Hie' MeWs-Mscoird. 44444444444464V . .. i. a . J Madison County Record "'' .....ouaU Jun Sm, 1901 " French Brtmd News " J 1 Bstublltlitd May It, HOT 5 COnSOUJJAItD NOV.I.MII X I Ei V ft 5 Means that voir ssb- i scnption bas expired. k b k 1 I i... 1 P9PP9PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN MADISON COUNTY MARSHALL, MADISON COUNTY, N. C. FRIDAY, MaIcH, 9th, 1923. VOL XXI No 9 ' ' ... General County ' $8.45 3 14 W. A. West, Fees " 15509 W E. Finley, Auditor 1003.53 Prof Henry, Treas. V. E Fiuley, Auditor -Sheriff; Fees, 107,00 Balance , ( ieneral Clpunty . Bond Indebtedness ............... Bonds....'. ".. Jury;. ,...-,. '. . ... . A Sciinoi Sinking Fund. ;. ., Legislative . Achievements Washington,' D- 0., . March 3 -(United Press) M'ie principal legislative achievements of the sixty-seventh .congress in its four sessions were: Fordney 'McOumber protective Packer control law. The Budget sy t- m ,, Peace treaty wlthGrpmany; , llatifHUoiioJ-o four power pacific troitj The..WavaV- limi tattorrreaty. and other arms con ference treaties. , " Three set4 of . appropriations , bills totalling. billions of dollars. Established cdmmitteo - f o r furiding Sll.uu.OOO.ooO debtte the United States which resulted in arO agreement with Great Bri! air. 1 Immigration restriction logisla tion. , ' ' Several Agricultural bills. . Grain exchange regulation.. . More drastic. prohibit: on laws. Created a Commit tee toinves tigate recent strikes in coal coun try. Arnold tin .measures that fail ed. either bv being defeated in -congress', or through presidential .ul'!,or,, ' . ' - Inulii'o ".miwi limps Auditor Justice Peace Fine Bank ot French! Broad Bond Indebtedness 30.94 811 CS Koad 32.78 17.445.18 Jury. 8chool Sinking Fund $1.41 250.00 2002,00 1,000 1,000 DISBURSEMENTS v . . . . . . 1,101.09 .... 550 77 ,,.17.471.99 ....280 60 ... 1115 ... 156 33 . Vujiiiti'u Tlridge Conijiany w a r JNati. mill Park Bunk ( ,. 300.000.00' 6 : I . 85,000 00' '2, I I t of 1 pur cent Rondcd Indebted $315.00 Jury $12,30 School 4 883.03 5,01 8; The Citizens Bank Auditor Auditor I Auditor Sihto Vouc ! Auditor JiiHtice Peace State Voucher General County 1 000 00 Bond Indebtedness Roads Jury 'School Sinking Fund Marshall H S. 18,953 57 5311,58. rr 1500 "1,000 00 ! ' i 300 00 1 22 25 t 3000,00N. . ; ooo.oo- V 25,00 veto were. Tne Ship subsidy bill, fiHbust ered to death in the sonatp. ' . The Bursum Pension increase bill vetoed. President Harding's proposal fot American adhesion to the per manent court of justice - -SenatoE-iiemdv's rccommenda- roo 00 Auditor Auditor Auditor i Totals. 250.00' 12.50 15,352,49 L 986.97 2500.00 581 1.58 lS,0ri3 57 250 1p0 23,443 99 BALANCES ''Li .... . 980.97 in The Land Of Dreams And Visions v We have decided to change our theme for Sunday night, and that for the best of reasons, as you wiil find out for yourselves if you come, which we hope you will. Things happen to us some times, you know, with lightning like rapidity. Its all a part of the great Game of Life, and that part of it aljothat helps to make itinteresting from first to lafct from the Cradle to the Grave. "IN THE LAND OF DREAMS AND VISIONS? which will , be the main part of the MENU that we will hand out, God Will ing, at the Baptist Church on Sunday night, we will deal with the vital and fundamental problems that confront us all. v We really believe that you will find it to belialpful, N i In connection With this evening service we will present one -half of a most interesting Illustrated Travelogue entitled "ALL ABOARD FOK LONDON, ENGLAND." We took this trip aome years ago, and enjoyed it, very much. We will bring you, if you care to go, on Sunday night, from Times Square, New York City, through one of thatJittle"BURG'S"vfamous sky-scraper canyons to the Hudson River, geton board the White Star Liner "CELTIC, " go past the Statute of Liberty, Ellis Island, thrqugh the Narrows cross the broad Atlantic to Liverpool, from which city we will leave on a little English Railroad train, bound for the world's met ropolis LONDON. We will pass through a number of famous old English towns, among them being Thetford, - the birth-place of Thomas Paine, the noted pamphleteer of the Revolution. This part of our prograra'will not only be interesting, but instructive also, and especially will it be so to those students who are studing English History. ' . ' " Have not been able to decide as yet just what to preach on Sunday morning. With the help of Heaven, hewever, it will be something worthwhile. Will do . our best to make it so, at any rate, and will be glad to see you there. Cordially, ' - - " . .. . E. R. EVANS. - -' rr,..w.'ro! nnnnv ' i 169.39 tions for an economic con terence, j01M indebtedness.... ... ..... i. ....... . . 504,32 Child labor legislation. Army Recruiting Officer Here jlioads ...;.. ................ .......... .... -.17,0011 63 IJury . 354.18 'S.-hool . . - ; ..14,824.32 'Marshall High School....:. ..... 986.97 I Bull Creek Items. . ' Sergeant Dfckerson, Recruiter, from Fort . Bragg, N C, arrived lr ' in toiwn, this morning, solici ing; -The revivai by Rev. enlistmenis for the aiafular army ;rerry Sprinkic 'and Rev. Mc- for the Mexican Borde Panama Crarkcn at Laurel Branch has fc, Carial, Fort M.cPhcrson, (Ja., Fort . t dosed . t Many additions Berming, (la.. Fort Moultrie. S ma(je tQ the church CSthinfant.yj.iat from (yr- Fort. 15: Irrankas! Key miss ""u,v". spenu oaturuay Silver's vvmany, ; V West, Flori.b, Fort Bragg. N. C. Sadie Tillery spent Saturda Motor and hJrso artillery and night at Mr, W. C Silver many ;ottier branches. Enlist- home. . I ments are for, 3 years. See the . Mr.'Kcnneth Murray has just ' Recruiter today at, French Broad returned, from Virginia where ...Hotel, Room No. 6, or in vicinity he and. family have been visit of the Post Ofiic'eN , ) iiif relatives He givc3 a tfloW- 1 1 ling "account of i minion "The Old Do- state. EbbS Promoted TO j Mr. Grady Hunter "has re- Anfotnf r'oo'rnnr tumcd f Jm Winston-Salcm. ySlSlalll VdMlltvI has been absent , several - . ' x i months, so of course his old - - - ! friends gave him a very warm Associated " With''. Wachovia ,weTcPrae- . ' n,tit on-l Triict f.nmmnv i -Miss Daisys Phillips Several Years as Teller; spent Thursday night at the home of Miss Nell Roberts j v Miss Bessie Metcalf spent the Ty T? X?.Ut, rAw koo : nnn D3SI eeiW.- Ill VJUOViiic. iuw with the Wachovia Bank -and Relatives. .. ; Trust Company for several years . Messrs. W a de Green and has been promoted o assistant . Tillery , Buckner; . visited Mr. cashier of the Ashe ville branch,, jEulissas Sprinkle's home Sun Mr. Ebb.i is active in the Ame- day evening. . . . . rican Institute of Bvanksng and is j recognized as one ct the ( most progressive young men in Ashe- ville . . ?. " . ;. . -. ' Ah active' Mason,, secretary of the-Men's liible' Class of Central Methodist i'hurch and affilated with other crganizatioris.,' Mr. Ebb has a number of friends For Sale Thorcugh Bred Barred Ply m6uth Rock Fggs, $1.0D.for 15. $6.00 per .' hundred, - H hatch who will learn 1 of his Demotion ' guaranteed. I have the W. D. with pleasure, - ' j Hoi terman,, aristocrat strain. , He was formerly ona of . the Z-z-to--. ewcyiuu t.w ' ' . 1 . : Marshall, N. C. MONTH OF DECEMBER 1922 Disbursements Citizens Bank GENERAL COUNTY JJtVill Roberts, salary M75.00 W. A West, salary ..... ..150.00 J. J. Bailey, salary . .................. J. .. . .... ..266,66 .J. A. Hendricks, salary.. ...... ... . .. .. .10,00 Dr. J. N, Moore,' salary .' .35.00 Fred Bowman', salary and expense.. .... ,. .... .. v. ..... .75 90 ( C. N.o'rtonpaupen ....;;. .. ........... . .. 8.00 Ellissua Corn, pauper t ., v ;. . . , .5.00 J. D. Ingle, pauper ...... ,' . .'. 5.00 Miv. TiOiiis Clrk, pauper.. ....... .6.00 11 , Mrs, Emma Stanley, pauper.. -. ,.' 5.00 12 J . Will Roberts, expenso of ofidce i ...... . 31 66 Walker Evans & Company . ... ...'.5427 Madison Light & Power 'Company, Lights & water. ....... .24.20 The M iller Press, Election tickets .......... i , 338 00 M- Bakling; half fees' . ..'...'......... .'. .". .... .. . . .5 20 ' m. Norton half fees . . . . . . . ..' . . . i . . -.' , 1 .50 IT. Bui?kner, half fees '. .... ... . ....4 75 John J. Phoenix. Welfare Society v .......... 120 00 R. Ileelurk, County Home 152 00 ' 2F Ira Plennnons; half fees . , . . . , ;.,.... ...... ......... 2.15 v22, Hiram Jervis, half fees ... . . . ...... 2 90 1 U .E, Bailey, Jail.,.1... ..... 39 30 21, W. E Finley, Auditor,...'-.... i. 24.00 .113.13 60 1 2' 3 4 5 6 7, 8 9 10 13 11 15 10 17. 18 19 20 , Jron.W.JP. JERY1S. Mars Hill. N. C. March 2, 1923 Dear News-Recosd: I sin cerely thank you for your kind expression about me during the last month. Whatever I have done I hope has been in the in terest of progress and will ulti mately turn to the glory of God As you state fifty two years is a long time to stay in the school room but when one loves the work time passes on fleeting wings and the sequel brings many undying pleasures The large number of boys and girls who have been my students and gone into-iisef ul Jives is a heritage of which a man may loved, the 1 love the memories; it brings to fm I Tn nhe Associations' through which 1 have passed. Of all those who entered-, the field when I did none other to my knowledge is 1 e f t All along the line I loved them as I loved no other class of men and women., I have labored under every county superintendent the county ever had, here too, my connections were pleasant they were friends and helpers to me in my work. Some of ithem are gone to the great beyond still I love their mem-. ory, , Boards of Education, too, have been my' friends and standby s. When I go to Mar shall now it is in that office I want to rest. I am proud of our Board and county superin tendent and assure them I shall not soon forget their kindness to me. So you see my long career as a teacher has been to. me a field of pleasure. My breakdown this year was my I hope to be proud. Then ?. I profession, as I see it it gave me. first and if God wins am opportunity to do a work succeed this failuro with a year which I found in no other field, of success. God bless those So I look back over my life I j who were my students this conclude that nype I starting year and throughout the past, out again I would choose the I Success to the News-Record. . same profession, I love it, I W. P. JERVIS. 45 Edwards & Broughton, printing. . 18. 8 46 Lucinda Thomas, half fees. .... . . .......... . .. ..;..1.65 47 Naomia Thomas, half fees. .. ........ ...2.20 fees..;..;......... .:;..V.. ..29 45 25 Roy L. Gucker, Election ... 26 J;! Ballard, half fees.;,. "27, R. L. Gudger. fees and half - " .,. ,'. 1. T . .... .V . .... . 28 T, M. Rector, Auto hire .... :. . . ... 10 00 Sun Chandler, half fees . 2 2o Mrs. Bernard Revis, pauper. i . ... 5 00 A. W. Wliitehurst, Bonding Officers .;. . . . . . ... . 205.00 P. V. Rector,-Jail..:;- 5 60 P. V.ReHor, Pauper Home.... 9.22 Alfred Lowrf, Jail repair. ... .11.00 35 Tilman G osnelk half fees . 2. 15 36 D. Crow, 2 days Jury Officer-. . .'. -....;'. . .... 4.00 37 OC lector Hardware Company.Bill for Jail. Home, etc.. 25. 05 38 Dr., Frank Roberta, Health Officer, ... ',, . ; .... X ...... 41.00 W. D. Rice, rebate on 1921 taxes . . . . ............. .. . . . . 6,23 J. W Myers, half fees; . . . ....... ,i. ; . 1. .. . . .. ..5.90 . . . i . . . 29 -30 31 34 39 ;40 2 43 44 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 J. C. Robinson, half fees ' , 2 20 A. li', Bucknery half fees ... . . .' .... . .....6.6!) ' George Pritchard, Solicitor. ; . . ... . . . , ... . . . .... . . . . ... ,27.00 R J. Slokley, Audit.-. . . ..... ... . , ...55.00 11 J. Stokely, AudiW .iT. ........... . ... 25,00 C. S. Moore, freight on coal. ... ........ i . . . 134.10 Total General County .$2328.81 Citisens Bank, Bonded Indsbtedness Wachovia Bank & Trust Company, Bridge. Citiaens Bank, interest, Court House. Bank of French Broad, intere-t,7 roads 57' ContmentaF& Conunerce Bank, Bonded indebtedness.. Total ;.., , Road Fund . Vouchers paid . ; : . . ... Jonah Chandler, Comtnissioner Baird McDevitt, Commissioner. G. L. McKuincy, Commiss oner W. E. Finley, Auditor.. . .... , 11 40 . 11.20 ......31.66 ...3 00 Jury Paid Vouchers or tickets . School Vouchers paid ....... ..228.7. . .481.20 .2500.0! .2130,31 $5340.2ii .1353 01 ....12.: ,.c:ia CI 11 -I

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