. ... w . nO- J 1 . r , , , r $ Madison County Record .',''" M-ulniitd Jan It, 1101 . . . -1 French'Broad Mpuk ? f V : 'V,. ' ' ;J AN K WHERE , J Meass tht yocr sab- 5 ; scriplica has expired. PPPP00000PPPPPPPPPPp ibiit.ii UIIUH IUCWI w . ., - , CONSOLIDATED HO V.t,Itn 0000P000000000PPP0Pp THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN MADISON GOUITT .-r y,y ; . s;, ! ; V II II i VOL XXI ii i Enjoyable Piano ' Recital V.I . MARSHALL, MADISON COUNTY, N. C. FRIDAY, MAY, 25th, 1923. No 20 On the evening of May the 15, an enjoyable piano recital was .' given by the pupils of Miss Evel yn Baley Miss. Baley finished her piano course, last year, at Merideth, with honors, and this . lv ' year has had a large class in ' Marshall High School. The recital was a perfect sue ' cess in every respect, and ' the pupils great progress in their stady of music. Each number' was rendered from memory ex cept the duets and trios. Miss Baley deserves ' much praise on her yerswork, despite the en clemency of the weather quite a number of people were out. Those Camping ' Grounds Now that the other nlacen have opened for the summer the tourist camp grounds Marshall is still waiting for some one to do it for her so that she can ask these persons to stay awhile with us. It is necessary that some one take . the lead and push the unatter. Since last Fall the News-Record has been talking of - this but has accdm- pnsnea notning so far. It would take but little to do it and the cost would not be much in either time or money. .V MEMORIAL SERVICE Baptist Churcli Sunday Morning V:' Throughout the length and breactli of the NATTON tl.Ja Sunday will be observed as a MEMORIAL ONE IN HONOR OF THE HEROIO DEAD WHO HAVE FALLEN IN ALL THE VARI OUS WARS IN WHICH THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA HAVE BEEN ENGAGED. Wfl will mwlnotmr rt 1a Aim lifiA kU along that line on Sunday morning. Jfyou can help ua will .be most glad to hayeou do so. y f. 1 V In the delivery of the Memorial Ifessage we will do" our best to shoot straight from the shoulder make an nnnoa! t'n thut : whirh ia real and genuine that which will minister to the practical , needs of pur community. . . ,; - ? . . . j f -- , - ' All former soldiers of all Our wars are most cordially invited to be present. ","'''?. v-' k? .:'' Shriners Meeting. WANTED Good cook. Best wage to right party. Rector Hotel, Marshall, N.C. . , ) . PIAIJO IffiCITAL Presented by (he PcpHj cf Dm Evciya Ecy C:;tlst Church, Tuesday Ivcnlrj, t!:y lSth. ; Forgct-MeNots....;.., v. A.. ...... ,.'.4..' ...... uieea Terry ine iJancingsson .. .. .. Edythe Pruyn Hall , . . - June Tweed- . , ' ' . V'- The Heart of a'Rose Alonio Stone ' Vivian Sams . ' Duet The Pixies Dence .. t ............... ,v , Heien Day Keys t Tom Wbitchurst-Mrtha Redmon Enchantment (Maaurka Elegante). .. ...... ... Johnson Sounds of Springtime. .. .. ........ . , .. . . Weniel . , Irene Redmon. , , v Dollies Dream and Awakening. . . i .'. . .'.Oestio . , Merle Sams ' Duet Petite Polka de Concert ... .Dellafield : , JMae Davis Louise Ebbs ' True to the Flag (March) . ... .... . . . . . ..... .Ormsby I v Hal West ' Asphodel (Mazurka '. s ; . ,. . . tv. . . :, . . .Lerman 'r - , Irma Henderson i The final and creates! of all tho iiwUlinintD nf iiu rnnsKM' PRINCE willjjrobably be run before if after the. baccalaureate f ser vice Sunday Bight. If we had been informed in time of these exercises we could have arranged with thn film' house for this instalment to come a week later. But as"wewcre not told about it until this week. it was too late to do so that is, too late to do so with any considera tion Tor the film agency. ' f' '" . ,.; . i- Please look on the inside of Dane'r for further announcement re. garding this most important part of THE . CHOSEN PRINCE, as' this is the culmination 6f all the grand ilimaxj with the 'great battle scene Jonathan killed Saul fallincr noon hia awnrd and committ.inV suicide when he realises that all is lost. jAnd lastbut not least, Where David comes into his own and is crowned aa KING Thankinir voii for (he past support, and wishing you the best that there is along, all lines, I remain, as ever, Your old friend, EVAN RIDGE EVANS. Marshall High School CLASS OF NINETEEN HUNDRED & TWENTY THREE - " Commencement xcrctses " . Tuesday Morning, May The Twenty Ninth ' i j - at ten o'clock ( "' : "k 'AT';'';-K'5fT" .'r-itry,gtt,".iwi '.-jn-iiwwy.m- V ." r 1 "In a communication received from Division PassnntfAr ArfAnf Wood, in Asheville" he "makes me statement that the Shriners are rather dilatory in securing tneir accommodations to Wash mgton in . special Pullman cars leaving Asheville on June 4th which cars are to be used for sleeping purposes Coin and re turning, also for living purposes while in Washington. . JThe advertisement that bias appeared in this paper for the past several issues quoted a lo wer berth rate of $15.00, good for one or two people, an upper berth rate of $12.00 Cood for one person and drawing room rate or $45.00, good for at least four persons. ' ' "The demand for Pullman cars all over the country; is header than can be met by therailrads . special trains comintf fromT all points in the ,'. United Statei to Washington. - ' "A most wonderful andsrjec iacular program has been arrang ed m Washington that has ever been seen in the country. Am ong other attractions that are being provided, just as an illu stration of whatlis being done to get attractions from all over the country, will be two Che rokee Indian La Crosse teams. Wonderful pageants will be nut on. Pennsylvania Avenue from the Capitol to the WHt; Howe Marshall's Growth We hardlv annrpcinfft Knur much is beinadone or has bepn done lately' along the line' of building and improvements in our town. Since the flood in 1916 the town has chansred alto gether and has built solidly . and for the future.' The toarinir away of the old. buildings and the taking of new has .ssen nine brick buildings put up. That is' before this ' year. - Within the last year or so a new era of building has starte I and we see as the most pretentious the new bank building and the Roberta building along side of this." These, would do credit to any city of many, timea the size of Mai shall. - The new building of Mr. Redmori where ' the Bakerv la situated also fills a long heed.. The dwelling houses built bv F. Shelton on the lower street also gives more room for f ami Hps m '' much needed. Then at the depot', end of the street land is j being . prepared for buildings of . Free man and Gof orth. On the hijl Sheriff Bailey has his new home and on the ridge, Sprinkles house . and the fine bungalow of Roy uuager ana nis . sister, JJuilding-, thus speaks of an era of prosperi-. ty that we hone rriav rnntinnA; ' - r- , j for many months because 1 it means that all are getting along better. The crying need is :i sounded to invest .for the "ac? comodatin of summer visitors ; Wayne M. Farmer, Jennie Lee Chandler, ' ; 4Naomi L Gulherie, - Anna Kate Ramsey,' r OlinJarrett, Eva Rice, : ' Carol E. McDevitt, ; Bonada Silvers,' ' J. Lawrence McElroy, . . Josie Q. Tipton, ' - Leo D. White, . ' ' ' CLASS COLORS " CLASS FLOWERS White & -Blue White Rose ', , Duet Valse des Roses.. ... . . .... .......,.;',!.. Kelterer v : , u jwene isania viviau oama , , Sailing Dolly in the Bath-Tub. .Billro ' Walts . v . . . . U 'r ... .... . Louise Wright ' -, . . Vanda Davis , ' 1 Dtiet--Over theYaves.". .. ... . . ..Rosas ' Dorthy Ebbsr-Juoe Tweed i 1 : Hammock Song ..... 'Williams , y ' Pearl Di,lin6er ' Child Walts. ...'v..'..Vi. ...s Gurlitt ;' ." ' ," Katy Samsl -. ! Story at Twilight .V. . Blake Katberine Davis t , K ' ' Trio Marche 4es Aviatcurs. ...... . . .. .. .... .. T ; ...yFieere Le Pre' v Kathenne Davis, Hal West, Pearl Dellinger Bravo Boy i'.Z.. ....... . . i. k; .V..Bilbro ' . : i , ' rTom Whitehurst I'. - hJ) , Rong of Taradise ." . .' ., . ...... Stone Mae Davis " , :.;,; , ry-'-; -f ''::-'y-'r-'V' Duett Fetite Marche de Concert H , . '. , ; . ; ; , , . ; iV. , Dallafield '. - ' Vanda Davis-IIaj West ' "1 Puss-in-the Corner (Folks).. ...J..'.;.,..... Lerman v, " ' . ' Dorothy Ebbs ." ? : Tfie Good Little Girl ... .". . . .Gurlitt i " ' . Nellie Bailey ' : " . Sweet dreams . Larks' vanza uavu Duet March of the Rockies, . ,. . . ... . . , . ', i. . , , . , . . . . DtllaftclJ Pearl Do";csr, Ktlb-re b'-vb r 11 Travatore , . . . ................................ E. Dorn " ' Louisa CLLs' : ' ) ' , r Southern Railway To Double Track Its Asheville-Newport v Line To Improve Conditions. Over $5C3,C:3 to Be Expended for 66 Mile Link, According . ta r.:;:ns Kzwrng mis City, Considered for Several Yes, Traffic TtegTi Local Yards Un-usually Heavy. Double tracking of the line from Asheville to Newport, a distance of aporoximately 67 miles, at a cost of over $500,000 wnicn wouia proviae taster time tor trains between Asheville and Knoxville and improve freight traffic, will be started by the Southern Railway for an early date, according ito word reachr - a Vh - mg mis city. Kecenuy aavices were received from Knoxville to the effect that the Asheville-Newport link was on the pro gram for double tracking and Asheville officials state that it has been considered for several years, but reports during the' past few daycare to the effect that actual construction on the pro ject will be started, y) v L Officials, here state that thev have learnp.d nnth plans to double track this part of the. system, but ' assert l,hat business has been steadily growing during the past fewyears and such an improvement wouid be of great benefit in handling1 the heavv traffic between this section and the West: as well a a . divertini considerable freight through this section that is now handled by other rftutes. - - It is stated that over 75,000 freight cars were handlep through the, Asheville yards by the Southern Railway . during the inoth of March, which is believed to be a record for freight traCc ca this division according to data filed. '' "Approximaitely' 23 freit trains per day, for destinations East and West 'of. As Vvi",. rrt"!il tlirourh the vard.i during this mnnfh it io .ocurf. " - - Mr - o mi mvvm, aiuvib' . ed tr.i between 1,600 and 1,700 cars of freight were1 discharged ia At:. z viae, uoume iraciung oi ine-ASQeviue-JNewport line, wc'-'l ba in keeDina with the Southern's clans to inrrflnHW-'cfTi. ci :cy cn all i?"ortant routes, it is stated, and would divert a, hrji r--.:r.t cf freight for the Eastern part cf tht State through I'r j Aj-hsville, that now passes through the Southern , r--.U ! Vl 'r.ia. As this link is on the Ilnqxville DiVn, local ' cS j v;:;:.! j probably not receive official notice of the project.' ' u '"1 . :;! 13 r::.iy to start, it 13 said. . . , - v : i- i. ..-.... the most gorgeous ever t--a, h oeing preparea. . . Mr. Wood feels t h a t the Shriners who expect to ake ad vantage, of these sleeping car arrangements should send their checks without further delav in order that there may be no'fai lure on the part of the railway to provide such accommodations as are desired, but it is feared that many late comers are going to be disappointed for, as stated in the beginning of this article. the supply of Pullman sleeping cars is extremelv limited. "All reo lifts t.q for renervatinnc snouid be accompanied by mon ev order nr check nnH fnrward ed at once to Mr. J. H. Wood, Division Lassen tfer Atfenf Aahe ville."' Very Iruly yours, ; .J. H.WOOD, Division Passenger Agent. i i ,. . ' - ' .. Contented isolation? ( The average Louisiana farmer gets up early, at the alarm of a Connecticut clock, buttons his Chicago suspenders to Detriot overalls, outs on a . Pair of cow hide shoes made in Ohio, washes in a- Pittsburg tin basin,, using Cincinnati aoan. and dries nn n eotton towel made in New Hamp shire; sits down to a Grand Hapids table', eats hot 1 biscuits made . with Minneapolis . Jlour, Kansas City bacou, and Indiana grits fried in Omaha lard, cooked In a St Louis stove, buys Irish potatoes'grown in Michigan, and canned fruit put up in California Seasoned with Rhode Island epic e'ri . ilana ; on 'his nld "wool Wi made in Philadelphia, pu t3 New York harness n .his. iliasoun mule.- fed on Iova corn, ; and nloucbs his farm covered hv & Massachusetts mortgage, with an,liiiiana pioughA !ew Jersey blanket,, and U kept awake by a Louisiana dor, the oply home product on the place. 1kuo ii..y .cy carae. ' ' - J"A11 thru these ' mountains we1 are seeing our time of expansion and improvement and as we see this fulfilled, it means more and more that our section becomes the playground of both north and south, as they pay, we Vain for we furnish the playground, Summer Visitors. The Clerk of- Court has r ceiveda letter from a member of the Supreme Court of Florida asking about accommodations' and prices for rooms and what the roads are. He says that Asheville and even Hendersonr ville do not appeal to him but that he thought Marshall might be an ideal spot to spenda, time in. For days the Clerk held the letter because Marshall had ittle to offer for those who might- Want to come in here. Here is a chance to get a man high in the social life in Florida and who might purchsse and also get .his friends to come with him but what is there to offer, such a man. We have boarding houses, some it is true.. We have hotels but not the tourist hotels. We h a v e - no houses for j rent , and few for sale. ..There is nothing to write ;o the man but 'to say that we cannot accommodate him ar.d his friends.- It is a question that has been aaitated for years.' namely that Marshall should do -some tiling to attraet the people from , the , outside durinff the simmer months. .However it has been a voice in the wilder ness ass nothing has been done to solve the lack, and we are not doing anything ' n o w. ? It -would mean much, to the busi ness part of town. It would auch to the, social life oj In every way it - would I us, but we cannot accept Tortunity.'-' .. 1 mea to- v