i When the Children Cough, Rub Musterole on Throats and Chests ;:,' No telling how oon the symptorni may develop into croup, or worse. And then's when you're glad you have a tar of Musterole at hand to give prompt relief. J t does not blister. ' , A first aid, Musterole is excellent Thousands of mothers know it. You should keep a Jar ready for instant use. It is the remedy for adults, too. Re Beves sore throat, bronchitis, tonsUitis,, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, congestion, pleurisy, rheu matism, lumbago, pains and aches of back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, chilblains, frosted feet and colds of the ' chest (it may prevent pneumonia). 35c and 65c jars and tubes. ' Bttttr f Ami m muttvrd plast nin mure mvii yJbV iUiiiiJJ uliLiu HOT BE FEEBLE IP you are "getting along in years" you dont need to sit in a chimney corner and dream of the days when you were full of life and vitality. Keep your blood rich and pure and your system built up with Gude s Pepto-Mangan, and you will feel stronger, younger and livelier than you have for years. Get it today and watch the result. ' ; Your druggist has Gude's liquid or kWa mm will TVTfT. Gudefe pepto-jfflanan Tonic and mood Lnncner STATE HIS Jill EXPOD . t. ' AAA ArtA Tsxtlls Men Ectimate inn Spindles Will Bs Added In Near 1 ' 4 Future.' ' .' r.vint-More new cotton spind les, are in sight for North Carolina ... i,.ii.inn this year, or aa quick- ly as projected textile piama c 11 ... K i tnr th en- built, wan, were in " - .I Dnnfh Ml January 1. 161110 . ... n nnarlotte ers ana macniuerj - estimate that more than ouu.uw spindles will he Installed by mills UUUOI - . , this 8tate, as compared with the esti- nnv& nntimated for the en- tuaiv vii. 1 . . . 1 tire South in the annual number of the Southern Textile Bul letin in January. The estimate tor North Carolina at that time was 683,780 spindles. The estimate tor South Carolina was 57, 000 Today approximately 150.000 U the estimate credited to South Care line, and In addition to this equipment a large expansion in weaving mills and bleaching and nnismng yM. Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia, virgin la,' and Texas are cerdited together with approximately zz&.uuu spiuu.eo, making an aggregate of close to 1,200, 000 new spindles in sight for the en tire South. THE NEWS-RECORD, MARSHALL, in. i. taitOVED UKT0L1 DrnSNATWKAt SindaySAool 'Lesson (By REV. P. B. mZWATEft. OvD TMChw ei EngllsU Midi id in Blblt Initltuu of Cblcaso.J Copyright, lilt, Wtrn Nwppr Worn. M08E3, LESSON FOR APRIL 22 AND " LAW' LIBERATOR GIVER GREW STRONGER AIID STRONGER Increase Acreage In Irish Potatoes. Mount Olive. There has oeen something near, a twenty-five per cent increase In the local Irisn potato acreage during the past week or two. At the beginning of the season, due to the reported large stock of eia pota toes still in the country at large, com paratibely low-priced seed potatoes and the large general acreage expos ed throughout the potato belt, -local growers were at first Inclined to cut their usual acreage quite a bit. Due, however, to reported damages to the cron further South, by cold weatnerj tfca IntArfnretace DT rams wiut nlantlna- In the Eastern Shore Don, the prospects have been considered very much better for potato growers in this section, and they nave oeciaea, at the last moment, so to speak to go In a little heavier on the potato deal. After 7 Years of Suffering She Got Well by Taking Cardui Which She Found "The Right Medicine." Thousands Turned From Resorts. Southern Pines. That 15,000 people were turned away from Plnehuret and an equal number from Southern Pines during the past season is an in dication of the growing popularity of these North Carolina winter resorts, The figures with Plnenurst are offi cial, the statement having been made by Leonard Tufts, president of the Plnenurst Company tot a recent meet ing of the Kiwanis Club. With South- . , , T- .-J wnB era fines, ue insures, tat the steady stream of inquiries I A, . ."1-trtftnnt know from New England and Northern LESSON TEXT Exodus lt:10, 1S-I. GOLDEN TEXT Fear ye not. Stnd till and the salvation of the lord. Exodus 14:11. ' REFERENCE MATERIAL, Dauter- onomv :a-28: Psalm US:23-5; Matthew 17:1: Acta 7:17-44: Hebrew 11:28-2 primary TOPIC Moaes the Boy Whom fiod Saved. JUNIOR TOPIC Moies Leada Israel Throush the Red Sea. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP IC Moaea the Great Leader. TOUNO PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP IC The Character, of Moies. ' I The Birth, Preservation and Edu cation of Moses. Exodus 8:1-8). ' 1. His Birth (w. 1-2). His parents were of the tribe of Levi. 2. His Preservation (w. 3-8). The faith of his parents caused them to ig nore the command of the king and tkey hid him for three months (He brews 11:23). His mother aiscernea.m him a proper child, or a child fair to God (Acts 7:20), and believed him to be the deliverer of his people, remaps led by the story of Noah's ark, she made him an ark Of bulrusties ana placed Moses in it and left It at the place where Pharaoh's daughter would be attracted when she came aown w bathe. Miriam, his sister, was piacea where she could watch the affair, ana at the opportune moment she came with a suggestion of a nurse for the baby; securing her consent, Miriam brought the child's mother. 3. His Education (w. 9-10). He was educated first at his mother's knee, the place where his character was formed. He was also educated at the Egyptian court, where he became acquainted with the wisdom of Egypt (Acts 7 :22). II. The Call of Moses (Exodus 8). 1. The Lord Speaks From the Bush (vv. 1-6). In the desert the Lora ap- ,u j t ! I I l ha Nbi In lull, I Wnds, 3 mm Fca cATARna c? ths keao a?,3 hose ' I began using PE-EU-NA. Tablets three years ago for catarrh of the bead and nose. "Was un able to do anything. X saw ft decided, improvement after one box and after t Tablet or Liquid CF THE ii m xm v i using five boxes be lieve I am cured as there has been so return of the dis ease In two years." Fifty years of use fulness is the best guarantee of Pe-ru- na merit. - Sold ETerywher I Rnnnnnmnnmuiiuiimmininmii Enslavement of Negroes. The enslavement of the African race) for commercial purposes had Its be , ginning In southern Europe about half a century before the discovery of America by Columbus. It was carried to Central and 8outu America by the Spaniards, and It existed there a hun dred years before being transplanted to the English colonies of North Amep. lea. From a- small beginning made in Virginia the institution grew and spread, to other colonies as they wert founded, and at the opening of the Revolution there were about 600,000 slaves In the colonies. A woman's face may be her fortune, or the making of some .druggist's for I tune. New Orleans, La. "I am in the best at health." writes Mrs, Lucien jacoos, of 2223 Marals Street, this city. But some time ago, Mrs, Jacobs found her self in a condition which she described nllowa! whn tnv babv was about five PUCE GUARD OVER TONGUE "For Evil Is Wrought by Want of Thought as Well as Want - of Heart." Whether we give occasion or not, there are those who In certain moods will speak spitefully of anybody, and there are some who go about speaking evil of everybody. ' Yet these very people, even those whose lips rarely open but to utter something malicious, may have good ness In their hearts which would pre- vpnr them from malicious action. If we Judge them by their deeds we may find them no worse than their neigh borsperhaps better; If we Judge them by their words we have to con demn them severely. But In reality the least part of the matter Is that which concerns our selves; the serious part Is that which concerns the character of the back biter. The whole character Is vitiated and perverted by this unhappy habit; It proceeds from an entire lack of self restraint, and can ony grow from bad to worse, till the person is a slave of the tongue Instead of being Its master. Society would be unbearable if evervbodv spoke according to mood, Impulse or physical condltlon-vArthur L. Salmon, In the Chicago Dally News. Cuticura Soothes Itching 8calp. On retiring gently rub spots of dan druff and itching with Cuticura Oint ment. Next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Make them your everyday toilet preparations and have clear skin and soft, white hands. Advertlsspaent mum OF MIDDLE AGE Much Interest Being Shown in the Large Num ber of Women Safely Carried Through the Change of Life by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound The Following Letters Are Impressive A Michigan Woman Helped peered In tlHTvlslon of the burning .- nc WliDC bush. When Moses stepped askte to STUDY SECRETS OF NATURE behold this strange thing God taught minn Uv IUJ ve - . what it was to feel well a day. I spent points during the year found local money. I tried everything, and to think hotel and Inn keepers hard pressed t mnttareA anil anfferea lor seven ioiik l for soece ine enure year. years, Just the shadow of a woman The popularity of North Carolina hanging on, not fit to do anything, Just resorts lies In the fact, according to a buncn of nerves, acnes anapmuai officials of the rallroaas toucnin on "I had awful hurtlngs in my dsck and aides. I could not rest at night I would hear of something, take it, and feel better for a little while then back to my old aches, someone else doing mv work. "Someone told me of Cardui, and as X had tried so many things that had failed, I tried it with little faith. I soon found It was helping me, first my nerves, then I beean to gain strength. I knew then I had fonnd the right med lotKM I took it faithfully, and I grew 'well and strong the nice part of it, I stayed that way and grew stronger and stronger." these resorts, that they are Southern and that they are only a few nours from the principal Dusmess cemcm of the nation. The Sandhills are sixteen hours from New York City. At both Pinehurst and Southern Pines. ' Writer "suflgests Effective Method of . . . . . . i j , MaKing worn Tor nanua That Are Idle. Dispersing clouds, by magnetized sand is only half the trick. How to make 'em Is the other haK. Probably maklnit clouds Is the more difficult th Frvntlan threuch Moses as His half, although It Is only'evaporatlon on a rent , - a large scale. It is a promem in ueui in mbm Contsat With Pharaon and moisture, au uieae iuuuei o.v The ten Dlaaue's reveal something on which to busy the In ha nonfat parried on between Moses finite human mind. AnJ yet millions and Pharaoh before the people were 0f us think our most satisfying en pt free. The tenth stroke from me deavor is to "Kin time. him the lesson of proper approach un to himself. 2. The Lord Commissions Moses (w. 7-10). God assured, him of his active interest in his people, having seen their affliction, heard their cry, and known their sorrows, and that he had come down to deliver them from the hand Couldn't we kill time quite as effec tively by studying som of the secrets of nature? Here are men who have been doing Intellectual stunts in pry- Inir into those secrets, For want of "nothln' else to ao, wny Thlce a I TT Bill' I DESPAIR If voa are troubled with pains or aches: feel tired: have headache, tadWention. insomnia: painful - passage of urine, you will find relief by regularly taking LATIin.OP'3 HAARLEM 0L standard remedy for kidney. fiver, bladder and uric acid troubles and National Remedy of Holland since 1696. , Three sises.afldmggists.: Guafanteed. Look for th nam Gold Madal on mwr boa and acoapt bo uniwuvn. . Berlin Line Overcrowded. 1 ThV suburban steam railroad ays- tern of .Berlin now: carries about 2,000,000 persons dally. In spite of a two-minute' headway, during, rush hnnra. the coneestlon Is very heavy. - and growing ! worse, f Electrification f is recommended as a part solution, . and may be undertaken. In 1913 the . Bystem carried 281,000,000 passengers ; in 1922 the number was more than , 700,000,000. ill ' 1 ;:'i- ' ' The man who has nothing to live for can afford to loaf. I A 2 Davidson Students Vote Out Hazing. Davidson College. By , an over- whelmlnsr majority the Davidson Col lege student body voted out of the Presbyterian institution or nazmg, both organised and unorganized. The; board of control to regulate freshmen 1 which was put on trial and has neen In vogue for the past three months was adopted and all differences aris ing between freshmen . and upper classmen in the future win De aeau with by the board. The vote of the upper classes stooa 215 to abolish hazing and 53 against while the freshmen vote was 146 against and 6 for hazing. This will make any form ; of hazing at uavm son a violation of the student body constitution and punishable by the same penalties as cheating, drinking and gambling. . Union Fanners May Turn to Tobacco. MarshviHe.-Some agitation for to bacco growing as a means of combat ting the ravages of the boll weevil in Union county is being made. Many farmers and business men belieev that tobacco may be profitably, grown in this county, recalling a time when it was grown to some extent in 'Lanes Creek township. ' Twenty five or' thirty years, ago the late Captain T. B. Ashcraft.'ot Lanes Creeks built a large tobacco barn and grew the weed for a few years,: but abandoned the pursuit because of the fact that cotton' proved more easily grown and gathered. Many now believe that if the boll weevil should Invade the county to the extent that cotton ; growing Be comes unprofitable, the tobacco indus try will take on new life. strong hand of the Almighty made Pharaoh willing to let Israel go. IV. Israel Crossing the Red 8ea (Ex odus 14:10, 13-22). 1 Israel's Straitened Circumstances ia it hi T.nrrTa direction they changed from their first course .tan't we all dabble a. little n the same and were apparently In great difficulty, pastime? Give us a laboratory and let a aT was before them: 'the us go to work with duo safeguards , ow irt: Pharaoh aKalnst blowing ourselves up. .... uraa fioalnir not thousands more of us play t riiatwxM thev chemistry, physics, mechanics and so cried to tte oro:( " onf-St. Louis Globe- Democrat. TaronVo MIrQPIllOllS EsCflDe (W. - 1 m aoi vi - - 13-22.) (1) Moses' words to the people (W. 13-14). (a) "Fear not" Since uou of New Eneland codfish Clerk We have none , from ew Fnoinnii. hut we have some rrom Massachusetts. Customer That's near enough, Gimme that. Boston Transcript, Owing to modern methods of living, few woman approach this perfectly natural change without experiencing very annoying and ef ten painful symp toms. Those dreadful hot flashes, nervousness, headaches, melancholia and irritability are only a few of the symptoms incident to this trying period of a woman's life, and the following letters prove the value or Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound to overcome these abnormal conditions. , ' "Pisherville, Ky. "For several months I was under the doctor s care a he said my nervousness, chills, not flashes and weakness was caused by the Change of Life, but I did not seem to get any better. I was not able to work and spent most of my time in bed. A friend called to see me and uked me to try Lydia E. Pinkham a Vegetable ComrMund, and I cannot tellyou how much good the medicine did me, as I had such a herd time be fore taking it. I can only advise every woman passing uirown w Change of Ufsto take Lydia E.. rinknam s vegewie whuiwuiw, - it did to much f o me." Mr.EpWARD B. Nkal, Star Root, nsnerviue,Bvy, tJ. Miphin.."I was nassino: through the Change of Life and had been under the doctor's care without any relief. A friend in Lansing. Mich., asked me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I feel fifty per cent better already. If any one in this condition doubt the akity of Lydia E. Pinkham'; Vegetable Compound to help them 1 will gladly answer their letters. Mrs. MaiW. Hahn, 537 N.Jefferson Street, Ionia, Mich. A New York Woman Helped Syracuse, N. Y.-I was used up with nervousness, weakness and hot flashes so 1 could hardly keep around, and could not get out much on ac count of those awful jikly feelings. I read about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound helping another woman with symptoms like mine. My husband got some for me, and after taking it five months I esn get around and even do my housework, washing and ironing included, and my friends can see what a change it has made fas me." Mrs. Sidney H0MPHRKY,826Ji Burnet Avenue. Syracuse, is. I. . tvi . rr, wnV rinnn u Ailments This book contains valuable Information. o. Conference of Orphanage Workers, Thomasville. The., tri-state confer ence of orphanage workers will meet at the Baptist orphanage here on Tuesday night April 24, and continue In session until the 56th, embracing representatives from Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina, These gatherings are annual and mean much for the workers. The program for the conference has been published In some of the papers and shows broad sweep of subjects covering various phases of orphan work, in. eluding welfare work. ' Near Enough, California contributor .reports hav- had no need of fear, even If they were in , straitened c, circumstances. tw "Stand ami." Standing still m sucn a trial Is faith taking hold of God's prom ise. (M "See the salvation oi tne Lord.'1 "The Lord shall fight for you. i2) God's words to Moses (W, 10-iBJ ta do forward." No use to pray lontrer when God says "Move forward." (h T.ift un thv rod." This served as something tangible upon which' their faith could rest. They were to go through the sea on dry grouna. ui the, symbol of God's presence now passed to the rear to now tne enemy at bav. (3) The divided sea (w. 21- wv Aa thev .went forward the very thing which they feared became a wall of protection on eitner siae. a. Overthrow or tne Egyptians v. 22-27). Having seen the Israelites go j drv shod the Egyptians imurcui- atety pursued them, Insanely thinking that they could- follow In the. wake of God's children. That which was a pro- t.Ma t-n nnA'n children became an m- strument of destruction to the Egyp tians. . 4. Israel's Song of. Triumph tioa- iv Thv attributed their deliverance ... .v.l. I and the overwhelming ueieai. oi u" enemies to God. They couiu wen iuB their song of triumph, for they were j on the other shore. v Th Law Given (Exodus 20:1-1 God gave through Moses to the world a complete code of laws, setting forth duties to Goa ana .man. The Real Issue. "Doeeone . It. Brlngsley.' I don't know what is going to become of the ( country. Things are going to tne dogs." "Your business slow? "No. not that: but last night my partner Jed the king when I held the ace, and when I came back with the ace to hold lead and kin tne sun sue trumped my ace, and .then got the Idea diamonds was trumps wnen i nau made It hearts. I tell yuh, women are getting too darned Independent!" t Really Happened. Green hands are gtmerally taken on at the department stores during the hnildnv rush and doubtless It was one f those who made the following hrpnk! i Customer I'm looking for a copy of Kovnnrt the Desert" (by Alfred "v , - - Nnvpsl. Finstered-Looklng Clerk I don't think we have It. (Turns to regular .nio.iriHnvp we "The Bee on the Desert"? Boston Transcript. Sensible Chap. There was a man who never wrote an acceptance to an Invitation without adding-W. P. His friends asked him what the letters meant If they stood for "weather permitting." "No." was his reply ; they stand for wHV nermlttinir." Boston Evening Transcript GREAT ARTISTS IN DISCORD Famous Italian painters tviuenuy are Not Easy Persons to Get Along With. In the eolden ages of art in Italy, Michelangelo, Leonardo and Raphael painted side by side In Florence ior a short time. There was continual dis cord between Leonardo and Micnei angelo . causing the latter to leave Florence. Not to be outdone in cour tesy or discourtesy, Leonardo departeo for France. Although we snouia nue to think of the masters living in har mony, it would seem tlfat consiaerame friction existed among them. Michelangelo, say his commentators. had a particularly caustic tongue. He could not brook criticism. Francia, tne painter and goldsmith, who went to see a bronze statue or rope juuus it, or dered by that pontiff and which the master had Just finished, was thought to have censured it. After calling him a dunce before tho people standing near, MIchelahgelo remarked to a son of Francia, noted for his beauty : "The living figures made by the father are handsomer than those he paints." , ' . ' v Keeps Off Rust. A few drops of linseejj oil applied with a cloth to the outside of the gas stove or the inside of the oven will keep the stove from rusting and will make It easier to care for. 1 5 I Msre's tfes Food-Iron ' , . X,.. 1 - I -.mnanV. aw. L - i vutmany, lllafTT t mmmm S 1 CCONOMV Mill mm III I j t 4 at ' U 1 Production Of Excellence. Nothlne Is such an obstacle to th nroducUon of excellence as the powet of producing whst Is good with ease and rapidity. Alain. KIND end skilful Mother Nature planted under the outer coat of the kernels of her best food-grains a store of iron for human use. Many present day foods are robbed of this and other vital qualities in the extra 'refinement" of preparation. , Grape-Nuts, that famous vheat-and-malted-bariey tooa. rounded nutriment and easy digestion it is . wonderful builder of health and energy. There's a delightful charm of crispness and flavor to Grape-Nuts a welcome serv ing at any meal. Ready to serve, with cream or milk. Order from your grocer to day. There are many servings, Smin from the Mlordlmin; , ment,ta.pck.ge of thn truly mnn in its HniniuiUt nun : w wwwaw ;" Truth. " it anv one will. tel. ie how, truth mi ho anoken without offending some I will spare no labor to learn the art of it Bp. Home. 1 ' More Painful " Tnrtiflcatlons are often more pain tA tl-an -real calamities. Goldsmith o:JtT5 thf. rodV blTOer "There's d Reason Mad by postom Caraal Co, Ina Battle Creak, attch. )