Nori MAUriLV L, 7 CT.ON COUNTY, I J. .UP AY. DEC VOL XXI 'Good 71 Ail 9 5 NEW years Gr.33T:r.T3q 1 1 5r- IF : V VJiicro' ever ilio cicry c! Jc:t hrs ! n told the cc::!c vith dd I: -rb cc!cjrr.isd Ins birth, on :::::i:-r.3c:r.y,crJ in ccntincnt at I take thi3 means to tfa.ak each an J every one who has in any way contributed to my busi- J cess during the year now ending, and respect- 5 fully ask a continuance of their good will and 5 patronage during the new year 1924. . ' ! To thosp who have not given me any busi- j Mr Stctely Rotrt tr.J f ami y from Afhevtl'.a .rr:re tvsit:?s homa fvl3 uti J.iy. ' Mr. M. G. Payca ' lvt a fine horse last Tuesday. '", Mr. real Lur.-.fcri lit come back to school after mi3fiing so long or, the aocount cf medics. Miss Lissie Drown: is visiting at the home of Mrs. A. P.' Rich of West'AshTiU, - ; 1 Mra. EHza Radisfi. of littta Pinehai t:en in tLj hospital for two weeks., She u lr-proving. LiU'.J Tine tchool li vetting up a proim for Cr.r. -?? We rmt Crcat OCCxu . h . . d::id. hope to have a nic t:, i:i the hihc:t, a::u on cartn, pce, nwyiuugw c , Rev,iir.itt;:rk-,bhoid- 1 Tfm ffl n " , ' .rCnfor.myxmottowillbct . ;m a revival ,t Payne's Chapel. . -Oil Vf" iaW -rU ' ' I nrnc ohp'c'AMR MONEY 5 BV Sixth and Srrth Grades. SELL MOR GOODS FpR SAME MONEY SELL SAME GOODS FOR LESS MONEY A Happy Mew Year Tec All. RESPECTFULLY; : ' TIig hassini of the old yer brings to mind the ioys tnd sorrov3 that hnffttnc otir vay since its advent by ringing out the old and ringing In tks nev. VJc turn our bcxks on Hie old year and ve may say that ve might have dene more v or we or that ve did the best ve cculd. Dut vhatcver JrCVisw ScM . the conditions n:ay nave ucen wlo GrMd view school, dosed . . r ffir-m11 old FriiT, December 21st, with - 13 1UI Kii. ,ww pro;:rim tnd Christmas tree "C?.rf all hail KCV Year.'. Let US ail Which was very much enjoyed " ' ' .1 . " ,.-t r-i1ro by a large audience. 'Music J!.. ; ... w-rtr.i3red-by-tnna-baad rd vhere ever ve lull snort last year, consisting of Messrs. e Hughey, 'vihoi hii it urofit a man if hegains a--nr d I! uuy is w x , . . I nor. '' ' ' ai, ,,,14. t.V v -hl5S OWn The following children won . for perfect attendance: coul" HopeiseUvf :?it makes any of p.m Jy8t ll8SieyKeySf rnrh xvhllftjlf It ?makeS eVery!aVe- Clarence Revis, Winston "vwx , - . rr MeGalliard, Johnnie ,Kvis, bl - nUC Of life J0- 1 d0llt MUlie Carter, Beulah Allman'g, -rtivitv of man is dead. ; The person Martin -' o, iXUVliy Ul iwau vav We teachers feel that , this L, vho looces nopciir.3 1031 dii. uv hMbeenone 0f the r most suc in tVlO Street SaVS "lie I: 3 lC3t MliS '&a and the most pleasant 111 Uliy bUUt oaj o . - i ,4 yesis work we have eyer had. ,ro " Tho mnn Vhfl ftCtS CUt C lieait Twt.iitfv all the parents liave i 4-1, a rArn Hiffnifk'fl .ivr stoodloyallyby,the, school and mA rfiirQ nn tho. more ciruiiii-u avo . . . . lie )ia3 lOSt llOpO.' Hay VO all have w: :i we sincerely thank every . ' . il fJ iV.A nr.'affthem. ' . . ' lots Of llODO lOr L2ir tlllllb iU1 UA m. O. Faulkner and Alv(ma ir ;, : , . f - ., , .r A CIspp, teachers. rev icai. ( f A ' It. " 1 The Nevs-Record vasncs tor an ana ratcr's Kiiics specially its pdrens. a prosperous :nd happy Ncv Ycir. s J Mntif fa vhravr Civen that S the undersijned will 7?ly to 1113 JLjAA'Cli vu J uuiw" J rwon for the pardon of Floyd J a HJ IfJiVi. .1 41 J i ! MaQISOn COUIHjr Ibii. rtujr aiiu I 111 peiUU wuvt-wi. " I will mmti tlifir nhiACtions to the : '.' . - Tf " ' ( 5 1 jl r II .-4 : .Kjrnor owNor a y y , U1U VllV V V ' T- - - ' ber 1923. (Signed) 2t NOAiiurcr; , Ap;Il:int 7 E-rM r.-- V. w-.- Weavervilfe, N. C. , IH i , E cccr:ibcrw o.. Th'pl. ;aE.'cord. I Tli erhnnl ' " t ltrL:.rX Ti,r MraJPJuevI Ferry Sprinkle uw Djuaciituuu iu( jnw i j, , . ...... , 1? nocTi T how auvi auuicoo w ifn-vAiw'twn ia about Christmas, and the gifts sues. Will you kindly mail those of Christ. -ry l 'Eleanor ilti, lull. W.ra dtvipiiitr union- i. rrriT WAS' early Christina "HI mornlnf. Tlie almdow af J tall gray form catt R , ' upon th avail of tha djii 1'lne building, tlien follow 1 h I ....til . It 1.c" aiuiiuu . w -h i , J door.. It moved slightly, thea reuulned there for several hilnwtes. Thi fcWda of the Biuall porch creaked tm-. f'tdea whirl of the cutting Decera t wind brought the door knob from K dansrllnj: position on the battered; . . ... . i - . dtior to au inimeaiaie ret-KouiuB w" the Hoor. It took the full course, A rolling down the fUtfbt of talr lrifc( , the itreet."- - ' , ; , The gray apecter tarted, glvln? a Uttle icrunt. an It nmrrariged som aoHlierea nenps H 1 v 1 ) two copies. . ' After the Christmas tree, the Bull Creek boya and .Marshall i Mr. ii. JN. unancuer 01 uie , , , x ,, u u boys played a very mterestmg same address tells me he has not J . . .... la ej.f I UaiUu VI MUOUVl been getting nis paper euner. ; tWT,rv.nmem go far as I know we are the only MarshaU. Tbo Bull ones in this section -taking the y-i 1 1 n.irar Vll-.)17(1 paper. .We eajoy. reading mtlch and are not very ;Well up Keep it uuumiji vui oj. .. v I . . On last J?naay arternoon, ueoi fi VPPV ember Zlst, quite a numoer 01 nrfttfrjm hIthe . a ' - . tt MtVVU K vm-. .1- , - the patrons gatnerea at.. e f . d ; . . k i . - .L.j . Shanghai scnooi, wnere a twenty.five cents. Everything program was given Dytne scnoonentoffn.cely except a children followed by a Christmas firo'crackers .. . ' J I 11 I uvv. tree wnicn was enjoyeu uy u.. , Eev. L C, Roberts is expected Mr i-)nvrt Oarson and wife I ,i ata r to begins revival at Ionian are visiting his father, K. i itt-' ' u I . . ... urove ioaay. vc Carson this week and. will have great success. , . t M HiU . and --. ' ' Miss Blanche Chandler one of Marshall have closed for the i iVf the teachers near Candler, N. C, Christmas holidays; and most : trator of the estate o Dr. R. H i j thi W Christmas holidays.- ' home for Christmas. nJ , Burks, lata of Maiisgn County, N. C this 'is to noof y all per sons having claim's against the estate of the saixi deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned r.tC at trshall, N. fC , . on or before . Dccr-ber 15(li. 1924, or this ' j notice will be pleaded in bar 01 i their recovery. -prr -will nlease make im- 4 ( ncdlats payment. ; . . ROY L. pUDGER. No: Hi Cir; '.'iVnAaAnmato be.v.antici-l Mnnt. nfthe bovs and eirls in pa,ingva visil from St. Nicholas thi9 cornmurlUy, are Expecting 'W7:i..- k oUnr flnd all the Santa Clause. ; . 11 10IJLillc I .' '; readers of The iTews-Record a Mr. D. D.( Merrell was ihe ve rv ilerrv ChtistmaS. .. , ' gaest of Wesley Hunter bunday I remain, yours truly, v f T en Wa rlrnn. VAG uvv ' T onmthins hHy (llwerulhle In ,tlit crnytod atinosphen1. ' The : fijfure.. th" ked ltn way ovf creaky Dt:Vii to t window r .near by." Long t li I n Ongera were jmt up to the wHiO.r' to enable the l . . ..... I.jk ' ' 11 better Tlevv.l ' 1 Beeitllnely Vatlst"'l .. .Zj the phantom mocJ , 6j down the stalra. " As tfie duiknese began to lift lio-.. tie, It looked tnough he carrlrtl a. large bag, 8mtlme nion hia htv and then again on hie arm. , perhuin i'ila was some destitute person, ami i ;aUe to bear Cihrlstniaii dawii In t'i home with nothing for Ills chil-. n, tie wn takirg this 111 ni"fn'S c-r : U," : Itnt if so, nhy .wti s l In houita wh looked o unprotalslns? Only across - the ttreet the buildings did not appear quite bo dilapidated and forlorn. Still the gray specter bannted the doorways along the block. Upon close oDservation ne 'aeemed to have a certain formula that he carried out at each place. finon. a door opened across tho , street and very cautiously a man cronaed to the aide where the ngure ma Ttit man waicnea me pnaunuu awhile and after seeing him go through this performance two or three times t. - Kflhln th err. v anptpr r m be waa on hih way to the nest ack. When b was close enougn i ft the florm lurktna la the shadow , said bi al nncertaln voice: - "HanUa upv Tt low down thief I Ra thnt'a tiui.wiiT ven ret those fine clothes t Drop that bagl" ns ha flashed the star on his coat. , To the poor man's surprise bis ca tlve began laughing. "So lt'a aU a Joke with yon, la Kt Just tell that to the Judge," said the man opening the bag. When bis bead amerged be looked at tho tall ' arav-eoated man in : front of him with a puzzled fac. "Ton bat en t much ba this bag (or all the places I watched yon visit Explain this Idea 01 . rowing xncsu poor people ' any way." "If viin had left mo a little longer, the bag would t LVoen empty. Don't you think ; r. . :, . . " . a 1 Jl have been a uttio nasty in yoor j 'mentt My arms are getting V 'holding them op this way." i "Oh, come oft None of thlo t mental atufT 1" "Well, come over to this bonst ' I will show you j what I tik doing." J." af - is visiting frionds and relatives "? i here this week end. -; ; , 1 1 IT. C. T'vT-, cTr-i T--tciy? wilt ( J , . v i. n f r I -i. yO'T .tern f , i cf. 1- a causfc4 bj' 1 (-' t zy, J enn- ..... v .1 V ulCHif i J r , . . . i '! ,n, ana i t. a 'i .'', )u' ( :? T t"". " i) SHO.E REPAHUNG, Jatest Mfss EUie Calahan has re odelilachineT Sha?f-yc?on turned home' from Durnsvile r - l 1 Diiuuei ixin vmub, '" - ' . , " , . . ... j .u ahNg n i hawnere sne ia wtiwu. wniiif you vou o an 'it como.-CLUMriON IIOE SHOT, llarstall,' N: .C. rn-l R.LS 40 acre fann on T't 4 r-'-3i.0f Hit ing school. Mr, Eay II. Crrp th guest cf V ooi:on Rav 2". Vichir.2 the Ncv.rrri cr.Jl tUiia rc-::rs a r: V C cr.3 al" "' pile of snow-white bac".",i bt. door of the coiise i 3 i theni dumfot'.nlsJ an I f . ""T surely a S"rry t Tbafa a'J i'.' f t 1'. t .e t"J a"- ' z 1 i ' 'l y i t a r.'.: .V t i ti i "iri The ira c 1 riil i t It" ti r v 1 r

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