;Tr;f.V;y;f1V;';;vV',1 W&ttrr'ihFP W IRIST child; v ' " $ 4 XW wrntttf, V'Jf reluStSV? ';'t'i i CKlin;,7256. Jhe blUtens of Madl- . more than ,tw hundred-fifty ree- holders requeeted the Board of .Com - missloners oi jnaaison vwuniy, n Monday in De?embef to caU an tion f or' a boild:ItooJiot',oodiJ,i Forty Thousand Dollars for the pur- pose'of deciding whether or not the people will vote lor tne oonus ior a. County Hospital. -The Commission ers did not call the election "but de- K T, In the meantime the writer was re quested to obtain, an opinion lYiinTI from thelAttorney General as to whether the! Statute is mandatory upon the Commissioners when a e:l;V? a!8 . . properly presented. I wrote jiruirenj iicbouu. torney General and the foUowing w his reply," (which explains itself: Mr. John A. Hendricks, lfMIAV.At.T.QV ' Marshall, N. C. Dear Sir: Replying to yours of December 6th. If all the preliminaries are prop- erly? carried out, we think that the term "shall" used in the Statute in sub-aection 2 of C. S. 7265, is plainly mandatory and that the Board of Commissioners have no discretioa in ordering the election upon the pe- tition vaiim f.iiw DENNIS, G. BRUMMITT, Attorney uenerai. , Bv Frank Nash. .. . At Atttrnav finpral-K t . On the 15th of December the pett tion was again presented to the Pomt mistioners and ft ertifid that wore than two- hundred' freeholders' or Tdaairon vounxy naia signeuine ;mtLB, $hr eonsansas that .sections the potitioni and pm than oniTLun-; of i ttfr Countyr that' has ayaflo ota dred and fifty of. tha signers lived Mives of the help and advice of the outaiae in xorponree nmra-or- to Town-uf iffliatshalfe It was found , bj the commissioner JthatJhe petition complied with the requirements, of : tbe law. Whereupon tne election was cau- law. Whereupon the election was call- V fj.f".?1 S5 . . ,.j ii ...i. j - a ii o be heta on th 9th day of April, 1929. The law requires 4 that there shall be ninety days publication j of the. notice of tne election. . ,; The proposition is that the James B, Duke estate will donate to the County Forty Thousand Dollars for the pur- 0f the need of a baWirmtitation for pose of a county hospital if the county stocks He said Mr.'i'ndersVn, has twill put up and equal amount of mon- hown tne farmers wKat that iwas and ey. The Duke donation is a gift to the what plant food was. He spokr oi the county. Besides the gift of Forty tax paid to raise the chiWrfel Id. a Thousaiid Dollars hte Duke Founda- higher plane through education and tion will help maintain the hospital. urged that the l-cent .tak levied on The notice of the election will be eacn fioo for a f arm Vgetit would he regularly published and the registrars carried on. J. Robert Lohg,'.c4shier and judges of the election in the dif- 0f the Bryson City, bank saidAinat he ferent precincts will be appointed in had watched the work as it has 'grown due time. 1 , . 3f and gave figures and facts to prove The Statute provides that when a the progress made since, the employ petition in compliance with the stat- ment of 'a farm agent ute is submitted to the commissioners Meant Real Money 1 V that they "shall submit the question Mr. Gibby said that Mr. Anderson to the qualified electors" at a regular had started him, in a small way, on election or "a special election called several projects that had. meant , real for that purpose," - : money to him. He : stated, that-the . The .real, question at stake is, will farm agent is the link beWeen the Madison County accept the gift of small-farmer and the -market. That Forty 'Thousand Dollars and put up the small farmer has to sell eollect an equal amount for the relief of the ively and it is only with a farm de sick and suffering and for the pr monstrator at the , head of things, tecuon ox me. - - JOHN A. HENDRICKS, Mrt. C. J. Ebbs Writes Book "Carolina Mountain Breezee" is the title of a little book just off the press, the author being Mrs. Eloise 'Buckner Ebbs, wife of Mr. Cauley J. Ebbs, of Asheville, formerly of Mad ison County. Mrs. Ebbs says it to a simple mountain story,-in which she has tried to picture the best type of mountain people. Mrs. Ebbs is mod est enough to say that she does not expect it to be the last word on this subject,' but hopes that it may in- - spire others to write more along this hub.. nn prouuBuon nu uenn very linn. ; H, nrralnfftinn haa haan varv I favorably received in Asheville and othercesndhas hadmany favor - -vTA" J " written showing' only the worst side of mountainTiple thct such a book u.uuum yvvyi i m . . 1 H Mm H.hka V, . wiHAil will nnh i.. v i. v. .. : tain neonle of the better cW K m . . T' iaM fog of -the Eastern Star wiU hold their ' regular monthly meeting-in the Ka iv 'eri StarattteMarshaU Masonic Tempi. ChHstma. ,ighttit ha. been - . announced. The meemg. feomtng w i 1 -that ifneTwul'e featured J - . la . YvjleUdt-. progTam,. consisting . .PIi.Im .a ma ilia n. 7 Atlta, afoja li-a' - 7 atuq:B ..J.i'jf.'Vfi, "Woy'lVjoiil'sA ear' of para r-'ed Cternsey .ca h. r re t... t all -SBeasbfrs be 0f AHl riUU 1 UJl 1U A f 0 AfiFl JT 1 J.ff Jfil 1 1 Wl.fr - " ,; - emiol Will Be (Qfrculated! ' To Determine Will Of -, ixpayr ' '. " ' '.t i..i Bryson City, Dec. 14. petitions hearts to love's deep fcuring the next f ew R.' iihoap vy wvv, -4 ; V. . riatarminVT.nrWlUWVIB W mTTw awa nnd trnn nnnminuKU uiwi . mo Wtta,iBW:f and who, annpunceo w a in d R Anderson," eoontyvvxarm 'a "-. t' Sensed 5v ' , . V v , wim. ..-it , n.ialnn in nnnvfow tn& farmVn 01 he county with petiti wsV,af ec)ied I ast night when a grc-iip o tepresonta- I ive citizens irom many secuvnw w a mass meeting in the- courthouse or the purpose of discussing ways and means of retaining the farm agent. Vii! Never in the history of the county has there been as little t, P !,in he way" of public iwork. A . j I by, secretary of this board, stated at the mnnr "before this, if I could nnt main ononirh off niT larm to SUP- port, imy .famUy, I could go to some , umopr hh honeTodaiy I hava to make my ftwitlff irtrtll-mV lan(L- . , ..- r ' . -y 100 AttMld ' '- tv,i. mtn- w in charsre of Mr b-i,, v Jidsoifi. Abont 10 tnea from,! -Jl. ,! eonntv; witWa few:-1mB'' thr. Short -talks weremade by ! county"agent,'TWrtoaay ' wi -to - ,l VhlTbills; and iwei making Mng ofP' the thisg' thAt they had started to do iat his (Iftgoif v jd Dt,. At, fh utronimst : noiau. maae t -t t, .' . ... -waf by R. SS'llives ' annnally in the United State .aid that he felt tbatlelb;AftBowl- edge of the work tfMJBafMifc WAH the neatest Baadiciftv Wv'earry. inir on the-work: 'thataBytbBg has t hvi head and a ieaflet.He' spoko ; tne.neaa oi tnings, that they can get a market for their email crona. A letter was read from the Nan tahala Creamery Company by S. E. Varner of Whittier stating that the truck service would, be discontinued if a farm demonstrator was Hot oa the job as the people would decrease their output and it would be a losing tu1U.wwU , --, --. --- county. He urged the taking of peti- nronosition , f or tnem to - cover tne tions into the county ; and getting them signed and present , themto the county conrmtosioners. This was dop - ami a MmmittA MmiMMfl of ueo. vu -- ---'-- z Henry Tabor and W. W. Wiggins was named to draw up this peuuon ana several men volunteered to r carry them into all the communities inthe county ounng tne coming iwee. PRODUCTIVE AND AT A STAGE ol r1 "P'i- y "ilrvli " arrangements made by the Board of was endorsed by an unanimous vote. ,VHEN HIS SERVICES ARE MOST seem to show that the ,cowectWn homeof the elder Stanley below Educatioil Bnd Mncipaj Homer Hen The runnm? of the . co-operative vrrcrrr Dnfn nv mo nun v formed individual should have'!; Wouvvteek, Tennessee, - Monaay . m,,.i mv .sn - n. s -; ' s, . . j.s-j i fPouiiry car e 1 the talk Mr Long,he compared the nrices n to tho doors anoVeollect-chickens ani e? 1d h" JVC?! . N . . - flt t fh In auu - 14000. tne past -nine monaia ra iThto means a great deal to those men ,chlckena 4 and women who have raised ' - in this eonntv. i 1, .1 v a a. --JSvory. one was agreea at tnia meev t oard of coiirmissionrwi busi-JincreageV ,g probably tiue to the - f our modern life, touches in SLhibiton lajw vio atwn. - 'iid?MrtKt that the tremendouse success in ' aj, manner the lf, eyel ,WitMWa "ld eet the nv.l.of.ilia people In other -fields-of medicine has glveu;" Peo. Surely every MADISON NEWS I SP t has been instance. -iaeABa,-T""Pnj1-eonihigf We for one half. ? thtr, af jia i.' - - farm agent. Ashve. CiUxen. , by a spec- U lsisting.f V .g.W , - v Transylvania, farmers hve organ- ! r'--.r"; "I- mT ' or, eat- br ty dairy. ,.-, tJs was jnrch" - men cf lrrr ' Co-- nhu tomeVttie reindeer" -ft "Hi ' MvR tTtftk' ' Ail running through the frosty night They bravely drag their merry loaa jinaf S ligni wiin joy ui n w w fSjht un shoes, shined IV 9 SUn S gOIU CUSLIIIR ouvci layo, It's nose, hps, cheeks with red aglow Reflected from its sun-hearts light. And -waves of sun's warmth Santa brings, glow, Tk klnnnn H-h 11 IrinIIV flPfl iua umiics "v - 1 na na aaja" crave ranueer, iinw m j"j a v o tciuwwi j -j The mind of men these forms con- ceive; Dear child's delights, by fancy bred - The heart of God gave earth His Sor E. D. Erakine. CANCER-A SOCIAL PROBLEM Radio talk from Station WPTF, Raleigh, U. C, Tuesday afternoon, December 4. 5:60 o'clock, by Dr. Thurman D. Kitchin, President, North Carolina Medical Society, Wake f or est, N. C. Modern methods of travel and com miiTiication have welded the people Of the world into -a vast social organ ism, 'each member standing , in v tho closest relation .of interdependence, LTOOaJf it fitouom- fW5 ill unto k hrmself.. rnvoived aa Banns society is today in 4 network of per sonal relationships, problems which. i wera individual now iijlSLvLS!Z few years ago were indmduai now become the . responsibility 'of society as a whole. . - Certainly a disease Which take a tou . oi , over I toll of over one hundred thousand may be regarded as a social problem, More people die of cancer : than are killed by railroad trains, street Cars, automobiles, drowning, mining acci- dents,, machinery, poisons, homicides, and Suicides all put together. More people die, of cancer than all infect ious diseases combined excepting tu berculosis. Cancer anects all races, all classes, all sexes, and is found in.fer is unwise uniounaea. anects - - -all countries andf under all I climates. &'g aM? SSftJSX w! One out of every ten men and. women ZZI fieprge'.of Mars Hill, who tender- now living will aie oi cancer u tne present 'death rate continues. Well may it be called the most fatal dis ease known to modern civilization. Again, regarded from an economic standpoint cancer is a social problem. It has been estimated that this dis ease causes an actual monetary loss of approximately seven hundred mil lion dollars a year. This sum does not ipclude the cost of medicines and nf actual nursing, nor -does it take into onsideration other members of the family kept from work on account 'of a cancerous member. As we are too well aware the victims of cancer nass wen aware, tne victims oi cancer pass thronirh elono-neriod of illness and suffering., become less and less pro- ductive, finally taking their beds and hec helpl; roqaJrWnt iiuraing- wvmr iieu buiks or members of their own family for a I .."" w ? -r (route.. long period before they finally sue- .venting cancer. .a&iify. TO q w- cumb. The slow, relentless progress1 2. Recognition of the early signs vV Some time ago Dr. W. RarJrin, lNEW COUNTY CYMNAS,UM of cancer to depressing in the extreme of cer. nnn'iL.' COMPLETED not alone to the families of those af- 3. The necessity of seeking cein-todnoed that the 140,000 ffftw" 1 Madison County's new gymnasium a'j t. i i. n mi j m nnfani: marlipal adviffa immaniatal Vallable - for the snecined Domose. i 1 i .l.ii ... . , , . .. iincteu, out to tneir inenus ana in ,,,;-.. to the entire mm. muity. j There ia tfne phase of Cancer as a j80claj pfoblem whJch may easily be t ..i i itl . i. ji . - i - lorenraiea, xnure can unruly ue piuc- ;ed mnch emphasig upon this point: DEAXH FROM CANCER OCCURS Ap a w ir.v wnrw a DPomM SHOULD BE MOST ACTIVE AND " AND BY SOCIETY AT LARGE. We kB0W that cancer is pre-eminently a lo, 8hining mark and leaves con- fusion and desolation and distress in " ""-",T nj j J. ,rg naui fimuiei HTS DrOKen uu. IW1Q- of 8Upport, children are taken from school , the community finds that it has met an irreparable loss, "v trutii but is an unwelcome ... "winging more peop.e. up to tne cancer age. wancer wine .mc nAnrfanf a .a a.oiio ferential diseases -of old age. Accord- ingljuby attacking those tr V the ., . , f.. t ,t.. i... i.tv mrmA Miar 4iia ranrar tafata' tha wnrk all rrtHo ko.ith rvT Hnw impetattve en tfc? MeountUat eer fce'controHedl- .- . - ' Merely to pronounce this scourge a cial problenf and to spread the a- oviuu i .c". -r.-- - - larm is but to depress ana aiscourag.'-.mwwsfc-oi " and fill with apprehension those whoWti!h 'under control. we (wish to help. There iB a brighter.' TZ 1 7T" side to the picture, for cancer is eurwjV Lime arid Legumes for soil improve able if apprehended and treated' ment and for hay and forage is the its early stages. It is always nrst faQ ptDnam for Davidson County, local disease and at this stage caa- hftn '.r- - eradicated. It must be attacked a a Social problem through education of all the people as to tne importance o early diagnosis ana treaimew Some -will be unduly frightened and will go to doctors needlessly but that; many lives, wiu m save a oy sucn eau-1 cation can not be doubted. Education I '""rj.-r'rrirtarjMTtoNAL schools STotKrai: Sih. Beech -S M & -no harm if these fear, ar Conter ' MflTE taken to competent dviMr. Ul UUC -SVOSlr MBIT, yearst (without taking precaution av$ gainst infecting themselves, tker ;isk Physicians stated 1rin2.1 5o record of one cancer patient haW approximately 1,000 eases were : : An-.Mt4.M AA4-i.. w4ama - ""r r- ,t ? d far in our knowledge the cause is connected (with three factors 1. Age. Middle life and later. 2. Chronic irritation, undoubted it n n Av.itiniv MnoA ixciting cause. 3. , Heredity that is, an inherited predisposition or susceptibility. Mere has been learned about ealw cer in the past twenty-five years ihan. TnsrernTca-toun cer patient on account otfear of coflvJtf?ei prior to the t tracting the disease. Victims of this: is improbable that studies jal dread disease need every bit of t Wwi at any of the Institutions derness and sympathy possible for until after the Jfcwiidays. them to receive, and it is a blessing ' . . t WII n rn,.N that there is no ground whatever fpr, COMMISSIONER fear of contagion which might lead to ! . CMM ISSJON ER CHAIRMAN unnecessary and uncharitable atti- ' Claude 2? tude toward the afflicted ones. "P8"'1"0" tS?fwJ32 The widespread belief that diet Ms Cunty. ?Aotmt play, a part in the production of can- ITtrrZl in all previous time, due to biological, pona issue aggregating an appron experimentation with the production, mate consideration of f 40,000, the and study of cancer in the lower anl-. proceeds of which are to be adddd imals, aotably the rat. L .VV,bka-f amount, a gift frdm the .v,. j-vs-nir T?w.ininr. f rhavlnMo. tn. ' ruDlic education concerning mir disease being the only hope of check- i"1 Its ravages, allow me to outline a ,pl'7 FJL:?. ;$S&& The date foe3 T " ..V", ' , .v.j. "a r -., : t , upon, the appearance of symptonWr. which arouse suspicion as to their . , ' -.,., That every cancer begins as Irwnl fnnnitinn and AH Ions . , , 7 , .r. 7' main local it can be positively cured - ??JZ - &y surgery ana A-Kay ana oiunv, Dr. Joseph Bloodtrood. the noted - ". authority, says: ,','The records. , . .. . , - ' '""" f"""1 uf "" "''"" . nZ'2Z u when attacked by cancer, iwh0e :mkJltt ,f dividual does not have more than a- P'."? .fh8 cu'?; T if nnroaann.Ma tn hal.'ava than " that .with the proper cooperation on " , . " Prt of a fully informed, pubh.,to eenmUe, whtrette tobacco was the death rate from cancer caabw spOsed . , 7'-n -reducedt Our agencies of researo&.AvTe officers also arrested Bill Stan- na the practical application of , pur commsnaeerea 1 precise must be organua - jiticaiiy every person, surely every j-j '.ItTv:. .ZZ:?V - . ing on the welfare of society , and mber thereof. When the modv'aTeyclad army of the South' is rep- rn nund has grasped fully this org - entj. this overwhelming neeemrit-v ior 'individual and concerted thought and wetion, this bafuini? social problem . Caicer will be solved, and tbls - e ',' - c-Bse wi.1 be -nrr' ,' -i just as. Mher diseases, which only a few years ago were reaping a ncn --"vj-rr CT. ko. MADISON NEWS SPOTUGHT rum JyvGLENN W. WAVBg, i Tec'AS INFLUENZA SPREADS V"STW , " jj. - lA Hffn.-k foresenL in .xiwuiMixi uuuvj. aiaiw -a -v-ii rpsiimaton several davs aero. 'nSr Board to 3Xted Mr- Wilde T. A. Silver and J F. ,Al?,n hS.?er hav,ngr beefn1aKp" Rtf to fi.n vacancy created by of Mr- Gf ore- -julsirv -y .. .i,&viiw iu oc ON HOSPITAL BONDS i Ah7oriter..authorizing a County-wide elecHpjaffl. the issuance and sale of a uae , jounaawwn, oi nnui.te, w wards the erection of a proposes new , j.JLj , fv aWl v J77 . . . - i TOBACCO THIEVES ArrKE- vE . .DoAvv and rrat&j named i 1 k-T, .'.ih in i', l.ii , - l.ij j merly .of MawhaU, are being held in Mtunty jau ou "x 1 mr - i - quantity of tobacco irom two faWners4oui of MarshaU last Sun- i,tu o n , Ttnmis Hendew Henderson, of Marshall, while sleep- was said that the pair hired X C. Pnftner. Marshall taxi -.dryer to convesr'them .and their illegal "haul" T ' - ' ... . . - ... .'ley,, who was sleeping in the home .o .ou ititner. ouuncy ww wanveu .her on a charge of jumping bis pona, - 'mede to aechre the' payment 'of costs Cin aonnection with his trial on a pro- All three are mahisvsh iwn;wa isia i L.iuin- Sin liilKiW " 1 "T , - . I V-; CChe rapidly dwindling ranks of the - resented y only twenty-fire members in-Mkdiaon Countv: Mia manv othan having answered the final roll call of .tVe Great Commander, with the oass- - 'i z the years, it was revealed test Fr', . when tV f t-"-1 mtoisanf entmry seeessk r Etabhsk. .ftawfctiliM. 15- wiMe,!1 4M? Clerk of Court, the stun of fifty centa towards the support Of! the organic. ' tion this amount to be forwarded by . Mr. Davis to the organization. PERIODICAL HEALTH EX AMINATION COMPLETED Miss Cora Beam, of the State Board-, of -Health, recently completed the annual , examination o f Madison. County school children. Close to 4,000 children in graded schools were examined by Miss .Beam, the workle , ine sponsored hy the County ana State Boards of Health. MARSHALL AND HOT SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOLS TO RE MAIN CLOSED UNTIL DECEMBER 31 , . Hot Springs high school which clos ed about three weeks ago because of : . an epidemic of influenza at that place, and Marshall high school 1 1 1 J -1 1 Kr IP.ftMTlfw Supermtendent of Schools, Carl M. B1'en8niD bnd principal Homer Henry, last Friday,, will not open un til December 31, it has been announc ed.. Mars High was closed as a pro. cautionary measure against a prob able epidemic, 121 absences, having, been recorded on. the closing .day.. Not all of these, however, had con tracted the. disease, it was said. A. FRED ROBERTS" APPOINTED' n COUNTY CAME, FISH, -" FIRE WARDEN A.Fred, - Roberts of Mara HUL. secretary-treasurer (jf the Marshall -Chevrolet Company, , received notiflr , . catioi last Thursday of his appoint- 0 meht to the office of chief gam and t i. Hah .warden of Maaison uoumy to succeed the lata Clarence M Gag,e,, of . , Aiarshail, , wno. died Movamner. ia, . ni i t i jii : l mi . County 'forester, ftaiTwaarinaeV aj ' Department of CdhservaliOn' and- Do J velopment, . , S ' Mr. Eoberts will probabTy. can a t meeting' of the district warden per-. Bonnel of Madison, at an: eaxlSt data i' . for the discussion of plana for the work, anl the transaction of other business. ; Mr. Gage had served one term and a few weeks prior to his death was notified of his appointment to a sec ond term. His period of service in office attracted the commendation of his superiors and fellow iworkers, and was marked by the highest type of ' efficiency in every respect. ' ' HOT SPRINGS-BLUFF HIGH WAY ROUTE TO BE COM PLETED IN 1929 The new Hot Springs-Bluff high way, traversing a part ef the Spring Creek section of Madison Oonnty, and one -of the most important of several projects now under way in Madison , by the State Highway Com mission, will be completed fn 1929, highway officials in charge of the Work have announced. - The proximity of winter has re sulted in the work being speeded up, since inclement weather will retard the progress now being made. ; '- $60,000, a part of a loan of S600, 000 by the Board of Commissioners of Madison County to the State High way Commission, for highway con- - fltruction and maintenance in tho County, has been allotted to this iHnBia court, locatea in tne I old Marshall Mvh aehnnl hniWin . n the mountatin above MarshaU, is now omplete -and thus another attractive featurft o convenienc, to high sc.n01 fy girls has been realis- ed Cage teams in all of Madison's five i. v i, - jj , door mi ft Mieyed " ieuu. iu the new gymnasium being self-sup- porting, including constructing costal . Christmas Next Week 4

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