V 4444444444444444444 ". Madison County Record '.'. ews-Record - ? Means that yonr sub- 444444444444444444 ' 1 ? Prinrh RrmH XIawa '- '' EaUbUritod My 1, INT - - V CONSOLIDATED HOV.I.IW scnpiion nas eipirea. PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP yppPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP" ' f " 1 f HE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN MADISON COUNTY VOL XXlT T" . MARSHALL; MADISON COUNTY, N. C. FRIDAY, MAY, 4th, 1923. . :-' ! No 17 ; r T' I. National Forests PlayHbstTo Vacationists. Recreation seekers, numbering more than three quarters of. a . million, visit the National For ests of the East and South each ..year, according to a statement of District Forester F.wY Reed ab Washington. , Motors and good roads, the statement continues, have com binecLto effect a radical change In the outdoor recreation habits of the American, people. Vaca tion time is now a period of free movement, namadic enjoyment of widely separated scenes, and of simple living in the open Rich in scenic beauty and na tural charm and. offering the primitive attractions of the wil derness, the National Forests afford an incomparable field for the indulgence of this whole some tendency toward -rational play and physical improvement Within their limits travelers by motors by wagon, on horseback, oV on foot, campers, hunters, and fishermen, amateur photogra pherSj mountaineers, berry pickers naturalists, ancf every body else who wishes to come have, equal opportunity. Care - wi(h fire and cleanliness in camp are the only requirements 'im posed upon their sojourn. ; The Wide distribution and ex ; tent of the National forests and - their'proximity to- thousands-el cities jmd communities ' make them natural centers of sum mer recreation, particularly for the masses of people, whose va cation must be inexpensive. Tfye discouragement of recrea tional use of the Forests wouh therefore be a distinct hardship and failure to develop recrea tional possibilities would mean 1 withholding a form of public service jvh ch ranks in social and indeed economic importance with- the timber, forage, and water-power values of these . properties ' ' ' . . Numerous western counties and.cities now : have programs of development which provide for maintaining county or muni--cipal camps and camp- grounds within the National Forests. As the National Forests of the East! and South grow in area and are made more and more accessible to odr massed populations, tills form of recreational use ex pected to develop extensively. Such use meansor the Natio nal Forests . new opportunities for service of immeasurable public value, , and i t suggests also an added reason for public support of the efforts, intensi field during 'this week which has been proclaimed as Forest Protection W.eek.fto protect the - forests from fire. v" " As Yaii Like It Club. ... f- '- ... . : "fan as you like it Club" Was ' most delightfully entertained by Mrs. Oliver Shelton on last Tues .. day afternoon. Following a short sbusiresa scssionan hour of Bridge ; .' was enjoyed. After the bridge game .a most deliciofis salad course was 1 served. Tie following . members pf the club were present. Mrs- Ral- . ph jFisher," M ts. Beulah , Twed, v Mrs. Huliert Davis,. Mrs. D. V. f Ebbs, Mrs. Howard Rector, Misses ' Evelyn Bailey and Agnes McElroy Mrs. D. V. Ebbs will be the next hostess of the Club. Go-operation. - It is hard to think of some people as wanting a thing and lyet not ready to sacrifice or co operate in the making possible certain things. There are in the county men who before the elec tion wanted to see the prohibt tion law enforced and promised every help for this. In many localities the Sheriff, has found hearty co-operation Of the citi zens but in other those who cried for it the loudest are. hold ing back from helping. Sheriff Ramsey has done all he can and successfully in riding many marts of the county from the rum sellers and makers. How. ever there are parts where he has not found this help and it is hard to do his best hi these pla ces He is not able to lay out and hunt ail the time and if the good citizens of these ' sections would give the least help and inform on the' men ana then witness he would be able to do something. Don't lay backhand cry. for a thing and then not help. Every good citizen ought to do his best and help. We are laying it on hard, not mention ing names but with them in mind when we say this. Whis key can be run out and the County made dry but only when the citizens feel their re sponsibility. ' Help the sheriff allyoucanr 'CAPTURES Sheriff Ramsey has - th-iol- lowing captures since the last issue of the News Record. Tay lor Shelton of Big -Laurel for transporting.; Mitchell Gosnell of Little Laurel for Retailing, Gunter and Capps of Little Lau rel for transporting and Payne for disturbing public worship. Most of this liquor comes from Tennessee. Sheriff Ramsey is trying to get these districts free from this article and is . doing it pretty thoroughly. r Luck Items The people of Luck are very busy prcpairing for their crop, and gardening. Altho we . are having several showers: along, which 1 suppose we coulden't have much grass without it Our Sunday school of Luck Chapel is progressing nicely, our pastor Rev. E. Scott of Bun combe County delivered to us a nice sermonSunday 15th. He intisipates conducting one weeks' meeting beginning 4th Sunday night in this month i ' Mr. John G. Plemmons is still making his Tri weekly trips to Mr, A. Frank Miller's home. Mr. Alton Price was a plea sant caller at Mr. .W. . George Wellsis home Sunday afternoon. Rev. J. R Cogdill is expect ing to deliver a great sermon to a congregation at Ball City next Sunday afternoon at 2130 o'clock everybody is invited. : V : Mr. Raymond F. Price has re cently constructed a new dwell ing house. There were, a truck load of us Luck people accepted a; hearty invitation to the Spring , Creflt H2gh School commencement, whid we sure did enjoy. A part of the music being from Luck, also we had a grand time. U We are planning a nice time in the future. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sede a son. - MOVIES AND How Much Alike They Are Will be the subject of the prelude to the regular evening ser vice at the Baptist Church Sunday night Those who are opposed to theNjse'of pictures in the Church are especially invited to be present. And if they wish to take the" floor in opposition to. what we shall have to say they will be allowed to do so That is fair, is it not? , In connection with the service we will have a "Moving Picture Program," and in presenting it we will use one of the "NIFTIEST" little machines on the market. It is the very latest thing out in the way of Picture Projecting Instruments, and up-to-date in every res pect. If you do not believe it, just come and fito. ' That old saying it a true one-"The proof of the pudding is in the eating thereof." Nuf We will take as our,te,xt on Sundny morning one of the grea test verses in the Bible that which is the key-note of all others "GODJS LOVE." The world would never hav kroWn that God is love bad not God made it known in the Bible. y'To the Bible, then, we must go for the interpretation of it all, So from a Biblical standpoint, wc will con sider it and its manifestation on. Sunday morning. Just a little thought serious one, from Alexander Maclaran, in closing ''Here is'tho manliness of. manhood, that d man has a reason for what be does, and has a will in doing it." x v , 1 L ' Cordially, " , ' EVAN RIDGE EVANS, Board Of Equaliza- Reading the caption of this article one would tie it up with some state commission and think of taxes. However we are tak ing this to ccH attention to the fact that throuhout life' things eaualuD in the lontr- run ami when we consider life as a whole a Hare about equal, in the distribution and receipt of the worlds goods and honors. However we must count all of life in. There are spiritual val ues and material values and in the final balance of all these are combinedfend what one lacks in one perhaps they 'will et in the other. A great deal of the worlds unrest comes from the fact that we count the material alone and then we find that things seem unequal. Also in this count is to consider how we have used the different opportunities' and tal ents that men have A man may be rich and envied by mothers as having so much comfort and luxury and an easy time in the worlds We leave out the Board of Equalization. Instances may be where a man has money and has gained it in a way that is not a blessing to others. Say in the making of liquor that has been a curse to many. If is blood mon ey and in the equalization of ac counts he' must pay for what he has done. He maynold all until his death but the death comes home to him in his children and that which he has amassedpill be before he dies dissapated. He may be a usuer and. he will receive only, ;what he has gathered. Many things which he wants and strives - for will never be his. Scruggs in his lonely fireide on Cbristmas Eve saw -the .' vision of what he might have gotten;' but had lost V However he found it but had lost However he found it but had lost the many years he might have had it. . Material things are line to have but they may cost us the greatest thiags in the world. The highest . val ues'are those which are inside and in the heart We may kill these in. the pursuit of the other things and when we lose those we have lost the best The scrip ture had this, in mind when it fe-as written that all things had to be considered and not the pre CHURCHES sent time benefits only. . There is over all a direction that looks to the interest of every one and sees to it that all get ptheir.dues. Misfortune comes and we say that it is because of our unlucki ness and a persecution because of no reason whatsoever. Often times it is the compensating act of the higher law that has made all equal. Sooner or later it com- Z to every one. ,There4 i.,4ak ance of accounts and when that comes we can usually tell wheth er man or woman have enough of the spiritual values to counter balance the others. Zacchues of the gospel checked up and found himself short in something and immediately proceeded to rectify the account and paid the over draft. He came out all right. Senior Art Exhibition. Miss llattie A. Roberts gives first "One Man" Art Exhibition in the Art'History of Mars Hill College. Miss Roberts finished up her course with a delightful private exhibition of , her pic tures, at the Library, .Wednes day afternoon, April 25, after which about twenty of her friends enjoyed a delightful re ception from four to six. Those attending were; her teacher, Miss Beulah Bowden, Miss Nettie Creal, ,Miss Josephine Wall, Miss Ruth Bruce, Miss Jex Ramsey, Miss Annie Pearle Tatum, Miss Ruth Phillips. Miss Peggy Caldwell, Miss Pauline Duckett, Miss Ruth Hudson, Mr Fulton Lynch, Mr.' Law rence Miller, Mr. J. B. Potts, Mr. Edward, Stedman Tedder Mr. Martin Moore, Mr. Dorsey Welch and Mr. Tate Shaw. Marshalls: Miss Bertha McLean v Mr. Emilio EAhoy. The public Exhibition of Miss Robert's pictures will be held during Commencement week beginning May 2nd. - ffrt has lent us the earth UV,L' for our 1 i f e. It is a great entail. It belongs as much to those who are to come, after us as to us, and we. have no right, by anything we do or ne glect, to invoive them 'in any unnecessary penalties or to de prive them of the benefit which was in our power to bequeath Ruskin. ... "IF." . . - A word of two letters but his tory has been made and unmade by just that little word. It is the sign of the conditional and the whole of an action depends on the fulfilling of the condition There is in everything a cause and effect. Without the cause all, is lost No action, no life, no great event can come to pass without its cause. It is one of the great arguments for God, for the universe, for history and the little word comes in to show that the cause is there. If Cain had not killed Abel, murder would not have been in the world. , v .. . If Judas had not betrayed Christ, if the Jews had received him. If Washington had not crossed the Deleware, if Bleuch er had arrived, if the horse at that time had not lost a shoe, if William 'of Germany had con quered, history would have been changed. We can see how the little word has been the turn ing point of wars, battles lives' just because some condition that was Jacking made the opposite come true. It is true with every one that the world plays an enormous part in the making or unmaking of the life. All of us have without doubt have used the expression many times and have given as an. ex cuse the "if and feel that it was not our fault at all. , All lives havrf their cause and effect and we do not meet the conditions always so as to make a success of things. Many times 'we. do not think or realize that: these two things are in every thing that has to do with us. There should not , be, where we have the control, an if. If we can fulfill all conditions we should be able to tell what the outcome will be. ', . Life also depends on an if We will go a certain, place if it does not rain. . We . will meet someone if they come. We will live to an old age if something does not stop us. We will pay our debts if we have the money. It shows also that '"we .are de pendent on some condition. It teaches us that we do not live to ourselves ' If we meet the condition others will be able to do things. If men did their duty the State would be able to fulfill its obligations. The utter dependence of all on the ether. If others do their duty we can do things. If we fulfill our trust, others will be able to ful fill theirs. It shows how inti mately all are connected. Business, trade, social life are possible if all do right Then when it comes to spiritual things the if plays a great part. If we follow the gospeli of love "the world will be better; if of Hate the world will go to the dogs. ' If the individual believes , on God and Jesus he will be saved. If the nation has God for its leader, ii will be blessed It is a little word indeed tut all ofi life and, death and busi ness and relationships depend on it. How has it played in your life. A Casd Of IhsskS Words cannot rxpress our thanks to the many '.friends'; who have shown vis their kindness duriug the illness and death . of our dear husLund and: father.'; Also the beautiful floral offerings, Mrs. W. F. Deaver and family. n tome Along Boss A member of the short term force in the Yola Bota District being questioned as to the kind of a boss he had, replied, "Oh, he's all right. He's one of these 'come-along bosses When theres a job to bedone he dosen't say, Go alongiboys, and do it' - He says insteaoV'Come along, boys, and we'll flo it." Trinity Na. tional Forest. Walnut Items The Commencement exercises of Walnut School were held last Thursday and Friday. Th exer cises brought to a close a very successful school year. Tbe teach ers are all to be praised for the faithful work they have rendered during the past year. The exer cises were all good and well attend ed. The address on Friday morn ing by Prof. Moore of Mars Hill was a real treat "tor our people. Prof. Moore is a great man and always stands for the advancement of all things that are worthwhile. Our people were also wetf' pleased with th able address of our Coun ty Superintendent,' Prof. Henry, who at the same time presented the diplomas to eighteen students who past to the eighth grade. The medal given by Mr. S. R. Freeborn of Walnut.v for the girl's contest was won by Miss Margaret Haynie of Barnard. Rev. and Mrs. Wesley and Miss Anna Hyde who have been visiting their son ' and brother Dr. F. E. Hyde for several weeks in Tela, Honduras, have1 returned to their home in Walnut. Dr. Hyde also retimed with .'them for a short vacation. Ramsey Bros have added a new glass front to their store house. which adds much-to .the looks of the building. " , i " ' S R. Freeborn is now preparing to build anew store house. This building will be connected with his main Store building. " ; Miss Eva Rice of Walnut Creek spent the week-end in Walnut with Miss Jennie Lee Chandler, Mr. Luther Lunsford of Barnard l gov erecting a new dwelling house ncar the home of Mr. D. T, Haynie, on the Barnard road Mr. Lacy Reed is. building for himself a new- dwelling house at Barnard. , B. E. GUTHRIE. Rev. S. T. Hensley To Hold Revival Rev. Samuel T. Hensley, pas-. tor of , t h e Butmore Baptist church,' will conduct a series of ; revival services at the Black Mountain Baptist Church, start ing this evening. He will be as sisted by Rev. W. H. Fitzgerald, oastor of the church. : Rev. Mr. Hensley rwill preach this morning's sermon at the Biltmore; Baptist i'church. and will fill the pulpit Sjext Sunday before making his final departure for Greensboro, where he has been called,'. ':. j -v'v:: ;-';-. The R Y. P. U.f the church wUl have charge of '.the evening program which starts at. eight o'clock. .-. i i.