. V. : 1 .!. . t'. -. . . v ; ' '. , : .!"("' kit-i ?: ..- . n Sfx-tiirr.-' ' iter fhm Rnvlow IaIumh ftnll!. .... tHE NEWS-RECORD CO OC BOTH A YEAR FOR THE NEWS-RECORD PRICE A YEAR THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN MADISON COTY iVOL. XXI TTT MARSHALL, N. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1925 yaw 1200 -' f:yns'x i' -i'.'.i' ' ' ' if . -TTi. PROGRESSIVE FARMER; 5n rfHrH ' Fn'W: : YF KF sM MARSHALL AND MADISON COUNTY FAST FORGING TO FRONT : IN LARGE REALTY DEALS Although prices are low compared with other parts of the country, there is a marked increase in the . turnover- of lands. Hot Springs, a resort of long standing on account of its famous health giving springs has shown a wonderful activity 'within the past 90. days. The St. Joseph Society is' con templating a school there, for the faster advancement) o f preisthood. Eden Hill, a 5000 acre devel opment under Wythe M. Peyton is fast shaping into summer camps. On Big Laurel river, the E. W. Grove Co., has 13,000 acres . under fence as a 'fishing and: hunting preserve. the Great Smokies. The French Broad Rives is the boundary on the south side of this etate. Surrounding and. through the property, Highways No. 20 and 69 together with private drives wind, where at every turn the grandeur pf the everlasting hills greet the eye. It has the distinction of being the only es tate, with city water and elect ric lines already Jn place. ; Two storage reservoirs with a never failing supply of water are on the property. The Hen derson Branch, named in hon or of Dr. Henderson, a pioneer physician, runs through the es tate, falling m cascade through a forest of virgin pine. From Signal Bluff, command ing a sweep of river for miles, the Cherokee Indians were t OURS. (By EDGAR A. GUEST) We call them ours. There, sejems no better words Our friends, our wives, our little children small, ,And yet we know God rules and owns them all : They are but ours until His voice is heard. Once on a time we had a lovely child, ! ...We called her ours. We knew no other phrase. . Possessing her made radiant all our days, i"Our lives were bright with beauty when she smiled. At Marshall, the county seat .1 of Madison County, there is an; orTe It T the Tool of Ull Usual uviy in uu IU.UB. thjg bluff stiH standg the herth n l 1 i several residences ana ousinesa nf ua v hnmo house are now being built. The R z b y the famous W. H. Powers Engineering : Co., 'war governor first saw the light has drawn plans for a 60-roomi - . hotel. Marsha?: is ofce of the, ThiV estate is on the market,, picturesque n th, wo-ld . Its & d ., b sub.divided to pur. business se tion is hedg-1 , ' ed in by the F-ench Broad Riv-i u' Qur traye, y- haye er on one siae ana uv inagnu- . . aaa ,70vJot nf volflfl icent bluffs on t -e other. And. then 'twixt dawn and dusk God's angel came, i ' , Touched the sweet eyes of fter that we possessed, ' Folded her hands upon herlovely breast And left us but her. memory1 and a name. These things are ours. Silver and gold and land, Jewels and baubles which the hands may clutch. But the glad spirits which we love so much Are always God's, awaiting His command. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT'S COLUMN f Edited by o. s. dillard .The "County Board of Ed- ucatjon tnet in regular session on Monday. Many matters of rqutiheVwere taken up and disr posB by the Board, v There will be a joint meeting of r the' County Board of Edu- catip.n end County Commission 'fHMMdhd&y Nov. 6th for the purpose' of passing upon ap plications for loans from the Spepial.Building Fund which becomes available early next yeaTi-v . pot at Marshall, one will get some idea as to the enormous amount of tobacco and other crops that are being shipped a way to foreign markets. To bacco, for the past few years, has been the "money crop" of our county and many farmers depend on it as means to make a living or with which to fi nance other important farming operations. Tobacco, however is not the only way Madison County farmers have to make farming Ed-! a paying proposition. During the past few years, owing to the uncertainly of crops because of climatic conditions, many f arm- town has another great Fi mini LZi i will ple you in thel n.c enterf of town, depot, si the junction of State HiffWteWW " d schools A M 9A fiQ nn,l Oft7 a-nA tVid Dai3 anC? , SCnOOlS. A Three hotels numerous No new tion over on famous Columbia River i W TyhTre Tr! three power dams ' Warding areaaj. within the limits of the city, .d?- XjT and it has the most complete Vfe? ? LPasffH, ft nTlv" water system in the countryJdle of ,th.e "Xef'rJ Thi vpar the drvpst in historv Srund for the young and old, therea neS of water. Fed by gravity from! basketball courts, and the the town's water shed on Hunt- Southern Power Co s Dam pr rrppw ip witpr snrmlv is akes a lake with over five surpassed imiles of 8hore "nowhere ffoTiSt.ltabMkliur.de-oat'Tig, fishing and" bathing velopmentontheoldPritchard:" take care of estate. Rising above the river L Four. ?.niul.rI .lfe CZetc 600 feet is a beautiful plateau Ltlie "PL m u , where the late Judge Jeter C. iw'. bf"fc -Sal Pritchard built a palatial home ctlm .2,S2,d 1 in me center 01 a ouu acre i. i j '.-I--, tract of land surrounded by a5e always glad to welcome fees and spacious lawns ra and make them fee.. From anywhere on this plateau 'at.???elu . . K.ooU. 4V.i-tii ti. wun me new umviuk wuu and Mrs. W. A. Sams, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Morrow, Mr. and Mr. J. M. Baley, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Shelton, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rector, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sprinkle. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Twefed, Mr. and Mrs; H. C. Mr nnrl Mrs F TwppH. Attorney and Mrs. George one of the best theatres to be lie Mr lound anywhere in westerii and Mrs. Kanoy, Mr. and Mrs. Noi"th Carolina, except perhaps MnKrt rQvia Mrs Rnir.es. certain show houses in the . n i a larcpr pitipq nniirar in thooo 1 shores. Mrs. s. n. iteamon, mrs. Annie lfr;.. ' r . , U . ' nr TTT1 j 1 IT T T T 3 fill I HL .HI 1 1 1 1 1. 1 i rHH II M 7 ndPTI v nv w n t.p. virs. .1. 1 1. a-tuimuii. - . r lit! W , I v-, . . nt fun ho al-iwn fkon The County Board of ucation is contemplating a number of building projects next year in order that better high'chbol facilities as well asiers are entering the cattle busi ejertieptiiry can be offered tolneas,, Carload after carload of moWi9f.the children of the cattle have left Marshall this County. - It is hoped that with-ifall and because of their excel in, the next two or three years lent condition, good prices have standard high school facilities been realized, will be within reach of all the .When the time of year ar children, !of the county. It will five's for the sale and shipping take auite a number of build-'of cattle many of the most pro- lings to do this, but the county minent livestock buyers in the ' jcannot "afford to educate part southern states come to this sec- F NTFRTA INfMFNT of children without educat- tion. Among the buyers who lllllxlliiiflljii 1 ing them all. For this reason have been in this countv buvine it is hoped that the matter of cattle this fall are D. E. Tay scko''ptdlding and equipment lor and Mr. Chester Wallin of will become a county proj et Virginia. Mr. Wallin is a for- rather .than a district project, iher resident of Madison Coan- ' : ;ty and left his home on Laurel -Madison County should 'about one year ago for Virffin- ma,Ve' atleast six standard-high !ia, where he bought a large .ehpo.Is.At present it has only;farm and is doing well. They threes Three others should be spent several days in this sec- establihed at Middle Fork, tion and bought, according to IN MARSHALL Although a small town, Marsh hall has for the entertainment and education of its people; i . niirn rtcnuui is suun lu uc crcti- " . r. . mhitk u tta 4- i.u river roaa neanng compie- - ;rr - - ith th imt)rove-Miss Pauline' Sprinkle, of jett-"""-" c" "AluwlZ,Y11 rB 20 miles, from m.lr'S erson City, Tenn., Miss ' the Pastame Theatre the most scenic wgnway .1 ""q .rzzi kuerite Raines, Miss Audrey AO W1C w" " I""- It 'tfvaTfeff in" beatity-y the t5ySTnr ftWrt--. .Mfaw.wAft- Hrthrtsi:'ro A . 1 1 11 . Miss Tena Sue B a y 1 e s s, ' . "ie ueKlt:r ?pae Miss Katherine Davis, Miss P"uree i max nave Deen snown Pauline Ramsey, Miss Isla Ma- during the past year are, "The hone, of Georgia, Miss Mae. Da- rT r J0 vis, Miss Josephine stansoury, ... " Ti"x- iJ"a'' f Jpffprsnn pftv Tpnn Miss Fighting In France," t h e pmm Mr wjiiim p.,n.igreat world war picture ninr. Mr Paul RnifP. Mr C, C.lmany otherS tOO numerous a panorama breaks forth un excelled anywhere in America. To the south is Pisgah, on the northeast Mt. Mitchell rise in all her grandeur: on the' west the Tennessee mountains and and other improvements thai are under way, Marshall wil1 soon be the "Garden Spot of the World 1" . ' &4i7T inAn imn PARTY IS GIVEN IN MARSHALL FRIDAY EVENING wore a cdstume of;rd vUvet (Tk-n from ASHEViLLE fciTi2EN)wkh gold lace trimmings, while Marshall N. C. Nov S Onelof yellow t; ndpiirlfif j yalyet: of the most elaborte affair ev- Mw;;,$prinMe t!Mtain 'js-f er given m marsnau toox place scu u "vwf. ( here on Friday evening, when during the evening the Vir Miss Ethel Redmon, Miss Fran-KWa Reel was engaged in. ces McDevitt, and Mrs. J. C. This was directed by Mr. and Sprinkle were joint hostesses Mr8 James Baley and Mr; and for: a masquerade dance, gir- Mrs. William Morrow.. ; , ., en at "Coolridge," the lovely r Wincester's Orchestra fur old home of the late Judee Je- nished the music for the danc- terPritchard,;Bdw-thHhomet)f to-vAt a2-o'clockihe :cos- Jliss Redmon a :y,v itumea guests unmasked, ' and Bruce, Jr., of Mars Hill, Mr. Cecil Ramsey, Mr. John McEl roy, Mr. Jack Ramsey, Mr. George Robinett, Mr. C. P. Parks, of Asheville, Mr. James Redmon, Mr. Edgar Da vis, Mr. H. P. Smith, of Greens boro, Mr. James Baley, Jr., and Mr. Leslie Davis. and to mention. There is no better means of entertainment and education in existence than a good, clean movie show and as long as they theatre in Marshall is earned:' on in the way it has been ill the, it deserves the patronage' of the people. ? , l Young Woman "I want that dog shot at once." mi." it . i ,i , Foreman "Say Thompsonv,.0""'? -V that man is doing twice as much trict. The bullet would go right as you are." .through him and hit somebod- Sure! I keep tellin' the y." ; poor sap, but you can t learn v iroung woman Can t you hint nothin'." Judge. 'snot lengthwise?" White.Kock and Spring Creek, reports, about two carloads of Some of these townships, can- cattle. Their many friends in not finance a building program.; Marshall and vicinity were glad sumcienr to meet tneir neeas to. seethem back again, and the j. j . Ai l i a ii I ' j , , i j i 1 1 1 ana run ineir scnooi ierm ine iact mat tney ana otner came required length without an ex-buyers are interested in buying Orjbitant tax rate. There is but . cattle in this section is very en on$' Way' to provide such, andicotitaging to the many farmers that is . by the county assuming and business men of our county the full responsibility of financ-j who want a good market for injf their building program, their cattle. I Many instances could be men- . 'The children of Madison tioned, where farmers in Mad County are its greatest asset. :ison County have, received Therefore as a county we can-'large sums of money for their hot' afford to deal niggardly cattle this year, and this feature with them. Thefuture pros-of "farming is growing very perity of! the county will de-; fast in our county. pend -upon their being able to i cope with other sections. Let's what GRANDPA DIDN'T proVide.'-them with the neces- sary means to prepare for life.' It jnay;take a financial sacn-i flee ; at the time, but it is the! greatest investment that the wxmty;can maxe. DO AND DID DO. Exchange. Now, I'm going to put down on paper some 'of the things AVLast year, out of 7,000 child- grandpa has never done--and ren- in the county there were JESUIT FATHERS PLAN THE ESTABLISHMENT OF nly- 294 enrolled in the public high .schools of the county. There were enrolled in school last, year nearly 5000 children. BXlkrXf this number anly 29b ehroHed in high school. In tlafe!'JPespect, Madison County ranked? almost at the bottom of the, ladder among the counties ome he has done and perhaps he's just as happy because of his simple, ordered life : He never slept in pajamas. He never went to a club. He never attended a movie. He never divorced grandma. He never wore balloon pants. He never smoked a cigarette. He never attended a ball oMeVstate. Out of 5000 ' v. . ' ' . 4 , liidren enrolled, there ougrt t -"c , 1 c c uuu"1 i""ulcu" to;M tween 800 and 1000 in ;ted shoes. - . higlVchool. Until we have ! Re never had his nails mani ma4'4movision for-.them .to 'at-icu'ed'- , .,, SCH00L'IN0UNTAIN'Se ;-r""77 1 WThflr&Sft onlv one wav for He has always taken his STUDIES ,: i It is understodd that the they fltaerve all the children it- lirker straitrht. tehdifahdXthat is by the Count-' 4e never took ?. AWiifwcf .v.io-h ppSr.rtVi i'auhrtri swimming .pool. "J . I mr UvVlMlfe tli.UM .v-w-r : -'. a girl to Over -'300 -Students to Be Ac- Hot Springs in the- near future commodated at rrieU' ana that plans call for an outlay School -' . - of a considerable sum of money in tne erection or buildings and (Taken from Asheville Citizen) the purchase of the necessary ; Th Jesuit Fathers, of .New school eauipment Facilitiea Orleans. La- plan the establish- will be : provided, it is stated. . ' m . i . m l m . a 1 a Aaa j i V mem m a scnooi ior aavancea ior at lease isuu Btuaenta. . : -r Wrtrtho niimiinn.f)lM.i.ii. Prizes for the two most UTlinUfi atnrfiaa AV-nriAsfa nf t)iA aHw l' ..' . i : i., fi, W - VU. iC9nVUUa ,r . . - - - - 'WW fAVUWW VM. .v I drawing room, reception tall, costumes were presented.". Win-on " the old " Rombough ? Hot WEALTHY ORDERS He nver had a dark-brown taste the next morning. ynTWsW&will be group teach-! He never kissed a girl and got emVjietings held at the fol-.red paint for his trouble, iovffntf places and dates: rl- He has always found baths - Wtite Rock Nov. 7, at 10 letter in summer than in winter. ? o,rhrV - . ne never wore a oonea smrc SpringVCreek--Fridayr Nov. or one of those little go-devil 4'"-vv. i8,;at. 1 :30. . . .. . ... " ' . . . . KvMawhall Nov. 14th, at ten e W too pnysicai cui !'HvWo4k-iv' "i -, lure or anything that did not be- dining room and library were an the ladies' prize was Mrs. Springs hotel property lying be-f , xr; ; k ' " f r ' Mdates iii mind, and make your ' He never waited at the bar--thrown together and gaily.dec Raines, who was dressed 3 tweea: the. .Southern , ,;ber shop for a flapper to get. Orated TTalW.i.,,.... Wtih. 'SnH.tWlwl -fftr:tll". l.A,gi.ti Pwltlwl-th . Umfc.- 7 iA.V -Vatrorl , . , f , i tions; black eats, lighted pump-'gentlemen was! won by Prqf. (Hot Springs,-in Madison Coun- ship and owns property worth p ndniTDITV' I K L- He never, took a girj to ride w vuneans-andil t . Will lill ll I n . . m a mwer, : an ui view i.ur 1 ..l-l.-T-:-tf J JJ VV-1 C.U.. O.U.1.1. J.i:-I.t3 u'iV L.l . 1 A 1 ..J..J i . X J I . . . mjc ia cmx uecorauoiia. , voi- iuiui ojirmwe uwuiuwu, wii.u, oetween jnaries a. tuecuauu; uerswoa, 13 to aeveiop a scnooi V rtad aloAtrl'". Ho-Vifa ' And 'Jo lr Rftvpral -' vnrnl tthlna... . i . - , )TwTn?Tia-r4.. Idvvm vf Maw Or- f a maio1i taA ,sfin4n r n. - .O, Lanterns - were effectively Jrnnch was served during the t jqns, jock;u LAnternsautumn."iaDpy,wwno was xieveriy cos- tyt ittwas iearnea nere yester-.miuons in we v f leaves and a profosioit.of yeUow :tttmedft:f jday.'v:.i ! If A ? 'f'A-- ithe South.-. The K leans, and trustee for the-Jesuit advanced nature. T-Vl , ,1 1 IIVI i I I II v v dence course ana learnea to D6 ".-V.r.v'.-;.' v '? - ,Con8idi?rlng its location, oppor. an expert in a few months' time. He has always paid his debts. strung over the lawn and porch-"evening by? Mrs; Ralph .Fisher r&lhcra. and Mrs. Bessie MSaf- It was learned last night that 'tunlties marketing and climatic! 'He looks .well to his house-' jes'of the home, : '. ; 'Vv-.in'd,VMrs. j!inie-'.Ma7-;,White'.,ord owner" of the property, offtcialsof the- Jesuit. Fathers c6nd;::cn3,6nr dounty.Madisoii hold." f 'LittleMiss Martha Redmon Late .in '-the: evening coffee, whereby the latter contracts forwill be in Asheville sometime is one of .'the mostprosperou3; His'Work is as good, as hia' and Little Miss Jean Sprinkle, Sandwiches' and mints .were the sale of the land,' consisting this" week to go into plana for colintfes in Western Noijth Car-.DondC ' ' : ' 1 . 'dressed .as elves.' greeted the served, the colors of range and. of abonWCO acres, for S50,00&.'the establishment of the schooL.olina'-v VVv . :tl -i LzA : His crib has corn in it in An-" m ine ; r -icn Fir.i f4u,uuu-u to oe oiiowxr s1. this . it la excrete a( At tne crose oi ;tne year es- gust," ' ? : . --- sruests at the door, and showed black fcemg earned out v-. them to' a .7' (the guests registered.1 I For the party, Miss Redmon Judge and Ilrs. N A. Me es, Dr. -.1 ..i ras.i c i or c?iore janaitnrt a ry 1. Tl cptlca sreementrc: :J i Icr: .' ced on record. atsui e., detailed annocrrr school, fr.ili. L cisHy ( a good rcrop ;year,; if) ; . talcing ft all in all,' xt"" i--r.y - t sead a few. days' a-'r i is a trttty'ro'd r t :::r 1 1'".? Lonthera railway de- t 'trytLL:T fa f t: i cf J ' .. 1 t 1 i 1 ! V f 4 - ;