NOTICE If you csnt bring you hoes, rnaiU hem by Parcels Post. We fix "Em" While U Wait Champion SHOE SHOP Marshall, N. C. " Dr. J. N. MOORE Has Moved His' Office Vp Over G rover C. Redmons Store. You Will Find Ili:n There Any Time. Take Notice I have moved into the Allison Hotel, opposite the home of P. A. McElroy, for the purpose of runniriR a Boarding House When in town at meal time or for night - lodging call and see ua. We arc the Hungry Man's Fiiend. JERKY RAMSEY,' Builders Supply Co. N. C. Dealers in luml)cr of all kinds, metal and composition roofing, windows and doors, brick, lime and cement. We carry a full line of everything. "Come and nee us, or write for prices. , W. A Sams Physician and Surgeon Office Front Room Over Bank of French Broad. For Sale Hatching eggs of quality, Thorongh-bred Single Comb White Leghorns, Young's Strain that ' good laying breed.- $1.00 per 15 delivered. -3-2-tr6-18-23-p. .v OTIS' CHANDLEY, White Rock, N. C. It Dr. R. U. Burk's DENTIST Ann0unce's to his friends anae'rjuaintances that he is permanently LOCATEp over B. Mashburns Office Where he may be found any dain the week. And every week in the Month And every ; Month in the year.-r Enough" Said. Come see me. ARE YOU T A f ARMEr carrying an f express package from abia mailorder house was Accosted by local dealer. . "Whw tJn'i yam fc M 13 4 foxi mm- mt) i touH hm tatitd pmm tim Ktutm, mti I ml J im umuJ I torn fwnmbfcf '.k Lli p'' tit ' 'l Bp C 't lM.. J. " r L ' 4 Cm mm .. 4 id tin ml Jt 't -1 pxfmrr' fpmt and 1 ami m J Notice of Mortgage Sale. Under and bajilic virtue of-the power conferred upon me in a cer tain deed in trust, executed tonpe by Mitchell Shelton dated Now U 1920, recorded in the office' of the Register of Deedn of Malison Connty in book'2l at paj;6 274. to secure tho paymenl of certain indebtdnrs, therein described, and default hiving rVon made in the payment of said indebted erinex. and huvine been refluent- ed to do so by the holder of Abe note evidencing said indeblcdnosH j I will sell at public auction, to ti.e hitrhttttt, bidder forea-di, at the Court hrut' door in the town'of Man-hali, N Cat 12:00 o'clock M , on Monday. June 4,' 1923, lie following described land to-wii: Beginning at a chosnut oak urr ridge in T. L ShHtonso'd line and then willi the line of M three Hcfe survey S 41 1-4 K 17 poles to a lynn on the South side of the branch, then up and with said branch S 55 W 20' poles, N 85 ,VV 22.5 poles, N57 VV 10p..les. N 38 W 11 poles, S 77 VV 18 poh s, S 84 W 9 poles, and 15 links,,S 75 VV 21 poles. S 00 W 15 po'e to a stake, in tho forks of the branch, then up and with the rh;ht ind branch N 72 "W ,14 poles to the forks of said branch Ixiirinniiip corner of E. L. 'IVeeils survey then S 83 VV 8 poles, 8' 61 VV 0 5 ixdes. t a dea birch,, near forkf of branch, SBGofM)' VV 10 poles to a 9mall chestnut on a ridge, then up and with the ridge and Ed Tweed's line, S 67 VV 14 pnlrs. S 75 W 12 poles, S 84..30' W 14 pol es, N 73o30' VV 20 poles to a black gum on top of Licklog ridge then with said ridge as it meanders 74 5 poles to a maple, Sheltons corner, then down and with a ridge and Shelton's line to the Beginning containing 69 acres more or less, being part of Duck Mill Branch Lands. This May 8th 1923. VV. U. ELLERSON, ' Trustee. 5-9 to-G-2 23-d. Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the partnership between us the undersigned N. B. McDevitt Co and Thos J. Murray carrying on business as wholesale grocers at Marshall, N, C. under the style or firm name 6f N. B McDevitt Uo., was on the 9th day of April 1923 dissolved by mutual co'n sentt and that the business in the f uturewili be carried on by the said N. B McDevitt Co who will pay an I discharge of debts and liobilities and receive r all moneys payable to the said firm. This the 9th day of March, 1923 " .. THOS, J. MURRAY. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. : Preaching every Sabbath; at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sabbath School 10 A. M. Christian Endeavor S o c i e ty 7. P. M. . - Prayer Meeting Wednesday 7:30P.M. , " . Rev. J. N. Andre, Pastor,' Dr. J.E. Owen a;;:dentist k I ; ModernOenUstry at reason-1 S able prices modern offices with l $ 5 city conveniences. Be sut you get S my prices before you havie your 5 S work done. Good teeth means good J S health. Permanently located over, ; fi. S. Gibbs new stors Mars Hill! !N.a 2-15to8-lS-23 Pd. : 5 WAICTEET Good cook. T 't t' rr-t'r'ty. Hi' "r .5'.' P O RTLAND CEMENTynly 0, of fiotne building cost NO home-is built today without Portland Cement. Yet the cost of the Portland Cement used in the average home is only 2 of the total cost. That 2 adds to fire protec tion, to health, to permanence. Your building material dealer is a merchant of necessities. His advice is sound on types of construction, on brands of materials. ATLAS PQRTLAr.p cehehti "The Standard by Wlucli Tobacco Flues To the farmers of Madison and the adjoining counties. Call on Pete Haynie who will be prepared after July the first to supply you wiih tobacco flues, at a much reduced rate to what you have previously been pay ing I would advise that people enter their orders early that there may be no disapointments. Bring along your old flues and have them repaired, which will save you quite a little money. .PETE HAYNIE,' Marshall, N.C NOTICE! STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MADISON In the Superior Court , . Ella Roberts . vs. : Carl Roliei ls; The defendant above named will lake notice that an action entitled ns1 above has been commenced in the' Superior Court -f Madison County to dissolve the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing ' be- ween said plaintiff and defendant and the said defendant will lurtner take notice that he is required to appear before the clerk of the Sup cnor tourt .nine ism ivm, ai ine the rourt house of said county in Marshall N. C, and answer or de mur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. v This 10th day of May 19L'3. W. A. VVEhT, ( v Clerk of the Piih rior Coji I. 5 16 to-6-S 23. . .Administrator's Notice ''''' . Having qualifil ft'' ndminislra tor of t he est ate f J. Wiley - Nelson deceased; late of Madison' County, Nbrlh (lorolina, this is to notify all persons havinp claims agaitwtthe estate of said deceased to exhibit them 1o the undersigned at'. Mar shall, N..C yon orlwfore May Klh, 1924, or this notice will Lc plcvlcd in bar of their r covei y All prsonsv in.'cibled aid es tate will plas3 make miuetliate payment to the undersized. . This May J2th, 1923. ' Wm. ;V, FARMER, Administrator of J Wiley Nel son. G-17-tojB-22 23-d. Let Us Print le d ub Your S all other makes arc vicasund " Judgenjent is based on experienco. VVe have examined the eyes of .'thousands 3f people,- have made every known combination of glasses fitted all "sorts, sizes and. shape of noses. It is our pleasure to refer you to any of our patrons! We shall be equally glad to num ber you among thern. . See us to aay and see better from how on". CHARLES H.' HONESS Optometrist Eye Strain Specialist 54 Pat' Ave. Opp. FotofTice ASHEVILLE. N. C. .. ' HOW'S THIS? HALL'S CATARRH JrtKDICINE will do what w claim for It riil your systeiji of Catarrh or Dcafneta caiisod by Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDTCIXP. con- Rinta of an Ointment which Quickly t lU'llcvcg tho catarrhal Intlummatioti, anil the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acta through the Blnod on the -Mucous Surfaces, thus assisting to restore nor mal conditions. -Hold by druggists for vcr 40 Tears. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo C 1 I will be in Marshall N. C. on" 5 6th' day, of March, 1923, -AT DR. J. N: MOORE'S office for the purpose of. ex amining eyes ana niuru! ti glasses. I guarantee results, w m rcn.w - . H Dr. L V. Lisenbee 30m FORGET- When yon need any thing . in the , line t ol rieat and attractive' Printing. ' .f, :i T For Sale Thorough Bred Barred Rkick' Eggs. $1.Q0 per 15 $6 00 per hun dred, twothirds fertility,' 'suar-. anteed. f jess than 10 out. -of prove infertil.will duplicat8for half price. . k ' r, i- DEWEY LISENBEE V - ' ' ' MarshallN. C. '-. . FOR SALE-One. half t'o n Ford truck, one tFord passenger car, both in good shape. See W. E. Hensley for a bargain.. Marshall, N.C. R. 2, Box 52, 4-1 to2 5-11-23 pd. - ' - '.' r . . v a 1 'mmmmoaff . will cive vour. economical, covering of natural . In .' - . dian red,, or blue-black ..- that will hot curl, warp, fade, or s , : require repainting. ., , .' vV 'The. Lcrashjed ' slate ' surface of these ; : : k better shingles is spark-proof. See us about your roof. ' ; BUILDER S SUPPLY COMPANY We Buy, Sell or change All Such as Farms, City Property, Timber and Mineral Lands "Any-J where When you wish to eithen buy or sell, AT TION SALE write us. " North Carolina Realty Company '',' .. ' J. H. GROGG, Sec-Treas. ..' vMovpd to 78 Patton Ave., South of P. O., Asheville, N, C. NOTICE ' ; Jo the priver of Madison County that tin is the last month in which y on can pny your tax with out tho penalty beiny.. added. And fdrlher I jiV'coiniH'lled. And will proceed to Levying on tchib property aflei Mn.. So.tako 'warning, and pay your taxes. atJ-Jhe )i-i.a!ty lu'itrCOiST. ' , , . 'Reppctfii'lr, ' , ' . ' u- ' ,r ' ''Sheriff Administrator's Notice Y"- ' North Carolina " 4 , , ' ' Madisgo bounty . . y i. I J n v iixn Vi if it 1 1 H ed -asadministratrix ofiJit? e-ale of,W J?. Deaycr-i'de-ncaed. lit!'. tf Mdwm Cqunty, CV, this ;ia oknotify all oivson3' hav ing claims against tbotate of saiil liecensKl to exhibit them to the undersigned at Marshall, N. C on or before tlvD Sth;duy of "May 192-1, or this notice will be pleaded itubaf AH.fcerbon indebted' ito'Baia e-j tate w.iirrlease. make' Inunediate payinent. -r . This tii &8tV) day ,of May 1D23. .' ' , - Mrs W.P- Deaver'" ' ' Administratrix of VV. F4 DeaVer, deceased. , ', 5 8-23-to 6,-16-23-d. For CROUP, COLDS,' '? INFLUENZA & rUT IONIA MoilMfbouli kerf i hr of DnracTVafooxiitM folrn eommicnt. Wbea Qnmt. lu'.iwim of Prm tbrercnt (h'n delif btfat win rubbed wcH lno tin Ibicjt. chc tad icKlJr ikii krau, will rclinf cb'jklB brauc ooutaRion and proaMenwilttl Klfii ASFALTSLATE SHKJGLlS roof a lasting, safe. Ex Kinds Real Estate PRIVAEOR AUC or come and,. see " and Tax Collector.-, ' IS s - 1 YOUR ; ii 5 A Viluab!e-Asst 7 Yoar Busier I We Help Our Cu- g tomers to Guccesa 3 S With Presentable. f Profitaple $ J PUBLICITY U s i Tor Sale 200 pure "bred Ancona and White Leghorn Cocker'ala, , $1.00 each. f .;'. ' . - , EARL LEWIS, ' ' -'x E:TL-:r:1. V. C. ' PLANTING

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