t i i . .a mi I1W Prcccnceof LitlleOncsaGrcat Blessing v Four Interesting Letters ' Ortland N.T. "TtivtV T.mtf. V ' Pinkhara's Vegetable Compound be- " wh weeir and wanted to be eome strong and have a child. My boaband read about it In the'Cortland Buuaara and thought it might help me. It certainly did for I now have lovely boy fifteen monthi old who weiipa lorty pounds. I recommend nyuia cm nnanam-a vegetable Com pound to my friends and von ran Mr. tainly nse my teatimoniaf in your lit- . u uwu ana in u newspapers, aa ft might help to make some other , childless home happy by the presence , of little onea as it has done mine,"- in. iLAUDi f. canfield, 10 Salla- 4 wuy ob, uM-uana, in. x. f A Message to Mothers Hamilton, Ohio. "I have known about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound since girlhood, laving . taken it when I was younger and suf fering from a weakness and back ache. Lately I have taken it again to strengthen me before the birth of my ehild, as I was troubled with pains In my back and a lifeless, weak feel ing. I think if mothers would only take your wonderful medicine they would not dread childbirth as they do. I recommend the Vegetable Com pound to every woman." Mrs. Joa Falcoin, Jr., 652 & Uth 8tnet, Hamilton, Ohio. J? 5?0--" want to tell yon what Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound did for me seven yean ago. I was rundown and bad a weak ness such as women often have. I took Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound and after being married sixteen years became the mother of a sweetllttle girl 1 now have four lovely children three fine boys and Ith' fflrl years old. I had longed for children all the while and wept many a day and envied every woman with a child. I was 86 yean old when my first baby waa born. I recommend Lydia E.Plnkham's Veg etable Compound to any woman who Is ailing with female weakness." Mrs. J.aujunn, 1617 Benton St, St Louis, Mo. ..,- Wat Weak and Run Down St Louis, Mo. My mother took Lydia E. Pinkham'a Veo-etnhL Com pound when I was a girl, and when I ' was troubled With cramna I tnnk if and later when I married I ao-nln tvth- - It to make me strong as the doctor aid I was weak and mn Hnnm could not have children. I took it and got along fine and now I have three girls. So you know why I keep the Compound in the house. I am a. wn woman and do my work and sewing toa"-Mrs. Julius Hart-man, 2501 W.Dodler St, St Louis, Mo. ' PLAIJ EXTENSIVE 'II! 11 PROJECT PKri.lI.lVEEDQESE0:3 Auction Market Paya Out M.I15.SM for Over Fifteen Million Pounds TO RECLAIM 200,000 ACRES rER TILE 8AMPS0N COUNTY WASTE LAND. PLAN TO VOTE BOND ISSUE rY A. Bartel, Government Engineer, ;.. .' Makes Canvass of Proposed i' ' , Drainage Dlatrlct of Tobacco, 7 .f nOBSES COUGHING t VoE Spohn's Distemper Compound to break the couch ana get them back la condition. Thirty ItY". V.mad "BPOHN'S" Indispensable In treating Coushe CoWa. Influenaa and -Distemper with th.lr resulting com. plication,, and all diseases of tha throat, bom and langaT Acta marvelously as a preventive; acta equally wall aa a cuie. Bold la two alaaa at all drug stores. . S-OHN HXDICAi. COMPANY . OOSHKN, INDIANA (CCIIIIUL JJcffiKILIC SOLD BO YEARS A FINE GENERAL TONIC Ularwaiamaiawtiwi ii i III n i ilc..Uabiiu.Sa, 1 rv ' l hi uo"; U f & Chi est coldl-breakit! Apply Sloan's. It starts fresh warm blood coursing freely through the congested spotCongestion breaks up -cold vanishes Sloan's Liniment -kills painf JM12.1.11L111 11. ' '"! Donn. Plans are on foo't for drain ing approximately 200,000 acres of land in the Great and Little Coharle and Seven Mile swamps in Sampson county, near Dunn. The plan is to or ganlre a drainage district and vote a bond issue to finance the drainage of these fertile swamp lands, which with out drainage are idle and useless.' . F. A. Bartel, a drainage engineer, representing the United States Drain age Department, of Washington, D. C, spent a few days here in the interest of the movement He, together with former Congressman H. I Godwin, made a canvass of the proposed drain age district Mr. Cartel stated before leaving Dunn that he found sufficient fall to drairi these lands and that the project appeared to be ' feasible in every respect.( r Former Congressman Godwin, who represented this, the Sixth Congres sional District In Congress for many years has been employed by the owners of the land to be drained to perfect the organisation of the drainage district and he wHI also represent the drainage commissioners after the district has been organized. Mr. Godwin's experience In this line while a member of Congress fits him for this work. He was largely respon sible for the forming of many drainage districts in eastern North Carolina and was Instrumental In organising the Drainage Conference of North Caro lina. me government, win at an eanj date send an engineer to the proposed drainage district to determine the amount of bonds that it will be neces sary to vote to finance the work and work out other details. The work of the engineer will not cost the landown era anything. Many of the owners of these now idle swamp lands favor the voting of bonds to drain them. . ' Rocky Mount. Total sales for tha season on the Rocky Mount indepen dent tobacco market amounted to 15, 413,910 pounds which brought an aver- afe of $28.00 per hundred pounds, it was shown In official figures obtained from Secretary E. G. Johnston of the Rocky Mount tobacco board of trade. Secretary Johnston's announcement was made following the closing of the local market During the final week the offering totaled 285,514 pounds which sold at an average of $22.00 rer hundred pounds. The offerings were unusually common, consisting of barn cleanings and a great deal of damaged tobacco which accounted, tobacconists ay, for the low week's average. With the securing of final figures for the aeason, It is Indicated that $4, aio, 8st.su was paid out this season through the local tobacco market Both in general average and in volume sale this season's surpassed those of last season. During the 1921-22 season, official figures show, 14,201,000 pounds were sold fot a general average of $25.70. During the season Just closed 15,413,910 pounds were sold on the warehouse floors, while the average mcreasea to 128.00. Farmers of the section are now en gaged in planting their tobacco beds, and while it is too early to vouchsafe any information as to next year's out look, local tobacconists state that in dlcations point to arrangements for a large crop. StiiidayMiool T Lesson 1 Br REV. P. B. ' riTZ WATER. D. IX, Taachar of Entllah Bible in U Moody Blblo Inatttuta of Cblcaio.) Copyright. UJ. Woatorn Nowapaaor Union. LESSON FOR MARCH 4 JESUS TEACHING IN THE TEMPtI LESSON TEXT Luka :-; 11:1-4. GOLDEN TEXT Randar tharofora unto Caeaar the things which ba Caesar's and unto Ood tha thlns which ba God's. Luka 10:26. REFERENCE MATERIAL Matt. 1M- t; laa. :U-20; Acta 4:7-22; Rora. U:l-I. PRIMARY TOPIC-The Gift That Pleaud Jeaua. ' JUNIOR TOPIC Tha Widow and Her Two Mitaa. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC -Jeaua tha Pearleaa Teacher. TOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC -Jeaua Answering His Oppoaers. When an Oriental woman does "fancy work" It Is a rug that will sell at' a high price. ; Man can't change the weather, but m can do a lot of growling about It, ( V S!::rns tl:;.rl3 Pzsfr the tnaranteed Woe, And, b ncoanlzed exterminator for Bat. Cockroaches and Waterboaa. TJonl waste time trying to kill thnae porta With powder, -llQuldi of any experimental nparatioue, . Ready, for User-Better than Traps Sob. box, c v "15-01, box, tUO SOLD EVERYWHERE Cape Fear tine, to Be Extended. Fayetteville. The extension of their lines to Hope Mills and the mill villages Ivlng between that nlace and Fayetteville. on one. end, and to Man chester on the west, is announced by officials of the Cane Fear Railways, Inc., here. In addition to these im portant extensions,- whlcft, have been authorized by the directors .and on which work will begin at once, C. F. Harris, . general manager, announces that express service will be' added lro mediately. A contract with the Ameri can Express Company by which the " T-- 1 Aa Cutlcura Soap for the Complexion. ". ""ur: " Nothing better than Cutlcura Soap ,r vT. P dally and Ointment now and tbeTai n ttatr-Ilnaa at which there is no ex- jjiooa uuim, was Big.11? uj iur. xiariio, and an express car for -the handling ,A man isn't necessarily bashful Be cause he declines to meet his obliga tions. . - , ;" '. , needed to make the complexion clear, calp clean and hands soft and white. Aui to this the fascinating, fragrant Cutlcura Talcum, and you have the Cutlcura Toilet Trio. Advertisement Lots of things even the -gossip never hears of until . the - explosion comes. meat, applied externally, and not a "waah.1 It heala the Inflamed aurfaoea. nmvirfin yruuiyi miei. , jLaveriiaement. L -. j- w -J Ca.w&A of this service has been ordered. It Is understood that arrangements to finance the extensive additions plan ned by the company have already been made and that successful completion is practically assured,. They should add largely to the usefulness and value of the traction line, which now oper Roman Era Balaam la an anrlaeptio olnt- ' ftte8 between this city and Fort Bragg. Hone Mills, which consists of two mill towns having a combined population of 1.800, is industrially the most im portant town in Cumberland county outside of Favetteville. Between Fay etteville and Hope M'lls are the Puri tan, Tolar-Hart and Viotory mill vll lares, all thriving communities. Man chester Is one of Kie oldest and most prosnnrous communities in tht county. Mr. Harris, formeriv chief dispatcher of t,he Norfolk Southern Railroad, has tnfupd new life into, the Cape Fear Ra'lways. and the prospects of the traction company are now very bright Never Judge a woman by the com' pany she Is compelled to entertain. or ro c fc.--U La .a a.a..el ItJ UU.J . ' A towpoonful of "California Fig f T?-p" cow will thoroughly clean the I 'e towt's and In a few hours you live a v "I, r'i'yfal cl.IId a ruin. Even love i f IT :' ! I ) V ate J, or tu lia "fni'-j t c y 1 :i r 1 V ) I 1 of the stomach and bowels without griping or upsetting the child. Ti'l your c'rr -st you want only U.a genuine "CiiUroraJa Fig Eyrcp" wl.lch has directions for babies and c' T.,.rea of all e"t prlntej on bottle. I. r,. you r t sey "Crrra." ' Legion Head to Visit Wilson. Wilson. The Robert B. Anderson post of the American Legion are mak ing preparations on an elaborate scale for the entertainment of Commander Owsley, of the National American Le gion, when he visits this city on March 7. Commander Alvin M. Owsley will speak in Raleigh on the evening of March 6, and will stop over here on his way to Wilmington and talk to the boys who were "over there." i Commander Owsley is expected to arrive on an early morning train from Raleigh and the committee oqrecep- tion, composed of lir. C. A. Woodard J. N. Hackoey, Rev. Daniel Lane. Bryce Little and Dr. M. M. Sallba. will meet him at the train -and escort him to the Elks' chib rooms where refresh menf s will be served. The Wilson county War Mo'Hers and the Woman's Auxiliary and all ex-service men will, be honored guests on the occasion. . . , Injured Cominq From Marriage. New Bern. Fifteen thousand dollars damages Is asked, from the Neuse Lum ber company of this city by the wife and sister of Ltnwood Shaw who were in the motor accident in which he was Injured a year ago while enroute home from his marriage a few hours before. Mrs. Grace Shaw Is asking for $10,000 ana Mrs. , ura Edwards, toe young man's sister, is asking for $5,000 for mental anguish which they .alleged they suffered as a result of the acci dent 1 . Mr. and Mrs. Shaw and Mrs. Ed wards were several miles from New Bern on Neuse road speeding home from the marriage when the, car In which they were rld'ng strnck a lum ber truck owned by the Neuse com pany and was practical"' demolished. Young Shaw was picked up uncon scious and brought here to a hospital where he remained for several weeks. Home Eennomles Aoc'ation to Meet Grenborq. Arrangements are be ing md her for the annual meeting o' the State Wome Economics Associa tion to be held durlhc March, the ex act d" to be fixed later. It was snnnnnd. Dr. H. ,C. .. Sherman, an anthrtr'tv on nutrition, is expected to be .the chief speaker, of the conven tion. .7. ,'Cy -;. W--' ' -V' The state association is composed. of teao', Institutional workers, de monsfrntion and ' tome makers, and Is a part of the rational Home Eco nomics Association. : The organisation In Virh rarolina Is now conducting a membership campaign. To H're bffic'al Dg Catcher, ;, Charlotte In order to enforce tha recent ord'nince forbidding dogs to run at large upon the streets, the commissioners exnect ta emnlav a dog catcher. Anv strav dog will be taken to tne cftv stMeg jnd held for three dava. afer which it will be killed I The dsr catcher w'lle provided wth a wairon. in which he will cover sll spc'"t of tha city on the lookout for w "!'"'' an'mals. The ownet of nr ue Tn-Ti rnav retrain us posses ' i by paylnjt the kspper $3. ,. Record Freshman Class at N. C. C. W, Greensboro. The registrar of the North Carolina Col'ege for Women has just made public the statistics of regis tration for the current year,, with a record of the student attendance from the various counties of the Sttae. The total registration this . year (date of December 20) is 1270 students. The freshman class leads In numbers with 698 members; , there are 226 sopho mores," 112 juniorj rjid 123 seniors. Commercial students number 66 and special students make up the remain der. The freshman class shows an In crease of 185 over last year's class, and 833 over that of the year before. The popularity of Jesus after the triumphal entry-greutly troubled the rulers of Israel. He met their wicked chullenge 'as to his authority in such a skillful way as to place them under condemnation for their unbelief. This condition was accentuated by the par able of the householder. I. The Question of Paying Tribute (20:19-26). 1. Spies Sent to Entrap Jesus (v. 20). The rulers Wteiv too cowardly to do tills themselves, so they employed underlings to do their mean, work while they hid away. This dlubollcal method is employed today id political and religious llf. Muny times ques tions are raised under the guise of sincerity, when the real purpose la to do mischief. 2. Wicked Flattery (v. 21). They complimented His truthful teaching. Ills impartiality and courage. Tliey certlllcd to His faithfulness even to that extent lhat He would face Caesar himself. This compliment was true, though insincerely given. Back of this (lattery was the base purpose to de stroy Jesus. Vany today praise to the face in order to stab In the back. 3. The Cunning Question (vv. 22- 2C). "Is It lawful for us to give trib ute to Caesar or not!" At this time the Jews were galling under the yoke of the Roman government. To have answered this question either by "yes? or "no" would have Involved difficul ties. To have answered "yes," would have conveyed the Impression of en dorsing all that the .Roman govern ment did. To have answered,, "no," L would have at once brought him Into conflict with the government t is not always an easy matter for a Christian to determine his right re lation to civil government. ' Christ's reply to this question prop erly understood and applied is the final word on the subject. Until the civil authorities demand that which Is a violation of God's law we are bound to render unto them obedience. Render unto Caesar the things due within the realm of the rights of gov ernment But while Christ's answer sets forth their duties to civil authorities. He used the occasion to Impress upon thorn the duties due to God. Render unto God the things that are God's. Man bears the Image of God. There fore he should honor and serve Him. Since be enjoy's God's protection and care, It is his daty to own allegiance to Him, yield his life to Him In serv ice, worship and praise. Everyone who enjoys the benefits of civil government Is obliged to pay the taxes which are necessary for the support of that gov ernment and everyone who receives God's favor is placed under a like obligation unto Him. ' . V II. Jesus' Estimate of Gifts (21:1-4). 1. Jesus Watching the People Glv-1 Ing (v. 1). He was greatly Interested in observing the way the people cost their gifts Into the treasury. Perhaps there is more vital Index to one's char acter than the way he behaves before ' the Lord's treasury. Jesus , sits over against every treasury and knows , every dollar cast- into It He knows how the dollars come and how they go. no trickery can deceive Him. He j After Eoery tUol JL In tvorlr or P'oy. it oivear the nnlaa ! w HHV steadiness fiat j mesa success. 1 It kelps atlgestloa. U allays tbtrat. keep f. laa tk mowtti cool J I and motet, tkc throat a msscits relaxed aaa pllaat aad Iks nerves at case. A Wriaeaii I i J vmimr AretheEariiest I Snap Deans Garden Peas -the Sweetest Cantaloupe O The Select-Bite Charts In the 1923 Catalog of SEEDS:- Show at a glance the varieties of each vegetable to plant for earlinasa. yield, length or bearing season, or for whatever purpose is most desired. The most helpful catalog; we have ever issued is ready to be mailed to you free on request - FREE FLOWER SEEDS Oar 1121 Catalof toDi bow yea eaa ana CM wttlwst ewt. Bend a port card tor ma eopr. T. V7. WOOD SONS, Seedmen 31 S. 14th St Richmond, Va. Fur TanniKg en Beef, Hone, Colt and Calf Skin. Make up of Coaci, Robe. Rufi. Vein, LadW C C L. M..a I Caoea. Tell ui th Ichul of fun. Prompt antwer. W. W. Wuw. Raadois. Mica. Thirty Teen In fur buttneat. htUE5CCll3H24j:0"rJ'1 roa two laamaiiowty r venan. aeMtu. oo. MiGAkC4 HHP CABTER BOLL WEEVIL MACHINE SAVKSr to to 76 of the cotton. Dlatrlct agent wanted at once. Carter Boll Weevil Ma- ! ehlne Co., iOl Wheat Bids., Ft. Worth. Tex t Brletol Chicks The huaky, hardy, healthy kind. BI-boned mountalneere of geTen pop- ' alar varieties. Hatches every week. Free- -catalog;. Bristol Hatchery. Box L. Bristol. Va. ' It tOO-Lb. Proline Poland Chlna-Doroe Bowa, ' farrowln 10 daya from reg-. Poland China boar. 100 ahoate, same breed. 40 to SO lbs. crated, lOe lb. S. 8. Williams. Norway,, a c! Leapedeaa and Carpet Onwa Seeda Perpetaa! Sear-round pasturage; hay and soil bulldera " et samples, literature. America's largest dig. tributor. Sidney J. Weber, Baton Rouge, La. - . . . Remarkable Voice, f,. At a recent meeting of the Austrian Society of Experimental Phonetics la Vienna, reported In the Scientific American, Lioctor HethI presented Mr. Michael Prita, forty-four years of age, whose voice possessed the remarkable range of five complete octaves. The' deepest note uttered by this singer was a bass F, corresponding to 43 Seoretar'es End Charlotte Session. Charlotte. The two-dav conferenee tit tha Vnrth and SAiifh riamltna Anm. f mercial . secretaries came 'to a close here after the secretaries had decided to hold the conference annually and had selected Spartanburg, South Car oltna, as the next meeting place, in February-1924. The : chairman and secretary of the conference will be se lected at a later date, it was announc ed. -vv;, ",V. :"',; "':' ''r;i,::;'-'.."Vv' The election of officers for the two State organizations will ,. be held in May,-the North Carolina meeting to be held at Asbevllle while the place of meeting? for the South Carolina will be decided later. Cold Weather Helps Peach Men. , Southern Pines. While the cold weather may cause a little shivering in some sect'ons the peach men are right well satisfied with the low tem peratures. Pruning is pretty well out of the way and evervthing is in shape for the spring. Blossom and foliage have been held back in satisfactory thane, and the fenrs that were felt In January of possible premature bios--somlng are not so alarming now. The cold alno helps to keep down the cur ullo. A crop of tyo thousand cars ow anticipated, , - , . , violin. The only previous record of so low a tone In the human voice is that Of a bass Blnger named Fisher, who lived in the early part of the Eight- -teenth century. tzlhrnflnna nor BivwinH an A nAt.u . not only knows this In the church, but lower, therefore, , than the deepest He knows it in the business world. Bnr, . pnn ho t,-., o fro,, ci.h m rm-i . , , ' - r " anoe (vv. 1-4). They, no doubt gave milch, but In proportion to what they had left their gifts were small. The size of the gift is not primarily to be measured by bow much It is, but bow mnch has the giver left V 3. A Widow Gave Two Mites (w. 2-4). - In value a mite was less than a cent Though, the two coins were of small value themselves, they ' repre sented her air not merely her sur plus, but her living. Let no one de ceive himself by pretending to give the widow's mite, for to elve the widow s mite means to .'give every thing, v . ; : v.-:::--.' y . : 4. , Jesus' Verdict (w. .8-4). He de lared that she had' given more than they OIL Jesus looks Into the heart , and estimates our gifts not by their size but by the motives prompting them. , An Honest Man. .' i " I hope I shall always possess firm ness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviabha of oil titles, the character of an "honest man." George Washington. - h r ; ;." Happiness. Oh, how bitter a thing It Is te look Into happiness through another maul eyes I Shakespeare, Must Make the Pot Boil. Fortnre cry fnd a pot but yet Screen and Glazed Door. ' v For store entrances a Callfornlaa has Invented a combined screen and glased' door so mounted on an over head truck that either can be used to ult weather conditions. I , . wieJ V)a - L UeJ L W J E J ag j ' - I a a . I.CT V'2ZT i ;f lip' n i . . . ""' '9 wm lnd3?ry n,...t r,.,..:. i it UIL

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