should be he inauguration of a fire control system to prevent forest fires. When Alabama shall have taken the proper, steps through the 'proper machinery for fire control and the establishment of a, con structive program !n forestry, the federal government, through its bureau of forestry, will co operate in a financial way in helping to perpetuate the forests of the state." V v v It is considered as a eertaiaty by the best inform pea ia toth lumber and legislative, circles that a plan for the reforestation of the state of Alabama will be taken up by the next legislature and ! thoroughly thrashed out Many plans are being advanced and the severance tax plan is coming in for severe criticism as placing a burden on the . lum berman that is entirely - . out of proportion to his profits, " out of the tree. It is stated that this tax actually costs many times its apparent total. ; . -4 ! . " One plan which is receiving the1 backing of a number of lum bermen and others who have given the proposition considera ble thought is the purchase of the cutpverjands that are not suited. to agricultural purposes by the state. This to be accomp lished by the issuance of long- term bonds to the 'present owners of the lands at a dollar, basis on the present taxable valuation of the land, these bonds to bear in terest at 4 or 5 j per cent per annum; . ..-; . There is no question of the fight that will be made to make Alabama's law an example of fair and square legislation and an example that can be followed u rt w states faced b th ' A .Wom , same Problem' ; ; : , ' Where Did Cam Get His Wife? The above question was ' asked the other day in the lobby of a certain hotel here in Marehall, and we will answer it on Sunday night jn a prelude to . our regular message at the BAPTIST CHURCH. !; This question-Where Did , question of about every infidel The infidels will ask it, or rather arms, look at you with what they suppose is a wise and over powering eye, as mnch as if tq say: "Now we have got you." But they haven't by any manner of means, for the problem as to where Old Cain got his'wife is there is to be found between, the covers of the OLD BOOK. If you don't believe it come and see Sunday night . ina uivdAiMi Diara iin iuw win De tne suDjecc oi the regular message of the hour. On Sunday morning we will COMING AGAIN OF JESUS CHRIST." ' If you ar at all inter ested in the SCIENCE OF THK than cordially invited to be present and listen to our first message along this most important line. We do not expect everyone to agree with us in everything that we shall say. But you can acT cept what appeals to you and reject the rest. We do want you however each and every one, to give us credit for being honest and sincere in very blooming thing, for, as sure as you live, we are that is, if we know our own heart, and we think we do. Glad to see so many of you out last .Siindayr , Hope to see you again on the coming Lord's Day. Thank you very much for your kind expressions of regard. Appreciate them highly. My pray ers and best wishes to and for you all. ... ':' ' ' ' ::'y: 's E. R EVANS, ,. ; R S -Niagara Falls is one of the great scenic wonders and marvels of the world. We have we used to live in Buffalo, N. Y., away from there We have a beautiful set of slides and a rattling gooa aesenptive talk of same. . attraction. Further announcement Sunday nieht. i-t Fine Work By Officers Rector & Whitner. An important raid was made by the Prohibition officers Wil- lard Rector and Will Whitmer when they captured a still and some men in t h e Catalooch Country twenty miles north of Waynesville. For some time there has seemed to be an ever running source of liquor in this country which was hard to lo cate but on information these officers started and were led to the. house of Frank Palmer who was suspicioned as knowing the source of the supply and direct ing it to the outside sections. When they arrived at the house they did not find the man but discovered more liquor than the lav allows as Frank had a gal lon" and 3 quarts of moonshine. Officer Rector tracked Frank through the snow from his back door for t h r e e quarters of a mile to a still. This was, hidden in the Laurel. There Frank Pal mer and frarrison Hall w e re busy at work making more of the unlawful. These men were arrested and taken to Waynes ville where they were given a hearing and bound over to Fed eral Court at its next term. The nfTioAra nffl tn hft con tfra filiated forthe arr es.t in Haywood County, , ' t f Officer Rector has shown him self in the fulfilment of his du ties as Federal Prohibition of ficer and with the assistants he has done yeoman work for the Bureau that he serves. SUBSCRIBE Now. S1.50 Per Year In Luvance. . Cain Get His Wife?" is the pet that you meet wherever you go. fire it at y ou, then fold their one of the easiest to solve that begin a series of sermons on the LAST THINGS you are, more visited it a number of times, as and the falls are just 21 miles We are planning it for our next E. R. E. The Allanstand - Industries. Last Sunday The Citizen publi shed an article on a Western North Carolina industry that is not known to the people in proportion to its value to this mountain region. The Allanstand Cottage Industries is what the name of the organization indicates home Industrie Its purposes are briefly as follows; To bring money into communi ties distant from markets; to give women, especially, in isolated sec tions the opportunity of exercising their artistic skill in profitable oc cupation; to presort th rfta of the pioneer : days and te prqdne antatef f Deantr aad va!; woh as coverlets, portieres, rugs, basket s brooms hatB. v , k ' , With the encouragement offered by the industries, the workers in many communities of the moun tains are"- making baskets' in 241 different styles, rag rugs, linsey and tapestry in numerous designs, and other articles. That the market thins provided brings 'welcome' ad ditions to the family " incomes is shown by the average family' in come of frgm $200 to $400 a year from making baskets,' Ono of the features of' (this in dustry arousing much interest am ong visitors to -this section is' the proficiency of the . workers , in ( the use of dyes made from roots, bark, flowers and leaves. . The articles, made are ' widely drstributecf among tourists, and therefore the Allanstand Industries does much to advertise Western North Carolina. Officers and sales room are located in Asheville',' and those who are interested in an ' im pprtani local industry are invited to attend theexhibition soon to be given. '.' - ' FOR SALE -17 beautiful lots" at Hot Springy N. Cf. ; For quick sale! : Cash terms. ,: Owner leaving for1 West Virginia. See C. W I Notion, Stackhousc, N. C' 1-10-23 1 About 5,000 Are Arrested In 1922 Speeders Head List with Tota of 683 Arrested in 12 Months. Asheville has its story o: crime, of sordid life of human failing, of blind youth and thoughthless folly. In the chapters of 1922. Police Court Records, there are 4,948 charac ters introduced with charges ranging from petty traffic vio lations to murder, arson.'' rape and manslaughter. t . Compared with last year there is a gain of nearly 500 in '1922, a total or 4,401 entries were made in 1921. , ' Speeders head the list for 19- 22, there having been 683 per sons arrested in the city of Ashe ville alone for speeding with automobiles and motorcycles Hand in hand with the speeders go the reckless drivers, 229 hav ing been arrested in the city during the 12 months period en ding today. remaps but a small percen tage of the drunks in the city came under the observation of the law in 1922, but there was a minority of J515 less fortunate, and these were hauld into court on charges of being intoxicated, Gambles, those who failed to get away with . thfr game, total ed 551 in 1922. Perhaps there are many reasons tor the 01 o arrested and numerous unarres ted drunks in the city, during the year. The records of the court show 239; reasons during the year, for that many arrests were, made of persons, (charged with various whiskey violations Stealing, under the highbrow and less offensive term of lar ceny, was charged against 154 persons. July, for the past two years, has beeib the banner month for police activities. In 1922 there were 627 arrests. In 1921. there were 627 arrests, identically the same number. vv v '..'' The number of arrests during the past year, by months is; anuary 3 0 2; February 3 2 0; March 258; April, 350; May 493; une, 429; , July, 627; August, 50 2; September, 412; October 427; November. 331; December 35. Ninety And Nine Granted Divorce. ' Eighty-Five Divorce Cases In Bun- ' combe ..County Dismissed In 'j, ' . Year. , . There w-re ninety and nine di"- vorcesranicil m iUineombc- coun ty during the past j months This is not a case of 90 out pf 100 for in 1921, the year previous, 637 mar riages took place in the coutity. ' More than 85 divorce cases were dismissed during the year when it became- apparent. 'that; the plain tiffs for some reason or other failed to prosecute their cases. In most of 'the-'cases, ss far as it may be as- ertained,"the parties have agreed to start over-agam or to separa e without divorce. In 1921 there were' 112 divorces granted iu Buncombe county. The divorce is becoming more frequent in BuhcOmbe county. Until the past to years less than 50 were an- nual!y Erantcd' Indict Gunter On Murder Count Newport, January 24. T h e, grand jury has returned an 1 indict ment charging first degree murder against Francis Gunter, alleged slayer of Lloyd Mal hes. Gunter is held in the Knox coun ty jail, but ho will be relumed to Newport Monday and arraigned before Judge J. L Drinnon, of ti e circuit court. The actual trial will not be hold Monday, but an' early date1 will be set. The prosecution will ask for the death penalty to be imposed upon Gunter. Guntcr's defense will prob ably be temporary in s a n i t y or drunkeness. . ' " The killing occurred at Cosl y late in November. . Gunter was on the war path, menacing the life of several with a shot gun, it wan claimed. Mathes came along With out parley Gunter ordered him to raise his hands. Mathes complied with the demand, but argued with Gunter and bgcd for his life. Af ter a few words had hcen passed, Gunter discharged the shot gun in to the heart of Mathes. who fell lead instantly. Gunter then burr- e( his own home and fled to tho ' mountains where he was captured the same day, officers stale ' Ninth District To Get Near Three Mere Million For Road Work Under State Bond Issue. How Fund of Two Million Has ; Been Expended In Ten Counties. FIGURES IN FOURTH BIENNIAL REPORT. Show Projects Taken Care Of Under Administration Gov. Bickett. . The Ninth District of the State highway Commission, comprif- ing the counties of Buncombe, Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Hay wood, Jackson, Macon, Madison Swain, and Transylvania, will have approximately three mil- ion dollars to continue, c o in struction of highways, includ ing around two million dollars on hand from the district's sharo of the fifty million dollar bond issue, of 1921, and an estimated amount of $1,200,000 from the $15,000,000 bond issue, J. G. Stikeleather, Highway Comm issioner for this district stated yesterday. . Projects for highway cons truction' in the ID counties, let as a part ot the fifty million dollar bond issue, completed or under construction, 'amount to approximately $2,550,000, accor ding to the fourth biennial re port , of the State Highway Com mission to Governor Morrison and the General Assembly, ' The fund of over two million dollars for highway construction covering projects let and under construction is divided among the 10 counties as follows: Buncombe $162,726; Cherokee, $240,029; Clay, $142,664; Graham 136,662; Haywood, $114,087, acKson, ao4u4 jviacon, $226.- 78; Madison, $243,071; Swain. $3 1 8,3 4 1, a n d Transylvania, 137.5Q0. , Of the total of 673,09 nules of the State Highway system,- Continued On Editofal Paa

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