Mr " ,,i County KtrbiJ n..nhed June 10, ivul 4ktl4444444444444x lea ...... MWLWt KaUblinhed My 1, 1MT Lzzzi tilt ytzt sz I I scrijtka fc:s eifircJ. J yppppppppppppppppppppt, CONSOLIDATED HOt.t.IMI PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP pppr THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN MADISON COUNTY VOL XXI MARSHALL, MADISON COUNTY, N. C. FRIDAY, JUNE, 1st, 1923. No 21 ...... lf! .j i ' m - 1 . : i I The News Record I note with interest your cor respondents letter from Trust ;. ' ; i N. C signed. A Subscriber, re lative to the survey and pro posed road, from Litte Pine tj Spring Creek. Since the' loca - tion of this road primarily rests upon me, it is, may be, not out of place that I say something about this survey, ; It 'may be that some property owners think that'an engineer has little '-' regard, or little care' for farm lands through which he locates roads. This is not the fact I . have never surveyed roads through men s lands that I did not regret the necessity of do- : ing so I saw a woman, stand ing in her garden, and when I told her that it was necessary for the. road to go through her " garden the tears, great big round ; , '-tears, came to her eyes and ran down her cheeks I felt like getting off some where and tak ing a little cry. Her husband stood there and said, wife there is no other, way for the road to y go. . We can make a g a r d e n . somewhere else.' There was magnanmtiy of the highest " or der, to mak e roads across these mountains wonderful mountains that they are it is necessary, absolutely necessary tp go (hr cugh somebody's land.-. There is no other way unless we just get on top of the moun tain and fall off. Too much of that method of building roads ' j;as been foUQwedteadl-iJiS "'trouble with this, system is that the laws of gravity have decreed that we can fall only one way down, We cant fall up the moun tain. When God made this country, He made a right for roads. It is my duty to fAqd, this "right place", it 1 rail rn : ' this, then some other engineer will follow m e sometime and find this "right place and find my mistakesv To survey a road, like this, it is necessary to fol . low the grade line where ever it leads, regardless of division ,or property lines. I do not know the extent or boundary lines of ' Mr Ebb's lands but I was told "hy those living up there the ' , survey went through Mr. Ebb's lands in fine .shape leaving the land both above and below well watered. -However this survey is only a preliminary and tenta tive' location and if 'there '" 'it a better way that I can XM cx,i gWh I will be only too e!a 'ttj , pqke itVbut in any event let )l me make a road that yqu will ' be proud of when it is, finishes. A road that you can can come up four miles on you? side in fcjShgcar, and coast down, qri .hq Fine' Creek side six miles. v There wpi he nothing" e ') s e ' Jike it in Madison County. Only one real loop, or ,turn' c the Spring Creek side and t wo 'pji the Pins Creek' j;!' '. i ? ' Jet us not fqrgit' that't e Vg rnOuntaiiis are destir: : I to 1,3-j corne the play ground. for r y hole country andfcjy r eorae goodrccis for r.TT3 i X thc hi.;: pqkt '5. I ,it y, i-Q thtra rcn.3 so that zj - , 1U never la clircl, ,. ;; " "jo:i:i 'vilt?m . .. uij j a... , it- :r t-.!l over H j c , zvxv V: :r C73 v Ford Richest " Man In World, Report Shows -New York, May 5. "The Street" was generally agreed to day that Henry Ford is the ri chest man in the world, follow ing publication yesterday of the Ford Motor company's state ment of its financial condition as of February 23, 1823, show ing assets of $535,351,939. Ac tual cash on hand Was $159,605- 637. The figures were revealed in a statement filed with the Massachusetts commissioner of corporations in Boston. Twenty years ago, the Ford Motor company was established with a capital stock of X 100,000, a factory floor space of 23 of an acre and an' average number of employes of 311. The first year 1,700 cars were built Last April 7th it was reported the company had built more than 4000.000 cars since its organization. PROFIT and LOSS. v y ' Last February 23th. the state ment shows, the profit and loss surplus was $059,777,533. Wall street estimated net profits ap proximated ' SI 19.000.000. earn valent to more than 1520 a share on the 72,455 shares of (1C0 par value capital stock, outstanding; wnicn uenry ma ana nis son EdseUwn rutright Wall street runner estimated that the Ford fortune totals something b e tween $500,000,000 and S750.COO (inn . 1 - " li. llockcf eller as the world's wealth leader, the Rockefeller fortune being depleted to $300, 000.000 by the oil man's various gittSr estimated, in round num bers, at (1,000,000,000. . Summer Boarders. " - ' 'i lmi week the Chamber of Com- meroe received V letter asking if there were near Marshall any( coun try homes that would receive per sons for a month or three weeks as they wished lo come up to the mountains for a time. At the time it was a question but some names of persons were sent. The News Record this week is sending out a request for the names of persons who would be willing to take for some time people who wish to come to this section of the "'country Fora little time.' - ; - ' ; whg f4 fn-their 'houses at rpasonable rttes to some. , The last request ef(me from some girls of JackaonYitle Florida wLo vented, tq cqme itpljqt $o r,t the r'.r3 of the hotel j t;:: th cities. Th.lY Yv!t;d not recreation f)uargstan some plaice-where they could be comfortable and run over the mountains. There a,re thousands who are i th,is, co,ndtiqn. T5:r"? gii'-3 yra wc-rUr rrj3 d '. f.( T.l?.ev who were v ; 5 tp, fy a r'cronabla board, lie News KonrJ if c-ri"-; it- AtZi iff ? ' -i r.-p f, t r-"..'..3ftl-r-r. It i; f it r " f ' i ; . r i i 1 (' j ( , ' Z t: j r-r ty f tl t Motibp Picture Trip To Palestine Baptist Church Sunday Night. V From Ramleh, the home' of Nlcodemus and Joseph of Arima thea, we journey toward Jerusalem, and me the Natives washing in the public fountain. We find primitive conditions prevailing. ,We will notice the ancient Bedoiiin blacksmith, the quaint coffee bouse at picturesque Lifta the Garden of Gethsemane, were our Lord was ar rested and betrayed also a splendid that point from which Christ ascended on hieh the Mount of Olives. A panoemaic view of Jerusalem concludes this interesting picture. You can not afford to miss it. Just like taking a trin to the Holv Land. "The God Of The Bible What Kind Of A Being Is e Any-' " will be the subject of the Goapl Message that will precede the How?' pictures. It is possible that this sermons on this most important therfiev If there is one person above another that we should make it a point to know just as much about as possible,, it is GOP ALMIGHTY, 'for some day, and He alone knows how soon, we have all got to meet Him face to face, and give an account for out actions, thoughts, words, , deeds, etc., while heie below. Because of this great fact, we 'cordially invite you to be pre sent on Sunday night, t : i- . ' : ' ' "The Bible Wherein It Differs From All Other Books", will be the line of thought taken up at the morning hour. This will be a sort of a preparatory service to the evening one, and we will do our level best to make it interesting and profitable to; one and all the young as well as the old. - ' , . . We have bad an attack of that which has been coins the rouuds during the past few weeks-SORE uuio to muujr luucn aa w wouia Ke to nave oy far. They are bet ter now, though, and hope to goodness hey will keep on getting bet ter until they are "alt O. IC agairi for, ia their present condition, they are anything but pleasant, and make yqu feci out of sorts all aver. Its all a part of iheBlC, GAME," though, isin't it, and its a Great life if you don't WEAKEN. . v I V ' A number of folks have asked comedy on a week nightso we have sent for a four-reel drama wes tern one and two reels of comedy, and if nothing unforseen happens we will put them on at the City Hall My heartiest congratulations of the t-lasa of 1923. May they succeed beyond measure in all that they'nndertake along the jourpey C. " rll0p!ag'l6 see as many of morning and evening, and with eVer main,, v-'-' ' ' '( - THE LAW AND THE OUTLAW Featuring Tom Mix And Myrtle Steadman. ' ' The younger members of the ones as well, have been asking us to tion for a week night. So we have Selig play of cowboys and the roundup. The hero is a ref grmed outlaw without a price on his head, who gets employed aS ft eowboy, and, of course, falls in love with the ranch, qwnerVda.ugh.tor..'.' When'. arrested by the sheriff he, escapes, by and; the sherin does not follow frees himself from his handcuffs by shooting iiwsgr, thjci link between hid wrists, overcomes a Mexican and conges, mj escape on the latter's horse. He ' is thrown and ; cajjjured and led away, but not before he has obtained the hero ine's promise that she, will be waiting; when he comes.' , Oh, boy, some action in this film. . If you don't believe it, come and see it at .the City Hall friday nfeht-. In addition to, the therf will be two reels of good clean comedy the kiid that ia good, for the digestion and whieh will not,' we hope. leave a, b,!d twte of any kind, in one's mouth. , , i. City Uall Marshall --Friday and he admission will be a nominal 5ceqls. v If the amount taken in more will go to provid free, films in the dq nqt k.n.q'Y v'hat is, do you? It's y:; (Jxoat "regret we c..? ? (J w j( hx9 ctsrlie z f' t v o'clock when : . , ' "1 c:..:.a ir-to tLis heme ) " i" t:r Car-"' to Ixr 3 1 ' f '3 Wdcf tocrs. i.!er C. '3 ' ' t .t 73 ye.3 cM. 3V 3 c, f "l CLii. fr'ncJ a ' rrr i3v; scl'x it ;;'n"!bt' U:t : '' j f " c"..'j lut - t r J e.' ' -t. L.a I.r, :3 . 1. ' ' i c I. v yicw of the Russian Church, and will bo the first of a" scries of four EYES, in capital letters. Not been us to put on a little drama and Friday night. and. well wishes to. the , members otliny;prayerf.-':iJJ ybu as possible on Sunday" both good wish in the world, I re :-; v Cordially Yours, EVAN RIDGE EVANS. " ' community, and 'some of the older get a.secular picture full of ac-' sent for a thrilling wild western a, twiffc jump over a precipices Night if nothing unforseen Occurs one Adults 85 cents. Children than meets the actual expenses it future. If that is nolfche fair thing by our Tastar Rev Je&se Earn, the large crowd of people that was pre sent numbered her friends her body was laid to rest in the Grape Vine Cemetery s She survives one brother M. Bruce of Marshall, R. P D. 2. Also she leaves nine children fiive boys and f aur girls, Mr. John Car gile, of Mars Hill R. F. D. I. Mr. Murry Carole of Weldon N. C. Mr. Jeff Cargile and Mr. Tom Car Kile; Mr. Bart Cargile of ilarshall, N. C. R. F. D. 3. also Mrs. R. B. Sams of TlhUon New Jersey, Mrs. James Taris of Cedorvil'e Ken tucky, Mrs. Lisie Hunter Marshall R. F. D. 3 t' d Mrs II. II. Merrcl r.Iarehan, R. D. 3. We pym pathizc with the bcreved family, we feel that t'xir loss is her enter r.sJ gala. ; ' . . Southern Buys Rail To Improve, ; Its Lines. Washington, D. C. May Thir ty three thousand tons of steel rail have just been purchased by the Southern Railway Sys tem for delivery during the last six months' of 1923. Included in this order are 25,500 tons of 100 pound section and 7,500 tons of 85 pound section rail. This brings the Southern's purchase of new steel for 1923 to 73,000 tons, 40,000 tons having been bought earlier in the year. : The largest share of the new order went to the Tennessee Coal, Iron & Railroad Company, which will roll 23,000 tons at its Ensley, Ala, plant, 8,000 tons were ordered from the Be thlehem Steel Co., and 2,000 tons from, the Illinois Steel Co. The 100-pound rail will be used in carrying out tne pro gram of tie Southern to relay the Washington-Atlanta, Cincinnati-Chattanooga, and other lines of high traffic density with this heavy raih . This work is now in progress between. Man assas and Orange, Va., between Grreensboro and Charlotte, N C., between Knoxville and Mor ristown, Term., and between Somerset, Ky, and Oakdale, Tenn. ..' -V--'.'-'-. Heavy tie plants are being used wherever the 100-pound rail isTerng laid,Vgivirig added strength and smoothness to the track' :.;. ,r,.' ' " A large amount of serviceable 85 pound rail is being ; released and transferred to lines which are now equipped with lighter rail, x ... . - Which isThe Way? It was our privilege to hear a sermon to the young girls who were graduating from one of our schools and the subject was which way? In our life there comes times, when it IsShard for os to decide on the! questions which come to us and in . the decision hangs sometimes the makica: or the destruction of our future life and thd welfare of others. There is always a parting of the ways ando follow one way means that we get miles off from our destination . " The other leads ul timately to the place we want to go. un some roans mere are signboards which direct and on others there are none and we have to depend on dthers to tell ug. Many times the tourist asks which the better way and the shorter to a place and we who know tell. In the greater places in the way of life there are some times signboards but on others nothing and we. have to depend on the intuitions. Some trails across the desert have trees blaz ed or something that can direct us. tsax, even mese ian some times. So we have' to depend on the inner intuition or voice and there is a passage which Eys A voice behind says Th;3 i3 t!z way; This voice is the Eix-liri we have. Spiritual vahca r:.zt rule in 'the world. The $.:r.z tlzl count3 i3 the higher v:': LIc""urementa ether tLn t' : t v.LlS usnally directs. II. t wealth ot- f3 cr soc!l .'.;--"- j tut the welfra cf all. II:. estccn, erotica f..:..i ctV crs, t.!::,r:.:t:r c : .3 f.r r.:::: Youiig Woman Is Placed In Jail. A racer model flivver, four gal lons of moonshine whiskey and a 19 year old girl, giving her name as Mrs. Bernstein, were taken -by the county officers yesterday on Eagle Street.. Mrs. Bernstein" as placed in tho county jail on charges of transpor ting whiskey and the automobile has been confiscated,- The girl was with a boV whose nunA in Ilntnnwn to the officers, Bince he escaped by running. ' .She had five fruit jars of whiskey in a sut case and three in tne car, officers say. . The School Board and the County Conimissioners met last Saturday to go over the budget for the coming year of the coun ty schools. By the new law passed by the last legislature it necessary that both board pass on the budget and then the rates for taxes are made in vie w of needs of the schools. It was not possible to do anything as the amount to be received from the state had not been received. Judge Bryson of the Sunerirr court is holding Civil session it! i 1 . . mis weeit ana many are m for court '.' ',. ' '.V ' . .. ' Mrs. W. E. FinlV vohn ho - - - -.w II UV 4Ul been visiting her sister and fa ther in Kentucky returned last Friday. , v ' the higher. Then'- unselfishness said 'the speaker is another. Looking out for others and not for ourselves alone. Of course in life we have to look out for ourselves. We must make a liv ing but it should be with the thought of others in mind. A. man or woman who ,doesf not: make a living and care for his or hers does not amouut to anything? but at the same time we must not think of ourselves only. We depend on the other for that liv ing and so there must be in us tit. . J.1..1. 4.-1 ' f . ayuicuuug umt uitma carts oi them also. Then another is influe nce of our lives. What will that be and for what do we stand. If nra ' An one . thine? what will ht the resutlt for the others. This also counts a great deal in the way ox life. Sometimes it is ne cessary to hurt ourselves mate-- rially in order that the right way may be followed. It is not dol- ars and "cents .that count but whatovill be the effect on the others. For what do we stand in the world. . Larger indeed is the life that hears this voice and follows in ife that voice than the one who istens to the easy the selfish thn little attention to the result of what we do. :;':'- It is a great thing both for the young and the old to seek the inner Voice that leads aright even if it cost us fortune and all that many count the principal things in Ufa. ' ,; .''"V: '':'.". ;. To give oneself is better than all the fortune of Croesus or ths gold of( Golconda, It is what To every Kn there openeth a Wey; tndaWay. The t:h coul climbs the High v.-ry end the low soul gropes t!.3i,;7 u L iv:c:r.' Vthe m:sty f!-3 t! 3 r::: C:L. Id and fra rt t every r.r.n tl.cr3 c- -tial'l'iT yzl& lc-7 -7l c '- I,' t:.3T.:y 1 -. , ' . 1 .. . n nrn nn T IV IT 1