BUCK ACIIED . " TERRIBLY Utu Rolinson Tells How She r J Dl:f I Talincr LTOU E Pbktam Vegetable Compound FindO eeer Laws .ecordl in OH R tlfl u ' - iii!!!"""""!!! M bck was my urnll 1(1 KimuBb me and I would have I cramps. Isunereom this way arjouv u years: men ujr frinnd suirtrestea that I try Eydia Pinkhans Vegeta ble CompouM I naye I had Deuer 1since,keepbouseana am able to do my work. I recommend th Veiretable Com- anven me great reliel. . 1MSON,608 N. Lincoln bu.ujuu,-- TheVetablewnipoi.u-o- wkacheT paMul timet, Irregularity. S?dwofeelinpdi iels. This is shown again wfagmn by Housewives make a. great mistake to .llowinir themselves to "rr'J ,!l ?,. tit & well-nigh impossible for them 'to. 'tend to t3r necWy household duties. . ' , BETTER DEAD Life is a burden when the body la racked with pain. Everything worries and the victim becomes despondent and downhearted. To bring beck the sunshine take LATHROP'S Man Who Committed Suicide in 1738 Was Tried on Murder Charge in New Orleans. If you sometimes think our laws are drastic, what do you think about what they had to stand for way back in 1738? LEARNS. HE IS A BARON meted out the record further states that "an old gray cat was hung around .... f tin pnlnrlt. And finery for the women played Us part, then as now, for one aocuuieui n mirchase by a father of "seemly clothes" for his eighteen-year-old daughter. The parallel of the clothing problem then with that of the present duy continues In this case, for It seems the purchuse consisted of "feathers and thread stockings." mt into the records be cause the father went Into debt for them, and debt then was a crime one could not pay. So reduced in clr- nnnismnces wus the pareui u-ui reported to his creditor: "I am on broth. I have but one cmc i The outcome of theaffalr could not be UAiQLCM OIL ; r" The national remedy ofHollandtoover 200 years: it is an enemy of aU pams re iTttaT&w kidney, Uv and Wl Sea. Mdgi. three New Orleans. Even though the American is so surrounded by laws that he has to watch his step at every turn, he Is not so bad ilft af in -ma n nerson In New Orleans could not even commit suicide ana go unpuiusneu. JUt - Someone having asserted that the ascertained from the documents. Sixty-seventh congress, receuuj nmori pniirtpd 031 new laws, and with many state legislative bodies clearing their decks for action In order n o,lH n few hrondsldes to the list .., 00 innnirincr nersons here VI. OLU.ui-vu, 'l a have been examining musty old Spnn i.h French nfflpinl records in New Orleans to ascertain how the people of other days fared. c.nhiiM Daad Man. mitrod suicide here in A UIUU tUHIU"" 1738 and the records show tnat me him fnr taking a me. ne wus found eullty. and it is set lortn ' - . , . . . U ..1 .1 "thS limn mnte noav wai uem mui burden" was sen 1UC J,..... a t. ohndnnment without burial. l" - o. hit inrolvml a nenauj "i tCLLJ ..-" - - .inr thre vears' Imprisonment. M.flanofinn iind a flno of 50 francs. Persons convicted of having. shot or wounded an animal owned by another Bonrpnced to capital punisniueuu i. in fho.a rtavn una times, b wui- AO lu v " 1 derer was executed by hanging, but nH.n for wife muraer was o There was no Volstead law, but lor permitting his slaves to become ln qh n man was forced to mount a wooden horse and was drawn through the streets, while ms neiBu UUl. ...U(. Tho ooden horse seems m uu'" .NCOCK- SULPHUR DATn'f For Eczema, Rheumatism, Gout or Hives SS2?hv grawa wound sprinss conUln- ISto Se lamoui healing w.terfciru.kM for you to enjoy WjujBjUtt la your own Dome. w " . Sulphur. Nature1, belt "XlriSi In prepared to make IU u mot efficadou in Hancock Sulphur Compound U,e It In the affected pait. and take It Internally. Mr nnJ $120 the bottle. If vour drueidst can't supply It. tend hit "MS- "iSl.dLr'ecL and we wul send you a bottle direct. HANCOCK LIQUID IULPHTJ. MtMk MlL Bite of Stuffed Fox Head Fatal to Girl uri :A few weeks ago June. Ernestine Lablelle. twenty years old wore her white fox fur to a dance at St. Uralne, near here.. A friend Jokingly snappeu un k..j ct th animal on the girl's nose, and-as a result the girl is now dead of Diooa poimmiu, caused by the animal's teeth. Ox HAKMOMES ' ' T TAVE your Interior walls tintea . H th sxtoi color. Exercise your own good taste in Just the color tones to bring out te best , , features of every room. There only one sure way.' 'Tht "Cb i Crete ti printed in Red on every genuine package To be a humble window dresser one j... n,,.i an Ttniinn nobleman the next ..n .,ni,ai prnpripnee. It happened IB ttA ml Hi i" . t f . to Haul Slllro Sobrero, resiaeui i I.os Angeles, who has Just received papers from Rome attesting the fact that he Is a baron. The title was con ferred upon Sobrero's father for serv .fi th duke of Genoa In a battle. The title passed from father to son, but Sobrero didn't Know un til it was thrust' upon him. " " n !! ' rjj t 7 ' . . . v. w- Alnll DAIDn Literature. has become of the dlalen "What story?" , . . , "Nov adays they tell It In slai.g.' Baby Ceased to Fret After tie HadTcethina i. Pair Attracts Aliens. Lelpslc Official statistics on the attendance at the annual Lelpslc spring fair show there was a total of 100,000 visitors, surpassing the record flcure last year. Approximately 23.500 of the visitors were foreigners. M c;An;ete usk Canada ana OVICIIlioi - United States to uommne in String of National Parks. t. k An aft t aplpnre. and lovBrt n nromlnent part In the punish- Hl,rlnir future eener- meut of petty criminals Patlen ts at T American Association for th Htv hospital learned that meat ations, u Splence. the larg- k.j Kn nnnmimln? with a rel- I"8 u,BUl. . ... , -,PM hna h was dog and cat flesh. One Robert B nn. lnternatloual VUleneuve. a butcher whe j juppl ed edofe8ffiu8eums 0f the orlgtoal the institution, was haled before the W"1 wiiderness. court on a complaint filed by the pa- ''"to preserre example! Of .t i ohnriroii rnai iney uuu i a - .ha irnit IICHIS. n..w s , 'wrnin mv baby began to cut his rth h was so fretful ana ievensn t vuidnt do a thing with hltn. It took aU my time to nurse him and r wouldn't look after my nousewors:, nrritAa Mrs. Annie Reeves, Route 81, Roswell, Ga "but as soon as I began Htrincr Mm Teethlna he stopped fret ting and has given me mu mum? Ince." ' .( 4 I A Tthlna la far snperior to sooth inc svnins and similar preparations for quieting. a fretful child... It con tains: no oDlates and is therefore per- tactu harmless. Weak., sickly cult dren thrive on It and doctors recom- mAnd lr i",t .n international policy of Teethlna can be had at any drag taicu, -- . . ,...,, I mm,A Ofln tn tha MnlTpft UID- nnmnipta conservation irom muusinai owm - complete cou" r.inmhn fia.. urnl receive Am ium Systeta its oDject is iu c '.i-,- thi primitive in nature from, the, Atel oln to the Gulf of Mexico making a i umil "runstpd dOSS The records show that VUleneuve ocn w -,aboratory and was mounted upon the wooden horse 77dutl(mai exhibit covering d given the TT Z, bouf Canada and the United States. ; hv the man who hed permitted his both s Exi,ta. inves to become drunk. In the case ln""'',, ,,,fprnatlonal sys- - . i. a. i I nu iiiiMia ivi - nf VUleneuve, however, nis c.ii i ":--. vlata the .cleritlsts be- back bore placards inscribed: "Master park9 8ystems of Eater of Dogs and Cats. the two- nations. No political or ad- Tie Cat Around Neck. tn.e.t na" Ln of these is advo- After this punishment haa oeen . muns"' All Religions Hateful to Soviets LOOK OLD? uray, turn, etraggiy balr mke peupie look ry old. bottle of Q-Baa Hair 5S, dlc (rota aWe-Bh. Ca-hb. IM-oto. W. n. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 21-192X B..iiu Kint Her Fault. One day Norma had done something that she had been forbidden. . u.tkn. hammi) ' nnirrv and said, "Why do you do that when. I tell jpn ; go often that It isn t mce, unt. .v,nfhr t Tnilv. I was uncon wlous when I did it," exclaimed the distressed child. Time files, but money, can beat It for any distance. ' Quick "minds don't always think out the big problems. - I EH a ( V ,- j.- aW' . . v m .w u " 1 u I'M- .H a 1 1 1 i L, . .. . r....uiil! ri.to M.r Rutchkavich is the out- Tlie execution or uie xiouian v umum; i"'---- ,. . 2 fTrrihu nr wacmi In Russia against all religions. Children. It . sridrareing taught in school to hate religion. -SJSSZ rfiiirimm teachlncs to all chimren unuer eigiue".. tt of Buddha being carried In a Moscow anti-war procession. uses, backed by perfected laws In both countries. , ; - ! j , The association issued the touowing from IU headquarters in tne emim gonlan Institution here: "Whereas, By repeated action of con fnr mnr than half a century, wlde'.y approved by scientific and other societies and by the public generally, the national parks of the United States have been completely conserved from Inriimtrlnl llHPa Rn HS tO COnSlllUlB system of national museums of native Anerica ; and - "Whereas, One of the national par of Canada is similarly completely con served; ana "Whprpns. The combined natlona parks systems of both countries, cot- oHnir froniofflpfll. blolocical ana geo- irrn nhlenl examples from the Alaskan range, through the Canadian Rockies, to the Grand canyon of Arizona, it pre- aorvwi untouched.'--wiUL constitute a nimio rnntinental exposition of in estimable value to science ana io u popular education of future genera ttnne fhorpfArfl ' i I Re it resolved. That the American inr.nHr.n fnr thn Advancement of - nojyviwLi". - - Science earnestly requests the people nr. no rnnpress of the United States nnd the people and the parliament of the Dominion of Canaua to secure aiiph amendments of existing la and IU annr-tmpnt ; Of SUCh UeW. laws as ..Tin civs tn nil units in the interna tlonal parks system complete conser rntion alike, and will safeguard them nimlnst every . industrial use enner iinripr nrlvate or public control at least until careful .study, shall Justify the elimination of any part irom par nlaaalflpntion." : . ' ) . ' - The American Association lor tne Advancement of Science Is lnterna Hnnni ita nearly 1-000 members rep resenting both Canada and the. United States. German Thieves Steal Knobs: , Twi in Door-knob thieves are caus ing Roriin householders much annoy ance. Hotels, apartment nouses, onice buildings and private qweumgs ar .11 nrpv tn the searchers for second-' nnnl hrftss. ; In one of Berlin's lead ing hotels all the brass nowsles on the in tho corridors disappeared f 11 UUUVl w . ' -. I one night, together with tnany other hrnea flvtlirpa. ' AnirnriM. Columbus. Ga.. and receive a large package and a free copy of Moffett's Illustrated Baby Book. (Ad vertlsement.) After All, What Is the Small Matter of an Apostrophe "Betweejn Friends"? ,. Ohm vMn RffO I watched a sign- painting genlns while he put the final artistrles on a masterpiece: 'Ladles and Gent's Restaurant.-" "Pardon my inqulsltlveness, iu , 'but whr do you put the apostrophe before the sr ; . .... v. ,"The which before tne wnuu no questioned courteously. " tt "The little cuny-imieu umm that e and that t. ome can apostrophe." ' . iitAaaomiiA la irr neii. juu.. ler, I seen and I nraxe mai uiu8u - hundred times, and I never anew It. had a name. Posserphel That s a -bod one; III have to spring u " . wng. Some painters always paint It after the s. but I always put it before the s, because I tbink mat u more artistic there. .Otherwise, It dont make no difference where ytm put It." De Lavl Monthly. , Her Easter Eye Open. "Tour wife Is a dose observer, lsn t shet" , " ' "If you spell It c-l-o-t-h-e. Music and Food. ' They didn't pay much attention to my speech at the banquet given In my honor." ' ' . i "No," replied Senator Sorghum. "But they liked the food and the music was fine." "Did they play 'Hall to the Chief f" , "Maybe. But it sounded to me more like 'Hall to the Chef.'" , Lzdi Given Out? IT'S hard to do one's work when every n. nrinir mnrnina lameness, throb- Vn Vi.nlrnrlin. and a dull, tired feeling. If you Bttif er thus, wny not una oui wv cause? Likely it's your kidneys. Head Madder irremilari ties my give further proof that your kidneys need help. ln ra negiccn ttm nnnn't Kidnev Pill. Thousands have been helped by Doan't. They hould help you As your neighbor t v: A KarlJi Carolina Case Q. ' -W. Harrell. reiiraa nni ranvllle tmr b"ro, N. C. ay: "Mv back . w" weak, ' atill . lxm and f - ' i- r kidneys it oak and I tj 1 to t t o k1nejr - rdoia jattoa a-a they oontained ui ment. I v- 1 ev-e-Bl boxe ff Doan 1 f.ne.T t:u BS nmtr ni ' t fv toe , mtt .suwre Man Rescues Costly Diamond From Sewer Pottsvllle, Pa. Harry Cotter, hunted for a needle" in a hay stack and found It. The "needle" was worth 81,500, However. ; Cotler ' dropped a diamond ring into a sewer drain ; With the city's consent, he dug Into the drain and found the ring. p-v I- FbdIIrr . :a CD Years CIJ izt Vhale Carcass Tinrpn In the carcass of a whale ! caught in the Davis strait, oreeniana, mi rerontiv brought Into a Norwegian port, the head of an old harpoon has been found, deeply lmbeddea in ine hhihber. Exrerts declare that the whale must l.ave carried t'..e barroon it '7 f r f f - -c hicbi a v nv RARIFA SHOWS " FRANCE'S BIRTH bHUKiAUts Window Exhibit in Paris Tells Story of Decreasing Race. Paris a row of three babies, of riiminiahinsr hIihb. clothed In white and resting on a black background, has been attracting attention in tne winaows i the National Alliance- for tne increa of French Population. " Tr ta A show Window WSJ OX. lemuK the story of a decreasing race, ine largest baby has written traaerneaui, vr irr 1.034.000": the second vv. ; av... ioia 74R.H00" and the uaujr, - , ' - t ic K.Ktr "Vr 1828? 500.000." ICaOV aaMj " - The trouble between France and Germany Is one of babies, according to the spokesman of this organizsjira Bnd C-M-srnr.y is bound to win ttse r "1 y.--. - i fif rnre hrM"i. t ? i t : ' rrnnce'a nresent Dooulution is placed onn rwvt urhproof VKO0.000 are for- U. .. . 1 - . j eigners. Her native population for the first six months or i-r increases oj 8.045. compared to 1539 In 1913, a normal prewar year. With the number ot marriages in- MWMlnir Y103.452 for the firsts six months of 1922, as compared to 160,- 722 In the corresponding period ox 1913); the , birth rate is slightly lower. as Is the death rate. -;i '' The national; alliance, however, points out that there Is a 8 per cent decrease In the German birth rate due to postwar poverty and to a. number of other causes. , -t a pniiesvoriiifr bv If: -. a- . U.. t V ... tlon to Increase the birth rate. Ta t' ers of fcrr or more c " '"-n -.rn ("Kf f ' c r r "- , , , -k ! : , - . I, i it - i f ' V This k the time; when you must positively use care in selecting roods wnen vou must use care in selecting articles or roou, to be sure that you get the real food values tnat help build up good health. You must have the vital elements in foods if you want To keep wdL These vital elements ause the food you eat to asfcn- late it means health and growth in children also in grown-ups. It , , means replacement of worn .out 'tissue. theP building of lost bodily vigor. In fact, it is absolutely neces sary to life itself. . Many food authorities- agree that pure baking powder and good plam flour - are much better for food value and health than many self-rising flours., . For the best of health-for the" most economical respite ' Mise 6ruy plain flour and good ' baking powder. . YCTJ,ilS AGCCDCClJnTCfiPa : l. ... tVi rima to add uiuw.;uiu. r , , end you ci-o u.ow ui. . K- -- , . o bz frcch-con bs m crua xn r3 ths c-d d ;:":cr;-a . L?r:Ur.rjrcrJpur3bzlur-powdrr. Fc: b C J an?

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