f. ' j I; . 1, .v. Local and Personal" WANTEDTo do plain sewing. ' See Mr?. William Woclcy. 'The son of Bennie Gunler, of While Rock, jva taken , to the ; hospital by Dr. Roberta -some few ' days ago,' ' The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Svvann will be sorry to know that. Mis'. Swann was taken to 4 hospital Monday and is very tick. We hope she may soon "Be restored to health. , Miss Mary Gudger, Mrs. Eman ucl Robinson, Ramon Robinson; Miss Roberta Rogers and Mrs. Will Morrow were in Asheville Wednesday. , ? V ' , Dr'and Mrs. W. A. Sams, Mr, and Mrs. Hubert Davis were in Asheville Weducsday. - Mr. Joe Johnson one of the News Record force is somewhat indis posed this week. - ' Edwin, the little aon of Mi. and Mrs. C. B. Mashburn has had a 'slight ease of pneumoniae but is .improving now. Mr. Emanuel Robinson who has been pick for some Jime went to the hospital Tuesday. v Mrs.'R. R. Ramsey; of Walnut ' was visitine her sister. Mrs. P. A McElroy Sunday. : The following .young men mo t tored to ' Asheville on business Monday; 'I Lawrence McElroy, Ted McKinnev. Leslie Pavi . Thomas Davis, Wayne Farmer and L, DeSoto White. ; If s Ex Sheriff Cole of Madison Co , now livinn in Del d'o, Tenn., who went to John Hopkins . hospital Baltirnore.jsome time ago is now at home and last report he was get .A . i ' ' ti m - i r- f r r j ry ry p r j iULjiJ' L..y U Li Lj Li U J L 3 I a. . - 1 if ting along nicely. His many Mad ison county friends wiil be glad to hear of this. .' . Mrs. N. J: i lance, of 'Hot Springs, was visiting in Marshal Tuesday. News-Record and. the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Jonah Tweed , sympathize with them, in the illness of their son, Lester Tweed, about 14 years old who has' pneumonia. We afc glad he is haxina Buch irood attention and hope he may, soon be well. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey White . were up from Hot Springs, Sunday visiting relatives. Mr. Jasper Ebbs from Spring . Creek, has been in Marshall for a few days. ' Mr. Wiley Roberts, . of , Little Pine, was a Marshall visitor this ,week. , The little daughter of Mr. and ' Mrs.'E A. Tweed, (who is running the restaurent at thetfepot) has been real sick for a few weeks, but is improving now, . ' Dr. J. S. Mitchener of the BureatJ , of Medical .Inspection of Schools was a visitor in Marshall Tuesday of this week. The purpose of Dr. Mitchener's visit was to plan wilh our County Board of Health for, a tonsil and adenoid clinic that isjo be conducted in Madison County sometime this suminer probably during the month of August. The State Board of Health proposes to send U9n one of its traveling hos pltals consisting of eight trained nurses, thirty' beds, and all other necessary equipment for conduct ing a clinic. They also sendsVs a Burgeon who is an 'expert in thej line of tonsils and adenoids, y A ' physician, to be eligible for this work, must have specialized in this field of work and, , in addition to this, hemust have had at least three years .of experience in the work. This assures us ' that the Work willj be done by. one who knows his business. There will be a- char g e of . $12 50 .for the operation. V T , ' . A L...1I , Mr. Clyde B. Austin and Mr. Ber nard, tobacco dealers of Greenville, Tenn., arid Mr. Donaldson of the R. J. '. " i . ; i'. Reynolds Tobacco Co., will hold meet ings: for the Farmers of Mars Hill, Sat urday morning. April 21st, at lo o'clock, and Marshall at Court House at 1:30 p. m Saturday in the intepest of the tobacco industry. ? ; These meetings will be for thepur- pose of assisting our Farmers in the raising of better, tobacco . and jByery- one interested in the tobacco industry should attend. , "The county board of education shall adviae with the committee of each district before the May budget is prepared, and seek such information as may be helpfull in planning; the work for the. en- nulnjf year in providing; the num ber and grade of teachers- needed and the" amount needed to thoro ughly eauiD the school' buildine or buildings in the district." In obedience to this section of the law. the County Board of Education has decided to call al of the school committeemen of the county together in Marshal on Saturday, April 28th at 10.00 A. M. It is yery important that every man or women who served as a committeemen during this year be pecsent at the. meeting, Your presence will have; a great leal t do in determining grade of teachers and llte'k.ind of school you will have next year. Let us meet 100 per cent strong. ' We not only invite the commit tee but every man or woman who s- interested in having better schools. This means both par ents and teachers. We are ex pecting to have several hundred people here on that day. This Is, perhaps, the first opportunity thftt the parents of Madison County have ever had in coming rosrether to .plan for their own schools. Let us make it a day U oe remembered by all of the peo ple of the county. We can do n f vou will only come ont and r . -, - hely us. Parents this is vooi day,; .make the most of it. v0 ; Citizens of ' Madison County, tre you satisfied with the way vour money has been spent ror schools? Are you satisfied with the.kind of schools you have been having? Have we given you just the kind of school that you want? If not, then come to Mar shall on. Saturday,. April 28th, nd sav so. We are going to give you a cnance w say just what you think. Come and say it. We are expecting to nave a Band to give ns some good music. We will also have some short talks by some of ohr lead- ag teachers and committeemen. But. don t forget that we are going to arrange a 'place' on tb program for any persoq who is nterested to have bis say ? Will you come? V t; HOMES HEW, 7 !- Superintondnt Madison County Schools. FOR SALE One half Fcrd-truck,-one Ford prss , bcth in cdoJ f'".nr--r. r f.ra t :. ' ton 'nrer Report ot The Condition of THE BANK OF FRENCH BROAD At Marshall, in the Sute of North Carolina, it the close of -busfness April 3rd, 1923. Resources r Loans and discounts. ..... ,$330,8S8.25 Demand Loans. ....... ... . . K.OSU.OO Overdrafts secured and unse cured...... 217 10 All other Stock Mortgages B . "12,000.00 Banking House and Fixtures.. 6,427.84 All other real estate owned. ?3,'2M. 30 Cash and due from Banks. . 79,200.22 Cash Items, .v...;: .;. . . f,fri.8 Checks for clearing .....L.;. 1,J67,.69 ,Total..V... Liabilities Capital stock pnld In ..,., . Surplus fund............... Undivided ProUfs. Bills Payable.....:.......... Deposits Due Banks, Bankers r , and Trust Companies Deposits subject to check. ... 172,724 58 Demand Certlflc's of Deposit 2;?2,539.19 Cashier's Checkxmtstanding l,362.:fti $482,427.29 . 25,OOQ,00 . 40,000.00 .. 4326.69 0,474.47 ; Total . . . ., ... . .. . . . ,. .$182,427.2,5 STATE OF NO R T U CARO LINA C-e-u n t y of Madison', April 14th. 1923 . v I, W. B. Ramsey, Cashier of the a'love named Bank, do solemnly swear ; that the above statement is , true to the best of my' knowledge and belief. . . W. B. RAMSEY, Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 14th day of April 1923. ' ' A. W. WHITEHURST ' : Notary Public. Correct Attest: " 1 FRAN ROBERTS, . - ROYL. GUDGER, s J. J.- REDMON,' ' . : Directors Great School Rally County Superintendent Henry js laying plans for a great rally in the Fall and wants to get II the tea chers and pupils and backers of the schools out for that day. It should come. one -; day 'of . the Fair and would add a great deal to the crowd and make it worth while as school day. However no move has been made for a Fair and so the Super intendent is going a head with bis own arrangments. ,,' v - .; . . ;. , " , The schools of Madison County have many pupils and if all the pu pils and well wishers. might come in for this marshalled by the -school committees and teachers it would show up well. Of course there will be contests and addresses and ; a general rally. . We hope that this may be arranged and that it .may be a great success. h2t tlJprirjT: m a will not increase priced let until May Firestone Prices on Fabric and Cord Passenger Car Tires and Tubes, also Solid and Pneumatic Truck Tires Will Advance ROay 1st The postponement of this price revision :v Is possible only because of our realization . .of the price danger in the British Crude. Rubber Restriction Act which became effective November 1, 1922. We were -fortunate in our rubber purchases before the Restriction Act increased the price of . . crude rubber 150. . We have always endeavored to cham pion' the cause of better made tires de livered at lowest cost to the tire user tj economic manufacturing and distribu tion And we are glad of the opjKrtun- ', hy to gjve the car-owner the additional V saving at this time. Firestone Cords embody certain special ) processes which result iiLtheir producing ; mileage records, heretofore unheard-of in the industry. Among the more im portant of these superior methods are blending, tempering, air-bag cure and double gam-dipping. Firestone Dealers are co-operating with -us in our movement to supply your needs at present prices as long as their stoek lasts and we have advised . our dealers t&at we wffl eKgpl'them with additional dree this month1 only ao far as our output wOl permit. . Bee Ale nearest Firestone Dealer. Purchase a set of these Gum-Dipped Cords. Prove ' for, yourself their re markable mileage advantages and easy riding qualities. . Firestone1 Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio MARSHALL MOTOR COMPANY Most Miles per Dollar Paiiitv' m i- - . . , , r t i 1 - In our CertamrieeJ -fine of 'paints, enamels., ' .' and varnishes, youwill jjind everything that you need to make your . home ' more attractive and comfortable.' XI7ITH 6H gallons of Certain-feed paint you can cover a bungalow like this (361x40') with two good coats, and at a paint cost of less than $25. f. Every owner takes a pride in seeing his house make a good appearance in his neighborhood. The cost, Ioq, is an investment which increases the life of your home. It costs less in the long run to paint than it does to repair. Ctrtam-Ucd does more than beautify; it protects the home from wear and tear. The next time you need paint be sure to come in and let' us figure with you. You can't beat Certain-teed! for quality and price ( f-yr '-Tw i Li House Paint Buy it at :v Paint Headquarters Outside White No. 448 3M a Screen Paint Black No. 740 Per 60c Inside White Paint No. 449 -A Par 90c EUIUDERS SUPPLY COMPANY Notice of Dissolution of Partnerships . , . - , , Notice . is hereby given that the partnership between us the uhdersi2nedN. B. McDevittCo. and Thos. J. Murray carrying on business as wholesale grocers at Marshall, N, G. under the stvle or firm name of N. B. McDevitr Cb., wa3 on the 9th day . of Mvl 1923 d;ssolved by mutual con- entt and that the' tusiness in f 'Mrl Ti-iH Vn . .it'i I .A am k will pay and discharge of debts and Mobilities and receive all money 8 'payable to the said firm This the , 9th day of March, 1923 ' ' THOS. .1. MUttRAY. Dr. J. N.MOORE Has ' Moved His Office Up Over Grover C Redmons ; Storcl- You Will Find rf Him There Any For Sale . Hatching -eggs of, q-Thorongh-bred Single C White Leghorns, Young's; that good laying bre'ed. per 15 delivered. 3-2-to-6-18-23-p. OTIS CliANDI ' White Ho;' . i" ' nil ICU VII L y

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