i a it li .... : n : ; ; ; ;, ' ;: . ,'-,-y.:" ; ; y v : the' news-recoup marshal! n. c. ' , -' -V'V1 ""' BMaMaManaaaaaSanaMMWaWMaWal ' "' " -i " . j . . - niTiTiinr urini TMacin in nmhnt 1 11 t. Ankh-Amen or nirvpt , lu.uivu....ju.. - JL UUt lit 1 13 o : : r-T-r:" RB0R0 i rM- KX i si::30 iviTEi joy ri :r:;;iLEATi:oi bryah AT Ti Mrs. Banes Says Tanlac Ended I v Indigestion, Sourness and Pal pitations and Made Labors : Light. . Taninc has helned me bo much X 1sh everyone Buffering like I did would follow my suggestion to use It," jmM Mr. Sadie Banes. 2037 Washing ton St., Kansas City, mo, ine otner any. "iipfore I toot Tanlac my appetite -was so poor It seemed beyond cultiva tion, and the, little I manngea to eat (aye me Indigestion and caused awful annrtiMR and nalnltatlon. I WES Simply miserable from nervous headaches, dls- slness-and knife-like pains In my bacg, Always sleDt noorlv. and felt bo bad that at time I Just had to .quit my housework and He down. M Teniae was so well suited to my Mae that It has ony taken three bot tles, half of the full treatment, to restore me to perfect health, it maaea nt an hennv to be W1UOUI an Bene, , pain or trouble of any kind that I go about my work humming and singing. X Just can't help rejoicing over what Tanlac has done for me." . Tnnia la for Bale by all good drug- v data. Over 85 million bottles sold. Advertisement, . Plan Honor to "Anaae - it has been auaeested in Sydney. Mew South Wales, that the Tasmanlan sea, the waters of which touch Aus tralia ahd New Zealand, be named the Anzac aea, as a lasting, memorial to tho .nirfiora of both countries who took part In the landing at OalllpolL THOUSAND8 HEAR COMMONER 8PEAK ON THE "WORLD'S GREATEST NEEC." " KI1MS ENTERTAIN PAflH Joeephus Daniels and Gbvsrnor Cam eron Morrison Also Deliver ' Speeches. Say "Bayer" and Insistl T .. . TTnlMs von see the name "Bayer" on narkacfl or on tablets you are not get ting the genuine Bayer product pre scribed by physicians over rweniy-iwo years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headacjhe Toothache ' ' Lumbago Earache ' - . Rheumatism ; Neuralgia Pain, Fain Accent "Baver Tablets of Aspirin" only. Each unbroken package contains m-oner directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug gists alBO sell bottles of 24 and 100. Asperln Is the trade markW Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Sallcyllcacld. Advertisement , . Man of Merit Dan Ruffo, laying tar-coated wood en paving blocks In Boston, looks up and claims he Is the fastest block layer In the world. Probably he is right, for he lays a block a second, . keeping 12 men -busy bringing the blocks to him. Add Dan's name to vnnr list of useful icltlzens. on whose -tolling shoulders civilization is being carried ahead despite public affairs, lunatics, rogues and loafers Aurora Beacon News. Tarhoro. Nearly 80.000 people greeted Williams Jennings Bryan here when he spoke In the interest ot ms Tarbbro Klwanis educational fund. The Commoner was met in Rockj Mount by a large body ot Tarhoro Kiwanlans who were guests at a luncheon given to Mr. Bryan and his party, by the Kiwanlans ot, Rocky Mount. The party waa then escorted to Tarboro over the new hard-Burtac mad bv a convoy of about 20 cars. - w . - Besides the Commoner, mere were n thia nartv JoBeDhus Daniels, Clar ence Mitchell, Soly Brower, Phillip Mz-nmrtnr and Allen J. Barwlck, wno motored from Raleigh to' be guests ot the Tarboro Klwanis Club on this oc casion. Gov. Careron Morrison, R. A. TtonEhton. Prank Page. R. T. Fountain and Paul Jones arrived by motor from Raleigh in time tor a dinner reception given by Mr. W. A. Hart, at nis noma nn Main street in honor of Mr. .Bryan, Josephus Daniels, and the above men tinned meats. There were ZO promm ent Tarboro men at this reception to meet the Commoner and other dieting nfRheit eneats. ' At seven thirty the large crowd at tnn Farmers' warehouse gave Mr, Bryan a great ovation as he entered with the other d'stlnKUShed visitors. in addition to the auests who enter - . ,.V Wa aHAVA IhttM MM fill tflA stage the presidents of many of the Klwania Clubs in Eastern North Caro lina, Klwanian District Lieut Governor n,,rt .Tamna of Greenville. N. C. and tho nffirpra of the local Klwanis club. Rev. Dan Iverson, president ot the local club called the meeting to oraer. ti Pv Bertram E. Brown of the Episcopal Church being called upon led the audience in prayer. Warm tho rreatdent introduced Jose- niina Tianifiig. who exolalned some ot the things that hte Klwanian sunas for. w: A. Hart in a few well chosen words introduced Governor ' Morrison and told of some of. the things he had accomplished since be has been Gov The Governor introaucea to miiw nto tha man whom he charactertsed'sa the greatest orator that has appeared on the earth In halt a century Wil liam Jennings Bryan m-ivMmk teg? OVER 30 YEARS lndun Tlm-Nw tork Tlmaa copyright by rrnf raeot wlta Earl of Carnarvon. ... '. , . a-i.w . .k. m....li btn tha miirhraonth Rnntlan dvnastv. at Luxor, has Opening Of Uie tomn or lui-ao.n-Aiueu, Uc... - . revealea an unexampled storehouse of treasures. This photograph give, a view of the antechamber ooklng west Among the articles snown are a 001 cuumiuiug u - -. - - - . m suppts in the form of lions; a couch with supports In the form of "hat-hor" cows r numeroua boxes w'ln.,nntm; " ' . . , . a . nanoma moh.urnrk atnnl. murh decayed! inS mined meut! a pamtea rea oox coniniuiug jeweiry - ,'' . , klnguTatool; another couch; four alabaster unguent vases of unique type and beauty; a seml-clrcular yeneered box DoviDf nunuie aeiaii ux uiwiu ivvijr. Kinc Tut's Chariots Couches and Funeral Meats P . 'Uai if . "K" - Ml J A' ' v -I! "Saved Me Many a Sick Spell," Says Texas Farmer Who Has Long Known Useful- - ness of Black-Draught ; Naples, Texaa.-I have need Thed ford's Black-Draught for years I caa safely' say for more than 80 years,' de-. Clares Mr. H. H. Oromer, a substantial, well-known farmer, residing out on Route 8 from here. "I am 42 yean old, and when a small boy I had indigestion and was puny and my folks gave me a liver regula tor. Then Black-Draught waa adver tised and we beard of It . "I besran to take Black-Draught, and have used it. when needed, ever since. I use Black-Draught now in my home, and certainly recommend it for any liver trouble. ' "I have given It a thorough trial,, and after thirty years can say Black Draught la my stand-by. It has saved me many sick spells." Mr. Cromer writes that he Is "ner out of Black-Draught," and says several of his neighbors prefer it to any other liver medicine. "I always recommend Slack-Draught to my friends," be adds. This valuable, ojd powdered liver' medicine 1b prepared from medicinal roots and herbs, and has none of the bad effects so often observed from the use of calomel pr ether powerful mineral drugs. . . Black-Draught helps to keep tha liver in trim, helping prevent or re lieve anch troubles as constipation. biliousness, Indigestion, sick headache. . Be sure to get the genuine. Non-inflammable Films. ,' For some time back there has been on the market a non-inflammable motion-picture fltm, made of acetate t cellulose Instead of the usual Intro rollulose of celluloid, says the Scien tific American, Because of the many dangers incurred with inflammable films, France has passed a law where by all films used In that republic after June, 1925, must be of non-inflammable stock. Undoubtedly many other countries will soon enact similar legis lation, making motion pictures safe. SHE DYED A SWEATER. SKIRT AND CHILD'S COAT WITH "DIAMOND DYES" '" London Tlmea-jlew' York Tlmas copyright by arrangement wtth Earl of Carnarvon. : I this Photograph o, the antechamber of the tomb of Tut-Ah-Ame. king lnldnS!" SsTaw bodies, poles, harness ana other pans 01 tour vuwww, " . of Tut-Ankh-AmenV Underwear te Juzt Like a New Baby Says Fond Mother One of the most remarkable fea tures about Teethlna Is the quick relief so" often observed soon after giving it to a sick, and fretful child. "She was Just like a new baby In a few minutes after giving her' Teeth lna," 'writes Mrs. W. M- Murray, of 1329 Cansler avenue, Gadsden, Ala. "In -fact," continues Mrs. Murray, "I couldn't go to sleep at night without knowing I had Teethlna In the house." Mrs. Murray states an Important fact that should interest other moth era who worry because of their little ones fretfulness. With Teethlna at hand she can banish all fears and take her own rest with the assurance that baby is well guarded and Is safe from' trouble. ' , . Tee&ma Is sold by all druggists, or sen BOc to the Moffett Laboratories, Columns, Ga., and get a package Of Teeti.Iaa and a wonderful free booklet about Baby. Advertisement: , . F.!?y r Somet&ins. In This. ' ' i: ft::ne you ms'a a blob, S-J ffel like cussing someone, don't pass t'se burk, go out behind the barn and 'v yourivlf a good LawLPg out. 11 may do some gnod. rschang 1 ' That Cm War J. "A wonuin Is eIwhj vnntlrs to do Seventean Die In Kansas City Firs v.nui rttv. Kans. Seventeen per- anna ara hnitevfid to have perished in the Are which destroyed a two-story frame rooming house here. Twelve hnriiaa hava been recovered and search is being made of live other persons be lieved to have lost their lives in ths blaze. Only , three bodies have been Between 20 and 30 persons occupied tha rnnma on the second floor ot the building. Several escaped by Jumping from windows, i - ' : The first floor of the building waf the H. and H. Garage, in which about 15 motorcars were destroyed, Fire Chief John McNary estimated the to tal property damage at $200,000. , ; The lire was discovered by persons on a passing street car. The crew and pasengers shouted to those in the building to awaken them.v , ' Parla Denlea Soviet Reports. Parls.--The French foreign office flatly denied that thecabinet had de elded to reopen negotiations with Soviet Rossia, as asserted by The Echo National. - ' ' It waa declared that the departure of M. de Chevllly. from Paris had no significance such as ascribed to It by the newspaper. M.: de cneviuy noias hA nnaition of commercial attache in the countries bordering on Russia, and pfflclals said he waa going on a mission to those countries ana not to nui. 1 The article in The Echo National was declared in some political circles as an effort to embarrass the Govern ment. , : ' I 1 GUARDS THE SEPULCHER BO! 1 .Wecl - Eating More Meat ' 1 Washington. More meat was con sumed In the United States last year thnn in any nrevlous year, the Depart. mit nf Arrienlture announced. The total consumption was '. estimated at 15,333,000,000 pounds which amounts nn 1 nonnds nfer cerson applying the July 1, 1922, estimate of population. VMenn Likely to Head Bureau. Washington. Senator Curtis, Re- poblican, Kansas, discussed appoint mont nf k new Veterans' Bureau Direc tor, with President Harding and said ftprward that the President appsarea to bave made a selection from among the overseas service men he has had nn,!or rntlfiiil,"' : ; for tie POSt V : 'sr F. I."i(f?.:f. ot Kansas, whe served ia we voru v.ar n r C Ticndod ) 1 1 tf L's London Timea-Nevr-Vork Tlinea copyright by arrangement with Earl ot Carnarvon. I Here In the antechamber of his tomb. Is the long white wooden box-which contained Hie underwear of King Tut-Ankh-Amen. who reigned In Bgyrtjn " .. r , . 1. i kij nn rf h a wennons. AbOVff It than three tnousana yea u8". i " a1t,t..t of Is one of the ceremonial couches, and In the background one of the statues of the king at theealed doorway of the sepulcher. , - Tut-Anldi-Amen'n Four Chariots iliiiiiiiw ; 4 Qillilllf, ' T..k mVm nf "TKamand DvaN tains direction! so simple any -woman aaa . dye or tint her worn, shabby dreeate, skirti, waists, coats, stockings, sweaters, coverings, draperies, hanging!, everything, even if she has never dyed before. Buy "Diamond Dyes" no other kind thea perfect home dyeing is sure because Dia mond Dyes are guaranteea not to iiv, fade, streak, or ran. Tell your draggM wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton i Good to Hia Folks, Saa Vioro .Tnnpa whv don't yOfi Bprlnkle ashes on your icy sldewalkr "Because I don t want to ueyv mj family of any pleasure. You have no Idea how it amuses the children to sea people slip and fall down." Boston Evening Transcript. Half a mlHion in cold cash makes a thin widow nle and plump. Manv a seemingly successful owes It all to his wife's father. London Tlme-New York Tlmee copyright by arrangement wiw w v.ni. One of the two statues of King Tut Ankh-Amen iruardlng the sealed en trance to the sepulcher of that ancient Egyptian monarch. They are of wood, covered with a black material and richly decorated with gold. KING'S ROBE CHEST HAIR STAYS . COBBED, GLOSSY "Hair: Groom" Keeps Hair Combeo Well-Groomed. giioom k J Keeps Hair V 7 CombedJ London Tlnu--Here are W('"! fUHlJ I MM " " if -New York Time! copyrlh by arrnngement with Earl ot C rnrvo"-" the wheels, bodies, poles and oilier. rrts of four chariots us they a t'e mivb of King Tut-Annani.-n at uuxur, s-Bit" s 1 nr 1 covered with stur.ro K!!t. leather and inlaid Ivory. i 1 ' ' , ! i a c J cf leopard ; a. Kinbossed gold panels on - i j i ; yi ar. ' London Tlm-New Yor Tlmee copyright by arrangement with Earl of Carnarvon. This beautiful painted casket, round the tomb of King Tut-Ankh-Amen . Kirvnt. 'contained the king's robes. decorated with elaborate bead and gold work of lapia-lazull and turquoise; a gilt headrest like those used In Japan today, several pairs of sandals orna mented with inlaid gold, sf black m hpr necklace, a coilarett of faience, and other objects. On the vaulted lid of the chest the scenes represent the king and his courtiers hunting lions, antelopea and other animals. Ca thf tow sWes ara t;. :"a Millions Use It-Flnw for Halr!-Not Sticky, Greasy or Smelly. ' A few. cenU buys a Jar of "Hair Groom" at any drug store. Even stub born,' unruly or shampooed hair staya combed all day In any style you like. "Hair-Groom" is' a dignified combing ! cream which .gives that natural gloss' ! and well-groomed effect to your heir th.it final touch to good dress both I v business and on social occaslo s. f Grenseless, stainless "Kuir-Crooiu" does not show on tne pair r 8 u is absorbed by tie scalp, ( . " your hair remain so soft 8" 1 I ' an;l so nutural t inrsi t"'y'ttUj at IT.

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