Lccsea Up That Cold With Ucsterole Have Musterole handy when a cold ttarta. It hat all oi the advnt3g.ol pandmother'e mustard plaster WITH. OUT the blister. You lust apply it with the Angers. First you fed a warn tingle as the healing ointment penetrates tnt thi comes . soothing, coolinf sensation and quick relief. M Mad. ol pure oil of rflustsrdand other simple ingredients. Musterole commended by many SSSTxry Musterote for broncWOs. throat, stiff neck, pleurisy, rheu matism, lumbago, croup, asthma, neu nkia. congestion, pains and aches of tr back ccjts. sore mu stains, bruises, chiiblaina, frcteVcddjirf SdnV 35cIc?jarsand tube. Aefrer (Asm m muHtard pUut tlillSllffiA. SIX FI8H6RMEN LOSE , LIVES IN BTUMi". Halifax, N. S. The Gloucester fl.hinff arhooner j-aisaoeio llmna Into this DOlt With 16 Of the crews of the lost Nova Scotia fishing schooner Helen M. wwieu safe on board, but with the news of the loss of six lives during the terrific storm of last wee on we North Atlantic. The Elisabeth Howard repon- n that the Helen M. Colen found- -ered on the banks not long after two of her crew baa Keen swepi overboard. On the same storm huge sea struck the Howard carry ing off four men any every u-b tnrtVfahlA. . rantain Bah MacDonaid, oi to Howard, brought hla vessel Into port showing plainly the effects of terrific bugeting by the angry teas. He related that while off the nrthoaBt bar of Sable Island, the . ai ... raneht with the full 1 COOVl w " inn-a nf the elements. A great sea boarded the vessel, -wBBtiinsr the Gloucester fisherman from stem to stern. It was after mMnitht and in the darkness and in the blinding snow Ibe cries of men over board were heard lainuy through the storm. Have you RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Gout? Taka RHEUM ACIDK to i-mora tteoMea anadr. Ibe polKS from lite ijatea. "linUCDI OI Till rtTl IUI1UIU1 OS T OCTtlBI" AS AU VTUggtaU Jee. Belly Sea, Wkeleeale DUtriketers I L l UfJL Alivcl liver ills corrected with Dr. KINGS PILLS -for constipation CONFERENCE OH ARMY COSTS ' -.vr.iruTO CLAIM OF U. 8. TO rTm BY 6ERBANY DISPUTED IS REPORTED. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Wadsworth la Now In Paris. FliCElIITS tiOLllHIll . a s mr n WILL NOT EXCHANGE, sevww- GUARANTEE FOR PROMISE8 SAYS POINCARE. REVIEW THE RUHR STATUS British eovrenment Deliver Amicably Worded Note on Situation to Paris. , ' t T..i.Prmier Poincare addressed the foreign relations committee on the subject of the situation In the Ruhr. ... .ant into details with J JQSJ SJg CUilVI -nvmmw tn the Ruhr railroads, the or ganization of the customs, the putting . . . - imnnrt and exnort It- into lurto wi .... . - . censes, and expulsion of German offi cials the liaison established between the bridgeheads, the relations between h nrfiunatlon troops and the popu lation and the arrangement to ensure progressively the delivery oi coat . coke to France. M. Poincare renewed nis ueci.- ration, made oeiore mw """ deputies, that France would not ac- cept any mediation m mo n.u.w ntr into indirect conversations. u .AAeii however, that me on .hM Herman v understood the situ tlon France would be ready t listen and examine into all oniciai proi.- tlnna mftfla hV hCf. thA nrpmifir aecitticu. in nuy vaovi France would not abandon the securi ty and guarantees she had oeen ior- n take in return ior "!" FAMILY OF SIX .... DIE Fpoiw rhiriro-An entlra family of six was found dead killed by the vapor of an acid used as dlsmiecumv by the proprietor of a rwtaurant under their apartment. Peter Vordabya. me rei. and O. W. Hall, local manur the National Hygiene coriH.. r-i.v.Unil who bad underlay v. w . -- . 1 .m tha anartment oi roavue. wm arretted. The dead are -vVllUam latsen berg, 80; retired wagon builders his wir.. inhn Kratsenberg, S4, a son; Mrs. Laura Ssymeneki. it, a daugh ter; Henry Ssymanskt. 89, railroad orar. Ind.. and Harold VWSvv. I w ' Ctvitiinakl. 17. The bodies were discovered by wniiam Pnwera. a member of the state legislature, who roomed with ih. KYatinnberrs. Powers left the window open last night and was the only person In the apartment to es cape the deadly fumes. ItfKen Yon Need m Good Tonic TakeBABEK THE QUICK AND SURE CURE FOR Llalaria, Chills, Fever and Grippe All drugg-lrts, or by parcel POt-PrP,3r from Klocsewskl & Co..Wahlngton,D.C. ENTHUSIASTIC RECEPTION JACKSONVILLE AND Si. AUGUSTINC , - After Game of Golf .President Goes on McLean Houseboat on Indian River. Tir..Mn'tnn. Unofficial reports from Paris to the eeffct that the claim of the United States to partlcipatlpn i n.miit already made oy ui- . fnr maintenance of allied and Amarimn trooos on the Rhine MS!Ti territory I. to b. under ed Mn.iaA riermany. The British government has deliv ered to the French government an ..iahw worded note on the situation nid territory- bo- ID IUV hc.ij-vvi" tween the Rhine bridgeheads. Tfco nneatlon 10 D6 boiuou jurenanoM. V:-' -"m.1.!!!.. N. C. National uonuniw. BARGAINS from (actorlea to cotnurne. KEEPS CHILDREN WELL AND STRONG Tnm, pale, impoverished blood makes children frail, backward and delicate. ' Gude's Pepto-Mangan creates a bountiful supply of pure, red blood, restores bodily strength, brings back color to the cheeks and builds form, well-rounded flesh. ' . For over 30 years Gude's Pepto Mangan has been recommended by leading physio2118 33 a tamc md bl?xl enricher. Your druggist has it liquid or tablets, as you prefer. , ; Gude's pq)tO"M.anan Tnnie and Blood Enricher In nrnirreaa are QlBCOUUlou Ington official circles as founded on misinformation. It was pointed out that in th? cor which led to the con ference on army costs with Assistant Secretary Wadsworth of the treasury presenting the United States, tho justice of the American claim was promptly admitted oy me u ernments which suggested the confer- ence. . The purpose of the Paris discus sion, it was added, was specifically , to nnd means of providing tor the rounding to the United States of aflminiBtration of the Rhlneland u n . inter-allied commission or tne jTeui-u-di.h miutnrv authorities. - . I- The expectation in onicmi tuuc . .. Ma nnention will be easily deter mined after an understanding Is reach- ed on the spot by represeniaiivea Great Britain and France. ' . i inrnln Creditors Are1 Paid. Detroit, Mich. All creditors of the t inmin Motor Car Company, purchas- a ! r bv Henry Ford at a re ceivers sale, have been reimbursed In W m word. It was officially an- i mi uj ' . L.,nrpfl The sum needed to pay an TOUR IRS. HARDING IS CHEERED AT Is Rhlneland army costs in a way "M"",ri ln ,, was aooroxlmately $4, calculated to meet tne economy plight of the allied governments. Ne gotations to that end are now pro ceeding and state department officials are advised by Mr. waasworm what transnlred at the conference. While no comment has been forthcom- lng here 'as to these negotiations. Up to last Novemoer wneu capitulation of payments maue u Germany under the treaty of Versail les was made, the total amount asseB. it BETTER DEAD Life is a burden when the body is racked with pain. Everything worries and the victim becomes despondent and downhearted. To bring back the sunshine take LATHROP'S nnn nnn Mr. Ford tooa ius n was announced, despite the fact that he was not required to do so under nf his nurchase. The announcement was mauo i u.ih Rtnnfi. nresident of the Detroit Trust Company, receiver tor The Lin coln Company. AJ1 creditors of the concern, It was announced will receive 100 cents on the dollar, asa result of M. w action. They previously had received 47 1-2 per cent, all that r a nrh. Fla. After tnaugU' t.ia irinrida vacation trip with ii hnlo. nf Ball over too AO aa ,, s..nk nnfae President with Mrs. Harding, left here on the McLean houseboat for New Smyrna, about 20 miles down the wuiau m. Th nrttRldentlal narty arnveu . . n.mnnA BPiirh a lew minuion noon, after having received enthusl. astic welcomes at Jacksonville and St, Aiimatlne. v.. Af Tarkiinnvllle. a aeiegatiuu Lv- ..h.. nnvernor Hardee and the city, extended an official greeting, and at St. Augustine, where Mr. narau. - on .ovoral vacations and where ne expects to spend a part of the present one. several hundred old friends were at the station. The greeting extended tne dent and bis wire at urmu -- less formal, but equally as astic as those at Jacksonville and St Augustine. The little town was decor ated with flags for the occasion and townspeople lined the railroad tracks fVa ofivorfll hlockS. When Mrs. Harding stepped ' from, the train, apparently having experi enced no ill effects from the 24 hours trip, the gathering Drone into c Mrs. Harding immediately entered an awaiting automobile, but the President walked ahead to shake hands with the townspepole and to acknowledge Meetings. While talking with the en- DM BIOS AT FAYETTEVILLE NATIONAL COMMANDER OF THI AMERICAN LEGION GIVEN AN OVATION. hkiq 6uest h mm Tslla Offlcere From Fort Bragg That Service Men Want Big Army For National Defense. Fayettevllle. Alvin M. Owsley, na nnmmanitar of the American legion, concluded here his tour of North Carolina on his swing through th. outh. after experiencing w warmth of a typical Fayettevuie ir tlon and giving ln return one of the most pulsating addresses which this Mtt ha heard ln many uays. Commander Owsley anu am t"w toff tnr Rnnth Carolina. On his arrival from Wilmington ww, legion head was greeted by the entire personnel of Cumberland Post No. 3, , of which h' was the guest while In j the city; delegations from variola rlvln Pluha: hv Mayor B. K. Macn-euu- .n and Colonel J. C. McArthur, acting i post commander- of Fort Bragg, wa the latter'a sUff. On leaving the station an automo bile parade was formed to escort the distinguished visitor to tne notei fayette, where be was to ne tne guey of honor at a luncheon. As the long field artillery band, moved tnrougu the atreets, it became apparent that the entire population was either tak ing part In the parade or naa iurnu out to welcome the famous Texan. i want to say to you regular amy men," said Commander Owsley at one j point of his address at me luncoeou, "that the American legion ndt only stands for adequate defense, but wa want the damnedest best army that walks the earth and in every way as big as anybody's." He welcomed the sight of so many men from the regular establishment. fJtzr Ecsry tUzi Tcp II esch etc! with a bit ol civect fa C;e fcra It eatlslles tbc sweet too I!i cad Pleasure and beiaeSSt eossSiSaed. m a . A F7 V r V7HECH Siu Deans . the BestTIklllci Garden Peas p-the Sweetest Cantaloupe O The Select-Kite Charts la th'tf 1923 Cataloe; of .SEEDS' Show at a glance the varieties of achmoetabU to plant for earliness, yield, length of bearing season, or forwhatever purpose is most desired. The most helpful catalog we have ever Issued la ready to he mailed to you free on request TBEE FLOWEB SEEDS Oa IMS Catakc Wto bow r km a-UbMl aoak BaaS a veal aid M ea n vi. WOOD k BONS. Btedmn 37 8. 14th SL Biohmonp, Vi. Fun Tmi"mf adding. Ml always feel sater wnen rui the army is near." because he explain. J -HjjoA ed so many oi us nave mrBuw up ot uti, ik-pi principle tor which American entereo all armies on the Rhine was ,CD . . ed against Germany tor I- Af"tne DPOCeeds of the sale ,o nuo y . . .i.imi wprn sold. The . a Lillian ira trt a vmw nv-Hi mi aaaaiauaH UL U16DO wow HAARLEMOI' The national remedy of Holland for over nnn St U an mmv of all OB1&S re- suiting from kidney, liver and unc acid troubles, AU druggina. uucs i Look for tha nam Gold Madal oa Tmy box and accept no Imitation a first lien on any payments made by Germany. The total German payments received in both cash and kind, however, were placed at some seven billion marks, of which only direct cash payments nf one billion seven hundred million gold marks was credited against army Tha amount due the United States tnr tho Rhine armycost Is roughly one billion gold marRS. now uw.w ment of that sum is to be arranged by the allies Is the question to be solved at Paris, it was said, as in asueruus the claim to a full share m u w iiia etate department made It plain that the Washington government was not disposed ,to De a nru or and was anxious to arrive at an un derstanding with the allies mat wuuw not complicate further, their difficult economic problems. were mailed. r I L Check It Today with FflLEYS gSTABUSMtO IB7S The Largest sell" in cough med!cin "nihtVorld l.isisi upon Foley's Hardwlck to Be Federal Attorney. Atlanta. Ga. Governor Thomas . W. rr..wi.v annnnnred here that he would accept an appointment as spe cial United States Attorney General at the expiration of his term as uov ernor of Georgia. Governor Hardwicrs term as cui Pr.ti of Georgia Will expire on the fourth Wednesday tn June when Two Georgia Officers Killed. n.ina.viiiA fla. Robert Hope, mail carrier, 18 in Jail here charged with murder. Marshals Vilas Martin and Jack Bryant, ot the town of Laula, located in the north Georgia moun tains, were slain while attempting to place the mall carrier in tne calaboose. t . . Hope was ordered arrested Dy mo mayor of Laula after he nao peeu arraigned before the town's execu tive for a minor offense. Officers said the mail carrier was fined small sum for which he gave a per sonal check. He later stopped pay ment on the check and was oroereu a a ttia nirinora were ibuuiub inn thn laii he lerked out a pistol and began firing. Martin and Bryant .t matantlv killed. A teacher and her class of children in a school locat ed near the calaboose witnessed tne .kfinv . Hnnn surrendered to ue OUWai'a'Bja aj-- - sheriff. the war. 7 The most eloquent and the strong est portion ot his address was his plea f of' Justice to the men who fought and won the war, ot whom, he said, 6.000 are today in state Insane asylums, and 387,000 in hospitals or are supposed to have been examined by the doctors "1 will never rest," he declared em phatically, "and there are a million mot men In this country whd will never rest until President Harding, Geenral Pershing and Admiral Koonts see that common Justice is given the elneer and conductor beside the loco- diBaWed service men. And they nave motive, the automobile carrying Mrs. not received, common Justice yet. Hardlna drove up and sne graspeu mo wlmy hand of the engineer and thank- w,nta Officers' Age Limit Lowered. . grimy nana ui .hers oI the wo oh inrton. E. W. Nichols, super- train crew tor maklng.the trip so com- mtendent ot the Virginia Military In tortable fo ' her. stttute. Lexington. Va- in n address I0D11 .."L.. . Mr. Harding mMtinf of the Association, ol Mill- 1 DO ri6"IUCUI I S) ar 7 Ala. then boarded the McLean houseboat. tanr Colleges and Schools, urged that a one hundred and mty root the war uepanmeui -o- ealled The Pioneer." They were ac- umtt required for commissions In tne companled aboard by former Budget re8erve offlcera training corps so.that Director Dawes. Brigadier General mlnury school graduates under the Charles E Sawyer and Chairman Las- age 0f 21 could qualify for such ser ker ot the shipping board. Imme- ylce, He addressed his nma . i. .n thA President afl- tn Brlcadier (General William went to Ormond Beach golf course, kassiter, chief of the training B made famous by John D. Kocaeieuor, 0l tne army, who nu - who plays over it dally. The Presl- a diBCusslon ot the "present and prob-. dent had Mr. Mclean as his partner able future sUtus ot the R. O. T. c. and Chairman Lasker and former ln escentially military schools, which Director Dawes were paired against be described as necesary to the de them tense of the country. . r..iu.... r.t nrmond Beach, the -" MMMIIiril Lla UE . ( a . winter resort . across the river from UrB, Efforts to Increase Forests. Tell ut tha kind wf fun. Promot aiuwer. w.W.Wawr,aiwnns.lllca. Thtotr vein In fur buatecM. v There are scores of reasons why "Vasellna" Petroleum Jelly should be accounts a hoaeehold "J; few of them are burn., eoree, b ltateri. euu. It eomes to bottlee-ataU drog giaU sad general stores. CHmssoocM lwrjcTwswo co. Vaseline ReUS.PMOff PETROLEUM JELLY Two Die, Four Are Hurt on Warship. Gibraltar Two sailors were Allied and tour others Injured, two ot them nrobably mortally, as the result or he will be succeeded by Clifford m. r . e,DiOBton on board the British Walker who was elected m tne general ' Coventry. . The cause otthe oWtlnn last. Fall. In a statement announcing ni cepUnce otthe appointment, the Gov ernor said: "The position u quBOM is special assistant to tne Attorne, on the advisory board of the war transactions section of the Depart ment oi justice aTninsion 1p unknown and the extent of the ditmage to the vessel nas not yet been escertalned. - .'?.' Th . Coventry is a light cruiser of 4 ISO tons displacement and-a normal nmnipment of 327 men, She former ly was named the corsair. Manhood'a Afterthought. When a man looks back and thhs of what a fool he was, he la glad there were no monkey glands to prolong his I youth. Suspect Negro of Firing U. 8. Papers .Archibald W. Shaw, neero laborer employed at the Govern ment Printing Office, was held by the police here in connection with the fire th. nrlntina- office which destroy ed Government documents valued at 115 000 and which the authorities bus- pect to have Been oi mreuuiaij . ?h. wna sail to have denied set i tn the building annex but to hve admitted that he had a.griev-ja snee against riclals 'and employes J t'...-re. . ' " ' Leana From Washington Monument waahinrton. A lean from a small window near the top of the Washing- in. mnnnmnnt. E04 feet from the cround. brouKht Instant death to Birney Selp, grandson of the late Gei. William Birney. ; Seln had been suffering from a ner vous disease tor several years, rela tives said, and had left ho un known to his mother. He had s ""d a hrer'liJown several years a: ' 'a r..: x Cornell university, r 2 1 t c e tcne- from a VI. ' Ormond greeted the President at the ' washington.-Economlcal reforesta- VFlUIViuu, O 1 1 . 1 TiiJ D(.t.a ABfl lint HA 18th hole with cneers ana apv""" tlon in tne uimou o , that nlalnly were a bit disconcerting expected of nature alone, the Bpeciai to the executive, as he missed: Senate committee Investigating forest 1 '- questions was torn j ...."- Orphan Shoota Foster Mother. ton, secretary of the National Lumher Reidsville. Mrs. D. Ernest Purcell Manufacturers Asoclation and Axel a. . . . v . .aiiv wniinrtAd rv-i. nt tha lnmber division n n y rT nun iwni.uB " " 1 1 kuav. w bv Hilton Scares, a 17-year-old orphan of the Bureau ot Foreign and Domes-. a . laMMa. VSrltVl 1 . . aa a. I boy. who was maxing ui tic uomiuerco. ,; . . Mm. Purcell. about seven Natural force must be assisted by VniieB southwest of Reidsville. Mrs. man, they eaid, through laws under .. i a n AwiAnaWn ....... 1 MAa wnnlll 1.A maintain Purcell was cameo m iwnicu - hAsniUl. d on all tracts and trees would be cut nospiwi. ... J . A. I J ..... ...narlann. Jdrs. Purcell's nusoana i under reoerai u inir the day In Danville, Va., on bus- complete demanding ot timber 1UB , J. Ii . , ...labial nlatltlnir lness, and young aeares, ,- lands wouio requuo -, vantage of Mr. Purcell's absence, de-. wMcfc wouid not be practical, the wn clded to rob the saw in m ruivw. M, aeciareo. manded ot Mrs. purceu to open " ..j iunn her reiusai tne uv shot her with a revolver.. The first bullet entered Be right arm. pene trating ltno her breast, i wo ,wui- bullets entered tne .wonu ""-- Just left of th apine. - , Mrs. Purceu, neiore ner lua'" f Itluarln A a 11 irll t f was Miss -vannie ot Alex Troxler, or near Benaja. Eight. Saved By World War Hero. New York. Patrolman John Dale, a world war hero, rescued six, children and two women from a burning tene ment ln Brooklyn.- ' " . ha made three trips from the build ing the last time throwing his coat v hie head and crawling along the floor "of the third story to reach a help less woman. - Dale was a member of the leatn lafantry. the old ."fighting Sixty-Ninth" C "-lng tv.e v.-.r. Ke ccrhired a Csr- 1 r-? ' ' i ft l. u -""' 1 - ' t - i ' '. t " t Ktn Etomacli anil Eowel . A l-ai aSPSllfa brln,, Mtoni.hlnsr. gratify ia -naktntT DBOT a toot ana dot- ther ihdtua ""r" tbne.onaiaii-aaB.i--a ..aalsiholandaU ants. Baieai aaUatactoay. ft II I ( IX.'". Inflamed eyelids or oth L i irrltatiooe. iou win a 1 a aooininc nu remedy In MITCHkL.1. 'Two Airmen Killed. Washington. Lieutenant R. M, Far rar, naval aviator, and Stephen F. Sul livan, a mechanic, were killed when oirniaiiA they were bringing from thiladelDhia to Washington crasneo into the. river seven miles rrom rnu delphla, acording to a report received by the Navy Department. Nearea Diet at Age of 126 Year. ' Atlanta. Ga.Evellne Bolton. ,.,n a who was nearly three years old when George Washington 'died, and who would have remembered the War of 1812 had she ever been told ot It, died recently 'in Oglesthorpe County, Georgia. - The State Board ol neaua Bccepv ed as authentic the record that she lived for a!:rost 128 years. 'She was born on Karch 13, 177, and died on reeei.'-fr 1 5. ss 1 r prave csar' r"!r 1 i' " ' ' 'Askyomrdrr-Xf t Ur.ataaU-IiAdT Or OontlMnanC ajivaaaw. f-omnu . ... a ' ' at au drugglata, ;