I 1 - The Burley Tobacco BuFfotfn THE NEWS-RECORD fl0 OPT rh PROGRESSIVE FARMER hie news-record fro or 3QTH A YEAR FOR Vgjj 'r -.l BOTH A YEAR FOR $LXi) -rV- THE NEWS-RECORD PRICE A YEAR $2.00 I THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN MADJSON COUNTY VOL. XXI MARSHALL, N, C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1925 1200 DUEL '.II ' i I I 1 I , . ONE KILLED; MOTHifrfOUMDEDSlM WALLACE RAY IS TO BE TRIED IF HE DOES NOT DIE 'Declared by Eyewitnesses to Have Been Aggres sor in the Duel HAS KILLED FOUR MEN DURING LIFE (Madison People Tightlipped Concerning Out break of Old Hatred (Extract front Atheville Citizen) Wallace Ray, of Shelton Laurel, slayer of Dr. O. V. Burnett of Mars Hill, who was himself seriously wounded in the pistol battle that occurred in the mountains of Madison County a few days ago, will be held without bond for murder, in the event that he recovers, according to instructions given Sheriff W. C. Rector, of Madison County, by Solicitor J. Ed Swain. Investigation of the shooting, which took the life of the physician and sent the mountaineer to the hospital with three bullet wounds in his body, is said to have revealed that Ray was apparently the aggressor in the fight and that the killing oc curred after the physician had made unsuccessful attempts to prevent violence. Eyewitnesses to the duel described a dramatic scene, when the shooting stopped, picturing Ray staggering to his feet after having been struck down by bullets from the physician's revol ver, and Dr. i,urnett standing with head up and apparently the victor, only to topple over the next second dead from the single bullet which tore into his vitals from one of the heavy caliber revolvers in the hands of Ray, Porter and Moody Shelton, who were- passengers in the Ray automobile, were the only eyewita0a&;the shooting, so far as could be learned. ' ' ' J They Meet avc Air Air Air r ktr Air AITAirATIA'tAlf COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT'S COLUMN Edited by O. S. DILLARD THE ETERNAL CITY ( By JOAQUIN MILLER ) Some levelled hills, a wall, a dome SThat lords its gilded arch and lies, Txri.:i- 1 1 s vr niie ai, lis uaee a ucgjfar cries For bread, and dies and that is Rome. Yet Rome is Rome ; and Rome she must And shall remain beside her gates And tribute take of kings and States, Until the tar have fallen to dust. Yea, Time on your campagnian plain Has pitched in siege his battle tents; And round about her battlements Has marched and trumpeted in vain. These skies are Rome ! The very loam Litfs up and speaks in Roman pride; And Time, outfaced, and still defied, Sits by and wags his beard at Rome. No Report Turned In This Week. WOW! May-" At the masquerade party everyone is supposed to represent some geographical feature; I am going to wear a grass skirt and represent Hawaii." Tom -"Very well, then. I'll be Pekin." JES JEST I'BAjPXIST SEWING CIRCLE WILL HAVE BAZAAR 4 Mary Rose sat on a tack, Mary Rose sat on a tack, Mary Rose sat on a tack, Mary Rose. A little Radio .Now. and then, Will make some guys, The craziest men. Sugar is sweet, and salt is salt, If you haven't been petted It's your own darn fault. According to information gleaned by the investigation of eauthorities, the Ray tar passed P the road,- wit: beyond e spot where the snooting occurred a few minutes later and where the Burnett car was then parked, and then returning a gain, passed the physician's car. A short distance down the road, it was reported, Ray stop ped his machine and got out, walked up. to where the doctor was and engaged him in conversation. The Sheltons followed, and heard Ray making threats against Dr. Burnett's life, at the same time holding a cocked pistol in his hand. Ray was heard to declare that the doctor had "had the ad- was with his own crowd." Ray is then said to have declared I cih that the physician did not treat him right and that he was going to kill him. At this point, it is said, Dr. Burnett was still stand ing with his hands in front of him and apparently unarmed ganization of the Cody family. At this meeting it was brought out that many relics of the famous old fighter have been assembled at Cody. Among these are the scalp of "Yellow Hand," an Indian chief whom Cody killed in combat while opposing soldiers and Indians looked on ; the "coat he wore when presented at the court of Queen Victoria: saddles, stuns and JxoDhiesJiron all parts of the world, an tf Ms Masmc uni form, in which it said, "He took more pride than m his frontier buckskins or any other garb in which he appeared. "Buffalo Bill was a member of Platte Valley Masonic Lodge of North Platte, Nebraska. Scottish Rite News. The Baptist Sewing Circle will hold'1 their Bazaar at the Old Allison Hotel on Saturday, December 5th, 1925. WORK ON MSOMC TEMPLE IN MARSHALL BEGINS loss. POSTAGE , STAMPS IN RUSSIA Helena, Mont. cussion has taken dis- Much Thin MiifiiaafiAti iAnfinni f ai aivrvt m. m i in nta i w a a laain . ; 7 ' -""" "." whether or not there were ed, with Ray threatening and the physician adopting a concina- Masonic emblems on certain is tory attitude and attempting to reason with him. i of TInitflH - ,.., Finally the Ray pistol was levelled and one of the Sheltons u v, ja , A.11UWACU LiiC UlUAilC UU J Uav 0 UIIO IHOb OUUI J. ailK VUfc. A MUA' IclTftftvaHnns -fw -f Via rktiTiH- She issurvived by the follow- ation qt the. Masonic Temple in General Wilson. Asheville. N C.i Mrs. John Bailey and James Wilson R-5 Marshall, N. a She has made her home for the past 15 years with Mr. and .foreman expects to begin DneJi-worK Dy uecemoer zotn. The Wilding will be fire proof throughout and will be con8ttfctied ; of textile brick, t.tonia'nViS!!'ilifo'i with ft lftrcr rs. wames wnson and had thejfqp a starthartahraahhhhhhhh very best attention during her room On the second floor and old age and last illness. the first floor will be used for a !not, in order to show dat yo' Funeral services were con-store room. It will be the most, wuzn' at te crn o-ama. whar ducted:! the home Nov. 9 by modern store room in Madison To' wuz." Rev. J. H. Mc Curry and Rev. County- . i j The building site is located It's usually the wet candidate that runs on a dry ticket. Late to bed And early to rise, Keeps your brother, From wearing your tias. Prof: "I take great pleasure in giving you 81 in Math." Stude: "Aw, make it 100 and enjoy yourself." She: "I hate snakes He i' "So do I." Shei "Gee ! Have you no self- respect?" If money talks v : ..If that's no lie '"ft alwayssays W me, N. "Good-bye." Just because an accordion has wrinkles is no sign it is old. "Rastiis, what's an alibi?" "Dat's provin dat you wuz at a prayer meetin', whar yo' was Everette Sprinkle. Both made! beautiful and oppropriate talks.'on the corner of the lot adjoin Rev. McCurry having known ,her for a good many years. bhe was laid to rest in the a 'family cemetery overlooking ing the Baptist church, and the Masons ' expect to have the building completed by the first or the year. When the build rang out. ine oui-.u : A i. v. y,a k, i i i j . s . , , ., , ,, i i jt j . 4T . , a,. . iiuasuuit; yusiaxc bioiiiu mucii m uuuic ucmuc uei uuauai u mar is nnisneu tnov win nave a let went wide of its mark and Ray and one of the boys scuffled LPTnilH vhv inr. OWrvJwhn diH in lftan ! Xl"- ."L- " " over the possession of the weapon. Ray then wrenched free and resumed his attitude of combat, it was reported, continuing the firing. Dr. Bwraett Draws ceremo- We pity the man who thought tennis racket was a quarrel. Caesar had his Brutus Napoleon his Waterloo The flapper her O'Henry Uneeda Biscuit. dedication nies; My Bonnie looked in the gas Other news concerning the ,n. and other where. mere were many As far as is known it is the floral offerings. only stamp printed bearing! It is estimated that more than hiiilffin i nlan will ho The heights of the contents to i - u . i i Knn ii.u- i -. o i iviason symooia. uenerai """"f" wcc at uie lunerai. nouncedat a later date. .xuaemtcn, wno commanded "e was a sisier oi tne late jher- That' tn Oh, bring back my Bonnie to from sliding me- LM.. i. - M . . one was a sister oi xne late r- 'txt-t-- 1- XT i. 1 T..nnJnu ' : floityioAn lKAw-n ...U 1 . . . n A . ' ; Dr. Burnett by that time had drawn his own revolver and m9 . d rf f fi Sandy Mush anj James R b (sand in t?s bread th fwn mpn imc.oH anart. and hftcan the duel that stoDDed when . . . n:. i i . .1? . iVY.aiier: lessir. fj Vx. , o 4. v,;. V v. stamps oi tne values 0, 1U, lt), ne ureen wno aiea bdoui 1, hnttpr Ray was shot down m the road. Staggonng to his feet, he is n A CA ttIsik vr, ta keJr. gutter Jd to hare remarked, "You have finished me d then gotin QiZ isTsquare and Se5om ofLstorteT wto died,00' 755- W A"c "V "lc . "r"1. 6. wnrrta in thP Russian ancrnno-P see there i at a small matcn to assist cround, but the next instant toppled over dead. Ray is then v said to have driven to his home, where he was later taken to ' White Rock Hospital and subsequently removed to a hospital in Greenville, where it is reported he has a fighting chance for his life. If he recovers, he will then be tried TORE THEATRE The following schedule has . been announced by the manage- ment ox toe ir&Bume intaurc iw CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs James Wilson the week of November 24th to of R. F. E 5 wishes to thank 28th. j"""' v ' w "iRoberte before hermarrialre. a lCftVAfnhr .many acts 01 Kinqness ana at-u . r-r, v - , 'Are you a Mason?" Scottish Rite News. DEATH OF MRS. Mrs. Jane Wilson, wife of the late Thomas M. Wilson,, died November 7, 1925. She . was born January 7, 1837, . being 88 years, 10 months old. .. She was the last survivor of twelve" children.' ' She was If iss Jane about 2 years ago. "I hear a voice you cannot hear, Which bids me not to stay; I see a hand you cannot see Which beckons me away. EM An k SWW Psoeks . Tuesday night,! November in "u" "r bout 65 years ago and -was & ith .'iMMUMi irfiirHnp. tention-paid them during their , t, A . ' TrLr , . Bm corned, "nvaMaS2'3&&22& SrisnndpTeil.ii e.chridewer. 1111 AA1 V?IT Ull LAV ciated the. many beautifuf flo- be shown. ;26th, a fiveeel picture, 'A-W aehe Dancers and a two-reel ,BUFF ALO BILL'S BODY MAY BE MOVED TP CODY amt)ngthe early settlers on Sandy : - M ush . and Pine Creek and were of English and Welsh descent.. At one ' time 'they were very large -landowners. ,j - Mrs.-Wilson' joined the Bap tist Church about 45 years ago and has always been known for comedy starring Billy West, vc! what's xsexv" are on tne pro- l-fgnm. v.. ' " : Kansas City, Mo-There nas k'28toanother five-reel l i-Lash Of The Whin.- and. an t!nffi ran" wni and her refined and beautiful I I excellent jtwH-eel King Bee fr0m the summit-. tf Lookout t -irff-S I !.miir "Th wri n r r. She was 4i devoted -wife and - ths entertaining feature 1 (niV'old home fQwja,Xody; Wy- ine aooTe program-is uiu-1amjing. xvcuiuycb tn 1 J J IV. .-VII. t. . i.... . mother, always charitable, and Mnd;A good .neighbor and - es- ml k i v "There are an awful lot of ,howl 80 m"ch?" Rover "Cat, why do you ijlvvho don't want to get mar ried." v "How do you know?" ?Fve asked them." Tom "Boy, if you had as many violin strings in you as I got in me, you'd howl, too." ; YesdecIared the guide, written in The static never bothers me, No cash I have to blow, For tube or a new battery I have no radio. 'TBoft-.krema srtly good ana tne poous r mous piainsmanrTeeenuy-umet ,!wir i sVlly iatttsd to mtS. 1 -t K is Chicago and perfected as nZJlZZZm -' r & wii teW:iPai St either tote tar IS4JUI- st -a ku Oi m tlus ' papyrus was 349ilB.;C; '.'How do tfcey know that!"' Grandma never bobbed her hair asked the skeptical tourist. Nor did she paint her hps; The date was on it." aw oranoma wasn't perrect one usea to paa ner nips. ,.,V I Tiir ni n nrrnfmnH inc ulu ucwiniuit 7V SCHEWL" Given by EASTERN STAR. Beii'efit of MASONIC, TEMPLE. 7r,.",.fMI!f.-.i ,, '... ,.. V !,-;. THE PAPER FOR THE IDAT S ".iirfMMiM in i I, IH m 1 1. i ii i i I.' i itih.ii , IIIH I, 'V' -I' . f .. ....... - ; . ; - ' j .. ' . ?. 1 - ' v ,. V , - ' ' . : . . ,- -.