"V 4644 4444444444446444 44444444464444444. 'jj'1 Madison County Record ""7 I E! -JKCG j i iim.il uivau iivtra . 1 ' L It .1 XT ? Means that your sob- 5 J scriplion has expired. 099999999999999P9999. minpnnta uihj in, iff, f CONSpUpATEDKOV.I.lrll ' '' ' ?,PPVPPPPPPPPP9PP9PPPP THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN MADISON COUNTY MARSHALL, MADISON COUNTY, N. C, FRIDAY, APRILtK 1923. Molxxi No 13 T".'"':''.: ',"';:..'",' ' 1 ZIYA ; n V (i r ft i ', Miss Nettie Lawson and Mrs. Frances Ebbs, . assisted . by : Miss Evelyn Balcy entertained very delightfully a large jnum ?iber of parents on last Friday morning for about 45 minutes- at ." an ftnslnr nrorfrnm at. the. school hntldinrf Th And itnriiim 'was !l beautifully decorated in Easter C'r green and gold color scheme being emphasized- throughout the a I. sir. Tu-f oc coy tifrrittXMiCrt? ;fv. -:rr Devotional Exercises .... .tfaCA 77.9.07. YA' .-.Second Grade ! j SowMiasler. Has .Come" . , r.-,w.;,w. Tnc.f o Tmir T.Htlo " l-painTh'e.E'iisUTiRabbit. 4.-.;-., .,.ur; 'r.;. ;;Katy Sams Duet-Easter,. Iells,,. v... -nWindle McDevitt A Hazel West Recitation -My Easter Lesson. . . . . Billie Baley '..Recitatlorff The T-ily Bell";'. v. i?.. :' v. . .V:. Hunter Henry "CrQwnJhe Cross ,V.;th, Lilies" ... First & Second Grade II WJ'iM PPVi A,ss Recitations With Easter Awake v J.t :A')Qolor$tory r;. r-'J ' : w;v . .-..vocal bolo rMr. uunny.jxaDDit """""Uecitation : Easter Day . ..... Wliil Docs Easter Mean . . . . Recitation My Easter .Eggs... f ; Play.-r Easter Tidings . . . . . , . . . . $ l' " f ': . ' ' i 3r5r . - . Recovers Damages From Hus bajid Who Drove - Wrecked JU1 .OiuryanHthe ' -MadiBon .County Superior . Court,. in. returning. a "-verdict of J2.5C0 in favor of Mrs OVRoberts against her: hus ' vbarid, S. B. Roberts, drugisU of rMoraholl !a hlirVpl-o h.avAslet. a precedent Friday and to have written' another unique chapter in the court annals of North Carolina. ' - Although she is living happily with her husband and there are no maritial troubles, Mrs. Ro berts entered suit against the husband as a result of an auto mobile accident, which occured with him driving, alleging that she was negligently hurt and that because of complications suffer ed the loss of the little finger on her right hand. Evidence was introduced to show that infec tion set in and that at one time, she was critically ill at a local hospital. She was represeuted. by attorneys Thomas S. Rcllins of 'Asheville, and Guy V Roberts of Marshall. Appeal. was, taken to the,' Supreme Court and a liability "ipsucance company will have to pay the judgment, if the Madi son court 's verdict is upheld. Ivy Dam Items. ' . Mr.;, E. F Fisher, the pros "'''"peVdKa'mer'c'hant.bf this place, - has recently had a set of carbide lights installed in his home. . - Mr.JBob Clark and family ha e ' tl" been'.yisit'ng .fj-ionds and rela h ' tiveV on Grape Vine. !' --I-GvrfiKuSe Maxwell who ; ; has tietn in 'AshcviHe'.for'quiU, awhile hts returned home."" ', U The'rarmera .of this community ii) i, are' enjoying' their - spriajMraj' cation. " - "' Ts'r , (,yit,J.,V. fifox and little son . 'p'nt Saturday night and Easter . with relatives in Mars Hill. j Mr.' and Mrs. Bill Ward and little daughter, Thelma, of Long , Branch,1 'spent Saturday night : and. Sunday at the heme of Mr. Robert Fisher. . .. . er Entertain- lilies and potted, plants. -The r . , , . . Second Grade . . ... Bel va Farmer ?Md " . . r,L . . Janq Pope & Rejoice '. . . ..Viola Redmori i.'.Boys dt Girls i -. .Billie Baley! .......... .Tenie Creasmcn ....... .". ..r. Four Girls! ...Tom Whitehurst! . ..First & Second Grades ! Easter with his parents who are preparing for a move to Hickory, N.c, .-!.. Mr. Kelly Maxwell and family who have moved to this com- "unity .ay that they like the Pumpkin center' people very much and ' are enjoying their ,new hoe': . . MrW. H.; Fisher and part of his fftmilv.wit.h hl t mvanLa motored to Gastonia and Rock- lingham, N. C, last week and I are extending a long visit to relatives at those places, A Much Needed Measure. - Last Monday in session of the Commissioners Mr, Foster the State Forester came and laid before the commissioners a plan by which we might avoid the fires that do such great damage to' our forests. The State has in other parts made arrangements with the counties by which the county appro priates some money the state will appoint wardens who will help fight these fires. The com missioners appropriated and eventual amount that will call to our aid the whole force of the State. The expense of the county will be , only that (of fighting the fires that come. However the stite will see that the patrols watch the forests and woods and keep the fires from starting. In each town ships there will be men who wil look' to it " that the people are instructed and shown how to avoid these fires. There is a oheif warden' who will have all the others under his control and will direct the crusade. The commissioners named Mr. Errer - son as chief warden and are en trusting to tunu 3 ForSalo "Cotton and tobacco are h'gh this season, fertilizer will be in demand ana pernaps win do scarce laier in j tue . Bwict.-. r x. c . the season, our advise is that you , should meet ' and ;"electn officers haul out your requirement of Old for the ensuinfip7 yeati The offi Anchor, Brand Fertilizer for tobac-i rt and theoeleiratiA fdrm the co so we can nu our wnoie nouse, again. Wc have now a good sup- ply on hand. WARD & GUDGEit. " GARDENING TIME We halve Jerome B. Rice's Garden Seed in bulk and can sell them about BOj per c e n t cheaper j than package seed. :- ', We still" 'carry largest and most complete line of Groceries in the County and give; best , pric es - Call on us when you want Groceries, Feed and Seeds. RedmoR Grocery Company. Ivy.Dam Items.:; Everything at this place seems to be moving along nicely. , ; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fisher, little son, mil jr. ana ivir. ana Mrs 10 RoCkinghanvJM. L Mr. and Mrs. Bill' Ward, of Long Branch,, visited, relatives in this section last week end. ' :" Miss Effie Gosnell, of Grape vine, visited relatives here last week end. " Miss Carrie v Hunter- of this place spent Sunday at the home of Mr. George Sprinkle. Mr. Silas Capps made a flying trip to Grapevine and back Sun day a. m. ;'!,:.'::r:::7;.'.v Mis3 Effie Capps ris, visiting Miss Nannie Fisherrn-c-"' C-I Mr." Will Baley of 'AsheviUj Is spending a fewl;dayS;rwith has mother,' Mrs. N. EvGarter; s ; jMr.(''Itiley .Fisher .of.l c wt j Bridge ,visite4Jho1erkfi51KS, last; week end. a subscriber:.' sec-- A School Humane SocieteH How To Form One Afeccj) :r:v' Active. The society may be organized 'when all -the pupils of the school are assembled.' The reasons for ; having a humane society may Be presented by the principal' or ' a ; a, ' V iinman nlavlet I or in a program Of humane songs ! an i recitations' The ; exercises' I ' - 1..J- 'J1 r mum. beirship. ;T At the close of the exercises, each class should, elect a delegate; representlt m the, council of . .i.i-w 2.ILm- ' in council, which will traniact , al business the society. " r r.- Playlets may be made from The Bell of Atri," ' The' Birds of Killingworth." "Black Beau ty,'' or other humane stories; or they may be written on humane themes; as,, bird sanctuaries cruelty of hunting and trapping, kindness to pet animals.; The followin play is recommended: I R-TTr?m1f PjivtiP- nnH nnhliaeH by Harper & Bros, in a volume of Miss Payne's' Plays, entitled "Plays and Pageants of Citizen ship. "--Frances E. Clark. ;rtrist vOf Game Wardens List of Game Wardens ap pointed for the various Town ships and Wards April 2nd 1923, To Wit. . . : . : No." 1 Township, Ward 1. Guy V Roberts, Marshall. tisNa; r-Township, Ward 2. R. S. McDevitt Walnut. liia.l.TowDship, Ward 3. Roy Payee, Marshall, Route 1. -s'Norl, Township, Ward 4. G. W. irejisley,'Ma'rshall, Route 2 .Q.ZTownship, Ward 1 John Bhijion,.'armrn. f Noitpwiiflbip.Ward 2. Rose velt Franklin, Big Laurel. No .Tftwnship, H. H. Buck - ner, Mars Hill, Route 2. S No. 4 Tewnship Ward 1, W Curtis Radford, Paint Fork. No 4 Township, Ward 2, II. L. Rie, Ivyr ' . No. 5. Township, T. A Higgins Mars.HilRoute 2. -N&townsWPi Albert Teague, Marshall Route 1. No 7 Township Harrison Ball, Marshall.-Reute-5. . : ;Nq S Township, Ward 1, John Hipps Trust, ' " JCfto? 9 Township, Will Lawson Paint Rock; : Vfoi iD Township, Ward tsW;Rioe, Big Laurels -No, 10 Township, Ward ILLUSTRATED TRAVEL TALK Entitled A Trip Through A State Prison This is something that every man and woman, boyand woman, boy and girl should see and hear if it is at all' pos sible for them to do so. '.-.- It will be presented in connection with the regular t ser vices at the Baptist Church Sunday night. , .0 Scenes of foreign countries are interesting : The inte ior of one of the greatest prisons in the world.' that of ' the State of Illinois, just South of Chicago, is to many as strange as that of any foreign country. " ' The object of this Prison Lecture is not merely to en tertain, but also to give wholesome knowledge s as to how thousands of our fellow citizens live in '-captivity. , , , It will also serve as amoral sermon by showing that "The Way of the Transgressor is Indeed Hard.". . - It tells how people get into the Penitentiary.' Also 5iow they can keep out and what they must eqpect when" 'once they are on the inside and looking out. ' ONE OF THE GREATEST OF BIBLE TEXTS," will be the subject of the hour. , In the morning we will preach on 'THE LIFE THAT SATISFIES." : ! Will be glad to see you present. ; ' i Cordially, . i . r EVAN RIDGE EVANS. Russell Franklin, Big Laurel. No 11 Township, Dr. I. L. English, Faust. ' ' No 12 Township, T. J. Wild, Big Pine. lTow!whip,FrantParks Joe, N. C. No 14 Township, Joe Robin son, Mars Hill, Route 1. No 15 Township, C. N. Jcrvis MarslHill No 16 Township, J. G. Briggs, Flag Pond, Tenn, Route 1. The White House When the historian records the finer examples and expressions of human excellence for 1922, he may well top the list with Presi dent and Mrs. Harding's tender appreciations toward animal life. In answer to an anonymous let ter the President took time to write to Gov. Sproul in Harris burg to appeal for the life of a dog belonging to an alien. John Silverman, being an alien in Pen nsylvania, had no right to keep his fine St. Bernard dog and the court had pronounced the death sentence for the dog Harding wrote, "I have tried to put my self in the position of this poor immigrant and I know flie per turbation that fills his ' soul. If it came within my executive aut hority I would gladly grant a pardon to the convicted animal. I have an abiding faith that the man who loves his dog to the ex tent that he will grieve for him has in him the qualities which will make him a loyal citizen " Mrs. Harding answers another appeal by sending a $lc0 check to provide for the care of the 51 year old horse, from known re cords the oldest horse in the world, In her letter to the own er, Rev. Dr. Myers, she makes these beautiful comments: "I am deeply moved by the sense of justice and1 gratitude and faithfulness which compels you to sacrifice your comfort rather Lhan kill a splendid horse which ''ffMii11 has given you a long life . of wil ling service. It seem? a strange , ingratitude that demands such a sacirfice because your failure to a ttain wealth has not made a cruel and inconsiderate master of you- Eor, examples sake, I hope, Clover will long continue to be the old est horse in the world, and that somehow there will grow an im pression that the loving God nev er intended either dumb friends or self sacrificing men to be con signed to mother earth merely because the most and best of their strength has been exhaust ed in human service." Walnut Items j. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Bryan were visitors in Walnut Sunday. ... j Mrs. Zeb Merrell visited in Petersburg last week. . , Quarterly Conference of the M. E. Church of Asheville Dis trict was hely at . Walnut Satnr day and Sunday, Rev. H C. Sprinkle preached three excel lent sermons. ' A lelter from Rev. Mr. Carpcn ter brings the sad news, that he ; is back in the hospital for anoth er operation, his many friends will regret to hear this- ' Mrs. J. M. Ramsey who. has been sick for the past several months, is slowly improving. The Ladies Aid Society will meet with Mrs. C. A. Clark Wed nesday. ''s,; Master Robert Hardwi'ck Ram sey gave a party Friday .from three to five, in honor of-his sixth birthday, many games were, en joyed after which ice crearn' and cake were served. Those. pre sent were Rose Ross, and . John Merrill, Thomas Leonard' John son, Edgar Ramsey, Craig Brig man, Aubery Reeves. r Good three room house1 for rent.. See me, at once." V ROBERT TEAGUE. . Mr. and Mrs. - J. B. Fox spent i 1 1 ... nnnn nn t iv i