Tli 3 Me wilM cord . 444444444044 . ; AN X MARK HERE . 3 kit) cs that your ssb-1 I scripiica has expired. 5 Madison County Record ..Miuluoid Juot IS, INI 5 French Broad Newt EiUDU.h.d hUrfA. tMT 1 1 1 CONSOLIDATED noy.i.iftH ; THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN MADISON COUNTY VOL XXI MARSHALL, MADISON COUNTY, N. C. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14th, 1923. No p 444444444444444444404, X I i 4 List -of Winners In County School Contests And Prizes Given. Spelling Contest Floy Boone of Mars Hill Sohool. Prize, in cold civen by The Bank $5 French Broad and $2.60 in gold given by The Gitizens Bank Primary Story Telling Gontest Master Harry Jones of the Ho: ; Springs School. Prize, $5 in gold iriven bv the Bank of French Broad. Composition Contest Miss Johnie Rogers fcf Mars HillSchoo Prize $5 in cold iriven by the Bank of French Broad. . .Recitation Contest Miss June Tweed of the Marshall School Prize $5 in cold jriven. by the Bank of French Broad, : Declamation Contest M i 8 i N. B. McDevitt, Jr., of Marshal School. Prize $5 in gold given by the 'Bank of French Broad. Best Relief Map of the United States Seventh Grade boys of Mara Hill School. Prize, box of candy given by the N. . B. Mc Devitt Conmpany. Best Clay Melding. Miss Janie Anderson of Mars Hill School. Prize, box o f pandy given by Shelton Tweed Co. V Best Needle Wok. Miss Rach el Dockery of the Walnut High School. Prize, leather case con taining scissors , given by the Marshall Pharmacy. ?. v j! 5 "L,.r Tt, .jWrkThird Grade Boys of Marfil Hflfi3cno6l. Prize knife given by-'O.' C. Rector, Hardware Co. Best Booklet of School Work. Cecil Shelton of the Marshall School. Prize, purse given by E. R. Tweed. s ; Best Drawing. Miss Hamlin of California Creek School. Prize, box of candy given by Plemmons Grocery. " . '" ' '" Bar Chinning by High School Boys, i Guy White of Marshall High School. Prize, silk sox giv en by P. V. Rector. , . " ' . Bar Chinning by High School GirkvMiss Martha C, Ramsey of Walnut High School. Prize, hand bag given by P. V. Rector. B a r Chinniug by. Grammar Girls. Miss Hamlin of California Creek. Prize, box' of handker chiefs by Moore, Davis, Stuart Company, , v 100 yard dash, by High School Boys. Ashley Roberts of Walnut High School. Prize, tie given by G L. McKinney. 100 yard, dash,: by Grammar . . . j xr . -- ' Bo.vs. 'Young of California Creek School. Prize given by E li. Tweed 100 Girls. ysrd dash, High School Miss Rice of Walnut Creek School, Prize, box of hand kerchiefs given by G. jU McKin ney. 4V':T s; ;i:;V Running Broad Jump, ; High Schoolboys. Green of Marshall Hih School.- rrize Tie given by E. R Tweed. . Runninsr Broad Jump, Gram mar Boys Young of California J Creek School. Prize, Fountain - . :r Pen given by Marshall Pharmacy Basket Ball Distance Throw. Miss Selwin McDevitt, of "Klar- nhall Hiorh School. Prize. $1 given by Redmon "Grocery Com Basket Ball Distance Throw, Grammar Girls. Hiss Runhlon, Marshall CnurcSes Help Orjhans Oxford, N. C , Decl 7th, '23 Rev. Joseph N. Andre, Marshall, N. C. Dear Brother Andre: ' In the name of the three hundred and" seventy-six children here I wish to express sincere appreciation and thanks shall, of $8 30. At this time of giving we are reminded6f the love and interest of our friends in the work that is being done here.. May God richly bless you as you continue to work together in the care , of His people. As you know we have chil dren from all over the state and of every denomination. The Baptist out number the rest, there are about 150 "of them. The Methodist come next in number. We allow our children to attend the church to which they belong or to which their parents belonged, going in a body every Sunday morning to the Oxford churches. Our children make their Thanksgiving donation to the Mission Field in China. Ytu , might be interested to kno " that they earn their money gathering leaves and nuts. ?- The girls too share in this wont. The boys earn some hunting and in the summer they all pickedberries. taiheamouiit of about $500.00 Grateful y and cordially yours,. R. L. BROWN, . r Superintendent. Notice of Summons And War rant of Attachment , orlh Ltarolina Madison County In Superior Court Cox Hat . Company and Roy L. Gudger. VS. J.F. Wheeler. The defendant above named will take notice that a summons in the above entitled action was issued against said defendant on the1 17th day of ovember. 1923. by the Qerk of Superior Court of Madison County, 'hick summons is returnable before said QerkTon the 26th day of Decern ber!923. The defendant will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was is sued by said court on the 17th day November, 1923, for th nm o I $254.75 against the property of said Ttm . . ii defendant which warrant is returnaoie before the said Clerk of the Superior Court at the time and dace above named lor the retuin ol the summons when and where the defendant is re quired to appear and answer or demur the complaint or the relief dernand- will ie granted. This November the 19th, 1923. 22 to 215 23 d. W. A. West; t v. C. S. C. of Walnut Cr.eek School. Prizfl, Btrinsr of beads, riven bv. E. R. Tweed. ' ' - i tJaseDau Liisiance Anrow, iiign Lj Ted McKinney, of . - , Marsnaii mgn acnooi. rnze, f i given by Kedmon Grocery Com- pany Baseball Disiance Throw Gram mar Boys. Roberta of Marshall School. Prize, knife riven by Madison Hardware Company. for the Thanksgiving offering i oner 45 per cent reduction On from the Presbyterian, Baptist's . . ' . . andMethodist churches in Mar-1 .regular cash, selling price. -.Vk 100-DRESSES And pOAf S400 One-Fourth OfM; - 1 IBOBJUSKUUlCUEUUlBBJEIiaClClBClCIBaXdiVnMKK' IUUUBIHJUUUUIJIJUUIUUUUIJhH MJKiWNiirfei, 1 ' )To move entire lot 5 I f ' w This is the- opportunity to cet that Dress or Coat you have been wanting. from $2.50 to $;0.0llwith Best Wishes For A Happy New Year. G. L; McKINNY Honor Roll for Little Pine School First Grade: Jack Ball, oivde Meadows. Jerry Marshall Redmohr Hl'zel Gofrth, Troy Brown. Richmond Meadows, Lester Banks, Letha Payne; Second Grade: 011ievBrad- burn, Lora Rector, Ida Lee Red- . , TtT' 1 j T mon, Geneva wnson, oames Banks. Third Grade : W o o,d r o w Payne. Monroe Payne, Cathe rine Roberts, Mabel Rector. Fourth Grade : Paul Roberts, Grace Goforth ' f- Fifth Grade : Gladys Mead ows, Delia Meaqows, Bertie Goforth. - ' ' Sixth 'Grade: Woodrow Roberts, Nettie Brown, Ellena Rector. , The University Honored -The University of North Car olina has been signally honored in being elected rvice president of the Aseociation of Arrierican universities. ' ' The election was at a business meeting of the association just held at the University, of Vir ginia in Charlottesville, .the officers beinu institutional. Har vard university was chosen president and the University of OllCIllKaU HCUCUUjT k W 1 live years, -: ; Dr. Edwin Greenlaw, deai of the graduate school, represented the university at the meerting. More than fifty presidents and deans of leadirig iiniveissities were present The univ ersity was elected to membership in the association last year ' , Dr. Greenlaw, who ita re turned with the news; of the election,; said today that he hftard many commendatory things said about the University of North Carolina , at ' the met it ing The delegates consider its growth phenomenal', he said. University News-Letter. " cm vy KTn7JTY PUT P V HtuMusM.wtYs ans SLUjq v. .'j.-'f. : . .... I i ' " r by January 1st, I have each item from Regular prices' OneFturth Off. Merry Christmas And I nUMMMMM ? . I notice; -"State of North Carolina ' County of jMadisoa ' fa thc BupeVior Cowl Chester Bishop The defendant above named will lake notice that an action emitied ns above has- been commenced in the Superior Court of Madison county and that said suit or aotion m for divorce absolute frora the bonds of matrimony and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required "to appear before he Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, on the 28th dy of December, 1023, at the courthouse of said county in. Marshal), N. C, and answer or demur to th com plaint in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. W. A. WEST i. Clerk of the Superior Court Thir 27flr:day of . November, 1923 11-20 to 12-22-23 p , ( NOTICE The undersigned having qualified as executors of the last will and testament of James W. Merrell, deceaaed, this,is Jo notify all per I sons who are , indebted to the estate of said Jaines W. Merrell to come forward and jpiake settlement with the undersigned executors, or dim nrocecs of law will ba taken tt pnfnrea the collection of such in . . , -H 41 delfttedniBi; ana an porsons bbviuh cliis against taa estate of the said deceased, James W. Merrill, will file evidences of such indebted nesii with the undersigned within thatime rQuiredby law or the .t.fufa e( limitations will be cvwvuvv nladed acaiast aush claims. This Ith day . of November, 1923 R M. WHITT, TT.-O. CONNOR. ' ' . Executors. 11-8 to 12 15-24 pd FOR SALE 40 aore farm on State Hiabwav 4 miles of ' Hot SDrinn. at a bargain, write,' . W. J. HARRIS. Barnard, N. C. 11 29 to 12 22 23 p. Crapeviae Items The paopla" , are moving along nicely marketing tobacco and miking preparation for farming Our busy merchants are get ting thlre nice supply of Xmas items in. We are pleased with our new store of W. E. Hensley who is turning out good sales, yet the Id reliable firm of Coats Bros is still handing out the same bargains. We are begining to start our - next years work in church and Sunday school, re-elected our old reliable pastor, Mr. Jessie Corn, who was with us Satur day and Sunday and preached two inspiring sermons, also the Sunday school elected Mr Vaughan Fisher, superintendent We are praying and hoping for a fin ye irs work for 1924. A SUBSCRIBER Notice of S&le For Mechanics Lien Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will on the 14th dav of January 1924 at the Court House door, in the tovn of Marshall, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property to-wit: One Ford Sedan Model 1021 Motor No. M. 4981108, said sale will be made to satisfy mechanics repair and material bill for supplies furnished and work and labor done to the amount of $90.10 together i .1 ' ' . a ' - a FTM witn cost oi aaveruamgeic. , idi above'caTwMlefratnhe signed garage on July 30 1923, by one C. S McManus, Jr." This December 4th 1923. Henderson Motor Company 12-14 23 to l-5-24-d. For Sale For Sale 12 aero farm 1 mile west of Mars Hill, N. C, on Dixie Highway, fifteen or twenty minutes walk from Mars Hill College. Two room log house., boxed kitchen, log barn, nice smooth land, four or five acres in nice young timber. Fine spring close to house, Fine lit tle truck or chicken farm. Good . , large garden, apples and berries, Part cash, balance easy terms. - E.C COATE3 ' Mars Hill. N.C. 12-6-12-15-23 p 1 - Announcement iWe wish to announce the arrival of bur new and up-to date line of jewelry. You can make your sef- lection for Christmas gifts. , We also have a new supply of watches and clucks that are guaranteed to run and perform satisfactory. Any piece of jewelry we sell must give you the satisfactien you should ex pect Or it will be exchanged. Our company instruct us to make this announcement to the public. Most of the people of Madison are fa- miliar with our repair work. We , t will d jyour repairing on any kind I of light machinery, guns," grapho- .. . i 1 V . mamUm I phones. sewing machines, anything Call when in need of our Berrice. JOHN LISENBEE A SON At Same Old Stand The' Ladies Aid Society of Walnut Methodist church , will have a Bazaar, Saturday, .De cember 15th, afternoon and evening, at the chapel of the high school , Notice of Execution S&Ie North Carolina Madison County i f In the Superior Court Hall Epps Clothing Cotripany . - VS. . W. T. t Tennie Henderson. ?. By virtue of executions directed to the undersigned from the Supe lior Court of MadiFon Countv ui the above entitled action, and al8. the case of Powers fllothina? Company vs. W. T. A Tennie Hen derson, Daniel Briscoe Company, vs. w. 1. & Tennie Hendersoa, Haynes Henson Shoe Company vs. . T. & Tennie Henderson, Stand- d Oil Company, against W. T. A - Tennie Henderson, A King Kaylory o m p a.n y , agamst w. T. ndlennie UendersoM and an execution in a second casa of Powers Clothins - Comnan against W. T. A . Tennie Hender son , all ot said execntions being is. sued against tne deienaanl lenme Henderson alone: And by virtue of thfr power in me vested by a judg ment and decree in the case of Hall Epps Clothing Company and other ludgment creditors against W, T. & Tennie Henderson. Recorded in udment Docket N at paee 99 of the records of the ' Superior Courts of said county I will on Monday r the 7th day of January 1024. at 12 olclock M., at the dourt houaa door ' of said county sell to the .highest' bidder for cash to satisfy said exe cutions, all the right; title and in- 1 teiest which the said Tennie Hen derson has in the following describ- ' ed real estate, or had on the 2 1st , , , , . ... a- tuated in No. 12 township, Madison County. N.C. and on Big Pin Creek. '. First Trsct: n o w n as the.; Caldwell, Cove Tract, , adjoining, the lands of Hub Moss, Henry f Worley, now Evan Worley, Jamet Portner, E. L- and Reuben Cald well, containing 144 Acres more or less being the same land purchased t orn theJames Caldwell, heirs. Second Tract; Known as the' W. T, Henderson Home place con taining 100 acres more or less, and adjoining the lands of E. L. Fort ner, Claude Wild, Ceorge Wild Til-- ieiy Wild and Minzy Davis. Said' second tract includes as a part of it the tract purchased by Tennie Henderson from G. W. and Stock ley Roberts and their wives, and) known as the G. W. Roberts Mil) traet, also the W. M. A. Roberts tract, which was later known as the Wild Mill Tract, and also knqwn as the R. G. Wild and wire E. J. Wild land and a tract known as the J. H. Fortner tract, and a tract v known as the J. H. Davis tract All of the said lands are describ ed in a deed dated the 17th day of September 1013, and. recorded ia the Deed Book 28 Page 188 et-scqi ,. December 5th 1923. ' . ; , R. R. RAMSEY, Sheriff. of Madiscn County. Marshall Chapter No. 35 Order of the Eastern Star will give a Tacky Party at the Masonic Hall Thurshay night, December 27th, 1923, for the benefit of the Masonie , allU JJCWlClU OKl iiumt bod cordiaUy invited to come. Ad- mission. Adults and cniiaren over 12 years of age 25 cents. Under 12 years of age 10 cents. Esx Supper There will be a Box Supper at Center school house, Sat urday night December . 15th, also good nusic Everybody invited-l 'V

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