- ""vr" MADISON cowrn MW ' .1 '' EnunBN'iiw v F1n FRENCH BROAD NEWS 7m Established May 1ft, 107. " V I JJ ConoIiiUl4 NvW 2, 111 s! Jl VOL. XXI MANIIFArTIlRING PLANT PROPOSED FOR MARSHALL -Tr M. v NEWSPAPER PUBUS" MAUISON COUNTY MARSHALL, N. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1928 OFFICIAL ELECTION RETURNS 1750 .' ., . wklMi will - Democratic g-overuunoui; " guarantee to our people honest and r. efficient public service. " ', vy.. i i t .. fn mv irienas in (the, Wrict y deeP and lasting P- b-' r .t.hliahment ' T r-lIiM 78 Ta 100 Women The business men of Mwah- A. L. bulwinkle, ftii ar having a luncheon today : ( , ' t',f 'Smiu- CLARENCE E are tp'hear Mr. Kholoss of Can-( . ton, K".C who operates a man-( ,Aul1i uxaen, T ook. . M, oalTSW'vJ W i;anton " ing for a small town V Lt. f a 1 Tm O Am IN Or Ml - I2r an u"cw v M f era him the best location for a g. death h e - rayon plant, wherehe will em- JSu?S ploy from 75 to 100 JJ c oWatl? girls in the manufacture of ray- fc0 ve been at the home of on underwear and lumberjacks. & , ig Morrow, so. in Marshall recently , gnd other attentions, and ey- w ro nuhliahins this week the offlcUl ballot cast in JHison County Nov. 6th. The amendments votea on V.f olaoHnn were not as fully un- derstood as they should . have beea. We hear that the one increasing tne pay of our legislators from the old salary of $240.00 for the session to $600.00 was carried in this state and Li. Afkav twn amendments Iwere lost. bun ww" - - - , Why these amendments were not ais- cusaed in the press more Deioro u election we ii. -.i-vt results iuiuv - the teople had understood them bet Iter. Rimmons COntinU- ' J 1.1. AM ocrninst. him. but Mr. AD6L'- Inethy decided to support him and be spoke ana worKea ior me wi mocratic ticket. Senator Simmons theme precinct went lor governor Abernethy's home precinct went for He was and ; . j wna Hone that was possible was lavoraDiy , him M comf0rtable as pos- TWO BRICK BUILDINGS GOING UP AT MARS HILL "I seriously content that it was Abernethy's home precinct went for nece8Bary to have brought such I Governor Smith by a majority of 67. dwtruction and disaster to the De- ntoit nntinHr tlin p.nuntv of both 01 - ..: t. l i mIi r.m-nlinn Lvhem, went' for .Governor Smith by .J the interegt of "saving the a majority oi zo . Jr. Apu. - Democra(;y from that Body oi ueam SVed, the following statement to the ft hM &m termed. 'nrau. tnnftV. . iivt 4-l, aainu HllffffestiOn ; "The political siftmtion in North". Senator Simmons in an mter Carolina brought about by the recent . to gave the party further election demands the most serious at- j ugt reorffanizedl. tentias- of the Democrats of the State uvtniu oil Hhm Hefererace. it seems for? the future. The Members of the . that it ig much better and.wUl Nnrth Carolina delegation in me t knr ahnnt the renaDiia- tiiA Nortn Carolina oeiegauon m wi Hrt . bring about tne renaD e press more HouSUith the exception of one, fol- di0Im00fr,thte, Democratic party for do not understand. The wed Senator Simmons ta his oppo-crat) to Btand by the regular , t have been different aitioi 6 Governor Smith until his, y orB8nization that has m ad understood tnem oei- nominauon w aomwu "- the splendid nght lor ine strais ator fOyerman and the entire delega-' r,(. jket. t belie - e the . . i,Bi Ition ; In the House supported the- f " i.artv ta the fut-we tt While the nation voted overwhel- n ..... t of our party in i ..Tovkllniin kind vftlile the F tT .;.. .,t tkoV 1 A LKTTERFROM MUBULWINKLE1,; " J uia& iA " , - 11 j ii. Xa Vivnon Ai4-vnV liia cnifff priTiiT was in with Marsnaii, - v rwhen the end that the getrtOgethjr today Will ame it wa8 peaceful, as one going to result in bringing this industry ( hep. Qf hest 'to Marshall. known men in Madison County. . Hav- 10 mal . ng been born in the house where he liod, he spent his enure me icinity of Marshall, although he had ..u.jcj nflFara t.n co elsewhere. He loved Madison County and its peo- nnH thev m turn lovea nnn. no I Was one of the most likeable and lov- ble of all our Madison citizens. .i u rlAth. he was Coun- , lie fciniic v . ..." " ' . , , Gastonia N C, Nov. 8, 1928 1 y Game,' Fish and Forest Warden, Through fratricidal strife in the De- & magistrate of unusual import mocrati" Party I was defeated in the and wa8 United States Corn General Election on November 6 m vA3siorier. As game, fish and forest the race for Congress from the Ninth .aPden, he had been often commend Distriot of North Carolina. The peo- for his efficient service, and as a Die have spoken. I accept, then- de- jiagi8trate ie was fair and impartial cision with tbft anieeqanim,ity with n hi& decisions. .j, : - which I have accepted previous vie-1 Mr Gage ig aurvived by his wife, tories. M . 00 ji.ho was before her marriage Miss m r.roBPnt term of office expires on t, vmmn Wood of Tennessee, and Moh 4. 1929. After that date I shall , . their eider son) Bob, rpume the practice of Law. l.vinff died more than a year ago. I leaves two sisters, Mrs, W. H. Mor-r-w, of Marshall, and Mrs. John Thomson of New York. The funeral was from the home of J!r. and Mrs. Morrow Wednesday af i rnoon at two-thirty o'clock conduct i1. by his pastor, Rev. J. T. M. Knox, c" the Presbyterian church. Inter sent followed at the cemetery. The j jillbearers were : cu;flp t? v Rnmsev. Messrs. Tom UliCtlll " V ' . Ll. . . - j.. aknnt. the rehabiUv De- aition 'to Governor Smith until his l)mocrati0 organization that has made nomination at Houston and then Sen- i.. Bien(iM nKht for the straight De- safety liea in OI our puny m "' .. itic ticket. L..ontio. nr nresent Democratic It now turns out that the electoral rt;JLtion. rather than undertaking vote -from North Carolina was not 8 organization under a leadership neeaea 10 aeieai viovemor omnu. wj,ch has brought about so mucn ui anow uppears that it was not necessary eor)j- .disaster and destruction in our ftor the North Carolina leaders of the t,'. s' Anti-Smith forces to have oinea . "gnakin,. f0r myself, I shall abide hand with the opposition and to nave 'with tha rejuiar Democratic Orgam- wagea; me swenuous camifuiBu wic, zat;on 0f the State." IAiA j hnvo InanreH Mr. Hoover S 6-. ;TV lection, "NOW, a caian survey 01 tne resui-a of this anti-Smith campaign in North r 11 i . oarouiia siiuwb; -.0 ". That the majority of the State TO VOTERS AND iaamium Democratic ticket was greatly reduced j op MADISON: 2.' That Congressman eD weaver, ; . Gentlemen: a Democrat, arid a strong anti-Smith dies "'m?- ODDOrtunity to man before the Houston Conventio ., I am taking this PPort Iwas defeated . 'thank the citizens 01 Maoison wuui, . a t ' 1 nnnnrrh nTitinp.nce in me iu 3. mat uongTessman t. u. um- wuu ..ie,.. 1 . 1 j j fA thnap who voted 1 vote in this issue, just now me cic- .winKiej a ucniuciai., ouu a iuns vote iur mc, ... c. il. I. J' fUrt UAiotnn - ' ' T .1. fn lin- tion went for Madison County omcers. smiumi limn uCiulc Ut Uv for my opponent, 1 w. . " i.v. it; 5. nvpr and Ivention, and a gallant soldier and , , anA feel that I will do just Ana now uwu ,e - . - ---, ffl of the World w wag do. v-- - j ffl the results known, perhaps the less,. . , iasimuch for their interest, as 1 wia jonvy mi j.vw.w, t Mrh Carolina will be democratic In majority. Two democratic congress men were defeated Dy repunicu0. Congressman Bulwmkle, who has many supporters' in Madison County and is thought well oi Dy many re publicans, was defeated by his oppo nent, Charles A. Jonas, and Mr. Geo. Pritchard, prominent lawyer 01 Asne ville, and popular especially in his 'native county, Madison, was elected to jCarfgress, defeating his democratic op ponent, Mr. Weaver. It is easy to see irom ttie taDuuuevi vote in this issue, just how the elec New Structure Will Be Great Improvement To Buainesa District One familiar with the business dl- trlct of Mars Hill a month ago, and not having seen it since, would hardly recognize it, so great are the cnanges taking nlace there. The frame build ings which were being used for the postoffice, barbershop, meat marKei, ete.. have been torn down and new brick buildings are being rapidly put up to take their place. Dr. I. a. tm nette is having one erected to be used for the postoffice. While this to heinir done, the postofflce naa tem porary quarters next to the cafe op erated by Mr. Kenneth Murray, wnicu is the opposite side of the street from its fromer location. Another building joining Dr. Burnette's postoffice bulld- tnr. in beinir nut UD by MeSSTS. J. JS. Huff, Ed Huff, and Arson Burnette to !be used for a barbershop, cafe, and meat market Both buildings will be one story and the cost was not given out. o-iH ahnnt it the better. Let's show the sportsman-like spirit manifested by the defeated democratic candidate 6"4. 'That the Democratic Congress-:do. for those who voted for me I man of the Fifth District, that grand want to do the best I know how lor old Confederate soldier, Major Cha3. Madison County and the citizens and nr ni.j tnM t a- 1 ft.,..4-r T fill- WOMEN'S CLUBS TO BE FORMED Arrival Of New Agent At Mar shall To Start Much Activity c;ti, hia vnl-lM. Stedman. iwas only elected by a- f. Madison County. I ful- uovernor lureu a. ...i."., - , . ... . v. uj -, .Tit.. V-.. 1 . 4-V. n nfa.tipa resume i" v . .,. I wish to express my y " ciation to each and every one of my CiatlOn W eauu ' , , t friends who have been so loyal to me since 1920. I have servea me "i'" of this District for eight years, and during that time I have striven m every possible way to render honest efficient, and faithful f"VVre and every person in the District, re eardles of political affiliation. B Portv. havinur hon- ored me five times as its nominee for a risrnt to pdictnrv radio address to the Ameri can people, in which he reminded democrats as well as Republicans that Hoover will not be the president 01 the Republican party, but of the A merican people, all parties, and as loyal citizens, forget our differences and work together for the good of all, letting any wounds that may have been made .during the battle of the campaign have time to heal. ABERNETHYONTHE ELECTION RESULTS Gives Eleven Reasons Why The Novth Carolina Democrats Should Not Have Sup ported Republican j Plans for reorganization of all the womens and girls clubs in Madison County, in addition to tne oreaniKi- . ... U V. 1 1 1 . " Dout ouu majority wnen ue uau uc.. . T(.ai:-e the responsibility tnat nas i"""";' ----- , . .j hv elected by great Democratic majori- y real,lze ne resp " " . T fi 'tion of new clubs, are being made by , r. ,..i. heen nlaced upon me and, too, 1 leei , orh Pnrtpr Ellis, of Asheville, ties in iirevious eiectiuiia. - - ,. . t-vitra' "J"'-" ,- . r "6 That the Democratic Con- that I cannot accomplish the things ,home demonstration agent of the gressmen of the Seventh and Nintn .that will help most without the full Mountain district; Earle Bnntnall. Districts were in the balance for a ' operation 0f every citizen of Mad- Madison 1 County agent and Miss ran- Republican. These counties were De- Ticket Washington, D. C, Nov. 10, 1928. mo"f two years ago . th Third 10- Johnson County -Charles L. Abernethy, of the Ihird t;i..l J UrttT ana a pieaauic w ----- . . , .L-ii j oil ,hat T nossiblv can ton. ture 1 snail uu ... v. -5...- , Aii (rnn. nt. of for the Party and its canaiuutes. , AWnaiiw -North Carolina uisinct, ji I appeal with all the force at my town were Miss Clara Hood, of Knox- fceen reelected by the unusual majon command to my fellow Democrats of viUe( Tenn) and Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Ly liveg in the same city with Senator the District to lay aside all feeling, willaford 0f Kingston, Tenn., Mr. v. m. Simmons. S forget the past, and to work to- ' Pritchard. Mr. and f Until the Houston Convention both gether for .-great and g onou ---- - RoUins Senator Simmons , ana I, by . majority forthe Republican mocratic rarty m -"t J T -T Bailev. of AsheviUe, and Del" "S h tor mePresi- National ticket for the first time since W..f j TJnrth Carolina in order . . Wnf Sn,!nra. Inpnrv. When Governor Smith was, the Cml War. cuuiibv 1 ., ivi r. it 14 ricuiuiuiiDt w -x - that all North Carolina may nave wnr urae u were ciecicu umjr v.y , . j x am askinsc mat eacn .f Igreltly reduced majorities, and both J f o and I am a g demon8tration for Madison of these imen were anu-smitn men De- - --- ... - . . 'was amiuiiteu - fore-t3Houston Convention. . --me and let's do tne tmngs tnat wiu WilJ arrive hore weanesdav ana ooen "6. That as a result of thiB stre nuous anti-Smith campaign in North r.nrnlinn. pvprv Con pressman's elec tion was enlangered, and each had to fight tor his political lite a3 never before. "7. That the Legislature hereto f'nrp overwhelmini2lv Democratic is now very close between the Demo-, i, snehl. Rut. listen, please don t n;nB. November crats and Republicans, the Democrats come with anything that will be per- nounced. Ihnv'vt' a riu!u -oil muioritv. 1 . . 1 4. ' PlnKo nlvpn v orffanized and "8 That great Democratic Coun- nal, or that will not oe ior tne oeS. fcy nis include Wal. I ties like Mecklenburg, Buncombe, , interests of your community or coun- whj-e Qck Beech Gienn. Wal Rowan, Guilford, New Hanover and ty at large. nut Creek, and Hot Springs. Enthusi- fc.::ny others strongly Democratic went 1 1 tried to make a clean race nad astic women workers in various sec- IRepublican.' 'nnitivpl havp not exchanged any itions, who are expected to cooperate "9. In the Third District the coun- : . . , K h in the oreanization of the new cluDS Carteret went ... '. . -. 'are Mrs. Nora Roberts. Mrs. ervan 'Was niiuuukcu wvj. Iwill arrive hore Wednesday and ooen , be best for our taxpayers. an office in the courthouse from which i As I have said before, I have notn- she win conauct ner win, ing personal to pass in the Legisla- . Mrs. Ellis and Mr. Brintnall have ture nor do I have any friends that completed the formulating of a list of ,have asked me to do anything te-'ri them. However, I am open to sug- Oafton will give three meetings with these Degin- 19. it has been an- well , gestionis from iiieiiu or iue (u there ,days to in the while it. wpnt. Dpmo- cratic two vears aero, this vear went Republican and as a result thereof two State Democratic Senators were defeated. "11. And then our State was car- am in a position to give you, wn Teague and Mrs. j0hn G. Cassada. of your cooperation, a fair and square (g d Musb; Mrs. Olin Jarrett. Mrs. representation. So let's all pull to gether for the things that wui neip us most, and if possible do something that will help to lighten our burdens. Again thanking you for your sup port, I remain Yours to serve, I J. H. HUTCHINS. Township Ward ' A. L. BULWINKLE . CHARLES A. JONAS O.MAX GARDNER H. F. SEAWELL R. T. FOUNTAIN W. H. FISHER rrt-u r n a J. A. .JblAKTWHiOo HOW MADISON COUNTY VOTED NOVEMBER 6, 1928. (OFFICIAL) A R 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 3 4 MRS. EMMA ROLLINS T1GHE- BAXTER DURHAM JOHN W. If EAGER B. R. LAVX - JOHN H. JOHNSON A. T. ALLEN I. H. GREEK nwNKTS G. SBRUMMITT JOHN R. McCRARY vo Axnr n CRIST JUNIUS B. GOSLEN ; WILLIAM A. GRAHAM DANIEL A. PATTERSON niN r. HONEY ..'',' A. E. HAMPTON RUFUS A DOUGHTON NOAH O. PITTS 4- W. T. LEE JAMES D. 4JREGG W. J. BROGDJfiW GEORGE Wi CONNOR WALTER D.' LOVB THOMAS i HARKINS WALTER Li SMALL JOHN H. CLEMENT U IRA PLEMMONS If. B. I.VD3VITT fc. J. H. HUTCHINS B..B,'BySBY-v;- ' jr. K. m iilTB- ..:"-;;.& 3. WILL I "BERTS 142 480 138 ...466 131 466 126 465 126 -4B9 -.126 .461 126 460 127 .469 126 -457 125 456 124 458 123 ' 467 J-127 465 1-.123 .-.123 452 463 , 125 .498 .326 1 .409 .479 468. L474 .184 35 23 20 293 95 140 259 29. 21 19 299 95 123 254 26 18 17 290 96 121 251 24 19 14 285 90 120 254 24 17 13 288 84 120 254 25 " 19 13 290 85 - 120 254 24 18 13 280 81 120 253 21 17 13 287 83 121 253 22 17 13, ' 286 82 121 263 22 17 13 285 82 1(0 263 21 17 13 28S 82 119 253 ' 21 17 IS 285 . 82 119 253 19 , 17 13 282 83 119 258 20 17 13 v - . 20 18 13' 281 88 118..TS58 277 84 118 253 20 17 IS f' ; HI, 16 r ' 04 ' 118 :12 25S. 08 118 90- 7 .. 261 62 - 111 .263 288 -83 i!27 253 ,28i 82 61 279 u 82 1 " 26 . 85 84, t - : r 8 155 4 149 4 148 4 148 4 148 4 148 4 148 4 148 4 148 4 148 4 148 '4 148 4 148 4 " 4 148 148 4 4 144 42 180 144 144 142 10 111 1 1 62 1 46 1 47 1 48 1 47. ; 1 46 1 46. 1 47' 1 47 1 47 1 46 1 47 1 47 f 1 1 46 44 , 1 , 1 46 83 85 43 46 44 I 50 .1 48 fS s 47 262 40 255 45 253 36 248 35 250 35 250 35 251 35 249 34 . 249 34 249; 34 251 85 250 84 246 34 82 ' 248, 263 83 ; 83. 263, 128 ; 231 253 j . 241 269 101 61 105 60 93 61 93 60 93 60 92 60 95 60 93 60 93 60 94' 60 94 60 ' 94 60 . 01 60 92 I 92 . 60 - 60 , Too i 87-; k 63--OS, 02 ?7 . 65, 68 40 7. 56 155 58 156 55 154 65 155 54 156 55 154 54 153 54 155 54 166 54 154 54 155 54 156 64 154 56 54 142 164 54 64 J52 96 148 161 166 154 '68 165 . 53 105 140 97 141 95 140 92 140 92 140 92 140 94 140 140 93 140 93 140 92 139 92 139 92 189 91 91 139 , 138 ; 92 02 ' il40, ,122 142 M42 i ;i88 142 70 61 73 58 70 58 67 78 67 65 67 65 68 65 67 66 67 55 67 65 67 65 67 66 65 65 67 67 56 -65 68 67 66 91 64 68 ,62. 2161 16 240 14 227 11 22 11 226 10 227 10 225 11 226 10 226 10 224 10 224 10 223 10 224 10 223 10 10 224 .223 11, 11 278, 148 69 77 64 65 47 61 44 59 42 57 43 58 45 57 39 58 40 57 40 57 38 57 40 67 38 57 41 40 68 68 41 41 119 .185 fik ... 1ft 65. "-48 183( .i 77 239 ,63 65 85 64 84 56 76 52 77 62 77 52 77 52 77 52 77 62 . 77 62 77 62 77 62 77 52 77 52 52 77 T7. . 62 62., 101 106 86 167 324 158 325 156 323 157 321 158 821 159 320 159 320 158 320 158 321 158 321 167 320 158 320 168 820 157 157 321 821 157 166 842 169 822 884 J7T 824 . 89 828-j 69 & 45 J 148. 82 108 828- v 16 59 11 58 10 57 10 57 10 56 10 57 10 57 10 58 10 67 10 57 10 57 10 56 10 66 10 10 57 57 . 10 10 66 45 S 72 6 20 114 17 109 16 109 15 108 15 108 15 119 15 107 15 107 15 107 15 107 14 107 14 107 14 107 14 14 108 108 14 14 110 65 14 196 17 185 13 192 13 192 13 192 13 191 13 190 13 192 13 189 14 189 13 188 18 188 13 188 13 13 187 187 c 13 IS 187 63 106,182 125 195 112 sl92 124 .-,198 108 . 20 - 67-180 153 107 153 . 108 152 108 152 106 152 106 152 107 162 106 162, 106 162v 106 ;i62 106 152 104 19-V.-152 162' 104 19V')52 152 . 99 19 ,162 152 108 -104 . 162 158 102 199 f" 83 108 ; 96 ,.88?, 166' ' OS 144 21 158 22 153 20 152 20 151 20 152 20 152 20 154 19 152 19 152 19 152 19 162 19 162 152 19 19 176 84 185 15S 152 v 160 14 15 16 Total 33 262 2 1446 92 187 161 3963 23 250 2 1316 91 195 156 3858 14 235 2 1287 88 194 155 3827 14 232 2 1253 8d 194 155 3823 15 231 2 1246 87 192 155 3791 15 230 2 1250 86 193 155 3803 15 222 2 1248 85 207 155 8788 13 233 2 1241 87 193 165 3788 14 229 2 1238 85 193 155 3777 14 229 2 1239 85 192 155 3771 13 208 ?. 1209 84 213 15r 8783 13 228 2 1232 88 193 155 8772 12 224 2 1221 , 82 195 155 8761 13 222 2 1222 15 216 2 . 1213 83 196 155 3712 , " 83 198 155 8760 IS 221 2 1222 ! 12 222 P(lm L 76 206 - 156 . 4091 , 166 216. 24 2658 . y- 80 861 " 144 8648' . 121. ' 182 161 f 8984 ,124 S 188 ,8707 m.S Mrs. Oscar Rector. and Mrs. George Roberson. Sr., of Marshall, Route 1; Mrs. William B. Rice and Mrs. Pearl Franklin, of Bur Laurel: Mrs. B. C. Meadows. Mrs. u. H. Ferguson, and Mrs. Ell rlinps. oi Soring Creek, and Miss Mary T. Mor- ris, Mrs. Knocn rtector, mrs. vnev . Roberts, Mrs. Carl Rector, and Mrs. Thomas Ball of Marshall. Route 5. "if vou want anything done well, do it yourself. Always laugh at your own jokes. Somebody is always getting in the of the man who is in the pur suit of happiness. way SEN. PLEMMONS THANRSPEOPLE Wf Snrine-s. N. C. Nov. 12. 1928. Through your valued paper, I desire to thank the people of Madison, Vonnoir Mftphel and Averv Counties for the large vote they gave me. I hope to retain their confidence by giving them the very best possible legislation. I invite tne cooperation oi ev citizen of our four counties. Write me your needs and advise me of your wants. Again thanking all tne voters, Your Servant, IRA PLEMMONS, Senator 80th District. ; 07 ' 240 .188 8907 o 10 " ft . 1E41 KB "taii "ll 8988 THE PRESIDENTIAL VOTE Alfred E. Smith 1093 , Herbert Hoover AMENDMENT; VOTE Amendment No; 1 f or-L-92 , .Aa.1w ,w ""iftAT - , i Amendment Nou 2, For, Agrainst-Li. V 53 4T4 14l' 88- B.E.C W. JL W.L.C T. X CLAV IB - .-sal R1 8 61 14 j7 r 14 81 17 14 16- -.a ' : 216 . t 888 -." -lM'-t I01i 14T f 91 !81 873 li.jt5i.jlf 17t 168 Atrii 'tea t Jil4T-" til 7-. ill. lBSi JI,MIi ... '", las isi ;y5;1!' S7 SO. IU t.i 1 1? M-..Mfci"!l .,f,lfft , JlW3, 8rir.i"-w- '. k . . ' I r I i . 48I j w ;.-. 1 J CHAPi ALLIN 82 r 99r 144; 240' . 41 277V 68. A A S7"'19SLl 1"1288 mmm iko . JMI A ' Uriendscnt No, A For. lljr ,