A Notice of Sale -By virtue of the power in me vested by a certain chattle mort gage, executed by Mitchell Shel ton, to secure a delt therein de scribed, I will on the 2Cth day of March at 12 o'cloch M. at the Court House door in the town of Marshall, sell to the highesfr-bid der for cash, the following de scribed personal property, to-wit: t One pair of mules and harness and two horse wagon, one of the mules is gray and the 'other a bay mule, and a fine size for farm purposes.. ' This the 3, day of March, 1923 C. B Mashburn, 3-9-23 to-317-'23-d Mortgagee. NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT North Carolina, In 'the - Superior Ma lison County ) Court. Ethel Bryan : - "VS.- L. B. Bryan. The defendant" above named will take notico that a summons in the abovs entitled action wai . isHiicd a?ainlt said defendact on the 23 day of Febrnary 1923, by W. A. West, Clerk of the Superior Court of Madison County, North Caro lina, for the sum of $800.00, due said plaint ill for the care and ma.n tonance of the infant child of said vdefcndant, which summons is re turnable before the Superiop Coun of Madison County on the 26th day of 'March, 1923. The defendant will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued by W. A. West, Clerk of the Superior Court of said County on the 23 day of February, 1923, against. the prop erty of said defendant, which war rant is returnable before the Supe rior Court of said County, at the time and place above named for the return of the summons, when and where the defendant is requir ed to appear and answer or demur to the complaint or the relief de manded will be granted, 3-2-to-3-24-23-d. W. A. West, Clerk Superior Court. For CROUP, COLDS, 1 INFLUENZA & PNEUMONIA Mother! ibould keep a tar of Brana't VapooeMM SaJra convenient. When Croup. Influenza or Pneu monia threaten! this cetichrful til re rubbed well tcto the throu, cheat and ander the arms, will relieve the I cboklnf. break coojrestioa trad prtxoote rcrtfnl Bleep. r;l.r. :::A;-U.C!i.-!l!3 3 . (fa, ft' ' 3 a :V hit; tur.-m rail iwt i' ! Is Good Printing Ask to see samples of our busV nesscards. visiting cards, wedding I and other invitations, pant pMets. roiders, letter ne&as, statements, shipping tags, envelopes, etc, constantly carried in stock for your acconunodanora- Get our figures on that printing ytru Hcv betxi thinking or. ' Vzvr Typo, Latest V7, -Jt ' 4hV a h it c"i cv.r r:'. , ; a I::'.? .-1 Oar Hobby FOR SALE A 30 inch French Bur Corn Mill.', Will uell cheap. We need the ronm. See A. B Silvers at Talc Mill, at once, Mar. shall, N. C. 3-9-23 to 3-17 23 For Sale. I have for sale 1 dining room set of mahogany furniture, which cost, me $450,00. I am planning to take a trip back West and therefore I. will give some one a good bargain. So come around and take a look at it at once, first door below Southern Railway depot, at the restaurant, ' E. A. TWEED, Frop Marshall, N C. W. A Sams Physician and Surgeon Office Front Room Over ?nnk of Frtmli ftroad. For Sale Hatching eggs of quality, Thorongh-bred Single Comb White Leghorns, Young's Strau'i that good laying breed $1 0( per 15 delivered. J 3 2-to6-18-23 p. - ' "OTIS CHANDLEY, , White Rock, N. O. Dr. V. E. CHARPIE Dentist Is now located in Marshall and occupies rooms over citi zens bank, can be seen at all hours. ' HOWS THIS? HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE) will do whmt we claim for It rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE? con sists of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves the catarrhal Inflammation, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts through the Blood on the .Mucous Surfaces, thus asaistino; to restore nor mal conditions. , Sold by drunfflsts for vep Tears. . F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo; O. v NOT! C E If you cant bring your shoe mail t him by Parcels Post. We fix "Em" While U Wait Champion SHOE SHOP Marshall, N. C. I will be in Marshall N Con 5 6th dfaypo'f March, 1923. AT DR. J. N. MOORE'S office for the purpose of ex amining eyes and fitting glasses, I guarantee results. North Carolina State-. Li cense. f Dr. L V. Lisenbee wMiirin,ii I Dr. J. E. Owen 1 v.DENTISt V I ! - Modern Dentistry at reason-! ! able prices modern offices with all J city conveniences. Be sure you get! ! my prices before you have your work done. Good teeth means good S J health. Permanently located .over? ; R. S. GiLbs' new store Mars Mill J N.C. 2-15 to 8-15-23 Pd. A ; I j BAPTISTS COLLECT $1,918,000 CASH Growth of Denominational Aetlvltlal In Every Direction la Indicated a Result of ForwartJ Program LARGE ADVANCES ARE MADE REPORT ON CONTRIBUTIONS TO 75 MILLION OAMPAIGN ISSUED BY HEADQUARTERS OFFICE, I - DR. EVERETT QILW European Representative Baptist For- elgn Mission Board. Up to January 1, 1923, Southern taptlsts had paid In cash on the 75 Million Campaign, their five-year pro gram'for the advannemtfnt of the gen eral missionary, educational and be nevolnnt activities of the denomina tion the sum of $38,918,191.10, accord ing to a report issued by the general headquarters office.. Thrae contributions hare come from the vnrlons stntos snd other source as follows: Alabama, $1,653,739.40; Arkansas, $1,165:153.35: District of Columbia, $143,564.70; Florida, $609, 016.02; Georgia, $3,669,616.70; Illinois, $320,482.95: Kentucky. $4,122,089.78; Louifllana, $1,035,640.23; Maryland, t4S9.494.29: MieslRgtppl, $191,011.34; Missouri. $1,537,067.49; New Mexico, $170,998.36; North Carolina, $3,365, 330.21; Oklahoma, $1,052,438.20; South Carolina, $3,309,252.60; Tennessee, $2,340,766.77; Texas, $5,002,785.32; Virctnia, $4,102,802.12. Special desig nated funds, Texas, $1,223,640.55; New Mexico, $403,072.68; Louisiana, $105 100; Illinois, $148,691.11; Tennessee, $192,853.25; Oklahoma, $59,000; re ceived direct- by Home Mission Board, $15,340; received from special sources by Foreign Mission Board, $86,103; contributed by native churches on for- ttien field and expended by them di rectly on their work there, $1,003,- SS-C.68. . indicating something of the prog ress which the Impetus of the Cam paign has brought to various phases of denominational effort In the South, It Is 'reported that during the three years of the Campaign period that have expired. Southern Baptists' bava had 150,000 more baptisms than they did for the three years Immediately preceding the. Campaign; organized 3,000 more new Stmday schools with 400,000 new pupils; enhanced the value of their local church property bv $33,000,000; increased their cottrt- butons to local causes by $22,000,000: gave $18,938,862 more to missions and benevolences, and advanced their con trlhutions to all causes by $43,480,490 during the three years of the Cam paign over what they .gave to all causes for the three years Immediate ly preceding the Campaign. ; . Gains In Areola! Fields. ' The Campaign bas enabled the vari ous state mission boards te ire 11 i large their programs of state and asv soclatlonal missions within- CsOr re spective boundaries, it 1 polnsel oattt made it possible for the Home Mission Board to complete its $1,000,000 Church Buildlngx Loan Fund, extend Its work among the foreigners, Indians and Negroes, administer 134,382 'bap tisms, secure 218,371 additions to the ,local churches, provide larger equip ment for its system of 38 mountain mlsnlon schools, establish the South' era Baptist Tuberculosis Sanatorium, and greatly Increase Its work In other directions. : Some other gains in the homeland Include the . better ' equipment ' and maintenance of the more ' than 80 academies, colleges : and seminaries other than the mountain schools; in creasing the number of Baptist hos pitals from 18 to 20, and providing better equipment and maintenance for all of them; increasing the number of Baptist Hospitals from 12 to 20 and beginning the erection of three others, at the same time all the older ones have been tetter equipped ; while the number of aged ministers helped has been doubled and the stipend given each has been greatly increased. . Mission Work Extended. n the realm of foreign mis- 'ins the Foreign Mission Board has teen en abled to send out about 250 r mis sionaries, employ over 500 a Clonal native workers, greatly incr na the equipment in the way of chn i build ings, chapels, schools, hospi: i, pub lishing houses and mission rc . nces In the older' fields of China, 'J pan, Africa, Italy, Brazil, Argent! 1 ara guay, Uruguay, Chile and Me- . and open up new work in Sn' . J Slavia, Hungary, RoumaD.a, - , Falestine and Siberia. In the - ny now occupied by the Forrlri Ion Board there is a total pop- a of 900,0on,noo, or more than ha:: - 1 o p!e of the world. . . Due to the enlargement ' ? r stonary program in Euror t ; fcn bcfii compelled to st-' a f i f.l renreseniative-tnere i - i of 1 r. I . - -t (. 1, f ! ( ' ' ' r ( f f - v Dr. R. H. Br2c -a DIE INT 1ST Announce's to his friends and acquaintances that he is permanently L O C A T E D over C. B. Mashburns; Office Where he may be found any day in the week. And every week in the Month. And every Month in the year. Enough Said. Come see mc. . Judgement ;.. is based on experience. We have examined the eyes of thousands it people, have made ever i known combination of gia39es, fitted all sorts, sizes and shape of noses. It is our -pleasure t. refer you t6 any of our patrons. We shall be equally glad to num- oer you among them. See us to iay and see better from now on. CHARLES III I10NESS m- ' Optoraeirist Eye Strain SperiaHst 54Fat Ave. Opp. F , ASHEVlLLE. N. C tfTlc NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina i . Madison County j " In the' Superior Court, February Term, 1923. State , ' " VS . . Transporting:. Oscar DealW. V. Daweese. By virtne of the power vested in me by order ot the aupenoi Court in the above entitled action I will offer, for sale at the Court House Door in the town of Mar shall at 12:00 Noon, Saturday A.prl 7th, 1923, one Dodge Broth ers Touring car, to the highes bidder for cah. The above men tio'ned car captured in the illega transportation of whiskey. . This March 7th 1923. - R. P. ItAMSEY, ' Sheriff Madison County. 3-9-23-to-3-3l.23-d. ' Administrator's Notice. North Carolina ..." Madison Couuiy . Having qualified as nd minis! rn vor of the estate of J .II. . Luns ford, deceased late of Madisoi Count, N. C, this is to notify al persons having cl-tiois Riinsrtli tate of said deceasef to exliibi them to the DndersintMl at,' hi office at Barnadf on or before tli 12th day of February, 1 924, or tbl notice will be plciul in bar their recovery, , All pers"ons Indebted lo said es tate will please make iirtncdial payment. , - , :,. This the 12 day of Feb 1923.'.: Luther Lunsford, Administrator of J.. II. l.tms ford, d'case(i 2 lC-tX) I . S YOU READ the You are reading tfiis one. That ahould convince jrou that advertising in these columns la a profitable jiis proposition; that it will bring business to your store The fact that the cthw fellow advertises is yrob'My the reason he is f more business than il t . 7 to you. Would ft cot ti well to giire I u r t J.Um a chance ! Your Atl uclurans? We Buy, Sell or change All Kinds Real Estate '"'"""""""" Such as Farms. City Property, Timber and Mineral Lands "Any where When you; wish to eithfcr buy or sell. AT iTION SALE write or come and see e . . . - , ; , North Carolina Realty Company " . J. II. GROGG, ScoTreasr Moved to 78 PaUon Ave., South of Pi 0Asheville, N. C. ' mgjfj i Qnmimm p ah A JJJ 1 1IL.IU1 IlllILl f! fll ( a r aWM.' ANNUAL REUNION, UNITED CONFEDERATE VETERANS ' . NEW ORLEANS,- LA, APRIL 10-13, 1923. J r Account of the above occasion, the South ern Railway will Sell round-trip tickets to New Orleans at the following fares: ; v- For members of the United Confederate Veterans and immed iate members of their families accompanying them, one cent per mile distance traveled in each direction. ' , ' For Sons 'of Confederate Veterans, Confederated Southern Memorial Association, United Daughters of the Confederacy, and sponsors, mafrons and maids of honor, one first class one-way fare for lie round trip; . ( ' - s All tickets td.read via tli same route in each direction ' DATES OF SALE: Tickets will be sold from Western North Carolina points April 6, 7, 8 and 9th. ; : FINAL LIMIT: Final limit of all tickets to be April 30th. ' V- ; AD. tickets will be sold on the identification certificate plan, ; certificates having been issued by proper authorities of the Con federate Veterans Association to Veterans and their families which ; entitles them to rate, of one cent per mile, mileV traveled, and also . separate certificate for Son; of Veterans, Confederated Southern Memorial Association, United Daughteas of the Confederacy, sponsors, matrons and maids of honor at rate of one standard fare for the round-trip. ; '. " Through car arrangements and positive rates will be announ . ced later. J. II. WOOD, V Division Passngbr Agent . 42 Haywood, St. . ; Asheville, N. C. as ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. North Carolina -' .'.Madison Counly Having quftlificwl na administia- deceased lato of Madison County, N. C, this is to not ify all portions having claims againot the estate of said deceased to exhibjt' them-to the undersigned at his office at English N C.,, on or before the 7th day of February-,; 1024. or this notipo will be,' pleaded in bar of their recovery. . : : - , All persons indebted to saidi es tate will plcifV make immediaU' payment. " . ':. This the 7th day of Febiuary 1923 ; ' . '.' ' ' N. ' OvM. IUMrTON - j Jminifctrator of, T. A. llensley, 'cceased. ; 2-7 to 3-16-23 P., Dr. J. N. MOORE ILis Moved "His Offce. Up Over Grover C. Rodmons ' ft ore. Yoii Find Ex - PRIVAE OR AUC - !!iTi'T''tL'a r tit """-' ''w-g!"' . way -qvtfM:. Builders Supply Co. ii. d: Dealers in,, lumber of all kinds, inntut and com posit ion roofing, , windows- and doors, brick, lime and cement, tt'e carry a full tino-of every tiling. Come and see us or write for prices." " ': ' SiLE AR'IY SnCIS S.'I We have just bought a tremenJ ou8 - stoctc 'of ' Army Mun'soh 1 shoes to be 61d to the public c' rect. Price $2 J5. These shoes r 100 solid leather with he double soles sewed and nai!c-. " uppers are of , heavy tan ' t Ii r . leatherwith bellows tongue, t! by making thorn waterproof Tl $hocn are "selling very fa?t ' advise yon to-order at cute 'sure J-our order bing filled. The" sizes are 6 to 11 all v i ' Fay Postman on rece;; t cf ; or send nv-"-y r -' r. t-f 1 I ir ;' " try

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