I ...... IH NEWS-RECORD PRICE A YEAR -- MADISON COUNTY RECORD Established June 28, 1901. FRENCH BROAD NEWS KstMbli-'.. May 1G. 1907. Con-olid. itrd November 2, 191! k The PROGRESSIVE FARMER THE NEWS-RECORD $9 v BOTH A YEAR FOR THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN MADISON COUNTY VOL. XXI MARSHALL, N. C, FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1929 1800 i HA VWnnn fHIlOTV Praamla Hurts IS HOSPITAL ,! 4- RICES THERE SAID TO BE AS GOOD,. OR EVEN: SETTER. SUCCESSFUL ' 1 oiasgSiff PAYS DIVIDENDS TO VOTERS The following: in regard to main tenance of a Duke Hospital was clipped from the Asheville Citizen' of January 13: AVERAGE PRICE AtXGREENE , VILLE INCLUDES AUV pRAMS I OF WEED, WHICH '.TMAKES GENERAL LOWER There has been a good deal talk in various parts of East . Tennessee over the fact that the publish prices which tobacco has beenbrinfrnxg on BAPTIST PASTORS I TO HOLD MEET County Hospital While th riaintr enata f maintain. infc the idle convicts in the county the East Tennessee markets has been jail is a subject of concern to the shown just a little lower at Greene tax payers of Haywood County, the ville than elswhere. Plain Talk was operation of the Haywood County informed Wednesday as to why this hospital is viewed by the citizens was true. It seems that at Greene with much satisfaction. The latter ville the average is made up. from the institution is also full to the over- seven grades of tobacco offered, flowing but the result to the county which includes the lowest quality that is quite different. It not only pays is grown. In averaging up the .day's its owto expenses but returns a profit, sales the Greeneville market has flg The hospital was the first established ured aI1 grades into the average price, in the state, or rather the first one which at moat of the other markets authorized by the voters under the only the four highest grades, have, ap ldw. Johnston county while voting Peared the average. It was stated its Bounty hospital after Haywood that at Greeneville the crops from really completed its building and two counties marketed there has started business -earlier than we did. shown UP veiiy Pr and tlst of The hospital has filled a need so great ?ur?e toP P"ces wcre not obtained. that but few realize it at the time of ne vMwnevuie average ior me oesi its first agitation. It would be hard rde " been rbt in keeping with to find a voter in the county who hose at other markets, and in many does not now approve of it. instances just a little higher. It was Jointed out that Greeneville is the It will be recalled that the Duke Pioneer market for East Tennessee Foundation did not contribute as 8nd that on this account the publica large an amount to Haywood County on , the averages figured as they as is the allotment of Madison Coun- have been has been a distinct injus ty. The Duke interests gave Hay- lce to that market Plain Talk is wood $25,000. They will give Madi- ,ad to make this explanation, so that son 537,500. Haywood hospital and umy larmera may resi as grounds cost $125,000. Madison 8ured that they will receive the high County will have under the present est market price for their crop at the plan a 30-bed hospital with an endow- Greeneville warehouses, ment of $1.00 per day for each bed At thls time an agitation for an occupied by a charity patient The ncrease in tobacco acreage for next total cost of such a hospital will be ear is being made. It is stated that $7fi fton Wafnraiiv fha n the Burley sections of Kentucky would be the one to profit most from h.e .mexlmum acreage has been reach- tha erapfinn nf tha nrnnnW hnanltal ed IOT tHS Class Of tobaCCO Charity is defined as liberality to the" urther said that Tennessee and North poor. R. T. Ely in his "Introduction Carolina could easily sell fifty million to Political Economy" says, "We are Pounds of the weed next year, and beginning to hear of a science of f Wln? to the fact that there is now eharity; and it is sorely needed for shortage in the Burley crop, good uiu-xMiiiuneu aims-giving w curse. .. . I I , " , . tiom- 2ffln criitNn videMy the- encnn&eht County " for this shortage is an increased V ?!?f'n Commissioners agree with this state- consumption of tobacco, which to- ! ? ti. i i :j l i harm man nttrlhnta laiwolir f fVia otate, UT. J. IV. D decrease in the numbers of paupers takin P ' ette smoking by the " ffin.S r ' on the County payroll. Herbert women- Farmers of Cocke county I d,ussion- 2.45, The Things I Can Hoover says the aim of any Sc this year are highly elated with the Dr-W- TM-, Lf. S?fy arlminictritinn V,,,1H ffco Vkli. 'etums. and t S Certa n that an in- "IB vi'" iiui, o.uu, ly tion of poverty. He would eliminate rease ln acreage will alms-giving by abolishing the need year . . DMtV. VOO .QOi OUT ( q ' mmrr.rtm. IAD COST OF STATE GOVERNMENT PER INHABITANT FOR THE. YEAR 1927' The following table, 'based oa Fi nancial Statistics of State Govern- ISON FIGHTS f1;-.,.i .L.J t u:- l i Trig hillsides to gain their livelihood , from the sale of illicit liquors. But, ! thinks to Mrs; Ebbs, she has correct- j ed this erroneous and false impres sion which has unfortunately gained', such wide proportions- I Mrs. Ebbs has woven into her book i just enough romance and fiction to I make it anneal to the average Der son. It is not, however, one of those ments' federal Department of Com i, u i i . i j . merce, ranks the states according 'to slushy love stories which would draw the pe'r inhabitant c08t o sUte0V. the reader's mind away from the peo- ernment for the year 1327.. The ta ple whose real life and existence she ble covers all current payments for has so well presented. To say that operation and maintenance of the "Carolina Mountain Breezes" has a general departments of the state gov .... . . x . ernments. rare combination of these interesting Nevada ranka first with current points which writers so often fail to state government expenditure p f incorporate into their stories is by no $27.44 per inhabitant Illinois is fast means exaggerating our opinion of Wlth So-07- hpr work n iH . Knot with 1 "orin Carolina ranits 4&tn, our i . .,, . . .. state expenditure being $6u81 per. in- it. It is a history with truth in it habitant The total payments for It is a story of love and sacrifice of operating and maintaining:. the general two sisters whose emigration from departmets of our state government their mountain home to the city re- amounted to $18,142,100. This in- veals in reality some of the hardships j-"des scho1 e1ualition expen . . .. . , r ' ditures. temptations, , sacrifice and errors , S. H. HjOBBS Jt through which all who follow in their Department of Rural Sooial-Econoo Greater W, N. C. Group To Convene In Mara Hill On January 22-23 footsteps must pass. But, best of all, it presents in J truthful reality, the life and charac ter of the mountain people as they ; really are. And, without fear of sue- cessf ul contradiction, this paper gives ' 'A 1IAT n CFPTIAIVT' b the credit for bein thei U nULli OliLllUil'first t0 thoroughly, completely and' interestingly bring about such a book. West Asheville News. ics, University of North. Carolina. WILL NOT, LOSE SANDY MUSH TO BUNCOMBE WITHOUT I - STRUGGLE LIFE icountv ii not ffointt to lose a chunk iBorn in this world against our Will: The Greater 'of Sandy Mush territory to Buncombe We limb a long and toilsome hill Mars Hill. Jan. 12 Western North Carolina Pastors' Con- without a fight With a smooth place only here and f erence will hold its annual meeting Tha much was made plain today I there, at Mars Hill, January 22-23. by both .Senator Ira Plemmons, of T . . . lrfl,.0. The following program has been ;Hot Smnngs;nd Dr. J. H. Hutchins, 10 rest U8 from our deeP deBPair- t. announced: Tuesday 11 a. m., devo-;of MarJL;, Madison's representa-1 uonai, vne nev. n. u. omnn, pisioTiuip w w kkiuui). m lacii ..timucu w uu&uwwit Marshall Baptist church; 11:20, ser- jaenaw? : rieqjmons oeneves that once heights, mon, the Rev. W. H. Ford, pastor th great icpteuctive legislation that Passed busy days and restless ntehts. Andrews Baptist church; 1:30, devo-'fce aaticipate? from the state-wide tax An1 thit , . . TOo , ' tional, the Rev. J. R. Owen, pastor X efotmf and vo4 improvement pro- And thi"k we ve lmost reaclwd our Mars Hill Baptist church r 1:45, busj- lgranl gete?nnderway the urge of the I Baptist Concen- wancy, musn-iaens to get out of ve nio some unseen noie, of Church and Bateman, pastor inhabk. est Nevada $27.44 Wyoming 22.53 Delaware 19.16 Utah 15.46 Washington 14.64 (Maine 14.08 Vermont 13.93 California 13.81 Minnesota 13.75. Rank State 10. Oregon 13.50 for it. That is the real science of Charity. He does not evade the re sponsibility of poverty. Neither must the responsibilty for the sick be evad ed by a community. It is seldom the privilege of a community to meet this responsibility without incurring a loss financially. However, thanks to Mr. Duke, the voters can accept this re sponsibility and profit financially from the investment. MRS. THOMAS FRISBEE DEAD leffi-wftt iot be so bresain tt. He believes that the lowering- of nroierty"Miiin Di S ed! ! the tracks of other fallen men - . road system will have much to doilhmklng that soon we 11 ae the toward makiiur the people who dweil i height 11" T m; it .1. . T r t- n . l: 4.1 TIi.11- o 1 njr i j 1 u ... fnllnui ..). Leisure lime, tne rtev. r. u. iviang- in me uiiLie oanay luusn lownsnip nere tnere is joy, and peace, and urn, pastor 01 tne r irsi capiisi cnurcn 'iiu. ou bcclioii anxious lo stay in i light. Marion; 3:20, "Perils to Home Life," Madison. the Rev. W. W. Williams, pastor at! Senator Plemmons says that he is L . Oteen; 7:30 P. M., devotional, the interested in the development of .ome ot us catch our Pet ,Uus"n Rev. R. O. Arbuckle, pastor, Fair-.highways No. 6, No. 2, No. 10, No. IAnd ln own own confusion, view; 7:45, sermon, the Rev. Arthur 11, and No. 16 in Madison county. . Thank the gods for what thev Irave. Jackson, pastor First Baptist church, j School Board Fight Then stumble fall into a grave. iiciiuciovuviuc. i'iuiouii vuuubji a lung uiawii uul j Snnil nv Horht. nvai tVlp aiVinnl Knnvrl nnaaliAn i,V.V'.'-' Wednesday 9 A. M.. devotional, 'is expected to reach at least a tem-. diedf aV' lher the Rev. T. F. Dietz, pastor, Beta; porary finale in a bill that is being1 Newport Plain Talk. 1 1 South Dakota 12 North Dakota - 13 Arizona 14 New Hampshire 15 New York 13.15 13.14 13.12 13.01 12.7S 16 New Mexico 12.61 17 Connecticut 12.4d 18 New Jersey 11.86 19 Michigan . 11.84 20 Maryland 11.37 21 Wisconsin 1071 10.61 10-65 1&42 10-17 9.67 9.60 9i50 .38 9,21 By HAROLD HONEYCUTT, Mars Hill, N. C. Automobile Show HOT SPRINGS TO GET BIGGER CITY Mrs. Maude Frisbee ome Monday evening at 6:10, dplock. 9:15, Financial Program of t h e Considered by representative Hutch he deceased was born ,4n- Vetttgfti Church, Dr. Walter Johnson, Mars ins. i nu was ob years oia. xiin, soutn-wiae lecturer on steward- me proposea diu wouio aDonsn tne nd was 58 years old. She was mar- ship; 9:35, "Educational Program of present board of five members and The automobile of 1929 as display ied to Mr. Thos. Frisbee of Haywood the Church," Prof. A. B. Miller, j would substitute a board of three 'ed in n,,, ODenin,ir Npw Ynrk hna, i County about 35 years ago. She is jFruitland Institute; 10:20, "A Pas- i members. The present 'board con-! ! opening ew iorK snow is su-viveH bv her hnsihanH nnH tw 'tor's Proarram." the Rev. J. M. .In- sists of the following men: Wilpv , Pa"cularly noteworthy because of ters: Mrs. Warren iTenn., Mrs. Stamey of Newport, tice, pastor Black Mountain Baptist Roberts, chairman, Lee Ramsey, Fred!the success with which the engineers of Burnsville. N. 'church; 10:40, "An Evangelistic Pro- Holcombe, Tom Frisby, and Jasper and artists of the automotive indus- SENATOR IRA PLEMMONS WILL I C gram,' the Rev. Wallace Hartsell, Ebbs. try have handled form, line and color. INTRODUCE VERY UNIQUE BILL1 She was a member of the Methodist Pstor First Baptist church, Brevard; Among those who, it is understood, stream lines are more effective in ichurch, a life-long member of the La- i11 :00 sermon, the Rev. A. B. Joyner, ,are being considered possibilities for .. . . ..... . . RALEIGH, Jan. 12. Hot Springs dies Aid Society and was a member Pastor, First Baptist church, Canton, the three places are: Tom Frisby, ;n?,r PTer lmPllcatIn of speed, is Uroinsr to have citv extenninn. of the Eastern Star, and nlwaira a i All Baptist pastors in the mountain Prof. R. L. Moore. Kenneth Ander- Wmd beads on hood and cowl, V- 22 Florida ... 23 Texas 24 Colorado 25 Louisiana 26 Idaho. 27 Massachusetts: 28 Iowa ......I 29 Virginia . 30 Rhode Island . 31 Pennsylvania S R9. 32 Montana 81.41 33 Indiana 8.32 34 Nebraska . 7.90 35 Kansas 7.82 36 West Virginia 7.70 37 Oklahoma. 7.30 38 Kentucky . 7.10 39 South Carolina 6.95 40 Arkansas 6.90 41 Mississippi ..... 6.83 42 Missouri 6.81 43 Tennessee 6.49 44 Alabama 6.37 45 North Carolina 6.31 46 Ohio . 6.29 47 Georgia 6.26 48 Illinois . 6.07 University News Letter. Motor Ships Overtaking Steam The steady trend of ocean shipping toward the motor-driven vessel is em- That's what Senator Ira Plemmons faithful and helpful member pf the section of Western. North Carolina ;son, Vance Russell, Sherman Ramsey haped wind shields, new wind shield Phasized by the significant fact that admits, but it is going to be the pain- Ladies Sunday School classV are considered members of this con- and George McKinney. Most of the tops, stream line fenders, low run- over half the tonnage now building,- less kind that makes everybody happy , we mourn with her family and renue, BI,U are requester to oe pres- nameu group are democrats, as nmg boards and low centers of irrav and two-thirds of the new passenger and nobody mad. It has been nec- cherish her memory with a reverence !f.nt to enjoy both the program and are the present members of the board. . t f ,K vessels will be powered bv Diesel en- . , . i i i . ii i i m . . - . rna eri r n t i inn... h Kun.nonin.i... ul .it.ki-. . - 1 1 i i ' . j yj ..ua i u.iu i. iunt aui i nil ity, in oraer 10 nave mai win always enaure. uod in ills iciwnon.. ...igra..auit uuinuuo is n ivepuu-, - - ---- !: Asnevine citizen. iiican anu cnairman oi tne Madison "" ,cuu-c wmu icsiamute to a mini- county executive committee. Asheville Citizen. essary for the city, proper outlets and development to infinite wisdom saw the great life of spend some money outside the cityjhis servant well done, and sent thP ; limits. The proposal now is to take 'message that all is well, I want he;- THREE TAKEN in this territory. The new area willnow for my fold. I WTTU UUfCVCv' be approximately one mile in every i"Could we have greater wish than "HH WjjllijlSk.lli I j direction from the public square. here to spend Two men and a woman were aires-1 One uniaue feature about the hill Lone lives nf anrvifo tn fkn nA t.pH SshnrHnv niirhf of TTnt Cmoina 1 The Community Can Well Be Proud Of Its Author mum, contribute to the sweeping line of the ensemble. Mouldings, doors and ornaments help to emphasize the effect that a wind tunnel might pro duce on a plastic clay model of an automobile. Practically all thp pars nrp in nirrn. xylin finish. With a wicer use of this duin 1927 More and more West Asheville is. has come from year to year a surer M0tl,f0f two cars, a Cadillac and a H,,Hsn c"mlng to tne xoreground to acclaim, V?S. vl coior. some oi tnis year s which Senator Plemmons proposes to Then like a little child grown weary by sheriffs, George H. Rector and introduce is the provision that in the from the play, Ernest Ramsey, assisted by policeman event it becomes necessary to issue i We simply go to sleep at close of Claude Henderson of Marshall, and municipal bonds of the ity of Hot day." held on a charge of transporting whis- Springs in the future, no such bonds The funeral services were held ky- About 120 gallons was found in can be issued until the act which he Wednesdav from t h o Motimiof two cars, a Cadillac and a HnHsnn is sponsoring is repealed. That, ac- church at ten n'pWk. nnnAnntA W the whiskey beinir confiscated bv tho its recognition and to take its right- cars are distinguished for the sue cording to political observers here, her pastor, the Rev. Mr. Umberger, officers. The two cars were turned ful place in the pronounced affairs of cessful employment of maroons. It is going to set something of a prece- and two of her former pastors, the over to the parties after a property business, social, religious, education- is interesting to see that the popu dent in the way of bills. Rev. Mr. Grey and Rev. Mr. Sherrill. bon of $1,500 had been filled. Bond i BnA f,.fi laritv of h0i,00 hm .!... ; ! The pallbearers were Messrs. O. W for the men and woman was fixed at 1 ""r l"! .7 . " T ' Grubbs. Hulsev. Sanders. J. D. Hn,- H.000 each, which was made after c ly" wow 11 can come tortn and UK .lexu,e ana SUK lnaustnes has ley. Hugh Lance and Roy Plemmons. thev had sPent the night in jail here. cialm ,ts Place ln the literary field. canied over into the automotive in- r lower bearers were the Eastern 10 rars- woise Huckner tibbs goes, uuilJ7. Anotner interesting color btar ladies. , Mrs. Osicar Brooks, S. S. Teacher Ladies Bible Class. There are at present about 4,650,000 grss tons of motorships a- float, over 750,000 tons having been added during 1927. Another indica tion of this new era in ocean trans portation is seen in the disappear ance of nearly 200,000 gross tons of steam-driven vessels from the seas -Asheville Citizen. FROM HOT SPRINGS Mrs. Carolina Adell has flu and also pneumonia this week. Mrs. Claud Thornburgh left Wed nesday with her niece for Augusta, Ga., where her nephew will be taken from the hospital while she is there. ! TOBACCO SELLING; In commenting on the rapid rise of the motorship, THE LAMP, published by the Standard Oil Company (N. J.) points out that less than ten years a go there were under a thousand Diesel-driven vessels on the seas. To day this number has increased to 2,933 and the gross tonnage o'f motor shipping is over six times what it was I n 1 ft .. 1 ; . 1 . T . . ., i J R ORFHORY the honor for this achievement. Her accent on this years cars is supplied ' ' a"uwul fcnal vesaeis ku r.i.- vr..;- D bv t.h frA. o f -i, ;. . have grown in size as well as nidm- ......... vtuvmia iuuuiiwiui uiccfies. - . . , v. . vuivuiimu anu ii Funeral services for Mr. J. E. Greg- which is just off the press, more than luminum. Aluminum is used bers. The big 32,650 ton AUGUS TUS, now on its maiden voyage from Ct 1J 1 l i i pnhtlna hpr f r fhic nlaa rf hnnnroriln Win COW rPVMl Jnn mnnlfinn? awA4- yiy, yean) oiu, WHO aiea at niS w - . ..w..c - - . ra t. Mo Vn . . l0,.f capable, nromuim plated wire wJieels are in . . . . " f It surpasses the MAURETANIA in size. HIGH Basketball Game As you tell yoar tobacco this year, don't forget the Nw-Rc- ra. ' jLook vador your nam on the label of roar1 paper and e how intch ia arrears yoa are and Py ap. If poMiVU mail a check to Tko Nowa-Record. MarakalL N. or cobo ia add aoe ac' ThU it ' mi IMTV dcphbtv: . w" home Saturday night, was held at mention. That she I C K L YV L) fc, D OU T Joe; N c- Monday. forceful, entertainin,? and natural evidence. A modification of the use ' Thq Auditor's Monthly Re- in FoTk "Action t this writer is wel1 illustrated in her bok- of f rQmium effect for wire whe's. port and the Oountv SuDerin- county, was a prominent farmer and SLU,-V' W1L" lw m"u"- T "7"" r T ' 'mr' Y f w oupciin busjnegs manj and ha(J been cjosely tain people, is so vastly different in vd.con of a chromium argent lacquer tendent's Report are all set up identified with the leadership of the its characterization of their traits anrf'KWch is used on wheel spokes, brake in tVDe but we reffret to v ?emratic Py in Madison county habit8 that one is immediately caughi?"?1"" and modinits so that the tran- 71 ' Ut WG rf.et t0 f01Uth! P.ast 40 yef"; ... . and enraptured with an interest erio- 8itlon from the body color will not that we are ford to Url ping in Its newness of presentation." arp contrast that 1929, at the new gymnasium in Mar thorn mif tViio n?at m...., 'aopa nr. n.cnr ia ;,,j k.. l:. It .ha heretofore anneared that writ- chromium provides. shall (the old school boildinr the vmv vino TTt7SJL, a UCOB fir V. It Ul j ,o ouivivcu uv 1119 . . . , lli . . , . , . ' . widow and lour sons. ers seemed possessed with a mama uie nrst attempt " u t Ti o u . ports will be Dubiiit nisalr ,!i?ic;V'ii-v"". Lespedeza seed rtYMr-.vM'A small rrain crop now WiMMM ' yield of hiy or will help bulM in noranxe; a people rude M W nner cars nave th( - Bertie Cofchty hwt&&tituti&& p poor land. Sow about 20 to 25 uncultured, mingled witlt a tinge oft rto' jpnoIstery piped in tha On Friday night, January 18th. is. ers seemed possessed with a mania yar sees uie nrst attempt it. 7 ,r T 0 v , wul i"' . v for characterizing the Carolina moun- ae at carrying out the woulding ltMh"L J .L!I Wp tain folk as mething almost base Jripe in ft. interior of the car' S StAS EtE r will heln hul'H in ita iipiorance; a people rude and pt finer cars have their in- the town team. will probably consist 1 tame ' the following: Max M. Roberta, i. . t- Bertie f;ontv ha ntx ' JtihHA n nnm tiet.Wiy'V.lek'tl thJrTO.afiii iihtdnff aBda 'on'Uw 'nBa&'fffaia. the wilderness, ;ianned tot ri arro- 1ob .a the atrip en the outside.- 5eM? ?2 BameI1 ?T- ' Urt, yo wotH .kr '("""f n," .VVPiNjWw;,, im. JL""1 m l gant stage oC reckleaneu by breeiea' ew-an attractive wfeeel color treat. ZZ": Z n xt.J ".i l ' iId.aakio,nty I" the United .States A kaVfA :,. TomTarhe J.'- i tUe b writtoa. ... Videncew " wan CaldweJL . " I-- f...-r.- 0