, " Local and Personal , ,'v Young man if you want a nice suit at the tight prieftgo" to E R. Tweed's. 't'- f . ' , Dr. Roberts took theXlittlc 7 year old son of Mr. and, Mrs Bob Teagueto the Frenchbroad Hospital Thursday njpming and some other . patient we dont know by name Tlic little boy had appendicitis! r , - little Miss Martha Katherine Ramsey from Walnut is visit ing her auntiMrs. P. A. i McEl roy. ; (-':y-- ; : Oil JUlVUVi If ll'lvtll U J fTAA,lV auu- ghter of Mr. and Mrs Nick .White was right sick for a few days this week, but is much im proved. ' -y '. Dr. J. N. Moore took Mr. Man ly Shelton and Mr " Treadway Ao Frenchbroad Hospital t h i s .week. , . . , ' ' Nfiws rarrie to Mr. and Mrs. Mal Puitmnn Vint liH) .Tim Redmon had been very serious , ly hurt in Kentucky. Mr. Red ' mon left on first train, to go to Jim and found' he wasant so seriously hurt as first reported, however he.wijl possibly-be in th Vinsniral fnr a fftiv Havs. : . Dr Sams took Mrs Spurgeon Bradley to Frenchbroad Hospi tal this. The ' troible , was ap pendicitis." V . We have the nicest, line of young Men's suits, we have ever hail. E. R.' Tweed. " ; ' ' v. Dr. W. E: Finley was a Mar- ' t ii i rri l V . Hliail VIN1UH lUUlMltlV. ' ' . Perhaps some do not know they are living near a beautiful lake said to be the largest arti , ficial lake in the world. It is Jake James, in McDowel and 3urke County near Bridge wa ter. .' V; ; ' V '' ' . Sonie rnorel'fisners to Pisgah Forest Messefs Carol Ebbs, Pen der McElroy, and Leslie Davis John McElroy Atty . spent the Fourth in Asheville. Misses Stela Carver and Mar garet Ward, were In Flenderson ville for the fourth. , , Born to Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Roberts on June the 23rd. ! a son Frank Fowler. s . Mr. Fowler Shelton C a nVe from the hospital Sunday and is getting along nicely.' He has dismissed his nurse too. v Mrs. John Dsavcr came from the hospital one day this week and is doing nicely. - Born to Mr.- and Mrs '. Lee Gwaltney . a daughter, Ruth Hope.. ' - The following have been on a fishing trip for a week to Pisgah Forest Mr.and ; Mrs.' Everett Tweed and family. Mr. and Mrs McKinney and Pender McElroy. We have 25 paip,of Men's $1.50 and $5.00, Black Oxfords, English last. Guaranteed solid ' lcathar which we will close out at. $260 per pair. E, R" Tweed's,. - . Mrs. J. G. Ratts, of Wilson N. C. formerly of Madison County is vislting friends and relatives .here fhis week. - , ' T h e following . motored to Blackwell Springs for a picnic oiirrfi'nnf1 rTt in Ashftvillft. for U1C 1UUIUI. auu.l'ita AJUiuu and Children. Mrs. yan Dayjs, Katherine an d Vahda , Davis. Mr. and Mrs Hubert Davis, and . little Miss Terra Katherine 'Da- viv Mr and Mrs. Jim Baley " ail Miss Evelyn Baley. r; -' Mrs. John A. Hendricks, and Mrs. Joseph House w ere, in Asheville Tuesday. . Quite a few people Avere out w of town for the fourth of July; Miss Agnes' McElroy went to Hot Spring Tuesday for a few days stay including the fourth. I Messrs Ted McKinney, Edgar ' Davis, Lawrence McElroy, Leo White moibred to Henderson ville for a shprt stay on the 4th, also stopping in Asheville, to get returns from the fight for Worlds Heavy-weight championship by Jaick Dempsey and Tommy Gib bons. v FARM WANTED - Wanted to hear from owner of ' farm or improved land for sale, for fall delivery. U Jones, Box 2 61 Olney, 111. : ' - , ' Dr. Frank Roberts, is much improved and able to be out again after being confined toiws home for a few days. ' FOR SALE: Nine Thordbred Duroc-Jersey Pigs At Six Dol lars If Taken By July 12th; . . . KARL HUNTER, 4 , Route 2. Box 99. ' ' learned to read and write in the 'hospital, and was taken to Uerea ; College to finish her "education. A ma whose name is withheld deposi ted $1,000 to her credit in a Louis ville bank. Automobile Stop L&w v Is Now Effective. THE ONLY BIG SHOW COMING THIS SUMMER AMERICA'S BEST The World's Brightest -, Dark Spot A, CAMPBELL'S Hew Orleans Minstrel Co. 'Greatest Colored Show . On Earth 50 Colored Artists JAZZJINGER, JINGLES CREAM COLORED ' . A CHORUS HI Home On Two Big' . Pullman Cais ' MARSHALL WEDNESDAY July, 11, 1923 UNDER CANVAS ONE NIGHT ONLY Watch For The BIG HOOII-DAY PARADE TO!; SALE Buick Csr in A Kpntucky mountain girl crip' pled with infantile paralysis, crawl ed on her hands and knees to school over a mountain more than a mile and a half away. The sharp rocks despite pads,-cut her knees 'so she could not make the trip more than f a few times. A Louisville Thysician heard of the case asd takir-j he r t , ' - city ! e rrm'-l ci 1 "". North Carolina's new stop law requiring a H automobiles t o come to a complete stop at rail way crossings, Except where there is a gate or watchman, be comes affective Sunday, July 1, and it is believed will etiminate all grade crossing accidents in the state. The bill w a s passed during the last session of the General Assembly as House JBill No. 445 and Senate Bill No 1445. Violation of the law as a mis demeanor punishable by a fine of not more thaa $10 or impri sonment of not more than ten days or both. Stops must be made at a dis tance not exceeding 50 feet from the nearest rail. Failure to stop does not" constitute contributory negligence, but is to be consi dered in evidence, the law cites. Railroads are required under the law to post warning signs not less than 10 feet high, 100 feet from ,the crossing, to be 40 by 50 inches and bearing in red letters the words, "N., C. Law. Stop." ; Vv HOW'S THIS? HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will do what we claim fur It rid your system of Catarrh or L'caCness caused by Catarrh. .' HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE con sists f an Ointment which ' Quickly Relieves the "catarrhal Inflammation, and the Internal . Medicine, a Tonic, which aots through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces, tnus 'assisting 10 restore nor mal conditions. Bold by druKRlsts for ovsr 40 xears. P. J. Cheneji A Co., Tolcdor O. Don't Die-You Can Live Forever "Wo are in receipt of a number of letters from persons asking us how-to live forever7. There are said to be ways that this can be accomplished but as those in pos session of the secret have ; never allowed it to get out, the best we can offer, is this; First of ail don't play poker or any other Western game with a dark complexioned gentleman with bulgingliip pockets.: "Many of our acquaintances who, seem" ed to be enjoying the best of health have been known to die suddenly and unexpected as a re sult pf holding too many cards Qf the same complexion in a poker game- - ' Don't blow out the gas. Don't eat more than a shovel ful of arsenic t one time. Split five cords .of wood for exercise. every ' morning before breakfast." '''. Don't sleep wth your boots on Avoid flvinv machines, powder houses a ri d dynamite sticks while they are ignited to a fuse. Tlnn't kiss another man's wife in bis presence. 1 - Don't drink out of public cuts at consumptive hospitals. : Don't drink any water. It is full of germs. Don't eat 'Vegetables, soap, ground glass or poison ivy.V v Avoid standing in front of moving trains on dark nights. Never call a man a liar when he is drinking and " has in his hands a breech-loading shotgun. Don't make the nether end of a mule a plaything. , Toying with the business end of a mule is very detrimental to long life. Keep rattlesnakes, gua monst ers and boa ' codstrictors out of you! sleeping apartments. ; The gila monster should especially be shunned. It is a tubercular con structed lizard with a tendency to bile. 1 Its bite is fatal in many instances." , - Avoid growing old. ' . ' The a b o v constructions, if trict'y adhered to, with the f.r.al 1 . e -'t C' Wi'l 177X7 cf- Notice Of Sale For Mechanics LIEN. NOTICE "is hereby given that the undersigned will on the J 4th day of July, 1023. at tlio C o u r t Uoufic door, in Marshall, sell to the highest bidder, for CASH the fol lowing described property, to-Wit: One Ford Coupe, Model 1922, motor number 5G52173. Said sale will bo made to satisfy mechanics repair and material bill, for sup plies furnished and woik and labor done to the amount of $78.97 to gether with costs of advertising and etc. The above carwas left at the undersigned garage an March 27th, 1923, by one W. B. KIRBY. " (Done this June, 28th, 1923. ' " CLEMETrilENDEKSON, ; 6-29 to 7-7-23 D. . , STATE FAIR v V Raleigh, June 27 - "Tentin' To night" is expectjsd to be one of th popular songs of the sixty second North Carolina State Fair, which will be held October 15 - 19. . General Manager E. V. Walborn is .making preparations" to bave a tented city for automobilists, who have camping outfits. By bringing along their tents, autoists .will be assured of ample accommodations for their needs while thoy are here. The tented city will be located within the Fair Grounds" and there will be ample room for all. This new feature of the Fair promises to attract many ardent outdoor en thusiasts. . . Raleigh homes will bo thrown open to Fair visitors as usual and there will be increased hotel accom modations, and it is expected that the large majority of the merry: throngs will want indoor accom modations But there will be park ing tpace at the Fair Grounds for all who desire it through applica tion should be made beforehand. This will be just one of the many new features that will be put . on this Fall. Mrs. Edith Vanderbilt, the enterprising president of the State Fair, is determined to make the North Carolina institution se cond 'to none 'in the South and equal to the best in the nation. She is already actively at work lining up exhibits that will adequately re presentee vast resources, agricul tural, industrial," and commercial; to be found in the' Old North State. Mrs. Vanderbilt expects to have something of interest at the ) Fair for every member of the family. It is her aim to make tho very, best fair anywhere. She is 'receiving as surances of h'carty co-operation from her fellow Tar- Heels. NOTICF OF EXECUSI0N SALE NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY L. D. Chandler , - VS. N Wilson "Chandler By virtue of an executcm di rsctcd to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Madison in 'the above entitled action, V will on Monday 2nd day of August 1923 at 1 o'clock p. m., at the Court House door of said County, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satis fy said execution, all the right title and interest which the said Wilson CbandleV, defendant, has in the following described real estate. Be ine in N. 4 township in said coun ty of Macliscn and bounded as fol lows. Beginning on a black oak on the Ball Hill Ridge, J. W. -Chandler corner and runs1 westward with said J. W. Chandler's line to a maple on top of the White Stone Cliff Ridge; thence up the said ridge to the top of the Big Butt to a staket thence down the Ball Hill Ridge,to the beginning; " Contain ing about 16 acres, ;'v , ; 1 . ; . .. . It. R. RAMSEY; . ' 7-6-to 7-27-23-d. ; Sheriff. ', The Size Of Your Account Makes No Difference . . f- . We welcome the small ac counts as well as the larger ones. A small hecount today, may be a large one tomor row. CITIZENS BANK The Bank of Personal Service - EVEREn TWEED, PresideAt :-: ARTHUR WH1TEHURST, Cashier.' Notice We are opening up a woods operation on what is known as Cold Spring Branch along the lines of Narrow Gauge Logging Road of Boice Uarwood Company at Hartwood, Tenh. We are ready to make contrnncts for the manufacture of both rulp and 'Acid woods from those lands, and will be glad to-suljmit our contracting proposition to anyone who may be interested. We have camps and commwary on' the job.as well as stables for your stock. ...if you are interested In tak ing contract ploase communicate with The Champion Fibre Company Canton N C. or our agenJ. E. Slaughter at Hartford, Tenn. Come prepared to go to work. , What about a Subscription fc: lycr? V. ' 'f-yr'x.'l ?: : I V. I L J . r . J- Starts the Owccrehip of 8 mm. and In a short time you will have a car of your own. Then all "out-of-doors" will be . yours to enjoy with your family,. Think of the comfort, the pleasure and happiness which will be yours. , ' Buy your car under the- terms of the For as little as $5, you cai select the Ford - you want and place your order at once. We ' will put this money In a local bank for you at interest. Each week you add a little nVofei This also draws interest. $oon your payments, plus the interest earned, makes... the car your own. Come in! Let us giv6' , ' you full particulars about this new plan. . 11 ' .- . m '.j " ' F. SHELTON .; AUTBCRIZ&D SALES AND SERVICE , LINCOLN . v Fcrd tzi faizzi MARSHALL, II. C. f