Local and Personal JUST A Word to let my friends know.I will be at R. N. CATON3 ever day now shining shoes. Sa- usiacuon guaranteed. Try me , once and be convinced. -' OLIN DELLINGER. . : Prof, and Mis. Blakcnship an Miss Logaivaro to bo with us for six weeks. They are three of the instructors in tho Summer School. Mrs Briggs came from Marion Tuesday, another one of the sum mer School instructors. - ; , WANTED Good cook. Best wage o right party. .Rector HotelMarshall, N.C. . Most of Marshall Faculty will soon be leaving,. We are soriy to tes (horn go and we shall miss them. Miss Justice left Monday for her home in the Eastern part of the state; GIRLS Who Are Going To At tend Tho Summer School at Mar shall can obtain ,room and board with Mrs. JVN. WEST. 5-4-to-5-2 5-23 P. , . ' Dr. Roberts took Mrs. (Jr it tenon Chandlcy to the hospital Tuesday and had her appendix remove'd. We .hope for her immediate recovery. Mr. and Mrs. D wcy White from Hot Springs have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Nick White for. several days... Mr. Chamberlain visited last week his uncle Rev J. N. An dre. I ; ; . ' Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Smith rom Abcville are spending some days in Marshall with Dr. , Burke. i Quite a few people were in from various parts of the County to at tend close of school in Marshall. The crowds at each 'exercise were v large. ' ' ' ' ' They was a "feller" came to our city this weelr and purchased large hoe! We just allowed by that they was going to be a. large crop of .snakes. ' Mr. Ed Davis, Mrs. W. A. Sams and Mrs, C.J3." Mashburn motored to Knoxville last week. - Miss Agnes McElroy, Mrs . Vor- heesc Ebbs, and Mr. Lawrence Mc Elrey made a business trip to Ashe ville Friday. Miss Hazclton, Mr. McDevitts Stenographer, who has been with him for .two or three years, was ' taken to the hospital, and had an operation ; for appendasitus, the last report Miss, Hazleton was do ing nlcujy. She is from Ky. . JMisscs Louise Mater, and Mary Whiticar came upfrom Morristown to attend . M arsh all High School Commencment, and are guests bf Misa Edna Gage Morrow. Rev J. N. Andre left Monday for a months' vacation in" Ohio and Pennsylvania. Preaching will h hfild at. the Prftshvterian Church during his absence by Rev W. E. Finleyl '" J. Wiley Roberts and Family were in Sunday for the. Bacca laureate Sermon at the Court House. ' ' Mrs. C. M. Hinkle and Miss English attended the Senior Play at the Normal last Saturday. Miss Nell Hinkle graduates this year and had quite and impor tant part in the play. It was Shakespeacs As you like it. Mr. Bunyan Fortner from Ports mouth Va ; has been" visiting his parents Mr, and Mrs. George Fort ner for a few days; Bunyan is one of th old time Marshallities - and we are always glad to see him come home. He has been with the Rail Koad company a number or years, holding a responsible position ali this time and two or three times having good promot'ons. : , ' Little Jimmie Baley is confined to his home with a case of measles. He passed from tho Crammer gra des to. High School with honors, and wasant able to be at" the exer cise to receive his Diploma in per son, nor to receive the deploma tw"l.'.l to him' for pv . f?f-. lvir. uoDen ijoiortn wno . is professor of English in the Athens Tennessee. School was up for a visit -to his "sister at Hendersonville attended the play at Asheville where h i s neice Miss Orla Plemmons gra duates this year and on his way home stopped oVer in Mar shall. ' To Know Him Is To Love Him Buffett Supper. The faculty of Marshall Hig School were invited to the home ol Mrs. P. A. NcElroy, Tuesday even ng from six to eight o'clock. delghtful buffett supper was served after leaving the diningroom, tho guests returned to the sitting room where they were, well entertained by a selection rendered on ' the piano by Miss Evelyn Bailey and Miss Agnes MeElroyi To add to the enjoyment of the evening Sheriff IL" R. Ramsey gave a de monstration of the old time danc ing. A word of appreciation for their service rendered was spoken to the teachers, by Mrs, McElroy. Four ieqn guests were present, Each one seemed to have enjoyed the even. ing.' ..:. Important Capture. Saturday evening Chief Powers had notice that one of the men who ast fall escaped from an auto which the sheriff or Prohibition officer had held up was on the highway out side of Marshall. He had stopped to repair a punture. The chief summoned Deputy Sheriff Merrill, and they went out on the highway and arrested the man one, Roscoe Robbins, 'He had been mixed up in automobile . thefts in, several piaces. i no man started bis ca. at a rapid rate down the road and Chief Powers standing on the run ning board tn rned the wheel around ane up the hill but too short, It s4ruck the side of the road and turn ed over with the Chief under the machine. In the fail he lost his gun. ' The man. fired a shot and in the return an -officer shot wounded the man in the leg. In the turn' ing over of the machine the Chief of police was hurt. His face was badly scratched and both legs bad ly bruised. For a day or so he was quite lame. The man is in jail but refuses to! give his -name. It was quite, an important capture as the man is wanted in several places for this theft of autos. Hundred Negroes From Asheville Join In Exodus Fully 100 negroes have left Ashe ville during the past ten days, to take employment in northern and eastern states under promises of higher wages, according to J. D. Cole, superintendent' of the federal employment service here. - - Asheville was one of the last cities to be affected by the so-call ed exodus of negro labor, but now it appears to be well under -way here, Mr. Cole said. . Charlotte has reported that about 1,000 negroes have left there the past 60 days, and from Winston Salem 1,800 to 2000 have deported WhiIe there id no general infor mation on the subject, it is believ ed thatlabof agents are here ar ranging transportation for the de parting negroes. Fpr the moat part, they are headed for Washington, Detroit, and Philadelphia. Information was received here concerning a car load of negroes headed north with promises of dish washing jobs at fancy prices. The car came to a halt and the negroes were ordered to get out and go to Work, findirj themselves mouth of a West Virginia mine with picks and shovels awaitinc them. During- all the years that it has been our privilege to know him, .there has been n o one whom we admire more for his sterling worth and his ardent Christianity than the subject of this article. The edi tor was raised in .the family of a minister and has through the years known many of the profes sion and has learned to appre ciate the worth and the work of these men but perhaps there, is none whom he has known as harder workers and kindly christ ian in his way of life .and his preaching than Rev.' ,".Jakie" Martin. He has all through these years worked all the week Farm ing as he does through the week, never'does that keep him from his Sabeath work and when it is possible he has worn himself out in the revivals which he has held and all through the mountains his name is known as a kindly Christian man who has tried in his day and time to make the world better. He has not much of this worlds goods and has raised quite a large family, but he has done the . best he could with them all and while doing this has felt the greater call to give to all the secret and course of his life. ' He has been pastor of Free Will Baptist Churches all through these hills and every one knows of his work.. It does one good to see the hearty hand shakes given him and the happy smiles when he comes into a crowds On the train' every place men and women feel the joy of experience of which he has been the agent. It means that the best in their lives is tied up with him as he has many and many a time given them something Jhu) made bright their lives , Mr. Martin is tireless in, his work and does not save himself when the good of the soul is con sidered. We have seen him worn out and almost his life given in the order of the meeting. . He is not a fan tic nor does he condemn others who may not think just as he does but with indly spirit he eares for all men and women and wishes them to have what has meant, so ' much for him. It, is a joy to have known him and to have lived with him and an inspiration for things that, are beter. to hear him. Mr. Martin has 'lived al most 52 years but his life has counted for eternity. . v. Notice of Sale , By-virtue of the power in us vested, by an order and decree made and entered in the Special Proceeding Entitled "Flossie Wallin ct al against Noah Shelton, Kittie Shclton Salts, , Individually," and as Guardian Fay Shelton, and ot er heirs at iaw of Baxter Shelton do ceased, in the Superior Court of Madison County, North Carolina before the Clerk, we Will sell for partition among the tenants in common the following described lands, to-wit: A certain piece, parcel or lot of land, situated,. ly ing and being in No. 2 township Madison County, N. C, on the waters of Shelton Laurel, and being that portion of the W. R. Shelton deceased estate laid off and set apart to Polly Shclton, widow as her dower in the estate of W. R Shelton, deceased, consisting o 124 acres, and for a full and complete scription reference is hereby made to the Special Proceeding Record made in said case in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of said county, on the 31st clay of May 1923 at the Court Ilonse door in Marshall, at 12 o'clock . M., re-sol to the highest bidder on the follow ing terms, one tmru down, one third in 12 months and the remain der in two years after date, the de ferred payments draw interest from da.ewith the option to' the pur cfiascr to pay all the purchase price in cash with 2 discount on defer red payments, Done this 15th day of May, 1923 C. B. Mashburn and Geo.M.ritchard, Commissioners 5-16 to 5-29 23 WHAT Training Camp For 800 Youths Fort Bragg Will Receive 800 For , . ' Cit izens Military Course In August. ' Mis. Hubert Davis Hostess. Mrs. Hubert Davis was hostess to the "As You Like It Club" on ast Tuesday afternoon . At a short business session two. new mem bers were voted in, Mrs. Chas.. B. Mashburn and Helen Runnion Two tables of bridge were played Miss Agnes McElroy made high score ana was presented with a ovely box of stationery, while Miss Norma Ramsey cut the consolation. At the close of the game delightful refreshments were served, The following mem bera of the' club were'? p'resent: Mrs. Ralph Fisher, Mirs, Bill Pope Mrs. Charles B. Mashburn, Mrs. H. L. Sector, Mrs. O. M. Shelton; Miss Evelyn Baley, Miss Norma Ramsey, Miss Helen Runnion, Miss Agnes McElroy. - Misess Carrie Ramsey and Net tie Lieb, Messrs Walter 1 Lieb and Claudie Taylor of Walnut motored to Asheville Monday to attend the commencement exercises of t he Asheville Home School and Nor mal.'. . - ' at the4r- 0n Kelson passed through Marshall M onday ehroiite : to Morfianton, N. .C. ( ; Dr. Paul II. Dinwiddie a n d C. !!. II'-Mj n-bred to Fort Bragg, May 24 It was an nounced at headquaters this week that Fort Bragg would be host tH 800 young men of the fourth corps area in the Citizens military train ing camp which is to be held here during the month of August. That means that 800 picked youngsters of the eight states comprising the corps area will enjoy thirty days of doors life under competent military nstructors at no expense to them selves whatever. Interspersed with the strictly military features of the work will be many activities look ing toward the recreational and so cial betterment of the individual. Among the larger events already planned are a huge track and gold meet, with valuable prises for the winnors, swimming, baseball, box ing, horseback riding, yollej ball, dancing bowling, etc. . The city of Fayetteville, but 10 miles distant will be within easy reach of parents of the students of this year's Citizen's military train ing camp. Special visitors days will be a leature oi tne program, pro viding regulay times for parents and friends of the young men to see them pursue their military training work and enjoy 'the play hours with them. It is intended to make this year's camp , the best of its kind ever held in the south. . Applications are coming in regu larly, and it, is only necessary to send a postal card or a letter ad dressed to the C. M. T. C. officer, Fort Bragg-, to gain promptly by return mail full particulars of this free month's, vacation as guests of Uncle Sam in the world's greatest artillery camp. Application blanks j n-itK full Irtotmintmmfl mm 4-a I. ll tor the asking. Other canons . are to be held this year at Camp Mc- Clellan, Ala., and Fort Barranacas Fla: WOULD YOU BE ' Wortlh To-Day IF YOU Had Saved One-Tenth Of All 'YOU" Have Ever Earned ? You can do it if You Have The Determination ! CITIZENS BANK Tne Bank of Personal Service ' EVERETT TWEED, President :-: ARTHUR WB1TEHURST, Cashfer. Notice We are opening up a woods operation on what is known aa CnM Spring Branch along the lines of Narrow Gaueo Loeeinir Road of Boice Harwood Company at Hartwood, Tenn. We arereadv to make contrancts for the manufacture of both Pulp and Acid woods fiom mcso lands, and will be glad to submit our contracting DroDosition to. anyone who may be interested. We have camps and commisarv on the job as well as' stables for your stock. If you are interested in tak ing contract please communicate with The Champion Fibre Company, Canton, N. a or our agent J. E. Slaughter at Hartford,' Tcnn. Come prepared to go to work. R. N. RAMSEY'S I m 4 m m m i m 1 j 1 1 , Beginning Saturday-While II they last. With each 35.00 CASH PURCHASE one p a i r Ladies $5.00 shoes for 75 cents. With each 810.00 CASH PUR- K4 CHASE you receive one pair oi iaaies iauu snoes rRfci;, D Three Tests for Speed and C'ck oet Away. ... In a series of ' three tests f i- s?ccd a;id quick get away con 1 by the Detroit Derm .uient 0 n is When you trade here you pay. less for Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes and Hats. R.N. RAMSEY Marshall, N. C. n ii i ii n 1 1 ii n u. petitora was awarded to the Lin- quick accelerated test com , s .coinhmshmg first iiic tesui were muueiu an tsi f6rt of the police department to secure a "flyinir Squadron" of motor cars to enlist in the cam- naitm asrainst robberies and oth er crimes of tle road. Quick startings from a dead stop, rapid acceleration over lonir and short distances and the ease with which the cars could' be handled in any emergency de manding immediate ability to get going at race track speed were covered in quarter mile, half mile and two mile, tests, two ; of which were made from standing starts. ' ' ' A large prmiennsr of city offi cials, cnk.iuers from representa tive au.omoblle plants and many s'KcTators were present : Ofii (li'.l clocking of the .speed - was iiade by stop watches held by the Official referee and by judges in the 'cars.' and cars were &bo timed r 1 s eec the Xin- C.nvpraii ih distance in one minute fnrtv nino and two-fifths seconds atttaining a speed of eighty miles and hqur. The next nearest competitor cov ered the distance in one minute fifty seven and two fifth seconds. The slowest time recorded .was two minutes twenty three 'se conds finishing at a speed of six ty two miles an hour. In the half mile test the Lin coln again taking first honors covered the distance in thirty einht and two fifths seconds and finished at speed of seventy three miles an hour; The neorest mm. petitor covered the distance in thirty nine and one fifthseconds. ' The quarter mile test was mnd 3 from a running start of five mikj an hour in an intermediate gcr r. In this test the winner covert 1 mo msutnet; m twenty Six r ' three- f. :i Linci 3 v 3 c

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