Notice-Oi Sale! IV Under and by virtue of power and aulhority in me vested as Tax Collector of Madison County I will on Monday August the Gth 1938, sell the following real-estate or the taxes for the year 1922, . to-wii: ' - ... ' m Li. XT 1 ti i , t . i : . o 4 1.4 tax and cast 3 94 AnntnL ! n V 1 H' .J 1 JT II tf-.. 1, ,1 . 1 1 1 J ,S,uwijaniJ nut k fiaiu I. ? ii ivujnouunti, u i, a biD ma nuu cost ............ .. r 503 Township No 1 Ward 2, J VV Hawkins, n-r, CO acres land, tax and , cost ... ....,....1086 Township No 1, Ward 3, W II Kujkondall, n-r, 15 acres land, tax and cost ...................... 676 Township No 1, Ward 3, Ewart Ball, n-r 22 acres land, tax and cost.... 1 .' ...10 36. Township No 1 Ward 4, Henry Amnion, 75 acres land, tax and cost 18 10 Township No 1, Wade Hunter, 51 acres land tax and cost . ..2296 Township No 1. L S Wallin, 34 acres l.nid tax and cost ....... .4 37 Township No 2, W 1, Amos Hunsley 133 acres land tax and V cost...'V ... ., . 27 86 Township No 2, K R Moody, 600 acres land; tax and cost. . ..73 45 Township No 2, M II Shelton, 86 acres land, tax and cost.. ,.14 42 Township No 3, II B Clark, 10 acres land, tax and cost... . .. ..5 19 Township No 3, 0 L 'Tweed, 35 acres land, tax and cost. . ..7 38 Township N 4, Wilson Chandler; 16 acres land, tax and cost. .4 97 Township No 4, John B Clouse, 14 acres land, tax and cost.. .11 05 Townsein No 4. Zack Pender. 50 acres land, tax and cost' ..14 07 Township No 4, Nellie Ilarton, 75 acres land, Ux and cost.. .5 04 Township No 4, Kice Morton, 44 acres lanP. tax and cost.. ... 14 6t Townseip No 4, Kelll Metcalf, 50 acres land, tax and cost. . ..12 02 Township No 4, Mrs Grace Riddle 20 acres land tax and cost. .6 99 Township No 4, W D Style9, 20 acres land, tax and cost. ... 7 47 Township No 5, J L Carter, n-r, SO acres land, tax nnd cost.. 9 82 T6wnship No b, J L Carter, n-r, 30 acres land, tax and cost.. 9 82 Township No 5, Jim Cod', n-r. 20 acres land, tax and osr... .3 17 Township No 5, H H Hum I in. 28 acres land, tax and cost. . . .7 47 Townseip No 5, Merritt McIIone, 33 acres land, tax and cost. .9 91 Township No 6, P E Mirlor, 55 acres land, tax ' and cost .... 11 89 Township No 7, L E HenHero'n, 3 ncn s land, tax and cost.. . 2 79 Township No 7, Charley Payne, 10 acres lajid, tax ann cost. .3 97 Township No 8, FleinminK Patton, n r, 10 acres land tax and cost.............. ......580 Township No 8, J T Kirk patrick, n-r. 330 acres land tax and cost..... ............ .......... 79 74 'Township No 8, Kathrine Pleuomons, n-r 45 acres land, tax and cost.. .. .......... i. .. .6 37 Township No 8. Kathrine Kobison, 100 acres land, tax&cost. .12 93 Township No 9. A W Carter, 108 acres md tax and cost .... 12 76 Township No 9, W M Ceackley, 180 acres land, tax and cost-20 86 Township No 9, D C Flemming, 35-acres land tax and cost.. ',.3 78 . Township No 9, Mildred Izlor lot one acre, tax and cost. . .. ..2 79 Townseip No 9, T M Lamb, 6 acres land-tax and cost. . .- 2 49 Township No 9, Tom Lawson, 15 acres land, tax and cost ... 1 56 Township No 9. Lucy Mathis, 2 acres land, tax and cost. . . . 1 47 Township No 9, Mary Plemmons, 3 acres land, tax and cosr.,3 30 Township No 9, M B Randall, 207 acres land, tax aiid cost. . . . 19 03 Township No 9 Mark A Roberts, 49 acres land tax and cost. . 11 23 Township No 9, Alf Roberts, 25 acres land, tax and cost. "..7. .2 56 Township-No 9, W F Runnion, 65 acres land, tax and cost.... 7 27 Township No 9, Edward Smith, 1 town lot, 1 acres, tax and cos..,... ...... .....1189 xownsuip no n, veraie eucKner, z acres jand, tax and cost. . 10 01 Township No 11, C C Hawthorne, 37 acres land, tax and cost. 9 65 Township Mo 11, T S Honeycutt, 30 acres land, tax and cost . 4 54 Towpsbip No 11, Soe Mathis, 30 acres land, tax and cost.. ..4 97 Township No 11, J L Robison. 70 acres land, tax and cost.: .. 11 93 Township No 11, R C Smith,' 40 acres land, tax and cost.. .. . .4 06 Tbwnsltfp No 12 Maggie Lawse, 81 acres latfd, tax and cost. .1425 TownshipNo 13, G C Care'ell, 55 ecres lank, tax and cost. . . . 12 98 Township No 13, J A Hickam, 2 acres land, tax and cost.. ..1 37 Township No 13, Thomas Rogers, 1 acre land-tax and cost. .423 Township No 14, George Arrington 32 actes land tax and cost. .5 84 Township No 14, Eewis Boone, 40 acres laud, tax and cost..,. 6 53 Townseip No 14, W H Cauble, 37 acres land, tax and cost .10 55 Township No 14, Mintie Hollifield 56 acres land, tax and cost . lz 48 Township No 14, Levi HolIihVld 30 acres land.' tax and cqxt. .5 96 Township-No 14, R Jarvis. 130 acres land tax and cost . I. . .28 69 " Township No 14, John Ottle, 10 acres liiid, jtax auk cost .". . . .4 27 Townslini No 14, C II Thomas.' 18 mcro? lank, tax and cost. 9 56 Tpwrisltip No 14, WCWest, 4 acres land, tax and cost ;'..'..'. 4 27 ;' Township No 15, N P Ankerson, 1 town lot, lax and x:ost.. . .7 20 Township N.i 15, John Bradley, 1 town lot, tax and cost . . . 13 43 ' Tonsfciu No 15 Dr J T Carter, 7 acres land,t4X and cost . . .28 05 Towiis$)1p'No 15, E C Carter; 10 acres Jand, tax ai.d cost . .. ..6 53 Township No 15, W P Elliot, 1 town lot, tax and cosi. . 6 94 To w nsji rp-No 1 5, N B MePeters, 12 acres land, tax and cost. .8 43 Towftsbjp'N.. 15, J L Oi r, 14 acre land, tax and cost 7 06 Township No 16,;6 ii HollinVld, 20 acres land, tax'and cost. C 8 67 1 tell I continue to. adrcrtise , and sell until the taxes are paid. , ... .4 'NOTICE i WHEREAS Frank McLemoro did on the 80th, day of Decem ber, 1920, execute and deliver, to J. C. Ramsey, Trustee, a trust deed on certain lands in Madison coun'y, State of North Carolina therein described, . to secure the sum of $235000 due by' "said Frank McLemore to J. W. Nelson which said trust deed is recorded in Madison county, in Deed in Trust Book 22 Page 161 to which ill YOURS VERY TRULY, , - -i v R. R. Ramsey. Sheriff And Tax Collector. ; Slightly Muddled 3 r.iir.!t on the ocean. I' t r. z'. zt czr was in siht; - : x v " j .!.ir."""t Lr:.,;!.tly, ', A I It i '-;Jc'l Kiy that A barefoot boy with shoes on Stood sitting on the grass While the organ peeled jpotatoes Lard was rendered by the '- choir, : While the sextca rang the dish rag .. ;:. c Someone sejt the church on fire. ' . .. v -.. reference Is hereby made; and whereas default has been made in the payment of the moneys se cured by said trust deed, and the said trustee lias been duly requc ted to execute the trust therein contained; NOW THEREFORE, notice is hereby given, thai under and by virt ue of the power contained in said trust deed, I, the undersign ed trustee, on the 6th. day of Au gust, 1923, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 3 p. m., at the court house door in the town of Mar shall in Madison county, North Carolina, will, by public auction, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property, viz: - Beginning on a small. maple near the creek in C. W. Tweeds line and runs south with his line 26 poles to a stake near the Semi nary in W C. Sprinkle line, John B NbIsoiis old corner; thence East, now south 87 East with Sprinkles line 84 poles to a hick ory : thence North. fyp west 24 poles to a 4ake: North 44J Wet 26 poles to a stake on top ol he ridge; thence South 87 West 49 poles to a stake in the Jessee Wailin line; thence with his said line, South 37i West 12 poles to the beginning. Containing 17? acres more or less. S:iid land will be sold to satisfy the debt secured by said trust detd, and such4,itle will be given as is rested in said trustee. J C. RAMSEY, Trustee. 7 6 to 7-27 23 D. w Clarence pau Reeves, age 22, of Biltmore, to Helen Trantham .a -!. .. s agoio oi isiumore. - I va ' Henderson, age 19, of Bluff to Ethel Wa'drup, age 18 of Bluff. . . . mxxsm Notice Of Deed Of Trust sale Mirandy Says Mirandy says: ,'Stop grumbling! See the side that's bright V Rainbows, flowers and sun beams, Stars in every night! -Cultivate contentment O life is rich and sweet! Oather up the diamonds, Lying at your feet!" . Mirandy says: "Stop fretting! Quit your feeling blue! No heart but what has troubles Keep your vision true! Resolve with strength to meet things ' , . To bravely do and dare, -The life that is determined. Need worry nor despair! ' , Marriage License , NORTH CAROLINA, MADISON 001'NTY. 1 lty virtue oi tne power in inci vested, by a' certain deed of trut L .. 1 1... Tl T . . . , fXLTuicu ny n. vancr, ii. j. i Carter and R. Z. Carter, to the un dersigned, ns trustee; to secure a debt thciein tleffiibed, to'.T. L. Brown, bt-nrinj; date tlio 21th day t .T 1 irr i ! it oi ioveniiier, iuo ana nocoracd in Book 24 at Page 209, to whic,h Rcferenc is ciado for a full descrip tion default having been made in the payment of said debt, and hav ing been requested to reciito' the trust therein provided, I . 'will, on the 30th day of July 1923. at 12 o'clock, .VI.', at the Couvt House door in Marshall, Madison County N. C sell to the highest bidder for cash dowo-ihe following described ! real estate; to-wit; a certain lot or parcel of land, sit uate on 'the wat ers of California Creek, No 5 town ship, Madison County. 'N. C., and known as the Call Mint on ''Mill property, and .being the land -in. eluded between the mill race ant aid California Creek, ns said crcekJ ran when a 'certain bond .for title was executed by M. E. Carter; de ceased, to Janlcs C. Hampton, dat ed September the 25, 1SS2, andVe corded -in-the office, of Register of uccfis in uook i, page 4oU, con taining 2 acres, more or lets, and being the same lands conveyed by A. F. Sprinkle and wife to - T L. Brown, dkted, May the 31st. 1909. And rccordedjn Deed BoolvNo. 32, at page 455 of the records of deeds of Madison County, And being the same lands sold by T..L. Bro'wn and wife to the grantors in this deed of trust. Said saie was made for the pur- pose of paying off and discharging the debt secured, which was for the purchase money of said land . Done this the 25th day of June, 1023. ' O. C. BROWN, 6 2M 0-7-21-23-d . ,' Trustee. 1 u nr. . .v . ; ;:'i mm . 0 THAT OLD STORY ABOUT NOT BEING ABLE TO SAVE ANYTHING OUT OF YOUR PAY, IS NOT TRUE- AND RED CAR NEGI SAID, "A MAN WHO CANNOT SAVE A LITTLE EACH PAY DAY, CAhfNOT DO ANYTHING ELSE WORTH WHILE " ' WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO IN YOUR OLD A G FT YOU'D BETTER BEGIN NOW, THIS WEEK. -START A BANK ACCOUNT YOU'LL NEVER REGRET n. PUT YOUR MONEY IN OUR BANK. 1 YOU WILL RECEIVE PER CENT INTEREST. . THE BANK OF FRENCH BROAD The Oldest and Strongest Bank in Madison Conpty I will be in Marshall N. C. on 6, 7, day, of August, 1923. - : . AT DR. J. N. MOORE'S office for the purpose of ex amining eyes and fitting glasses, I guarantee results. North Carolina State Li cense. . -." ' '. Dr. L. V. Lisenbee a Dr. L. V. Lisenbee Optomet rist, will be in Marshall on the 6 and 7th of August. Those of you who have trouble with there eyes will do well to see him. Administrator's Notice Ha vine qualified as administra tor of the estate ofG' N. Edney deceased, late of Madison County, N. O. this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to c;xhilifc them to the undersigned at Asheville N. C. -Route 4 Box 31 on or before June Gth 1924 or this notice will be plea- -tied in bar of their recovery. ' AH persons ipdebted to said cs-! tatc will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. : This June Gth 1923. E.J. EDNEY, ' Administrator of G . N. Edney. 6-7-t 0-7-12-23. I'd. "" " 'T" v " "" ' 8 , .. l & '''''''''''''''''' ' Jeter Griffin, Marshall R-4, a?e 22, to Mandy Chandler age 26 of Marshall R 4. iTT Ik. ly smoke" the preacher : 1 ii the r;:i ha l:;t 1 r j Luke Brooks, age 30, of Hot Springs, to Sylvania Roberts, age 1G of Hot Springs. .. , Hard Roberts, ajre 21 of Big Pine, to iielva Uiiuull. ae 19 ui Barnard. ' Elbert Hensley age 43 Mar shall, R-2, to Leora Dili, ago 37, of Mars Hill. ' Marion Debrnhl age 21, to An nie Lee Capp, age 20, of Mar shall R 3. Dewey Rer.tV, ege 22, of Bar- j naid, to lielva bams, age 21, of Barnard. . . ' John Henry, (colored) age 4u of Marshall,, to Hannah ' Loury, ae 35 of Leicester . Willie Hensley, e 22, Flag rcrJ, Tern, to Dczle Carver r-3l3cfl": ;lr.J,Trnn,' 0E?C3 fee s) n n ft Lr u v-J BUY KOV Frci Hculzr Tiro Centers at These Astcunilna LOV7 rICZ3 K A B R iVrs Size Tire 30fx3 4 30x3 "999" 7.40 9 85 Tube 1.65 N' 1.75 C.ORDS 30x3H 32x4 33x4 3;i 33x5 35x5 35x6 33x7- 40x3 A Y2 11.25 20.80 21 95 28.00' ' 23 30 34 90 35.80 60.23 S5 75' 110.50 1.75 2 55 2.65 3.30 3.50 3.93 ' 4 15 8 70 10 f 0 13 75 , Oldfield Cord Tim are race tested hold ing all of the trick records made in the put three yean. . ,r :, Oldfield Cord Tim are road tested In .the Wichita, Kansas, Economy Road Test, In the winter of 1922, official record showed a set of Oldfield CorJs hud traveled 84,529 miles before the first tire gave way. And this is only one of many instances of unusual highway performance. 1 ( Oldfield Cords are built - by one of the largest tire manufacturers, who must main tain the established reputation of these re- . markable cords. ' , . Here are the biggest tire and tube values ever offered by anyone. Come in today. " 3uy your tires now before our'stock is ex- v nnueted. Purchase ram m regular tire deal er, located near you Wo stand behind these tires and rs ready at aU times to jive you prorrpt service