THE NEWS-RECORD, MARSHALL, N. C. CROwDEIt MAKES 20-POUND GAIN ' . '! Declares He Would Not Take '. $1,000 for Good Tanlao - Did Him. Tor twenty-five years," said D. P. Crowder, a well-known merchant of Lawndule, N. C. "I suffered from the worst sort of stomach trouble and got so run down, nervous and worn out J, thought I would never got well. , "My appetite was completely gone. I was sick at the stomach much of the Mine, and nearly everything I would cat hurt me. I finally got so weak I could hardly get around and life was a burden to me. "I had lost faith In all medicines, but I am thankful a thousand times over that I gave Tanlac a trial. I felt my strength returning by the time I had finished the first bottle. "So I kept taking Tanlac and get ting better and have gained twenty pounds. Now all my stomach trouble Is gone, my nerves are steady as a dock, my appetite fine and I am brim ful of new life and energy. I wouldn't take a thousand dollars for the good Tanlac has done me." Tanlac Is for sale by all good drug gists. Accept no substitute. Over 87 Million bottles sold. Tanlac vegetable pills are nature's rwn remedy for constipation. Sold everywhere. Advertisement Use for Coal Screenings. Patents have been grunted for a process for utilizing anthracite coal t screenings for fuel by mixing them with water gas tar without compres sion Into briquettes. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It Applicants for Insurance Often Rejected. Judging from reports from druggiftt who are constantly in direct touch with the public, there ii one preparation that las been very successful in overcoming these conditions. The mild and healing influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its remarkable record of success. An examining physician for one of the prominent Life Insurance Companies; in aa interview on the subject, made the as tonishing statement that one reason why so many applicants for insurance are re jected is because kidney trouble is so common to the American people, and the targe majority of those whose applications are declined do not even suspect that they have the disease. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Soot is on sale at all drug stores in bottles af two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send 'ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Advertisement. He Ha Held H la Own. Two middle-aged gentlemen paused on the bank of the pond to watch the crowd of merry skaters circle round. "I'd like to Join them mighty well," aid Mr. Hlch to his companion. "I haven't hud a skate on my foot for more tlinn 20 years though, and I ex pect I'd look pretty silly." "Well, I don't know," replied Mr. Little. "I haven't worn skates for longer than that, but I believe I could skate today Just as well as I could when I was twenty years old." "OH, come now," replied his friend, "you're nn active enough man, but It's absurd to say that you could go out there and skate as well as you could when you were a boy !" T think I could," persisted Mr. Lit tle mildly. "I couldn't skate at all then, and I guess I could Jo quite as well now." Youth's Companion. Trying to Understand Gender. '' ' Teacher had been explaining the meaning of gender to , a class of 7B pupils. William had gone home much puzzled and that evening took his . troubles to his mother. Gender was explained aanln, and William's mother was Illustrating each f the genders masculine, feminine and neuter. This time William thought ; he understood the difference. To try ' llm out his mother had asked him to ' use the masculine and feminine gender tn a sentence. William, still perplexed, thought for a long time, "Mother" he said, at last, "wouldn't ' the masculine of cat be tomboy r Beauty Is 'only skin deep nitf! the : fame may be said of freckles. th "MURPERI" STNOPSIS.-Llvlng In a tarn, converted Into a dwelling, Mrs. Penfleld Is manager of an apart ment building known as "The Custard Cup." originally "Cluster Court." Her Income Is derived from laundry work, her chief pa tron belnt a Mrs. Hoiatlus Weatherstono, whom she has never seen. Living with her are "Crlnk" and "Thd." homeless small boys whom she lias adopted. They call her "Pen-.:." Thad tells Pensle a slranr nan was Inquiring for her undei I'er maiden name. A tenant, Mrs. Oussie Bosley, Induces Pens e to take charge of a package, which she does with some mlBglvlngs. Searching a refuse dump for things which might be of value. Crlnk, veteran at the game, en counters a small girl, Lettle who proves a foeman worthy o' his steel. He takes her to P nsle, and Lettle gets adopted Into the family. The atranger proves to be Mrs. Penfleld'a uncle Jerry. He announces he Is going to re main In the vicinity of The Cus tard Cup. Uncle Jerry arranges to occupy the loft above Mrs. Pen flold's abode. Uncle Jerry meets Prudenre Hapgood. no longer young, but attractive, and the two appear to "hit It off" well. Lorene Percy, young friend of Pensle's, tells her of her engagement to Dick Chase, also a mutual friend. Friendship developing between Un cle Jerry and Frank Bosley. hus band of Gusste, worries Penile. Calming a tenant, Mrs, Banders, on the verge of a nervous break down. Mrs. Penfleld reveals the tragic story of her own life, the sudden death of her three children In an epidemic and the subsequent death of her husband. CHAPTER IX. Continued. 9 The child stood atlll 10 the middle of the kitchen and considered this possibility. "I'll never get over It," die said slowly. "It's In me to stny." "Oh, no, It Isn't." contradicted Mrs. Penfleld mildly. "By and by your nu ture'll get widened out more, and all the hate'll drain off naturally. The only place that hate can live In Is a small dark hole where the sunshine of good nature never can find It. You'd be s'prlsed, Lettle, to know how easy 'tis to scare hate out of your system. Why, If you so much as let a smile get near it" Lettle came nearer ; her eyes shone. "Say, Pensle, honest, do you like Mr. Wopple?" There are times when Truth Is an Inconsiderate master. Follow him faithfully, cheerfully, whole-heartedly ; am', all of a sudden he leads you Into an Impasse, points a ma licious finger at you, and shouts: "Now what are you going to dor Through the Instrumentality of Let tie, Mrs. Penfleld was confronted by difficulty. Evasion was no part of 1k.t policy; neither would It have with stood the "unerring Instinct before tier. Playing for time, she replnced the cover on the saucepan and smiled lazily. "Why. Lettle, evidently you tmt the wronc Idea 'bout feellnss. You can't divide the world Into folks that you like and folks that you uon t. They're all the time bopping imcn ami forth over the line, from bad to good, and from good to tad. Way 'tis with me, I like 'most ev'rybody I know." 'And what do you do with tne others?" persisted Lettle mercilessly. "Whv. I I don't do nothing 't nil. Pra willing they should live, 'cause I i i .'i .esaeaw- Lettle Glowered Back. expect the Lord knows what he made em for. even If I can't see It. iney don't never bother me, Lettle.- I don't scarcely pay much real 'ttentlon, 'canse 'taln't worth while."- T.ottin looked at her solemnly.' "I ret iron." she said briefly. : Ttia vnnt nt It was that she did. In unaccustomed alienee she drew In the advice with the Implication that clung to It, incubated It diligently, nnn in a few hours developed a product which h was' able to use molt effectively. As soon as she had wiped the lunch dishes, ehe aet out on a project planned In the rnornlng'and persist inff In suite of Mr. Penfleld't at tempts at dlseoursgement. It was the rhiiifa own notion that she must con tribute as ranch aa she cost, and her grettert teal went to Increasing the CwhM Go "By Florence Bingham Livingston Copyright by George H. Dona Company ' supply of fuel, an Item of consider able seriousness In a household which had no modern methods of dealing with cooking and laundry work. Per haps It was fortunate that Lettle's Industry was largely centered on gath ering Inflammable material of all de scriptions. And certainly she enjoyed It. On this particular day she had discovered a pile of cornstolks 4hat hnil I n discarded as no longer use fulor even amusing to cows. It was .Mrt of Lettle's business to Intercept the process of natural disintegration whenever possible. She believed thor oughly that the vegetable world should be wiped out by fire, and In her Immediate locality she wat rak ing the earth fairly clean ot plant life that was not thought much of by Its growers. An enthusiastic co-worker was Fill- buster Caesar Penfleld, the family pup. As Lettle ragged a heavy company of cornstalks around tne house, be followed after, plunging at the long, rustling leaves, barking oi this Imagined prey, charging with a force that severed the more brittle sections and sent them flying. Flying where? Why, over tne waia, into me side yard of Mr. Joslah Wopple. This piece of trespassing was the easier because there waa no fence to Inter fere, the boundary being marked only by a few old posts. Returning from the second trip, lit tle found results well under way. Mr. urnnlA n.UI, m tiltrhlv InlnrjMl 0YnrM , ui'iu, ".i i ."ft ' j --fusion, was ostentatiously sweeping tat ters of corn tissue, together with a great deal of soil, across the commu nity walk Into Mrs. Penfleld'a yard. When he saw Lettle, lie paused ana glowered at her. Lettle stopped short and glowered hack. And she did It well, too; glowering was a specialty with her on similar occasions. You'd better be careful," he said. 'I ain't goln' to have my yard all littered up." "I didn't do It," she returned. "FI1 done it." This was the wny they usually be gan, gradually working up to a tem perature that Is dangerous to body and soul. "If you was my chlldp Pd learn you to do somep'n 'sides tralpsln' "You shut up," advised . Lettle tersely. Her pale cheeks grew a shade whiter. With a Jerk she grasped her cornstalks more firmly and dashed with them to the back yard. Filibuster, thinking this meant the end of a conversation to which lie had listened with manifest disap proval, pounced eagerly upon the rus tling ninss and detached portions for immediate distribution. But Lettle had merely cleared the decks. Unencumbered, she, turned to her protagonist. "Whnt's eotlng you, anyhow?" she demanded In disgust. "We hain't done you no harm." "You been lltterln' my yard," he maintained. We hain't Uttered It, so J All Fll done was playing. And Just two or three leaves! Nobody else'd ha' no ticed, 'em." I tell you they littered, and I won't have It. You aln t to ineudie on my prop'ty neither yon nor your nasty old dog." Lettle's thin chest lifted, as If a steel hook had pulled It upward. Her hands clenched. "He ain't a nasty old dog. He's worth a darned sight more'n you are."j That's a He." " 'Taln't a He. Turn yon loose, and vou coulrin t find a noine. way in done. Wouldn't nobody have you." This shot gave Lettle a temporary advantage. Mr. Wopple, willing to subscribe to wellnlgh anything for the sake of disagreement. Hesitated mo mentarily before the vivid picture of hlrtmelf seeking charity from door to door. Possibly some misgiving about the outcome of such n ' venture checked his rejoinder. Splotches of red appeared In ills sallow cneeKs, like spatters of anger. The hand on the broom handle shook visibly. Pres ently he returned the personality with a choice one of his own devising. 'You're a sassy tyke. If you was my child " The growing possibilities of belong in i-a Utr Wnnnla'l fflmllv plrple were l"S -- cut short by the efforts of Filibuster Caesar to relieve the stiffness of the scene. Having detached half a corn stalk with .branches pendant, lie plnnged Joyously Into; Mr. Wopple's vard. careening raadW In Intersecting curves, giving up scraps of corn ma terial to the , thorny grasp of rose bushes as he passed. V ' liaising the broom threateningly, Mr. Wopple started for the Intruder. "Here, get out!" be shouted. "Darn yon, get ouri v ' , Filibuster Caesar waa In his element Nose to the ground, mouth full of corn atalk, eyes fixed attentive.y. e awaic eu IDS coniiujj - VI in ujiti.BCTi pin- -t mate. Mr. woppie prougnt rne woom down with force and excellent aim- only that Fll Caesar was no longe there. He had frisked to one side. In position as before, playing the t1 after the manner of checkers. Mr. Wopple waa Infuriated. Anger mounted to passion, the more rnpldly because Lettle . whs vociferously ap plauding the successful strategy of F Caesar. He struck repeatedly at th little dog, but Fll waa too quick for blm, dasb'ng out of range with tow ruff-ruffs of delight and mischievous challenge. Hound ana rounu we-amau ( yArd they raced and struck and dodged. I "Good old Fill" encouraged Lettle, clapping her hands. "Ha, FU's too much for you ! Now what do you think r" Of a sudden Mr. Wopple changed his tactics, dropped the broom, and seized the old hose, which his Indolence left always attached. A twist of the faucet t Spit-spurt I The young Filibuster, patiently hold- j Ing bis position- pointed nose on the ground, small body lifted at an angle of forty-five degrees,' bad not foreseen ' what was coming. Instantly he wat drenched. With a choklnz yelp of dis tress, he bounded Into the air, but not out of the shnrp spray. Coming .back to earth, he held to It, rushing In dif ferent directions but followed In eitry one of them by a strangling stream of water. "Let him alonej let him alone!" shrieked Lettle, pumping the air with her fists. "He hain't done nothing. Let him alone P ' . "I'll fix him," retorted Mr. Wopple, chuckling with triumph. "Good rid dance If I kill him." With a yell that split the neighbor ing atmosphere Into two distinct parts, Shouta, Barka, Threata, Water filled the Air. Lettle made a dash for Mr. Joblah Wonnle. "You got me going," she shrilled. . "Now look out" Much may be done with water, and In a Rhort space of time. Much was done with It In the Wopple-Penfteld yards In the next Ave minutes. " At first It was managed solely by Mr. Wopple, who played his old hose on Lettie and Filibuster Caesar wit?i not able Impartiality. ; Whenever Fll could draw a dry breath, he charged upon the enemy no longer In play, but with J low growls that naa Deen nequeamea, by some fighting' ancestor, nnauy these attempts culminated. '-. It was while Lettie, thoroughly; soaked from head to foot, gyrating In fruitless efforts to escape the stream of water, but at the same time draw log steadily nearer, shortening the range In such a way as to Increase the force with which she was bIn nfitpri It was while Lettle was occu pying the whole attention of a pair of beady, malicious eyes that Filibuster Caesar Penfleld sprang at Mr. Wop ple's hand, snapped p reversion to distant bulldog, then" fortunately re considered nt the behest of some mild er relative that had sat docilely on cushions and by the fireside. - With acry of fright, Joslah Wop ple dropped the hose and took turns with Lettle at the Jumping game. "Murder! Murder!" he snarled. "I'm bit. Til have hydrophoby. O, Lord, Pm bit.", "Sic hlra, Fll." urged Lettle. "Bite htm some more; bite him a lot. He'd oughter be et. Sic him!" I - ' ' Fll Caesar, thus encouraged on the) gory path, sprangto do the bidding of his mistress, but was met by violent opposition. During the scramble, the crafty Lettle was able to aelae tha hose; and with an Inarticulate whoor. of triumph she flooded the person oi Mr. Joslah, Wopple with a superlative skill that proved a Well-trained eye and a steady hand. - -' Shouts, barks, threats, water, filled the air; Increasing mud modified ev erybody's Intentions. Faces appeared at neighboring windows, but n-1 on Interfered or even spoke. Thin was not so muclToue to an ethical atti tude In The Custard Cup aa to an un written law of freedom In speech and act, that' no spectator might N deprived of the full performance of any tna( tt1l8 rtart)(j. All la, Lettie, we got to pull j together or not tall." . " ; (TO B CONTINUED.) Wisdom's Gain Above AIL It may serve as a comfort to na fi all our calamities and afflictions, that he who loses anything and gets wis dom by It, Is a gainer by tha loa L'Eatrange. ' . .. ;.: MERCK BEET IN JUNE Dry Good's Economist Editor Will Ad. ' dress Association Meeting at Statosville. StatesvllleAddltlonal speakers for tho, North Carolina Merchants Associa tion's annuiil convention to be held In Statesvllle June 19-21 announcod In a bulletin Issued from the office of the executive Secretary, J. Paul Leonard. Include experts from , the Nation's cap'tal and metropolis, along with North Carollnans "who know whereof they speak." Ernest C. Hastings, of New York City, managing editor of the Dry Goods Economist, and one ot the nation's best known writers and speakers on store problems and dry goods merchandising, has Just accept ed an Invitation to address .the con vention, as has also Charles F. Nesbit, of Washington City an insurance counsellor of national reputation, widely known as a speaker and writer on insurance, economics,. Y. M. C. A. and Boy Scout work. Other North Carolina speakers an nounced are William Perlsteln, ot Ra leigh, who will speak on the relation of the store employer to the employes, and J. F. O'Clowley, of Ashevllle, an expert In advertising and display, who will discuss the relation of advertising and window display to the success ot a retail store. It sufficient interest can be aroused among the advertising and d'splay men of the State, anpther group meeting Is to be planned for these along with the various group meetings of merchants in the different lines. The North Carolina . Retail Clothiers' Association and the North Carolina MubIo Merchants Associa tion, who are to meet In connection with the general convention of mer chants, are making their own program arrangements. As has been previous ly announced, W. N. Everett, of Ra leigh, Secretary of State, and State Sanator W. E. Harrison, of Rocking ham, are to have prominent places on the program. Arrested In Chicago. , A Salisbury. Three white men, Harry Davis of North Carolina, postoffice rot gtven; Albert Wells, of Kansar City, Mo., and Walter Gilmer, of Buf falo, who are held In Chicago on counterfeiting charges, are the same men that visited this section soma months ago and who on the afternoon and early night of January 25, last successfully passed a number ot counterfeits $20 bills on several Salis bury firms, having made purchases and tendered the bogus notes In payment, receiving legal money as change in the transaction. "They also left one of the 20's as a souvenir with the keeper of the toll . bridge over the Yakln river six miles north of Salis bury as they hurried north after ply ing their game here. ( The Identity ot these men was made sure when Sheriff Krider received photographs of the men from Federal authorities at Chlcnga and exhibited them to parties who saw the counter feiters here the latter part of January. Will Tour World in. Automobile. Ashevllle Robert R. Reynolds -candidate for the democratic nomination for lieutenant governor, of North Carolina. In a state where nomination is equivalent to election, wiH try a trip around the world in an aucomoniie. The start will be made from Ashevllle '!th Washinitton. D. C. the flrst ob jective after visiting the principal citi es in the state. '. From Washington he will go to New York and intends sailing on a tramp steamer, according to his announce- . TT- a n.alrlnrr tha twin fat mTl fill. ! tomoblle with trailer attached for the purpose of studying economic condi t'.ons In '20 foreign countries and writ ing articles tor American newspapers. Mr. Reynolds is a member of the firm of Reynolds. Reynolds and j Howell, of Ashevllle, and has on two previous occasions made extensive tonrs of Europe, Australia and South ern Africa, aa well as having made two previous ' continuous voyages around the world. Dr. Sprulll Will Head Hospital. Greensboro. Dr. ; J.;, F. Spruill, of Sanatorium, has been chosen as sup erintendent of the Guilford county tu berculosis hospital, and will assume his duties on September 1. He is widely experienced In the war against tuberculosis. Several years ago he went. to the state sanatorium aa a patient When he recovered he Joined the staff of the institution. In 1921 he went with the estate depart ment for health, doing clinical work- that carried him Into the majority of the counties of the state. Before en tering npon hla new , duties he will make a comprehensive survey of con dltions In the' county, holding clinics and securing the aid Of the people In the effort to stamp out tuberculosis in Guilford. ' ' ; , "' " "' ' ' '"' y - Fayetteville Laundry Destroyed. Fayettevllle.-r.Flre ef origin not yet determined practically gutted the building of the Clarendon laundry and threatened one ot the city's principal business blocks. The serious aspect which the blase assumed at one time caused Fire Chief Robs Jones to call for assistance from Fort Bragg. Fire men reached the city 14 minutes later to find the flames under control. The total damage to the building and con tents Is estimated at $16,000. Insur ant will cover only a minor part of the loss. THIS LITTLE DADY GIRL Was Benefited by the Good Her Mother Got from Ljdia E. Pink tam'i Vegetable Compound Pitts'burgh, Pa. "I took Lydta R Plnkham'a vegetable Compound before !fn'HIfljZn!.nde KS " it had waa wonder ful. This will be tha first child I have nursed, as I bad to bring my two boys up on tha bottle. I waa very nervoua and worried, tired all the time, and after I read about tha Vegetable Com Dound I tried it and kept on with it I still continue its use and recommend it to my friends. You may publish these facts as a testimonial for your medicine. "Mrs. Wm.Klinob, 169 Plymouth St, Pittsburgh, Pa, It is remarkable how many eases have been reported similar to this one. Many mothers are left in a weakened and run-down condition after the birth or tha child, and for such mothers tha car of the baby is well-nigh impossible. Not only ia it hard for the mother, but th child itself wilt indirectly suffer. Lydia E. Pinkham's vegetable Com-. pound is an excellent tonic for th mother at this time. It is prepared from medicinal roota and herbs, and doe not contain any harmful drugs. It can b taken in safety by tha nursing mother. Women Made Young Bright eyes, a clear skin and body full of youth and health may be yours if you will keep your system in order by taking LATHROP'S The world 's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric add trouble, the enemies of life and looks. In use since 1696. All druggists, three sizes. Look for tha hum Cold Medal M mmf bom and accept aa ImlUiUa Don't Hide Them With a Veil; Remove Them With Othine-Donble Strength . ' This preparation for tha treatment ot freckles Is usually ao successful la removing freckles and f Ivlns a oioar, beautiful com plexion that It la sold under guarantee to refund the money If It falla. . Don't hide your freckles ander a vail; (et an ounce of Othlne and remove them. Even the tint few applications should show a wonderful ' Improvement, some of tha llhtor freckle vanlehins entirely. Be sure to ask the drastlat for the doublehtrensth Othlne; It Is this that Is sold on the money-back fuarante. , . ITCmGII WW " from Alkali other Irritation. -Tha old tlmnlo rtntttl that bring, oomfortlng nltit U bat. tU, U 4ruegiU Salve For SORE EVES Kill All Flies! Placed anywhere. DAISY FLY KILLER, attraeu ml UUe all niae. Neat, clean, ornamental, convenient end ui will not nt) or inyrrt nythintr. Guaranteed, . fLYillsa itt- i laaii iiar t ynor dealer or i wpDroe khi ai es sUBOLDSOl iklEKa. 1U ba'ajilb Ave.. BrooUre, K. X. - '- I BARKER'S 'tf HAIR BALSAM J. Sam Irannrafi f t-n--l"'- -V Reetoc. Color and rt Baanty to GrT mmdF-d Ha If, eve.andSioeatDrersieta. I- 1 3BieiiniChtPi.vVarmtchoBe.".T HINDSRCOftlwS obmts Onras. CaV l-raeaa. etat, etope all pais, eneyree coaefort i ietbe FREE ADV1CK ON HOW TO BKCOMK SUCCE8MFUL tn real eatate and insurance bualneea. Particulars Hacdonald Co-operative Realty Company. Dept. I, Ban DIso. Calif. We Still Feed the World. The .world's greatest provider con tinues to be our Uncle Sam. The De partment of . Commerce tells us that last year the United States exported to the rest of the world foodstuffs val ued nt 81,362,000,000 by far the larg est In history. Export of breadstutTs amounted In value to $748,000,000, to which wheat contributed more than half. The most surprising figures showed that eggs valued at SIO.OOO.OOO went to China, the original home of the. hen and greatest egg-exporting country In the world. Better the Doubt "But If I don't say anything they'll think me a fool." "Well, If yon do they'll be, sure of It." Be sure the gnn is loaded before at tempting to teach the young Idea how to shoot. .-,: ;- .i; :',; . .. J . . U U -J? J i n 1 '" eTCal ... w l3e Hot v zlzr 2:ja;.j ?.j i.iv 3 L"u... ...-. rx3 A-

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