A Law to Save Lives. The General Assembly of Norlh Carolina has done the sane and commendable thing -in passing" an act. effective July 1, 1923, ' requir injf every person operating a motor vehicle on the public roads of this State to come to a full stop at a distance not exceeding fifty feet from the nearest Jail of any rail way track dossing the public road at grade. Drivers of automobiles and trucks should not oonsller the provisions of this act'as a hard ship on them but a9 an effort on the part, of the State to save them fromi injury and death. Official reports of the Interstate Commerce Commission show that in 1921 there were "6,387 person"? killed or injured in automobile accidents at grade crossings with railways In tbe last five years, 9.101 persons have been killed in such accidents in the United States North' Car olina has contribnted more than her full share to the list of victims Violation of this law will con jtitute a misdemeanor, punishable by fine or imprisonment. , We do not see why any person should violate a law passed for his pro tection, We beiieve that bbscr vance of this law will save many lives and commend it to our readers. The railways have been re quired to go to heavy , expense to erect signs forty by fifty inches 100 feet from crossing1?, lettered "X C .LAW STOP." When you set that sign, obey its "injunction and protect yourself and those with you. '.'. A Word of Appreciation. .; Trust, M. C April 9, 1923 Editor News-Record:- I have been very much delighted with the kind words said about me in your t paper by its Editor Dr. Finley, he too has been a great asset to Mad ison County along educational lines as well as other progressive moves ' Dr. Finley has been gentle and kind to all and has extended kind hand to every move or the up lift of the people. Some years ago te came to me and said that v he did not see that his people were needed any longer as a school fac tor in the -county as the county baa con e into it own oy organiz ing a good school system , for the whole1- county that they (his . church) had several good school bouses- he would sell us. The Board. of Education bought the school bouses at a very reasonable price and we are now using those houses;, not only did Dr. Finley do this but, he has ever encouraged the. public schools in every possible : way;' He is our county auditor and how valuable it is to ' have a nan who is cousistent ' in every way lo audit our county books and to fjibw how our finances are and to show1 how every department of the founty stands, it . has been a common saying that our money ha been stolen or squandered, but now any person by calling on Dr, Finley can find where every dollar of ou, money has gone an i that none ef our money has been stolen or squandered and this is a biisl ness Way io run anj- county and the county1 has been fortunate to get aV nian to audit ' its accounts so that "the' world -may' know how it stands financially. Madison county is composed of many ood men and women, honest and truthful and with the honest men and . women to manage our Sunday schools 'and churches there is a bright future for our people and some day we all wili ee,l proud of our eo..nty and that we owe a debt Vif gratitude, to Dr. Finley, that I am sure the people will pay in kind reception his interesting J bor for the nplif t of our people and irtp!!ort,iia!v Maw j Hll ? I. ,j ia the raemory of the '.a, ';;on count"', 7itb 3 to tl.e News Hecrr J IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES YOU THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA ' At Asheville, No. - - . United States of America '' ..vs. ' 514 07 acres of land in (Notice! viadison County,. North Carolina, W. M. and R B. Shipley, and others. TO: O. II. Viall, J. 0 Ramsey, HarJev J. Cole and wife. Ethel Cole, Lee F. Miller and wife, Flora Miller, C F. Carrier and wife, Maggie Carrier, Geo T. Wofford, Trustee, T. H. Carrier, deceased, heirs at law; Mrs. T, II . Carrier, T H Carrierde ceased heirs at law whose names and residences are unknown, Heirs at law of Jane L, Fagjr, decased, whose names and resi dences are unknown, John A, Faggr, deceased . heirs at law whose uames and residences are Unknown, ' Mrs. J. C Hawkins wife of J. C. Hawkins, residence unknown, George E. Lewis, de ceased heirs at law whose names and residences are unknown, W. P. Brown, Trustee, residence unknown, Martha A. Fox, resi dence unknown, Fannie M. Ham mond and husband, D. E. Ham mond, residence unkrown; and all persons whomsoever, owning or claiming to own any estate, lien or interest of any kind or character in and to the premises described in the petition in this cause!: YOU WILL TAKE NOTICE that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Dis trict Court of the United States for the Western District of North Carolina, at Asheville, for the condemnation of a tract of land described in Exhibit "A" of the petition filed in , the above en titled proceeding, known as the Lewis land, being a part of Grant -253 in Madison County, North Carolina, containing 514.0? acres, and new claimed byj W. M. and R. B Shipley and others; all of which said lands are fully described by metes and bounds in the petition filed in said proceeding, the said lands having been selected by the Secretary of Agriculture, with the approval of the National For est Reservation Commission, and found necessary for the purpose of carrying out an Acfr-of Con gress of the United States, ap proved March 1, 1911, being Chapter 186, page 961, Vol. 36 Statutes at Large, as amended by the Act of August 10, ,1912, 37 Stat , 269-300, ch. 284. And the said non-resident de fendants above named, and all persons whomsoever owning or claiming to own any estate, lien or interest of t any kind or char acter in and to the premises de scribed in the petition in said proceeding,, defendants names as aforesaid, WILL FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that they are required to appear in the, District Court of the United States for the Western District of North Carolina, at AsheviUe, on, the 7th day of . May, and answer or demur to the petition or com plaint in said proceeding, or the plaintiff" will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said petition. ' This notice is issued 4y order of Court, directing that pubfi cation be made once a week for six successive weeks in the News-Record, a newspaper pub lishedin Madison County North Carolina. This the 5ih day of April 1923, R. L. BLAYLOCK Clerk, U. S. District Court for the Western District of North Carolina. " - By O. L. McLURD Deputy Clerk 4-13 to 5-19-23 D ' -MMgg.1 'k S 0 THE UNIVERSAL CAR :M ANNOUNCEMENT ' : V . of Interest to MttLIONS OF FAMILIES "I will build a car for. the whole multitude" Said lienr3 Ford in 1003-Hcad how (hefulfillment of that prophecy i& now made possible through tho For many years it has been Henry Ford's personal ambition to make the Ford the universal family car-to put it within the reach, of the ' millions of people who have never been privileged to enjoy the bene fits o! motor car ownership. During the past fifteen years over 7,500,00 Ford cars have been placed in the hands of retail customers--more than a million and a half of them within the past twelve . and yet there are still millions of families who are hopefully looking forward to thbday when they can own a Ford. And now the way. is open. . " : ".' k - ; ' ::: Under the terms of this plan you can select your Ford Car, set aside a small amount each week and you will be surprised how soon you will own it In the meantime your money will be safely deposited to your credit in one of the local banks where it will draw interest. '.'k':'y:,rr-1r:':!: ' V.;. .- - Think it over. Five Dollars will start an account The whole family can participate in it-father, mother, brothers and sisters each doing a little. Why not start todaav. Stop in and talk it over with your local'Ford dealer. He will be glad to fully, explain the details of the , plan and help you get started toward, the ownership of a Ford car. Ford Motor Company Detrio!, ! Michigan -Marshall,- N. C. . I V, 3 1 r t k tJk hi' J. To The PIEDMONT EENING STAR. ' . FESTIVAL ' 4 Most Exqellant and Satisfac tory Programs. - ' Given unite Court H;ms in Marshall. ' . April 2Gth and 30th. D.m't miss the FIRST number TliursHny nilit A pi il 2l)J, Hiwliii Singers and PIivpi8 $lrii a toap!f hours H.fay from tlm cares of the home, (t will do you good' you'.' -will en'oy every minute of tlt lime, well worlh your time and money. It, is a rare treat to hnve such enterUineis frtr Marshall. Get season tickrts attend every evrninir. - Let ttie testival be a get loeiiier eveniiiff for you dJ yiur friend.. ' ' 1.73 r 1. f . - a . V CI i. & . . a A . 1 J L) uC. ' ,' To the yor of Madison County that till is thfe last month, in w Mich von can ayyour tax with out penalty heinr added.' , And. fui vlier I ntr compelled. Ad will proceed to Lnvjinir oil lvou j pfOvrty after May. So take warning, and pay your taxes, Nave llie penalty and UU9I. . , 7 Respectfully, , , ' R. R. Rarnsey, : 1 Sheriff and Tax Collector. - ' 4 Good News. i Charlotte, C H. Va. April 3, 1923 Editor News-Record ' r MarshaU,N.C, f I ami sending you , $1.50 to get you to stop using that' old blue pencil on my paper Some one has been marking on the cor ner of my paper with it for two weeks and it seems that $1.50 is tha on.ly thing that .will stop it, Gut we cant, do without th NT,ws-Record, we almost .! --. dozen when get the money. I wish' we. could get the paper on Saturday, we never get it here until Monday; or Tuesday. Wishing you great success in your new quarters. Yours very fjuly,' J. W. FAGAN. Attention Farmers Ce sure to attend the Farmers meetings for tobacco growers at Mars Hilt.-. Saturday. A r r i 1 2i?t. at 10 ' o'clock and Marshall at 1;30P. M Mr. Clyde B. Austin and Mr.' Bernard, d Greenville, Tf r.n., and Mr. D Ti" ' - :n of the ) Co . will I 3 row J r-yr "! v. ,