LOCAI and Personal Y I We announced in last weeks Snrimr Millinerv ontninff at P. re8Bnea -wpot ftgeni at Mar V. Rector's 16 and 17. " ' snai, 1118 Piace Wl" bfs nilea W ' V. '. . Mr- u p' Bradford of Cleveland jar. uuuwuri ivoumson nas ocen TVnn: Mr Bradford U ft man nf quite 8ihk ior some tunc nut nw picnsanl adjreas and baa had more . . v raun ""Proved at mis than 30 years CXDCrience writinir. . . - I j y , I ivir, j. i. xjicKie, our ioreman, m We have j.ust received a solid car 'n United States Hospital at At of Furniture. Call mid ' lock it ,anU and t,,e Pap8 b-'ing gotte over .Madison Hardware. Co V out by Mr. Allison and Mr. Joe n.:.,;nU.:u.: ,.;JJohnson; week were Rcv.'E. It. Evans, Dr, Finlcy, Mr. Will West' and MrAn'-LA "t7' fU' Steve Roberts V JUCU1U V 1CVV llCllld 10 . . JUU VI VI J V, 111 I U lilO lUUUl'l Bon-uarqwarqo., naa some nice As I have not seen -anything in ' P-atoPurmture,.you should the - from thig . me nine inouicni i wouia write. Mr M If Amlrvra u' in livna nn tLfinnthln nt tl.n r.'vnr .I, The Pe0P,(3 Veiy busy nOW one mile out from Marshall, has PrePan8 ; for their crops, v been suffering from tbe effects of We have a good Surtday echoo! the Flu is better at this writing. and prayer meet.ng t this place i.Our Furniture is right and our j We have Sunday 'school at prices are riKht, call and ape o'clock.in the morning and prayer MMiwn naruvaio. ! mccting at 3 o'clock in the after. Mr. i ana Mrs. bam , liailey arc noon. Everybody seems tobe making preparations, to move out takin' ft ,ot of intcreat in the near Mrr u. Allison s. we are . iT , T, , , . , i I wo. Kv L. C. Roberts filled DUIJ Wl UUVU JCUVQ, . I The Madison Hardwarfi CV . Tins . been receiving new goods every day and invite j ou to call on them for your needs, in their line. Mrs. Sam Williams, of Wash 1 ington City, daughter, of' Mr. and Mrs. John A, Hendricks is visiting for appendicitis, her old hnmn fnvi-n for n - fwy rlnvs I " Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. E Everybody invited to P. V Rec Grecn, February 22nd, a son. tor's. Fridav.' and Saturday. Mil I linery Opening, Second floor. L.1?'3808 M,nn,iebe a n d V i .1 Bishop spent last Sunday with Mrs. in, i. jvj.c u e v 1 1 1 - is their sister, Mrs. J. L. Ri(jc. among tnose wno were sick his appointment the first Sunday and baptized eight.' t Friends of Mr. Kenneth McDaris will be glad to hear that he is able to return back to school at Mars Hill after undergoing an operation this week, being confined her bed part of the time. Added to the sick list are also Mrs. W. E. King and Mrs. F. Shelton, Mrs TJulah Tweed has been Teal sick but is able to be out again. ;". District Conference of the M E. Church South met' in Hot Springs, March ,J3th, 14th -and Miss Mol Fisher, of Asheville, has been visiting her parents at this place. Miss Mary Deal speni last Sun day with sister, Mrs. Ramie McDaris1. ' - Misces" Kate and Nellie. Carter has been visiting relatives here. Miss Nola Rice is visiting friends in Asheville. Mr. Ezra Burnett has returned loth. The Methodist church at I back to school at Mars Hill after Marshall 'wa represented by I visiting his parents at this place Misses Mary Gudger, Stella Carver and others. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Rector, Saturday morning, March 10th, 1923afmebounciugl baby boy, Hilliard Scree Rec tor, Jr." v Reports reach us fhat Mr. Torn! Ramsey is getting along nicely and! will soon be able to return to his I A READER, From Rev. R. P. McCracken ; There are a few things I desire to say, arid I know of no better home.- Uqwevcr he docs not want! way than to . say them through to take any chance of doing any- yonr paper. I moved from Mar thing that would -give him a con CoUnty to Walnut about two DacK set, . . I -j iuiuui.ua bku. . UCIUH MCCUBLUUieU Mr. B. F. West who has been Lq anIet 8Ui(J eitiZQnahin flf occupying the old Gudger stand in - . . , !t... n ' , t- i. t Metq Iwaa almost amazed at Marshall has moved his stock of ... , , , goods to Big Lanrel' near the the bhavir ertairi Walnut BalcRjcc place. - Mr. We3t is a folks when on last Friday night good man and we rcgret.for him to during: my ; absence from home leave Marshall. - thev came hv crowds nnd wifbniit. . ... . t.:yr-.. v:.v -,:... I - " Our Representativq, Hon. J.l waiting even for an invitation to W, Nelson, after having spent come in they stormed their way nine weeks at the Legislature riKht n and didn't even tell their returnea-to Marsnan, rnaayi, . . March 9th. Mr. Nelson passed business till inthe d.nm room ui i a - i 3 mi. ?a monv 'imnnrtont iowo iney Began to unioaa. Anen u muiij uiui buub iu o i , . v ' thdt " will ' be printed hi full became evident to my suspnsed ' from time to time During the family that they were not K K's. entire session ho did not miss a 0ti a raid of correction but just roll call ona, committoe meet- good friends findinga way to e3t. . . . . - . . . . Inrpsa their friendsnin anH nnnre- the most important committees r . . . , and wa rushed for time.1 He ciation of a most humble servant felt it was his duty to givo the of the Lord. Words fail us to county his full time' and that is express our most sincere thanks .Yillat lie Uiu. i - ltr avorv nna. I hero mora fnan Mr. Mi L.' Roberts one of the women, boys, girls, achool teach leading citziensef No. 16 township era, merchants, mechanics and of Madison County .writes -in the 8everai others. Mr. Editor I Ram?ey, that he stands ris the sha11 not the task of former 'Sheriff Mr.. lkiley, did mg a list of the good things they against liquor dealers anil for the left in our dining. room, ,for fear execution pf the law,1 that the citi- your space for other things ren's is proud of hlin and that in the selection of " Deputy , Sheriff Kelvin Roberts has met with the spproval of citizens of this town.shlp - 1 11 t tlioy are proud of his ap- Complete April List V NOW ON SALE CJo!iim6ia: Records DANCE MUSIC Jrnny. Fox Trot, l.iui. Fox TioV. The GmrgkMU i ht ueorgi Tei tvi$ and Mi Rand 1 A-3814 Frank Wettyhal nd Hi Orehwtn i 750 iwi fo, Tt .b"r , ' Th, Columbian, I "5 rmvn In Mftfyljnd. F Trot. . . Manhaf Ian Panre Muln ) A.3RA ; " , Manhattan Dane Urekeutra J Way nnwn Von.lrr In New Orlcani. From "SVut Mini l.h.xe." Vat Urut, . TK, noinmg uut. Vox Trot. v,htn io .na I Wcr Youngt Maggl Bluei. Fox Trot. I A-38I7 . , . Paul Speoht and Hit Orohftra j 75c tovo Snds a Mttlo Clft of Romi. WIU. l . Cood W.!U. .. ; , s . ' fZ?ZZZ: ?r Bwoethenrt of Slam. Chi.- Medley VfnU. - ' Dream dlrl of PI K. A.. iZS!'1" "" G"- Orchntra I JanGarbtr and Hit Garbtr-Davi, Orchestra 75c wm.perir.8 r.nm. Fox Trot, Accordion Solo. Only Jut Supptw. Fox Trot. Accordion Soto. 75 A-3804 75c t A-330S i 75c GuidoDi'iro GuidoOeiro Knm1h.ii U'nll. n . POPULAR SONGS Wnlta. Jlmbo Jamba. Down Tn Mnrylnndl Mlululppl Moon. M JUim A-38IS J 75c Frank Crumtt YoaVe Cot to See Mamma' Ev'ry Night. I Loved Yoa Once, v . In Our Tnrlor. .-' I'm MliAty Bivcet On My Sweet Sweetie. 3806 3c Van and Schenclc Van and Schenck rt-n.. ' .v . . . DoHy Kay t and Kivtk turman and Nash 75c Mother'e Tve. There'! a ltaii.bow In tbo Sky. Furma and Nrvih A-3?03 J 75c 1 1 A-3310 '1 75e Cnrlt Hart and Elliott Shaw 1 Sltannon t our j .iSOu WUh Yoa When'-Yon n"""!, A.381 i , ' , ; lona Williams and Her Dixit Band J VOCAL HARMONIES Wttlt Tnwn Tn the 0,:H County Down. In the Vulley Nenr Sitivonnmon. . Med!y of Uedky of "Old Timbre." Tnrt I. "Old Timer." Putt II. Will Your Henrt King Tree? JLIttlo Snn, for n,i!drcn-t itlle ELdle, Vocal. Orch ......u.vn. . Wl, r-n. WVliam A. Kennedy A-3798 ') 75b ) A-E737 i 75c William A. Aeiiurdy j Shannon Font Sluxnnon Four Gypsy Smith A-3302 ' Gvpity Smith J 75c I .1 A.iir.a Wtue bonK. - f.r BhlMren- t,ove Ifttle Pu.W, Vocal. Orch.: f . tucoi, wren. . . , . Laura Bryant J 75c SYJjfPKONY AND CONCERT SELECTJIOKS union."- Pflivtl 'onrfy Mackenzie f - Toscha Sridcl ) l0 AhrUoon of Mv Delight, (ix'iiniunn.) From 'In, a Pcrsiari Gnrden."- ; " ., Tondy Mackcn. Srhon Ro).marln. (Rrrtvler.) ' Tncea la nntleVlnrMn. TVm 'Tl Trnvjitore " ( . (Iluw lW-orul .Was tlio Night.) (Verdl.) The Living Cul. (O'trarn.) . ' . ', , 1 Smfle Th'rn'ii'h Yotlr TiTn. (Ilnmblea ) Out of the Umk to Yout (Lee.) .'' iPetlto Valan. (I7frbert. . Minuet In G,. No. ij. (lleethovcn.) ' I?oo Ponnctle $J.50 Charles Ilariatt (jj Barbara Mamcl j If! J .00 $1.0i) r tuiu nroim j . bddy brown J 1FESX F0RNIT0RE COMPANY Marshall, N. C. would be crowded. When we get over the effects of this pound ing perhaps we can find word3 to more Eicquateiy express beau. He asked me to marry him lie replied with, uplifted, hands Oh you scare me.'" Searching his mind for some kind of apo- logy, and looking off in; the far away couldn't quite find it. She, impatient said timidly "John why don't you scare me again." We like Walnut fine. " f : - it. p. Mccracken. Bull Creek Items. Durirthe past years people of Bull dreek Township'' have been raising Jarge quanitics of both barn cured and burley tobacco. hut this year we are all planing to raise more than ever before. 1 Everybody; received good prices lastyear for their ' tobacco," 'many averaging from thirty to thirty-five cents per pound for an entire crop of burley. The, highest Average received for a crop of barn-cured was thirty-seven cents. This was sold on the Danville,- Va market by Mr. J, J. Capps. . lie is; an ex perienced . tebacoo farmer who learned long tfgoto raise" what the buyers' wanted if he was to got good prices. Before these good returns began to come in it seemed as if no one intended to . put out a large crop for the coming year, but now plant beds 'are seen on every fide, showing that jf plants are good we w ill have out more our n r3 than ever before. s r5 t 1 ' ) "";c "" r- T rir burley Are You Proud ,Of Your Home ? From twelve" to fourteen hundred pounds of burley and about eight or niac hundred pounds of the barn cured are made per acre It is hoped that by using more and better fertilizer in . the future we will increase this yield. Mr. Woodson Ray, Miss Grace Howell and Miss Mary Fisher spent Sunday night at the horn of Mr. Roy Capps, Mr. Cappa, and his sister, Teakie have both been teach ing in Madison schools this year so it is with pleasure that their old friends find them again at home. .Mr. William Metcalf and Mr. Will Silver have just returned from Ashevillo where Mr. Metcalf ex-. pects to move soon. His friends at Bull Creek feel that he will bo mas sed. . J ' . " ' - xThe drivers of the two public school tiucks operated between Pc,tersbuig and Marshall . have re signed to go to Winston. .Mr. Sil ver and Mrv Candler were great favorites with both students und teachers for both their careful driv ing and for their friendly attitude toward their passengers. It is hoped that they will have a pleasent stay there. - ' , ' Rev Terry ' Sprinkle has been holding a revival meeting in Asheville- ' He is a very popular young minister who is held in the highest esteem by all who know him. It is hoped that he , will havegrctiti success in his life work. Do you want your hornet fur nished tastefully ? Do you want a Worth while article of furniture, say a table for the living room, for illustration, then it is simply a matter of visiting the WEST Furniture Company. ; . Wardrobe TRUNK Handy As Can Be Strong v Made Gives Good SERVICE A Nifty . Hand Grip Come In Look "E m Over ? ... , , If you want to have a home you will be proud of, whether you are starting housekeeping or looking for a few odd pieces, you owe it to your self to see our dis play. , Selection? The best the market affords. ' . ' ' PRICES? Probably the lowest YOU will find anywhere, Quality. CONSIDERED. . :Ll)GGAGE? If it is trunk, suit case or hand bag we have . them ALL KINDS and PRICES. , . ' , ' A TERMS OR CASH WEST FURNITURE COMPANY Merchants Supply Company Building p-yc'Vw4;C'-''."- Subscribe To-JDay For ASHEVILLE CITIZEN "Dedicated to the up-building of Western North Carolina" The life history of HENRY FORD is now one of the features running in the CITIZEN. Read it and how he made $76,000.00 lasi year. v The Asheville Citizen , -It Gets-There irst It is first la circulation, first la ff r.f-7s, first in advertising- first in neiv5, flr't ! i-f-ct f!r5tln cvrr-vf " V i ' - -v' i 1