THE NEWS-RECOHD, MARSHALL, V. C. i if n i That chest cold can be broken upno matter how stubborn and deep-seated it may seem! , .V Apply Sloan's Liniment to chest and neck tonight. Its tingling, glowing warmth goes to the root ol trouble. J t breaks up the con gested, inflamed condition, i Relief quickly follows. , ' Get a bottle of Sloan's to day. All druggists carry it. ' , its enecuveness wtu surprise ' you. ,' Sloan's linlmcTrt-frTZr paint For rheumatism. brnlMW,tralm.eliMt colds ' BHMMMMlMIMMMMMHfll HIS HEADACHES -SOON HEADED OFF Kentucky Man, Who Suffered With Severe Headaches. Savs He Found Relief by Taking Black-Draught . Endlcott, . Kj. Describing the trou ble he used to have with headache and how he obtained relief by taking Tbedford's Black-Draught. Mr. Jeff Jervls, of this place, says : "I began having severe headaches, I can't tell just how they would begin, but soon my head felt like It would split open and I would be so sick I felt 'llke'I .was paralyzed. - MI would have shooting pains hi my neck, and If I turned my head I felt like It would crack at my neck. My eyeballs were sore and I would vomit I would be .torn to pieces' for a day or two. ' I would take headache medi cine and feel so queer afterwards I'd be scared.. I didn't feel tight I felt numb. "I 'was telling a neighbor and he said : 'Get some Black-Draught and take a big dose when you feel a head ache "coming oil f r diir rTand tooir few doee each night. Soon 1 . bad these headaches beaded bff. Now it is very seldom I have one at all. I Just keep Black-Draught and use" it when I need It I don't let myself get constipated." Tbedford's Black-Draught has been found to relieve many of the symp toms described above, and others, when due to constipation or a torpid liver. It is a purely vegetable remedy, made from carefully selected herbs and roots, . contains no dangerous drugs, and acts In a natural way on the system. Try it Sold everywhere. Ladies Let Cuticura Keep Your Skin Fresh and Young Soaa ZSe, OkM 25 mi SOt, Tales. 2Sc T IIAKi BALSAM . ... niimiDnurag-OtainltolrHUIIad 1 iuam Coin mmA " 3oaayei rmrmrndFrndmitUA r-r aii. ua Hi nsu iirnmruts. Mll 'Ho, m axs jMSj & i & 0 (Vina, CM. N ta itni all pta, muni eowfort to tbo rwt, mm wa itHir our. Mo. br Ball or at Im tUta. HtooiCuuilol Work.rcWi-II.T IIELTU F0!i UO.I Let LyaE.FiamWcjctafc!2 Com pound FJc!p Ycu to Decerns V7c!L Thousands of girls have to work in homes, oihees, stores, mills or facto ries who are physically unfit for work, ' with often an aged or invalid father or mother dependent upon them for support Standing all day week in and week out or sitting in cramped positions girl often contracts some deranged condition of her organic system which calls a halt to her pro- press and demands restoration Ho health before she can be of use to . herself or anyone else. For these distressing weaknesses and derangements these girls have " found health to do their work In Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Com 1 pound. . ; Ero,U!!. N.f . -"Like many gSrla, I had tivt'liles every month, ' says raro'ne Iar'!s, ''and thpy inter fered w: i r-v vo 't 1 co'iij rer tec -"' "i Tn.Tr . -n t - i. tit s Ly. aii I iuk 1 s - . 1. I t I t ver i t i i 1 ' '. I Lave tni y f f ? U"TIT ! V it . . . r v ... i ...s- t l ' :". 1 f """" ' J i . f '!!) POLICE VETERAN REGAINS HEALTH Could Hardly Eat or Sleep Be cause of Chronic Indigestion Now Praises Tanlac W. N. Hatcher, 110 Luclle Ave, Greenville, 8. C, Is still another who has realised the wonderful merits of Tanlac. Mr. Batcher has been a mem" ber of the Greenville Police depart ment for thirty years and is one of the most efficient and popular officers on the force. In commenting on his ex perience with Tanlac Officer Batcher said: 1 know many others, besides my self, Teniae has helped and I am glad to speak eut for It I had suffered from Indigestion and constipation for something like fifteen years. I had about reached the point where I could neither eat nor sleep, for every time I ate It hurt me and the misery kept me awake at night I had lost energy and strength until when my day's work was over I would feel completely played out ' "I now eat anything I want always have' a fine appetite, and have gained eight pounds. I am certainly thankful to be able to enjoy a good meal once more and not suffer afterwards. am Just like a new man and Tanlae gets all the credit" I Tanlae Is for sale by all good drag- gurca. uver -oo muuuu uaiun uiu. Advertisement . , - Natural Course. . " Pell "How long did your last cook stayr Mell "I think she left dur ing the third course." States Bottle Fed Babies All Need Teethina "My baby is s bottle fed baby," writes Mrs. T. Walnwright, Koute 8, WsycrosS,' Ga., "and all mothers who have had experience with bottle fed babies know how easy It is for their little stomachs to become painful and bowel trouble to start especially in summer. I find Teethina ' the best thing for them at such times and have always gof good results from using It" When a baby Is deprived of. its nat ural nourishment and Is given cow's milk as a substitute, grave conse quences are likely to follow. In such cases, Teethina is Invaluable for cor recting stomach and bowel ,' troubles and always gives relief. ' . Teethina is sold by all druggists, or send 80c to the Moffett Laborato ries, Columbus, Ga., and get a pack age of Teethina and a wonderful free booklet about Baby. Advertisement Ought to Be Happy. "What is an ideal marriage?" "When the man gets a treasure and the woman gets, a treasury." ' The Cutloura Toilet Trio. ' Having cleared your skin keep It clear by making Cuticura yonr everyday toilet preparations. The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal, the Talcum to powder and per fume. No toilet table Is complete without them.- Advertisement And Nothing Else to Do. Man Where are you going to attend school this fall? At the university? . . Maid No, I'm tired of dancing. , - A torpid Hvsr prevent proper food aoalm llatlon. Ton ap your liver with Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. Ther act entlr. Adv It Is within the power of the least of us to be polite, straight from the heart. ' ' ' : ira ue:iffl bad. Caroltot Mangels, 407 14th St, Brooklyn, N. Y. OMce Worker Helped Milwaukee, Wis. "I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound and Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Medicine for three and a half years, , and they have improved my health wonderfully. My mother also has taken the Vegetable Compound and We recommend it to our friends. I am working in an office now and can always do my work as I do not have the troubles I had at first I read of : your Vegetable Compound in the , newspaper and yon may use my let ter in that way if you wih to do so." Eleanor 'eblak, EC J St, Milwaukee, tia. . v . .. . r&iaa &ad Headache , t7el"ter, Ifess. "I was all run down, had a I si comj:ixi?n, and aT3:?lwiwhrtiiiisan'it'- SvaUie.and was c, 7 at t " a" 1 fc.t w c. I ,. V" 'el ii a Bij.l and ry r' 1 t..vxx t'irn : ""t v - Jr r !, I - 1 ; ' 1'sVf ' .le Ct-si'T f. 1 1 1 1 -''it -e -'- flLAZ',,14 KTROVD L7TC&! Cm&tATlCXAl SiindaySchool T Lesson T (Br REV. P. B. FITZWATER, D. D Teachar of Engllah Blbia In the Moody . Bible Inatltuta of Chlcafo.). . Ittl, Weategi Mewepaper Union.) LESSON FOR. MARCH 18 JE3US CRUCIFIED LB8SON TEXT-Luke :SS-M. 1 GOLDEN TEXT He- wm wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our Iniquities; the chastisement of our peace waa ' upon Him, and with His stripes we are healed. lealah H:S. . REFERENCE MATERIAL Pea. tt:l- H: I Cor. 1:S. 14: Qal. :!. ' PRIMARY TOPICJesua on the Crosa. JUNIOR TOPIC Jesus on the Croea. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC -What Our Salvation Costs. YOUNO PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC -The Meaning of Christ's Death. We now face the greatest tragedy of all time. No record In the annals of history approaches it It is the very climax of all history. Though unique In Its blackness, from it flows streams of liberty and life for all the world. Let every teacher have the personal experience of Christ's death for him, and then get his pupils to see that Christ's death was Instead Hf their own death. I. The Place of Crucifixion (v. 83) They led Him away to Calvary, a Mil north of Jerusalem resembling a skull. Calvary is the Latin word and Golgotha Is the Hebrew. This Is a significant name for the place where man's redemption was accomplished. The skull Is an apt picture of man's condition as the result of sin life and intelligence are gone, leaving only the dark empty cavern which once contained them. Jesus was not cruel fled in the city for He was to suffer without the gate (Heb. 13:12). ' . II. His Companions en the Cress (v. 83). Two malefactors wen crucified with Him. Their names are not given. This is a fulfillment of the Scriptures. "He was numbered with the transgressors," (Isaiah S3 :12). III. His Forgiving Lovs (v. 34). ' He cried, "Father, forgive them.' He doubtless had in mind not only the soldiers who acted for the government but the Jews who In their blindness were Ignorant of the enormity of their crime. He had no hatred In His heart He yearned for their salvation. . IV. The World Revealed (vv. 8443), Jesus Christ on the cross is the supreme touchstone laying bare the heart of the world. Take a cross section of the world at any time since Christ was crucified and representa tives, of their classes : were found nround Jesus on the cross. The cross Is the Judgment of this world (John 12:31). - : 1. The Covetous i 'v. 34). Tbey gambled for His seamless robe right under the cross where He was dying. This represents those whose primary Interest in Christ is a means to get gain. 2. The Indifferent (v. 351. The people 'stood beholding. The great mass of the world gaze upon the cruel- fled Christ with 'stolid indifference. 8. The Scoffers (vy. -3539). (1) The rulers reviled Him for His claim to being a Savior. They wanted a Savior, but not a crucified Savior. Many today are religious, but have only contempt for a salvation which centers In a blood atonement . (2) The soldiers reviled Him for claiming to be a king. The title, "King of the Jews" bad been placed over him in bitter irony, but it was true, for by right of the Davtdlc covenant He shall be King over Ismel (II Samuel 7:8-16). (3) The Impenitent Thief (v. 89). , This brutal man joins in reviling the Savior even when he was under condemnation. 4. The Penitent (vv. 40-43), The conscious sinner , who discerned the heart of the Savior prayed for mercy. The salvation of this penitent thief is a remarkable picture of the saving power of Christ, The man confessed bis sin as against God and cried to Jesus, for salvation. He saw that the dying man was the forgiving God. The fact that he acknowledged his Bin as against God showed that he was peni tent His request for Christ to remem ber him when He came Into His king dom shows that he recognized that the one who was dying on the cross was making atonement for sin and that he would come to reign as King. His salvation was immediate. Christ said, "Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.'- . ' . v '-; ' :- V. The Death of Christ (vv. 404(1). So shocking was the crime that na ture threw, around, the ; Son .of , God a shroud to hide Him. from the Godless crowd.. - Darkness was upon the land at noonday. When the price of sin was paid He cried with a loud voice showing 'that He still had vitality that His death was not through ex haustion but by His sovereign will, - ". .- ' Manners. i ' Manners are the happy ways of do ing things. Ralph Waldo Emerson. V '; " ' ' Time.-- ' C . . x Time devours all human things, and It is but fitting that we should snatch something from It in our turn, which may turn to account In life' eternal t Vincent of Lerlns., v l I . ' A Cheerful Faee"' Vv '',,: , A cheerful face is nearly as good for an Invalid as healthy weather. Franklin. n ,J .V" i uu "Dodson's Liver Tone" Straightens You Up Better Than Salivating. , Dangerous Calomel and Doesn't Upset You -Don't Lose a Day's Work -Read Guarantee y You're bilious I Your liver is slug tish! You feel lazy, dizzy and all knocked out Your head is dull, your tongue is coated ; breath bad ; stomach .sour and bowels . constipated. But don V take salivating calomel. It makes you sick, you may lose a day's work.' . - . Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel crashes into sour bile like dynamite, breaking it up. That's when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. 'Jf you want to enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever erperienced just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone to DQD ra Something to Think About Tou can't hope for much In the way of prison reform until we get to send ing a better class of folks there. Ex change, i Ur. VrTB -Dead ghof not otiljr pl Worm or Taptworra but clean out tho mueua la which they breed and tone DP tho dictation, Ono doa aufflciont. Adv. DESERVING OF HIGH HONORS Doctor Wagner of the Darmstadt (Ger many) Experiment Station 'Has Done Much for Agriculture. Fifty years ago Dr. Taul Wagner be came director of the, experiment sta tion at Darmstadt, which had Just been founded, and has since won for this Institution a world renown, through his investigations on plant foods. . Doctor Wagner certainly de serves to receive great commendation for having, with the help of his own method of pot experiments, substan tially extended, and firmly established the foundation for the use of commer cial fertilizers. . , . He was the first to recognize and correctly estimate . the fertilizing ef fect of the Thomas phosphate or basic slag. . By a steady Improvement In tho methods of fertilizing experiments In the field,- he succeeded In making of these field experiments a practical means of exact Investigation.- Doctor , Wagner, furthermore, has clearly shown the results of his In vestigations In the vegetation house, field and laboratory, to the practical farmer, either In articles which ore easily understood, or In Inspiring lec tures; and In this way he has contrib uted In an enormous degree toward the proper use of commercial fertilizers In agriculture. - ' . r Here in the United States many of. Doctor Wagner's articles .are known, having been translated or summarized by numerous writers, to the great ad rentage of American agriculture. ' Let Ae Are you fagged and up in the morning? - Coffee and tea are known to affect many people that way. Often, these beverages cause nervousness, sleeplessness and r severe headache. "There's a Reason." Postum, made from wheat roasted just like coffee is a delightful mealtime bev erage free from any element of harm. , Try it instead of coffee or tea and let . the sunshine in. FOStUlTl FOR HEALTH 1 1 WD JUJllW tr Jl L-1 j V lnsurcG Fresh Charm to Old Shawls JO PUTflAM FADELESS DYES-dyes or tinfe as you wish Vanity makes ' a man think that everybody else thinks as much of him as he thinks of himself. CHEIIETC WILL KEEP THE CHILDREN WELL Children are always liable to contract certain diieaaei such as croup, quinsy and whooping cough. Cheney's Expectorant drives out the germs from the system and relieves the pain and straining from coughing. Croupy children should always be given Cheney's Expectorant at the very first sign of trou ble. A dose at bedtime will prevent serious trouble and will insure the little one a good night's rest. Sold by all druggists and in smaller towns by general merchants in 30c and 60c bottles. Advertisement. . - A Bad Bargain. A darky who had recently married was asked by the farmer for whom he worked how he and his Mundy were getting along, "Not very well, boss. The fact is, Mainly and me we've done pa'hted.' . Tarted !" exclaimed the farmer. "Why, you were just married. Tou know, ' Sam, you can't leave Mandy. She's your wife, and you took her for better or worse." -. "That's Just It, boss," said Sam. "1 shore did tell that pahson that I took that gal for better or wus. But, Lawd, dot gal Is wus'n I took her to be." The Argonaut. As In Bridge. , "Where shall I pin this? The gen eral's breast Is covered with decora tions." , "To cover an honor with an honor Is a safe rule." Friends and enemies are both use ful to a wise man. foggy when you wake "There's a Reason." "There's a Reason Made by Postum Canal Company, Inc. Battle Crook, Mich. - '' i : M nr JIm night. Your druggist or dealer sella you a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents under my personal money-back guarantee that each spoonful will clean your sluggish liver better than a dose of nasty calo mel and that it won't make you sick: Dodson's Liyer Tone is real liver medicine. You 11 know it next morn ing because you will wake up f eelinaj fine, your liver will be working, your headache and dizziness gone, your stomach will be sweet and your bowels regular. You will feel like working; you 11 be cheerful and full of vigor. Dodson's Liver Tone is entirely vegetable, therefore harmless and can not salivate. Give it to your children. Fair Enough. "Why will old men marry such young girls r Because the young girls are willing." New York Sun. Tsj ma for i::c:cistio:j 6 Dell-ans Hot water Sure Relief 254 AND 75 PACKAGES EVERYWHCR3 HOW TURTLES FIND THE SEA Explanation, According to Harvard Scientist, Is Their Tendency to Travel Down Hill. '..'! Why loggerhead turtles readily find their way to the sea soon after hatch ing, has been discovered by George H. Parker of the zoological department of Harvard . university. These rep tiles are hatched Inland, and soon after birth crawl out of their nests,, he ex plains. Then with a few exceptions they Immediately start their journey In the exact direction of the sea. The roost Important reason for this behavior of the turtle Is their ten dency to go down hill, Mr. Parker be lieves. They also show an Inclination to move toward regions in which the horizon is clear and unobstructed by large masses. And blue areas seem to attract them more than other colors. Their actions should be regarded mors complex than a simple response to light, for the retina of their eyes re spond to the details, such as blue color, rather than to the Image as n whole. - ;. . i BEVERAOB .( , S I Yonr grocer soils Postum In two format Instant Poatura (in tins) prepared in taotly in tho cap by the addition of tx.! Ing wator. Poetum Csroul (ia pockr ) for thooo who prof or to make tho t whOo the tnool ia bolng preparod; i bj boiling fully 20 minute. TiMrj Cur Colore. T t've ot-r -' :, ctiftmeleon-L&a

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