Local and Personal v., jr; When is the band going to or- bited a very interesting and in ftganize ? They say music sounds' stnictive films at the Globe, sweet on the water, so we can Monday night ori the forestry . . . t . - - . I t A. A . 1 1 i play our first piece on the bridge .leading into the Island. 1 ? Little Marv Rice 3 . years old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerre I Rjce is suffering this week from J a scalded arm the burn is pretty .' bad but dont think it serious as ;it appears to be doing fine. ; PlBLIQE NOTICE notifying t the, public that I am no longer loolmrf in v9l T? M Pamniv ' Everything steralized except e barber, and we fumagate I him (twice a week) at Tweeds shop. FARM FOR SALE 175.000 feet of good lumber on it, or will rent it. Zeb Merrill, Marshall, N. C, Sweaters -that value $3.00 now ll.50.-C. W. Furguson & Son. Just received a large shipment of tho wonderful remedy, Tanlao This is the great medicine you ' have been hearing so much about The remedy that's made such a wonderful reputation and which . has accomplished such' remarbablo results all over the United States and Canada. Get your bottlonow , at Marshall Pharmacy. Mr. Den Frisbee, the barber, artist and magician, left hire Satur day night on the Carolina Special for Council Bluffs, for an unlimited length of time. Mr. . Fnsbce and his admirable wife will be missed Mr. D. E Wallin and Mr. Jim mines two oi Mars uiua business men were in Marshall Thursday. , Mr, Hensley has been sick for a few days but is improving. Misses union suits size 6 to 12 value $1.00 selling price 75c. C. W. Furguson & Son. Mr. and Mr?. J. N. West went to "Asheville Wednesday to the funeral of Mr. Curry i, , Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Jtcctor have recently moved to Weaver ville, wonder what Weavervillo is doing to attract so many of Madi son's best citizens JJr. Uurk alter spending, some days in French Broad Ilaspital at Asheville ha3 returned to Marshall much improved. If they is anything some folks loves better than music, it is more music' , What you s a y? Less start something. Tanlac, that wonderful medicine, Bold in Marshail, ly Marshall Pharmacy. ' , ' Mr. F. Shelton and Mr. E.. R. Tweed are leaving soon forjFlorida Mr. Shelton has been somowhat in dtopoied and is to remain for some time in Florida , t Tom Thumb Wedding wag given in the Court House Wednesday evening in the interest. of Marshall High School. The pourt house wad packed and the entertainment very much enjoyed. ' Reports' come fiom the hospical that the Rev, Mr. Carpenter is getting along nicely. Boys union suits value 80cts 60cts sale price.-rC. W. Furgu son & Son. . Mr Stikeleathcr stated that 111 waterbound macadam roads after they are allowed to stand for several months under travel conditions," are swept and cov ered with asphalt,1 this being the standard rule of the State -i ' . ; 2 -- 1 Hignway Vommissiun lor bucu highways.. Hon. William Jennings Bryan's Illustrated Lecture "Back tavGod" was given at The Baptist Church "Sunday night by Rev. Mr. Evans, to a packed auditortiu'm... We hope lasting and much good will be the result irom me lecture, 5 Big shipment of Tanlac just re ceived. Marshall Pharmacy, local agents. s - ' The new meat market is in i :11 swing, all kinds of meats, 'i, chickens; anything you Mr. L. Jared. The U. S. for esty man of Hot Springs, exhi- : Buoject, 10 a large ana apprecia tive audience. We hope this work is going to prove very be neficial to our part of the coun try. , Mr. Jonah Rector who has been connected in the barber shop with Rector brothers., quit the barber shop and is now driving a public service car. Miss Catherine Langley re turned to Asheville Monday en Special after spending some days with her cousin Mrs. W. H. Morrow. Miss 'Langley is soon vt o join her mother in Washington, D. C, A few pieces of dry goods be low cost Two pieces of gray serge, value $1.25. 75c per yard less than cost.-C. W. Furguson & Son. . ' . . I see some of the boys have received their instruments and othere have them ordered Tta boyl Less have boo-koo music by summer time. See Morris sT; Morris's half page ad, in this issue of The News-Record. We have lecn expecting to hear another toot from the Marshall band. . . Judge" McElroy has been spend ing the week at home on the ac count of- enfluenza," breaking up court elsewhere. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Sprinkle have been visiting friends and re- atives in and around Marshall Mrs. Spriifkle is still in Marshall and Mr. Sprinkle has gone to Florida for a stay of possibly a couple of months. We have mis sed Mr. and Mrs; Sprinkle since they left our county. The city pump has been giving the town officials , considerable amount of trouble recently, but' the matter has been patched up and it is hoped it will last till the new gravity line is completed which we think will Imj in the early spring. The work has already reached the middle section of Walnut Creek, Take a look at the paper this week and see what the .sheriff and prohibition and Revenue Officers have besn doing this week. Childrens over-shdes value 40c now 25c C. W. Furguson & Son. Come to see us. ' On Wednesday night Sheriff R. R. Ramsey, Z. R Morrell, McDevitt and chief of Police Parris, while at lot Snrings raided a freight train which resulted in the capture of one and one half gallons of whiskey and IbrM mem. , Oat vkft aad two eo!or4, v wow tou.t t Marshall and lodgod in jail. The officers arrived with their prisoners about throe o'clock in the morning thav weco brought through in an automobile. .: More booze ' would have been found if they had, , had time to search the train, the train was leaving just as the find, was made, therefore the offieers had to rush off of the train in order to avoid injnry to themselves. 1 R. A. Doutfht on t o Succeed Colonel A.' D. Vatts As Commissioner of Revenue RALEIGH, N C, Jan. 29-Gov-eraor Cameron Morrison received and accepted the resignation of Colonel A.D. Watts, State Com missioner of Revenue, and appoint ed Representative R. A Dough tan of Alleghany County, to succeed1 to the office, it was announced at the Governor's office late today.. ; ; The announcement of the resig nation of Colonel Watta was made fnllnwinir flio issimnrft nf a wurrnnt this afternoon by local police auth orities charging him with a statutory off cnte, which followed a police raid upon his rooms. A ' 'f -i t''9lre tr.- signed and that Mr. Doughton had been appointed to succccd him ho other statement was given out at the Governor's office Tate today. Colonel Watts' resignation was contained in a letter of only ten words, reading;; "I: herewith Ijand you my resign nation to become effective immedi ately." , The Govenor is said to have act ed on the resignation a short time after it was received. ' Mr. Watts, known throughout the State in political circles. Was appointed to the position of com' missioner of revenue by "Governor Morrison when the latter came into office .two years ago. He and Gov amor Morrison are said to have long been personal and political friends. . , Mr. Doughton has served in the General Assembly for more than 25 years at one time or another. He is recognised as majority leader in the House and was one of the strongest supporters of road build ing measures. . He is now chairman of the House Finance Committee It is expected his appointment will be sent to the Legislatflre tonight for confirmation. Important Whis key Raid By , Officers. Notwithstanding the i n c 1 e- ment weather on Tuesday the 30th of the month the officers were on their duty and made one of the most important raids in years. Prohibition officers Rector, Moff ett and Grant with Sheriff R. R. Ramsey, and De puties Lawson and Rector went to Paint Rock arriving about 8 o'clock in the morning and leav ing their machines took to the woods afld found about eight miles from Paint Rock near the Tennessee Carolina line one of the most complete out-fits cap tured in years. The still was in a house made of split logs, and slated covered and very com ortable. Inside the officers found a furnace built of brick very up to date." Near the house was bund the still made of copper, and of a capacity of 100 gallons. There were twelve f ermenters that would have held 300 gal- ons of liquor. : The house of Gum Shelton vwas visited and 14 whiskey barrels were found holding if full from five to 40 gallons each. These had just been emptied and without doubt carried away. Near Shelton's house were found a still much small and worms and cap. Not only had Shelton these barrels but rjumy other containers were 'otml AM&ttlcr destroy ed and ap up. Gum Shelton was arrested as owner of the still. " ;;;,- The plant is said to be the argest taken since the time of the government Mill and old of- icers say it is one of the most complete as to size and out-fit that has been taken. Evidently the capture is most important as on account of its size it has furnished! a great deal of the liquor which has gone out of the county. That nothing was eft not even the hotnseis to im portant as it will talte away the source of the troubld The citi zens of the county should get back of the officers who are do ing their duty even at a great cost of time and hrjdships and if they cooperate 'frith the of ficers will rid the (iounty of the StillS.":. :' :Vv; . '. .V, In officer Rector and .Sheriff Ramsey we kave men who are trying to show that we can stop the traffic if once wo tiy. '-. . ? '; -a- w - For CROUP, COLDf ' INFLUENZA & JT.IOWA M.Kbcaihoull kKftlarof Dm VeoMnUn Ulrw omrcnlrcl. Wbea Crai. mi or Pm OMnla ibrcatna tkU ikUctx'ul mr r fc'ml sU IM tbroal. cbett M wider th vau. tilt reltete nt oMUdi. bmk cowouoa mi (com" tNtftal ) I J r- n 'if 1 Death Summons For John Curry Lumber Manufacturer, and Former Banker, Will Be Burried Wednesday. ' John Curry, a prominent lum ber manufacturer and former banker, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. A. Thomas, 264 Monford avenue, early Tues day. He was 66 years of age. Death followed an illness of ab out four months. Tor 12 years Mr. Curry was President of the Ridgway Na tional bank, of Ridgway, Pa. The balance of his business life was spent in the lumber busi ness, tie built and operated 7 lumber mills in Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. His last mill was at Druid, tN. C, where" he had lived for the past seven years prior to his illness. , He is survived by fife chil dren; Mrs. C. A. Thomas, Ashe ville; Mrs. J. J. Drennen, Au burn, N. Y.; J. R. Curry, Ridg way, Pa.; Harold and John Cur ry, of Druid, N. C. Other immediate-relatives i nc 1 u d e 10 grand-children, three brothers and three sisters, all of whom live in Pennsylvania with the exception of W.G. Curry whose residence, is in Oregon. Mr. Curry was a 32nd degree Mason and a member of the Presbyterian church for many years. The funeral will be held from the Thomas residence Wednes day afternoon at 3 o'clock. Pri vate interment will be made in a receiving vault at Riverside, Rev. Dr. R. F. Campbell assist ed by Rev. J. S. Williams, will be in charge of the services. Report of the Condition of t . The Citizens Bank at Marshall, N. C, at the close of, business, Dec 29th, 1922. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts .9306,092 GC Demand Loans ............ U.zo-.uo Overdrafts, secured and unsecured. ...... ...... aai.J U S. Bonds & Liberty Bonds 19.7UU.85 Banking -house, Furniture and Fixtures s.ui.u Other Real Estate owned 6.485 45 Cash and due from Banks . 152,902.78 Cash Items 1,485.00 Checks for Clearing 207,35 Total., .9510,600.42 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in. . : 950,000.00 Surplus Fund.. 12.500 00 Undivided ProUw ; 4,696.56 Notes and Bill re-discounted, 3,500.00 BUls Payable. ;, 3,ouo w Deposits subject to Check. . . .261.01U.36 Demand Certificates of Deposit 166,083.53 Time Certificates of Deposit Ouhler'a Checks ontaundiBK 3,968.03 Bkfimgt Deposit s ,974.02 Tolfcl. . . ............... .Mi.flW.e3 North Carolina Mndluon Comty. I. A. W. Whltehursu easblef of tue above-named Bank; do solemnly swear that the above statement is troa to tho best of my knowledge and belief. . W. W HITKHUKisT, Va"'er. Suhscribud and sworn to -before me, this 8th day of Jan, 1923. V will west, woiary ruouo Correct Attest: I . . W. R. SAMS, 1 Dan T. Ilaynie, Notice' north Carolina; madi son county; ' In Tho Supreme Court Before The Clerk. . '. Town of Marshall ' VS - ; Wade Ilunter and ; Barns Hunter.1 The defendant, (Wade Honter, above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Madison County, to con dem a right of waj far a gravity water pipe line across a certain tract of land situate in No. 1, Township in said County of Modi son on the waters of Hunter : Creek, containing about thirty j four acres, the, property of the Isaid Wade Hunter which cause of action ana saw tract ,oi i&aa ana r: :ht of way'are fully described 1 fclf? ! in a j r titi'-n la this lol Five acres land at Sandy Bot tom N. C. with two dwellings and store building, It is The Mrs Ten nie Farmer property. Sixty five acres 'timber land one mile from Sandy Bottom ' on Doe Branch, well timbered. The above land is for sale cheap ; and on easy terms. Apply or write A. W. WHITEHURST, ; D Marshall, N. C. , , We Buy, Sell or change All Such as Farms. City Property, Timber and Mineral Lands "Any where When you buy or sell, AT fTION SALE write us. . . V,:,: ' .North Carolina Realty Company J. II. GROGG, Sec-Treas. . Moved to 73 Patton Ave., South of P. 6., Asheville, N. C. i fice of tho cWk of the Superior Court of said county, to which re ference is hereby made; and the said defendant will further take notice that lie is required to ap pear before tho Clerk of the Su perior Court of said county ' of Madjsbn on the 10th day of Feb., 1923, at the Court House in said county, in Marshall, N. " C, and aaswereor demur to the com plaint in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said peti tion. Thiathe 22pd day of Jan., 1923. ' W. A.-WEST Clerk, Su perior Court. l-26-to-2 16-23 D. NOTICE OF LANDSALE. Hy virture of the power in me vested, by an order and dcrcrce ot.the Superior Court of Madi son County, N. C. In a Special Proceeding entitled Robert Nor ton admincstrator of J. T. Nor ton, deceased, against J. A- Leak Cassia Leak, Martha Norten, and other heirs at law of J. T. Nor ton, deceased.? I will soil to the highest bidder on the 20th da? of February, 1923 at 12.0 clock, M. at the court house door i In Mar shall, Madison County, N. C. for assets, the following described real estate, to wit; Two tracts: The tiist consisting of about SO acres more' or les s, purchased from Reuben Gosnell, arid the se cond tract consisting of about 30 acres purchased " from Cuy V. Roberts .nd Ramsey, and also a small lot of aboutono acre cut off to .1 'IV Norton by Laurel River Loiruriuij; Com p iny, ind situated in No 10 towi'wlirp, Madison Coun ty, N. C. On i'o' ton Uranch and adjoins the lands of Robort Nor ton, Rosa Norton, M. V. Chand ler and S. D. Wallin, and beiny the lands on wliich the said J. T. Norton lived nt the time' of his death. This the 20th, dy of Jan , 1923. C. B.' MASIIBURN, Com- missioner.l-20-to 2-20-23. " SUBSCRIBE Now gl.SO Per Year In Advance. FOR SALE -17 beautiful lots at Hot Springs. N. 'C. For quick sale. 1 Cash terms. Owner leaving for West Virginia. See C. -W Norton. Stackhouse.N, C. lrlO-23 Ex Kinds Real Estate wish to either PRIVAEORAUC - or come and see ":. , i YOU READ the Otler Fellow' Ad if Yon art reading this one. , That hould Convince yoq that advertising In these columns la a profitable proposition: that It will bring business to your store. The fact that the other fellow advertises Is probably the reason h U gettingmore business than Is falling to you. Would It not be well to give the other fellow a chance whimm rnmrnmrnmatmimd To Read Your Ad in These Columns? HOW'S TIIISJ . HALIB CATARRH MEDICINE will dcfjvhat we claim for It rid your system of Catarrh or Peafneas caused by Catarrh. " HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE con sists of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves the catarrhal Inflammation, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces, thus assisting to restore nor-, mal conditions. Sold by driiRgftts for over 40 Tears. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledoi O. W. A. Sams Physician and Surgeon Office Front Room Over Dank of French Broad. COFFINS CASKETS O. C. RECTOR Hardware Company To All Whom It May Concern Notice is hereby given that Roy W. Buckner, who was con victed at the February term of Superior Court, 1922, in Madison, County, and sentenced to a term of IZ months on the coun ty roads, for transporting will make application to the .Gover nor for a pardon. All parties opposed to this pardon will signi fy same by filling protest in t! Governor's office at Raleigh, 11, C. ' L.B. Bac""-.

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