: Frcte Trust N. C. vi; My dewEilitor, NewsRccord: I have been very unwell for the hit two weeks; but I am soTne tat '. ter at' this writing and hope that I will continue so. We are having unfavorable weather for farm work w oh .- -.j " . 'r ..pring for the farmer, most of th m are oeninu wmi men mnpu -unable to hire any one to work, A great many of pur young men are going too Del not, Mich., iantpn and other publie works it is alarm ing, it seems as though the farmers will have to put their lands in gr.isa. and only try to cultivate What they can manage themselves. I have al ways been of the opinion that it was bad policy for our youmi folks to Jeave the farms, especially those that have no education and not ac quainted with the ways of (the world, bt' in all possibility the old er people are to blame for iti they have not taken enough interest in . l -.1 . A ankAiJa n rwl nthor WJ general improvement. So the cn viromeute around them have no in ducements for young people to stay at home it is hoped that a new era baa opned up. We are expecting a good road from Hot Springs up BpringCreek, atld over from Spring Creek to Marshall by way o rFreeaeland Gap, when these road f are made will be a great oppoituni- M . l" ft . I I. 1 ..M ,1 ty IOTi J,iie spring uret'K ni:uuii, nuu now il;,tpe people will turn their at tentipa,to building better Schol buildings and furnishing and equip jng thexme already built and mak ing them more attractive, and then securing of good teachers "Now this ijis what I have been desiring to see for. the last twenty-five years, apd f ome of my desires have been realised, there is an up-to-date gchoyl at Marshall that will turn out at the close of this term. Ele ven graduates from the High School department this speaks well for Marshall notwithstanding some few people have found fault with the management of the school but a majqrit bave stood by the teach ers, and, Prof. Blankenship the prinfiipaj, of the school has been the right jnaa in the right place. And Xhope the Committeemen will continue him another year at least And 1 would not fail to say that Prof,.Bianken8hip's assistant teacher 'have done faithful work and i.bein a power in the manage- mentiatui success of this school, there has been a good school at Walijut", the past term and the peo ple cjalnut soon will have a .'Kkojfeyond to none in the coun ty, tjietf new school 'building "will BoonjMone, then they will ; have ampje ,'jjpom ta accomodate , the tudjeoody, the school at White Rocked Hot Springs, Madison SemtwPine Creek and Spring Creefjwid Mars HUI.have Wen a Buccewso Paint Rock and n few ' otheliuJajMBS in the county,- at J all toBies there are men and wafypivbo hav taken ah interest in thihoolsi at White Rock mv j old fen4 T. M. Wallin has been a pow6chind the school, and when theyjlatt, to have a new school fcuildjrig !he wa at the head, of the Board and I think he was the main Jiun 4 the building of the school bouaffcand I was sorry to learn IromnjL.pld friend jlimison Tweed that iltpt was a move to voto the Special Tax off. ; I am satisfied that this t&tft worst! thing that can be donend I will never, believe that jjthia will be done, there are too ttanftjjfod men and women to dowljteir, children by depriving thembf ;the means of an educating these people Are honest conscientious . atfd ijavfi made more progress in last fiftei years along educational and other lines than any people in ... the equity,. So one can Bee that they jaenot afford to' check this - progress and they will not da it. '' But 1 am sorry to say, that tome j iiiil ni in i niiiiuuia awe: uwb uiiur J well,, t fear the parents have not ' fit te'" interest they should in their Bchoc'I have hoped to see built up pci J system of, public school in ercry f -wl district in tne luounty, I la n m i the sfcqool work more 3 ever since lx4, Q,i, fr tl i i .-t twenty years, I have fcStS,0 V3A whether I havo accomplished very much" or not but 1 am not tired or ashamed of mv . effort, so I am proud of what I have done; aU ! though I have been criticised and j to say that I have not made mis takes would be to say that 1 am not human but it sues to say that my efforts along these lines out my three score and ten, I am proud of the many friends l nave in Madison County, but the proudest thing of my lifu is the effort 1 have made to elevate tho girls and boys of mv 'county, and through them I am ixpcc,ipg greater things for the moral arid educational interest of Madison County done necessary to good citizenship is religion and knowWge, and we aro promised that schools and the means of edu cation shall be for ever toleratei bo this is vouched sale to us. so then if we educate our children that is educate their hearts their heads and hands this guarantee to the County and State a good strong al- round citizenship, this makes our churches safe the Sunday and com irion public high school safe, as well as oilier interest, I am pround of tho great improvement in our County psper, it appears that it has put on a new suiT. Now if the people of the County will give their aid it will soon le an up-to-date County paper the, thing Madison County needs. So long life for The News-Record and its Editor, I am sincerely, JASPER ErtBS. Last Rites Held For Mrs. Swann Funeral Services Held Yes lerd&y Afternoon at Home s Here-Burial in Hender sonville. Funeral services for Mrs. J. R. Swann were held yesterday afternoon at the home, 171 Mont- ford Avenue, Rev Frank Siler, of the Hendersonville Methodist Church, officiating. Following the services the body was taken to Hendersonville where burial took place in the Brittain burial grounds. ' The'pallbearers for the funeral all rf whom are stewards at the Central Methodist Church, of which the deceased was a mem ber, were: Jesse P. Coston, T. W. ; Whitemire. Joe Nichels, Oiiri Auld. F. Stikeleather, Jr., and J. R'. Rice. Several selec tions were rendered by the Cen tral Methodist Church choir. The deceased had been a resi dent of Asheville for the past four years,, having come here from Mai shall where the family had resided for 24 years. Mrs. Swann Was well known in church circles in Asheville and Marshall. Mrs. W. C. Pope Entertains. Mrs. W. C Pope entertained the .members of the "As Tou Like It. Club," theif husbands and friends on last Tuesday eveninrwith an informal dance in'ltdhor 6f Mrs. D V, Ebbs who ' is leaving- soon to make her horae in Asheville. The entire lower uoor oi jvirs rope s nome waa uiwiu.u)icu.auu was luuai attxactively decorated ' w ith Ruarney roses. . ' j ' : Those enjoying the hospitality of Mm.- Pope were: i j Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Davis, mi. nuu iviia. ixaiuiu xxuti y, ivii. and Mrs. Ralph Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. H L. Rector, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Shelton, Mrs." G. B Mashburn, Misses Helen Run- nion, Norma Ramsey, Evelyn Baley, Agnes McEIroy, ' Messrs. Kobinctte, lbomas b. noinns, t,agar wavis, inwrence McElroy, Pender IIcELay. . Alt' J Marriage License Oflie H. Silvers age 2, of Mar shall, R-2 to Teakie Capps age 22, pf Marshall, R-3. 7 . .Earnest Payne, age 23, .of Bar nard, to Neta Rector,; age 21 of Barnard. f Marvin iiall age 19 of Marshall R-4, toOrpha Kent, age 20 of Marshall R-3. , William J. Roberts Stackhouse ago 28, lo Maggie Sams, age 20. Elmore Rolwrls, age 22. to M amie B. Sawyer, ago 23 of Hot Springs.. Joe Marlcr, age 31 of Alexander, R-2, to Bonnie Sprouse ago 25, of Alexander R-3. Jackie Bnllman, ago 25, of Re vere, to , Polly Chandler, age 18 of Stackhouse. - Vernie Chambcis, age 22, of Just, to Ethel Baldridge, ago 22 of Paint Fork. John Blackwell age 35 of Marshall- to Delia McCall, age 23 of Marshall. Dan Davis age 24 of Mars Hill, to , Minnie Crawford, age 21 of Mars Hill. ' James Shelton age 39 of Bardard to Pearl Woi ley, age 22 . of Bar nard. ;. NOTICE WHEREAS Richmond Randolph did on the 2nd day of April, 1919 execute and deliver to D. M. Buck, of Yancy County, N. C Mortgagee a mort gage Weed on certain landi in .Madison county, State of "North Carolina therein described, . to se cure the sum of $525.00 due by said Richmond Randolph mortgage to D. M. Buck, which said mort gage deed is recorded in Madison county, in" Deed inTrust Book 21 Page 12 to which reference Is here by made; and whereas default has Imcn made in the payment "of the moneys secured by said mortgage deed, and there being still due and unpaid the sum of $200 and inter est from April 2, 1919. f NOW THEREFORE, notice is hereby given, that under and by virtue of the power contained in said mortgage deed, I, the under signed mortgage, on the Old day of July, 1923, between ' the hours of 10 a. m. and 3 p. m., at the court house door in the town of Marshall in Madison county, North 'Caro lina, will, by public auction, W11 to the highest bidder for cash. . the following described property, ,viz: Situated in No. 11 Township, VMa dison County, N. C. adjoining the lands of the Hardy Merrill heirs et al and bounded aa follows; Beginn ing on a Bugar tree on top of the mountain and in the eounty 1 line, between Madison and Yancy Coun ties, and the same being theN. V'.. cornor ol the Wilson ; (Jaiiii Unci, and runs South. !& W. leaving the top of the mo'imtain 128 ppleaWo a birch in a small drain. in lVduoii Obnnfy., -' thence with n marked line S. 65 dcgrcc4;E; 128 poles to the fop of the walnut mountain, at the Yancey Coutiiy line; theno u Northerly direction and with - the I top of the mountain, and the coun ty line, between Mad'isou anTYan- :CP' jcunties,to t h e beginning.' ' Containing 50 acres more or less, i I SMi land willtm sold to satisfy e t 8ecur y f..J Wf go leed. and such iil. will ,lw given 9 fs v,!eted m Ht',, , . . . " M. BUCK, MvngafeC. . . VH UC I&StrCCtl03 tO te ElCCCd , TC3 FlTSl l.ZZ3$ 13 July. .. J .-. ,' - --',v. . --:v ':- The Board of Educatioor of xvxuuiwu vuuui; niu cicci. a County Superintendent at Uus meeting on the first Mondayin July Any one wishing to apply for the position will send their abplication to Jasper Ebbs, Chainnaa (ft the Board of EJa- cation.' ; lionet Ilcry, Secretary r: Trustee's Sale. ' By virture of the power of iu!e contained in a certain deeij in trust made by J. li' Swann and wife Lil- lie B. Swann, to the uiuleiigne,( trustee, dated February 11th, 1922 and duly registered in the ollice of the Register of Deeds foV Madison County, Ni C. in book of moi l ga ges and deeds in trust Xo 21, at page 293, to which reference is hereby made, and default' having been made in the payment of t he indebtedness secured by said deed in trust, whereby the power 'of sale contained tlicrcin has become o)i erative. said .undersigned tnHce will on Tuesday, . June 2Gi h, 1 U23 at twelve o'clock Noon sell at puli lio auction, for cash, at tho court bouse door in the Town gf Marshnll, County of Madison, iStato of North Carolina the .following descried lands and premises, situate;' lying and being. in' the Town of Marshall, County of Madison and State of North Carolina and -bounded and more particularly described as fol lows; . . FIRST TRACT r, "BEGINNING at a stake in the northern margin of. Main St.; at t h e southwest corner of J. R. Swann's store house lot and runs? thence, with the. line pf the street north 51 degrees west 22 feet to a stake;, thence north 39 degrees east 100 feet to a stake; thence ?outh ol degrees east 22 feet to a stake, the northwest corner of the J. R Swann store house lot ; thence 39 degrees wast 100 feet to the beginning and being the same land conveyed to J R. Swann by Marshall Collection & Insurance Agency, Inc., by deed dated April 5lh, 1916. and register ed in the office of the Register ol Deeds' of Madison. County, N. C. in book of deeds 33, at page 4.V, reference to which "is made, foi pur. poses of description." SECOND TRACT: ! "BEGINNING at a.alje at the northwest corner of the Roberts ah i Rector store house lot on Main St , in said Town of Marshall, and runt thence northwest with Main .Street 33 feet to a stake on Main Stree ; thence a northeasterly direction-50 poles to a stake on top of the lidjjo.; thence southeast 33 fert parallel with Maih Street to a stake; theure southwest 50polcs to and with Ro bert's and Rector's line to the Be ginning; this being a conveyance wf 33 feet fronting Main Street by 50 poles more or less to the top of the ridgo. Being the same land convey ed to J- II- Swann by J. M ,Gud ger and others by deed dated April 5th, 1901, and registered in the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Madison County in Dee ! Book l k at page 524, reference to which is made for purposes of description.'' " " This the23rd day of May A. D. 1923. C. W. BROWN, Trustee. . 0-l-to-6-22-23 d. , lent Meeting Which is Being Held at Ranlo, by Rev. Shu- ford Jenkins iPro2'res . . sin Nicely. " Dear Editor , ; The tent meeting wjiich open ed on May 26 at Ranlt) near Gastonia, N C, is moving a'ong very finely. On last Sunday day night we had , about one hundrrd folks to the front for' prayer. We are expecting great results from this campaign. . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jolly are singing the 'gospel with gteat po"wer We are having meetings j in almost every home iear the Ai nnv m-nni isontf services: 8H0D mcetmcs services,- whop ; meetings and meetings for :the night hands,' - , ' I want to ask that my many friends pray earnestly for the success of this campaign. The meeunc is expeciea 10 coniinue at least two Weeks yet. I am j Anxiously yours. ' Shuford Jenkins ;.' ' GIRLS Whp,jrie Going to ."M- tend The Bumber School at Mar-j shall can fcbtain room and board with Mr. J. N; WEST. 5-4-to 5-2-' - - - r i Cultivate the? Banking -Habitf. 12 ' - k.iJL IW.W lX iPf i s WHcN-Y0U GET MCNEY FOR YOUR LABOR.HO MAT, TER WHAT SORT OF WORK YOU DOj PUT AND KEEP A PART OF .YOUR EARNINGS IN THE BRNK. THIS IS THE SURE WAY TO GET AHEAO. . WE OFFER YOU , THE SERVICE AND SAFETY OF OUR BANK. . : ' ' , " FEEL FREE TO COME IN AND .CONSULT US. WE SHALL BE GLAD Td SEE YOU AND MAKE YOU FEEL AT HOME- PUT YOUR MONEY IN OUR BANK. 1 YOU WILL RECEIVE PER CENT INTEREST. THO BANK OF I The Oldest and Strongest Mil '! ) ats ($s m as ( to- m is fo as t to I . - THE UNIVERSAL CAR YOU , uan own a x ora iuar 11 you wm m only save a' small part of your 5 weekly income. Call and let us explain our plan. F. SHELTON . ; AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE LINCOLN .. Ford and Fordson MARSHALL, N. C. ASHEVILLE UNIVERSITY SUMMER QUARTER TWO SIX-WEEK TERMS June 12th to August 31st 'STANDAUD aUTItSES FOR COLLEGL CltLDlT IN Lutin Onx'k M(Mlirn LnnRi:i(;'3 Orntcjry -History Eduosition -' , Chomistry t' Sociikl Science Philosophy . .... Sociolony Law : (lovernmpnt Economics -. Prc-Mcdicnl . Domestic Sunre Biolnpy Phyai(3 SPECIAL COURSES RCIiOOL.OF MUSIC under direction of Ming Ophie Morria. of the AtliintB ConRerviitory of Music, assisted by Frcderi k Haywood, Director . of ilie Haywood Jnattue of Vnivcrs.il Song, New York City: Voice, Piuno, PUBLIC SPEAKING fthd Dramatic EXPRESSION, under PMRbt Smith, 6f 'the Amerietn Academy of Dramat.cs Arts, New York City, and played for nnrhher of years with Richard Mansfield. - ' . 5 . : .. '.".SPKCIAL COACIIINC IN ALL SUBJECTS for which there is a reasonable demand. - . :,: , - EXPENSES v ' ColloRe Tuition... 7. 12 we-k8......w.... $35.00 .' ' Room and lioard J" pa $io per wotk. : . For detailed Announcement, write .v , ASHEVILLE UNIVERSITY, Asheville, N. C 14. PRESBYTERIAN CEURCH. i Preaching every Sabbath. at ii-a. m. ana com r. m.t i Christian Endeavor S o c i-e- tv 7 p: m. - - j prayer Meeting Wednesday 7:30P. M.. " ' . H ' Rev. J. N. Andre, Pastor. ft 1' 1 " WW bechi:" FRENCH BROAD Bank in Madison Connty vt V! sir f T' w s St M Mcrluuiiciil Ir:m ing Mai liimii tis -. .Civil lOtiginopring Art Milnic Violin Violin I iiino V ; They aro all boosters and dec ervo your t j

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