I THE NEWS-RECORD, MARSHALL N. C. I' 5 instant relief from CORNS flu .mul and thl pain ol that con SLlh.fl -hat Dr. ! ichoir. Zino-pad. Ao-ltiily. They remove th. tawf-fnc tioo-prur., and h..lthe irrit.tioo. Ihui you .void infection frum cuttm. your corn, or (nitif, corroaiv. cid.. n tiKPtic: waterproof. Sire, lor corn., c.l louie.. bunion.. Get box today t your drujjiit' . or .hot dealer'.. DlScholfs X'mo'pads AM, in At tchrlorvl f Tb Mil. Co., maim of Dr. Sckoll'i Fed Ctnjort Aptltaiull, Arck SufpotU. . Put one on the pain is gone I Salesman Wanted para or full time. Easy sales. Plent work. BIK commlaalon.. Batl.factloo uarant..a. Represent us ana u.m. -.,' Any kind of monument furntahed In Granite or Marble. On. of our m.n In Vlrslnla mad. 1318.00 lat month. Tou. too, can .bar. in Chen bis pronta. uur Prop"""" - --mon.y-mak.r. No Mperlone. nwd.d. Writ, today for full partlcul.rjabmit our plan. (Canlta! 100,000.00) Atlanta, Ga, END NO MONEYI , Ju.t .end your nam a nd add rea. and .lata ii"JS ",and will mi 'I " WUniDMUiiiuicn, BAT OBM. TJpnn delivery pay the peatman only 11 for ladie.' or Bid for genu'. If you can tell thl. won derful ring from a genuine diamond return promptly bm - i H Mfunrf mn, immAv. H,-nrt atrlo of uaner IlMofrlng. Orderone or more of tbeae ring, today, 'no Kayetw Co., P. O. Bog 10, FayetwTllle, N. C. This Advanced Age. "Doctor !" The modern woman upproached the medical man tremblingly. "Is there no hope of my husband "Go on. madame ..." "Is there no hope, doctor; Is there no hope?" "That depends, maritime, on what you are hoping for," said the doctor, reaching for his hat. Richmond Times Dispatch. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION 1 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ,254) AND 75 PACKAGES EVERYWHERE SQUEEZED TO DEATH When the body begins to stiffen and movement becomes painful it is usually an indication that the kidneys are out of order. Keep these organs healthy by taking LATHROP'S The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric add troubles. Famous since 1696. Take regularly and keep in good health. In three sizes, all druggists. Guaranteed as represented. Look for th nam Cold Medal on ovary boa and accept no imitation GREEN MOUNTAIN ASTHMA COMPOUND quickly relieves the distress1 1 n.wnvvama. TTd faff H rears and RanM of lone k,n axnarlenee in treatment oi rvi : . . , u i StT,VJ Dr. J.H. Guild. VrKK TRIAL 1" nnr nM&tla mi Aathmak. Ita cauaea, treatment, eto., aent upon request. 15c. and 11.00 i. H. GUILD CO., BUPEET, VT. atdrugglate. mm MITCHELL EYE SALVE heals Inflamed eyes, granulated lids, atyea, etc. Sure. Safe. Speedy. 25o at all aruggiata. HAARLEM OIL 4 WTHUAC Children Cry for ' "' - . ...nt.tvtvvv wvvvvvCVVv'vVT7 vvmwvvvvwvvvvvvo i r - - a --vrTJT7'D Tn-Vilr'a Paetoria is esoeciallv oreoared to re lieve Infants from one month old to Children all ages of Consti iation. Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying fevensh SsHrising theVrfrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleep. To avoid Imitations, always look for the signature of MdUs Ab.olnty HarmV-No Opiates. Physicians everywhere ncwramend it, SUFFERED FOR TEN LONG YEARS Tanlac Mow Bringing Strength . I. Back by Leaps ana Bounas, Declares Miss Castles. "Aftor sulTorlne for ten years. Tan- lnc is fast relieving my troubles, and I feel so grateful I Just want to -tell everybody about It," recently declared Miss Bessie Castles, of Gastonhi. X. C. "ivnnle who have never sunereu from stomach trouble and nervousness don't know how thankful they should be. Why, my food disagreed wl.'.i me so much I often went.for t.v. days ...m.m.f ontinir. Mv nerve most drove me distracted am, while I al ways felt sleepy, I could never get nnv real rest unci I felt so weak some times I could hardly move.) I "Well, I've taken three bottle" or tne Tanluc treatment so fur and my diges tion is Just perfect ad I'm eutlng everything. My nerves are ever so much better, too, and my strength Is coming back by leaps and bounds. Tanlac Is the grandest medicine I've ever seen." Tanlac is for sale by all good drug gists. Take no substitute. Over 37 million bottles sold. ' Tanlac Vegetable Tills are nnture's own remedy for constipation. Sold everywhere. Advertisement DISCOVERY CAME TOO LATE Mr. Garker Had Already Committed Social Error Which Wat Ex tremely Hard to Explain. Mrs. Garker camehome from a call one day In such a disturbed condition that it was evident tears were not far In the background. She lost no time in beginning her explanation. "Edward," She said to her husband, "I am so mortified. I don't know what to do." "What's the matter, Jane?" 'I've Just been culling on Mrs. Peters. Tou know her husband, Mar shall r "Yes." Wall T tnot lontiini. toilnv that . J .v.....- .... A,., . -4. 1(nH I Marsniiu . is not nis uue ui mi. uu shall Is his first name." "Why, certainly. I've always known that. Wltnt is there so mortifying about It?" "Nothing," said Mrs. Garker, with a pronn, "only I've been calling him 'Marshall' every time I've met him for months and months." Philadelphia Ledger. Important to All Women Readers of This Paper Thousands upon thousands of women have kidney or bladder trouble and never suspect it. Women s complaints oiicn proyo u u nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. Jf the kidneys are not in a healthy con dition, they may cause the other organs to become diseased. You may suffer pain in the back, head ahe and loss of ambition. Poor health makes you nervous, irri table and maybe despondent; it makes any one so. . But hundreds of women claim that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, by restoring health to the kidneyB, proved to be just the rehiedy needed to overcome such condi tions. Mam, mil fnr a aamnle bottle to see what Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder medicine, win ao tor mem. y enclosing ten cents to jjt. , runner a, vu., n;.ki.n,tnn V V vnn mftv receive sam ple size bottle by parcel post. You can purchase medium and large size bottles at all drug stores. Aavemsemem. Did He Miss the Mark? Mother (sternly) You don't need to let vonr cousin kiss you on the mouth when he bids you good-by give him your cheek! Dnni'iiter I lo. mother but he's so nearsighted he always hits along 'side. '. " The Cutioura Toilet Trio. Having cleared your skin keep It clear by making Cutlcura your everyday toilet preparations. The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal, the Talcum to powder and per fume. No toilet table Is complete without them. Advertisement. Many a golden opportunity has been wrecked for want of a genius to throw the switch. A Custard Cup BorimceBmJbam Livingrtorv COPVRIGHT ey OBOBOB H. DORAN COMPANY A TEMPER GONG STNOrSIS.-Uvlnr In a barn, coaverted Into a dwelling, Mrs. Pinfleld Is manager of an apart mnt building known as "The Costard Cup," originally "Cluster Court." Her Income Is derived from laundry work, ler chief pa tron being a Mrs. Horatius Weatheratone, whom she has never seen. Living with her are "Crlnk" and "Triad," homeless small boys waom she has adopted. They call her "Penile." Triad tells Penile a strange man was Inquiring for her under her maiden name. A tenant, Mrs. Quisle Bosley, Induces Penile to take charge of a packafe. which he does with some misgivings. Searching a refuse dump for things which might Be or vaiue. muntara a smalt trlrl. Latlte. who proves a foeman worthy of his steel. He takei her to Penile, and Lettle get aaoptea into uie family. The stranger proves to h. mn vnfiAlri'a tinrla Jerrv. He announces he Is going to re main In the vicinity of The Cus tard Cup. Uncle Jerry arranges to occupy the loft above Mrs. Pen field's abode. Uncle Jerry meets Prudence HapBOod, no longer young, but attractive, and the two appear to "hit It olt" well. Lrene Tmv vnnnar frtRTid Of Penlle'S. tells her of her engagement to Dick Chase, also a mutual iriena. Fviniiahin rlfvaloDlnc between Un- nt- Taotv anH !ank BfllliV. hUS- kana Ar niiani worries Penile. Calming a tenant, Mrs. Sanders, on the verge of a nervoui break down. Mrs. Penfleld reveals the tragic story of her own life, the udden death of her three children t . n .niriomin and the subsequent leath of her husband. Lettle's pet aversion In The Custard Cup has long been a certain Mr. josian W.nnla anil thA BnlmOSltV CUllTll- nates tn a physical encounter In which much water is eyiiieu. CHAPTER IX Continued. : . . "Now will you let dogs aloneT In- 10 quired Lettie pertinently. "Men that nester uol-s hid i uv kwu. j - oughtei Rofore hpr eves the water suddenly dwindled in the hose she was holding, rllanrpnred with a gentle gurgle. Mr. Wnnnio hnri tnmpfl off the faucet. i ne two dripping human beings glared at each other during a moment of truce. You'll pay for this," threateuea air. Wonnle. "Think I'll have a dog 'round nfter be bit me? fpnr clutched Lettle's heart. For a moment her blood stopped ; she foit rii.7.v and sick. Recovering her self with a tremendous effort, she took up the defense at random "Ho rlidn't bite VOU." "He did, too," maintained Mr. Wqjs ple, but with a subtle lack of convic tion which Lettle's sharpened senses rumtipprl unon. "Show me where," demanded Lettle, Hih un nnxlous eve on Fll Caesar, who was standing by during the suspension of hostilities, waiting for the signal to begin again. "He didn't bite you 't all." repeated tettle. with growing assurance "He did, too, but he ain't never goin' to again. Darn him!" His eyea anroiiPd the ground : he stopped non't vou dare I" cried Lettle. "Don't you 'dare I Just you let FU alone, and I won't never Rut Mr. WoDDle had found a atone Hint aiilteri him. and without chang ing nnoltlnn had let it fly. It caught thA nnRusnectlne Filibuster on a front lee. There was a yelp of pain from Fll. a screech of rage from Lettle. "Oh! Oh! You've hit him. Tou've killed him" Mr. WoDDle reached for another stone. t?i'ihiiatpr Coesar. by no means killed but rendered strikingly discreet, limped swiftly out of range. Lettle heard him ; but beyond reullzing that ha was able to move, she paid him no nttontion Instead, she faced her neighbor with a fury that gave him naaam. Her thin chest rising on a f" . . a. Ma wave of anger, tier cneess nam lng, her black eyes shooting danger sparks, she was beside herself with contemDt and wrath. Ton hen t I" she ecreamed. to do I You're worse'n no good. Penzie says she don't see why the Ttrrl ever made you. So!" Wha-atl" gasped the astounded Mr Wopple. for the moment over- whelmed by this revelation. vi l Yl I" shrieked little. "That got yon, didn't ltt Fll give you some more. 111 With a quick swoop, she picked up a stick and threw It. rt riHiirtxi mist Mr. Wonnle and struck a window behind him, shattering the glass; but Lettle, blinded by rage, scarcely noted tbe disaster. She dart awt hare and there In search of a sec ond missile, relieving ber feelings with alt the stormy phrases she could think at. Penzie hates yon hates your she repeated, having produced more enect vita thla formation than with any .Lin. oioo oh. had tried. "She loves most ev'rybody, but she hates you. ... a ...I a.1. I it. I. mn,m otiA rtitn'T tlinw WIIV TUB I OilC BUIO Ol'W oaa-w" " I lord ever" "Lettiel" A ..Inalonlnil I 'J.nS one WW U alUU ou BJivmou..., ... -i I sin. hut UDon Mr. Wopple. His conduct under- nam Imiiiefllate reversal, lie did not rinnr nt Mrs. Penfleld. who had come quietly around the house and was still standing on the community ivaiir- rather, his attention wai wholly absorbed by mutters In his own yard. With nervous Jerks he detached the old hose and colled it careiuuy, an tn hla ... . t..i xr pnfl.Ma voir had been to her like the breaking of n snell. She went suaaeniy ump, nniT. dronDed out of her face: frenzy released Its hold of her muscles; a strange expression took tne place or nni?er In her eves an expression of realization, of frightened dismay. "Lettle, go Into the house. Lottie went. For a brief space Mrs. Penfleld did not move. Her troubled eyes traveled from one bit of testimony to another. "It's a nice day, Mis' Penfleld, ain t It?" volunteered air. ivoppie iusi tlatingly. She did not reply; she seemed not to hear. Slowly she came forward "Yon eem to have watered a lot in one nlace." she observed presently "And thank you ror springing my vnrd. too "Well. now. see here. Mis' Penfleld, you wait a minute and IU tell you how 'twas." "It Isn't necessary," she Interposed. "Lettie'U tell me." "Sure she'll tell you her side. But like Mr. vou can't trust a little vixen that' "I can always trust Lettle, Wopple. That's the reason I got . t t Wonnie That's the reason I got gQt omethlnK m,ghty a person, you got something mignry ln(j bet It'll help. Now, whenever pushed ror tne construction oi a mo firm to pin to. One thing I like 'bout yo0 fe(, yourself getting mad, you run ; morlal Community building here, for Lettie Is: she don't never try to hide rBnt ) here and pound that board ! which a site, directly across from the kol.lml anmaVinrlv plop" ...IU, tl.l. l,Aro rrl 1 1 n ir.ntn 'I'rv ft flfrV Wavna rnlintv court hOUSB On WalnUt hehinil somebody else, Snv. now. I wan t oay, wis Penfleld Say" Rut she had cone. Tn the kitchen Mrs. Penfleld found Lettle, down on the floor, cradling the small Fll Caesar In her arnjs, croon lng nnd sobbing In a remarkable com blnatlon. "O Penzie. his lee's broke, and I'm :fraid he's killed Inside. See, he won't let me touch it. Darling Fll ! Crlnk never'll forgive me. Oh, I wlsht I" T.Pt me take him. Lettle. Get me the liniment and a cloth out of the Dlece bns. Filibuster's 'bout the slm nlest nroblem of the afternoon." But when Fll Caesar bad acquired th hndce of honorable Injury and been Invalided to nn old rug by the door. Lettle's onxlety, subsiding at one nolnL bulged out at another. What you going to do witn me, Peazler w "I do not know," admitted Mrs. Pen field wearily. "I I'm awful sorry, Penzie. You ee. he he makes me' so mad!" "Yes, I should Judge he did. Now begin at the beginning nnd tell me what happened. ; Lettle compiled, with a faithful ob servance of sequence and a realistic touch on all details. "He's a mean mnn. " she concluded vehemently. "He rets me going." Mrs. Penfleld, sitting en the end or the wash bench, watched her gravely, thouchtfully. "This Is a serious matter Lettle. Do you realize that you have destroyed nronertv?" ' 1 I didn't mean to do that, renzie. i "Yes. von Intended to Injure a hu man being.; That la far more, aerl OUS. Oh, not really Injure!" protested Lettle. "And besides, aiuni ne nit mi rnoonrr site added hotly. m. Penfleld slehed. "Come here. Lettle; I want to tell you something, i hain't never told yon bow It makes me feel when you lose your temper and do these awrui tnmgs. t seep my fppllntra Inside me. but I got 'em Just the-same. And If you keep on like this, yonll get me going, too. Had vnn ever tlioiicht of thatT Now. when things don't go the way I, want 'em to like this afternoon, ror instance i r nt mad as vo .do. and struck out at eVrythlng 'round, do you know what it would mean to your" little's face whitened : the color dropped out of her Hps; her black eves crew wild with night. "TOU mean vou'd send me sway?" The words came slowly oat of her terror. 'Wouldn't I If I acted the way von aetl" ftre'a body swayed, tier uas fluttered. ' la ttY raw weeks that ahe bad been tn this house, shs had at- tached herv to Mr PeirSOlJ. wlti a dogllke devatlon. . All the rich af fection In ber nature, held, la check for want of an outlet, had poured out to this woman who hod fed and clothed and loved her. Let tie Idolized her ; she would have walked straight to destruction for her If occasion had offered. She would not have shrunk from the high, spectacular deed of sacrifice; but the more difficult, humble matter of controlling her own temper, had been too much for Ser to compass. Yet not once had It oc curred to her that she might be Jeop ardising this new home, that there might be an end to the patience that had borne with her. "O Pen.le!" She threw herself Into Mrs. Penfleld's lnp and burst Into wld sohblns. ' Mrs. Penfleld drew her closer, "Dear child, I didn't say I was going ro aenrt vou away. I merely said should If I acted the way you do. rvin'r vou see you expect me to De patient, but you ain't willing to be patient yourself? You're willing I I.I ... Inia at Mi Itl rra fff VAH Kill1 Hllllllltl UU U S Ul IUUih9 ava jvu vu. " - ...... J'ou ln'' willing to do this one thing. or me. Ail is, Leirie, we got to pun tnnalh.r nr TlCtt 't all. Ill belD VOU . ' a L . - - - - If vnn'll lipln me." "O Penzie." sobbfd the child, TU do anything anything if you'll only keen me. Honest, I will, l it worn nnd pay for the- window. I'll go with out eating Just as long's you say. won't play with FII Caesar. I'll" Mrs. Penfleld Interrupted before Lettle had wiped the slate entirely clean of all the pleasure ohe had ever known. "Sure. We'll attend to aJt tbe pun lahinir for this time: but tio main point Is, what will you doth next nine juu sci mim j w control yourself and keep calmr The child looked up through stream' Ine tears. "I will, honest," she gulped. "I'll do that very thing, so help me Jacob I I'm going to be so good that you'll want to keep me darned If I ain't I" Now you're talking," encouraged Mrs. Penfleld, with a brighter ex nresslon. "And I'm going to make it as easy for you as I can. I m going to make you a temper gong right away." Lettle dried her eyes, 'What! a temper gongT "You watch, and yon II And oat," Mrs. Penfleld went over to the cor ner where the firewood was drying and picked out a piece of board that had a knot hole In one end. Passing heavy twine throunh tbe knot-hole, she hung tbe board on the wall. From the cupboard she produced a toy rnlllniMtln that had been given to Crink when the first owner had tired of It. Tills ahe hung also, suspending It by a longer piece of twine beside th hourtl. ! L .There you are," she announced to the watchful Lett e. "You try this, and I bet It'll help. Now, whenever j a.n atnl .iMnl nartinrr rv.fi f vmi Pnfl i with this here rollng-pln. Try It fifty times; and If your arm nln't tired times; auu n jour arm uiu i. iiicu i then, do It a hundred. It's a strange.! thine, hut if vou get your muscles good and tired, you got over being ongry right uway. Here in the kitchen I guess you won't disturb the neigh bors thev moke consld'rable noise themselves and 'pears like you'll have to hit something for a while till you learn better." Lettie, being now very mellow, looked upon this arrangement with fiivor. "Now Lettle. If you get mad again, fore you do anything 't all, will you reniemher to say, 'Excuse me, I got an encasement in the kitchen?" Lettle gulped and capltoiated. "Yes'm." ahe promised. "I'll bet I won't want tot but, by Jingoes, fll do It." . CHAPTER X The Back-Yard Code. One of the hardest things that Let- tie was ever called upon to do was to apologize to Mr. Wopple. In her ehcjrtehed mood ahe submitted to thli Item of penance, but the mere phys lool doing of It came near being be yon her. The words, half out of her meuth, seemed to turn and sup back down her throat. Difficulty was made the more difficult by Mr. Wopple's supercilious satisfaction In the hu miliation of his small antagonist. . "Darn It all!" burst out Lettie m Uirough doing It, can t your - "Kprva vnn rlptit to mirror a little." he cackled. "Mebbe itll learn yo better next time." ; "Shut up r stormed Lettle. "I yon don't shut" She stopped. She had recalled something that made It Im- nossihle to go oh. "Excuse me." she I ..., nA.) .if At nn AntT.rratncint-' Th.;. . uuervu, i Bui uu r4ian,ciucui m t- 1 I & A n m rA In. IIBCK iur lljrius, one vu"ta iuiu the kitchen, whence presently Issued U11UI1CU av"IUB a va u iwui-wiu tu .- distance. When Lettle reappeared, she, was : holding her right arm as though It ached, and her Hps were drawn Into a firm una that rainy pressed out their color. ' f 'Now. . Mr. Wopple," she said. squeezing out the words as If aha hated every one of them. "I an apol ogize" she breathed more ; freely "for ev'rytwng i aona ana saia tnis afternoon. Will yov please to over look itr "It's your Idea,. then, to put all human nuisances Into reform .schooler ,' "-Si- . :' '( (TO BB CONTINUED.) It la estimated that mankind at large consumes In the neighborhood ti 23,000,000 tons of meat real, , BY PAGE III E NOTED" SCHOLAR MAKES AD DRESS AT STATE COLLEGE . FOR WOMEN. 124 GET THEIR Relatives of , the Graduates were Present In Large Numbers for the Exercises, . ncropnflhoro. Commencement exep clses at North Carolina College for Women came to a close with the de livery of diplomas to a class of 124, the largest class that the college has rer turned out. . ' The award or degrees was preceaea by an address by Sir Israel GoUanei, of London, Englasyd, and, followed by exchange of caps and gowns on tne lawn. Relatives of the graduates were or esent In large numbers for tbe ex ercises as were many other persons, eager to see the ceremony, a Beauti ful one. Sir Israel caught his audience at the start with a happy reference to Dr. Walter Hines Page, telling of his work for amity among the English speaking people of the world while ambassador at the Court of St. ,Tvn'. The audience, ayery seat occupied, every Inch of standing room and halls and corridors filled, clapped when the dlstingulshd Englishman told of the work of Dr. Page abroad. "What a man he was," he exclaim ed. . , - The speaker chose Shakespeare as his theme, more eaceplally the first folio, how It was collected and pre served for the world, now celebrating the tercentenary of the compilation, but before he got Into hla subject well he called attention to the way that England and the United State fought together for "liberty, human ly, Justice and tolerance," and ex pressed the wish that they be com rades in peace for common ideals. He, applied Shakespeare's concep tion of woman as "The Greatest Sex" as "Stilling Rude Will," aa making the worl dlivable, paying the tribute to woman. He showed the gamut run by the great playwright, as applicable to all mankind. His address was an especially scholarly effort. Memorial For Wayne Soldiers. Goldsboro. Plans are again being unshed for the construction of a Me- Wayne county court house on Walnut Birm. was puiuuaoeu ddiciw j u ago, at which time it was planned to street, was purchased several years build a beautiful structure costing in the neighborhood of $100,000. It is now planned to construct a more modest building to house the activities of the Community Service, Boys' Work group. Charity organiza tion Society, Red Cross and the American Legion, all ofv which organ izations are doing splendid work for the betterment of the community. Re-elected Head Warehouses. nreensboro. John W. King, of this city, prominent In Cooperative i Mar keting Tobacco Association circles, was reelected president of the Cen tral Carolina Warehoushif Corpora tion of the North Carolina Coopera tive Tobacco Marketing Association in North Carolina for the central part of the State embracing 27 counles. T. C. Watklns, of Richmond, Va., waa re-elected general manager of the warehouses In the district. . Shipment of Co-Operatlve Cotton. Goldsboro. Thomas H. Norwood, president of the Wayne Bonded Ware house, announced that eight carloads containing over 1,600 bales of cotton have been loaded at the local ware house and shipped to Charleston. S. C, for the North Carolina .Cotton Growers Co-operative Association. Thla la the second .big shloment - "r V " - ' . . It was compressed and shipped to Qermany. : Dispense of Welfare Office. New Bern. Craven commissioners voted to discontinue the . office of inperintenueuc ui puunu wou.io A . . . 1 . I . . .mam. superintendent of public welfare BniCn UBS DBeU BlUCe) 1 la t loa uon Dy Mrs. Leah Jones Stevens, and Chairman A. Kafer stated ..that It would save the county $3,500 annually while the work which has been done by Mrs. Stevens will be' distributed in I way that will not affect its effec tiveness, '--.h: ) : Convict Foreman Will Resign. Greensboro. Martin Burrus, sup jriatendent of the Guilford o county jonvlct camp, against whom O. W. Sangestad, "gentleman hobo" of Oma- ia, Neb., made charges of cruelty, it a atnnr by the report of the Guilford jountyjeelfare board on prison condi tions knd by the attiude oi prisoners hat he will resien. Hla resignation will be handed in as soon as Cape. PHAISES OR II6LAIID f. Giles Foushee, county cotumissiOB jr who has direct charge of the con fict system, recovers from Illness.

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